Sunday, October 14, 2018


Robert Spencer: A Paul Revere of Our Times

Robert Spencer’s new book The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS is a clarion call to Western Civilization.  We are under assault by Islam from all sides in a war that has raged since 632, the date of Muhammad’s death.  In trying to raise the alarm, Spencer is clearly one of the Paul Reveres of our time.  But who is willing to listen?
Spencer’s opening observation sums up his book. 
“There is no period since the beginning of Islam that was characterized by peaceful co-existence between Muslims and non-Muslims .  .  .  There has always been, with virtually no interruption, jihad.  Nor is jihad in Islamic theology primarily, or even prominently anything but warfare against non-believers.”
The rest of Spencer’s well researched and thoroughly documented book are the details, fascinating, convincing and frightening details that more that substantiate his case.
Spencer is one of the world’s leading authorities on Islam.  He has written several best selling books on Islam and is founder ofJihad Watcha website that covers global Islamic attacks and activity on a daily basis.  It is a program of the David Horowitz Freedom center, where Spencer is a Shillman Fellow.  He also is co-founder of Stop Islamization of America.  A tireless speaker and advocate, he has been banned from entering the UK despite the fact the British government has no trouble allowing Islamic hate preachers full access.
Of the Greek Orthodox faith, Spencer has spent decades researching, studying and observing the elements that fill this important book with records of events and, most damagingly, direct quotes from Qur’an, which “contain numerous exhortations to fight against the infidels, as do all the hadithcollections of Muhammad’s words and deeds.” More specifically, the scriptures command Muslims to “fight those who do not believe in Allah.” The historical record is chilling.  But Spencer’s most damaging and convincing argument is letting the Muslims speak for themselves including the prophet Muhammad who bragged, “I have been victorious with terror.”
The book sweeps the reader through Muhammad’s own bloody conquests against Jews and other infidels, and then on through centuries of jihad, mass bloodshed from Spain to India, the Barbary Wars, the Ottoman Empire, and on into modern day global terrorism.  There is no accurate body count, but it’s certainly a staggering number.
His most alarming material is in the closing chapter “The West loses the Will to Live.”  The well-documented, ongoing jihad against Israel is more than enough for a book of its own.  The fall of the Shah of Iran triggered the globalization of modern jihad terrorism.  Spencer details the rise of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden along with the 9/11 attacks that were, not so shockingly, organized and funded by senior people in both Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Even worse were attempts by the Bush administration and the Obama administration to cover this up.  One can see the hand of Obama’s CIA director John Brennan in a good deal of this.  Who can forget Obama’s 2009 trip to Cairo where he “acknowledged civilization’s debt to Islam.” Somehow he managed not to mention the slaughter of millions over the centuries in the name of Allah.
The Obama-supported Muslim Brotherhood, which has been labeled by some as a terrorist group, and its offshoot CAIR, remain highly active in weakening America’s resolve to resist the encroachment of Islam.  In February 2012, for instance, the Obama administration, led by John Brennan, purged thousands of documents about the threat of Jihad from FBI and other government training manuals, because they were allegedly “biased, false and highly offensive to Muslim groups.” 
In other words, Spencer points out, “American was going to war against jihadists while forbidding itself to understand jihad.”  Brennan, in fact, “was instrumental in the Obama administration’s recasting of the defense against terror as a localized struggle against al-Qaeda.“  This was after Spencer had led seminars on Islam and jihad for the FBI, the United States Central Command, United States Army Command and General Staff College, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Justice Department’s Terrorism Advisory Council and the US intelligence community.
Meanwhile, the flood of Muslim immigrants into the West has accelerated.  Spencer concludes that, “The failure of today’s leadership and the international media to inform the public about what is really going on (is) an abdication of responsibility unparalleled in history.” Spencer believes the leaders of Europe have “brought almost certain doom on their countries.” Reading daily dispatches, particularly from the UK and France, it is difficult to disagree.
Spencer is not a lone voice.  In his daily electronic ride across America warning of the increasing Islamic threat, he has active allies in Pamela Geller, David Horowitz, Brigitte Gabriel, Jamie Glazov, Raymond Ibrahim and Glen Roberts who have not been afraid to identify the ideological monster that threatens to destroy our Constitution and our way of life.  Roberts’ website, the Religion of Peace keeps daily track of jihadist attacks on a global basis: 33,943 since 9/11.  Islamic extremism and efforts to combat it were responsible for 84,000 deaths in 2017, according to a report from an organization founded by former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair..  The data found that there were 7,841 attacks in 48 countries in 2017, at least 47 Islamic extremist groups deliberately "orchestrated fatal campaigns against civilians." Those attacks, the report says, were "designed to instill fear and erode public morale."
The real question is how to destroy the Islamic destroyers.  Amil Imani, writing for Pamela Geller’s website, offers an action specific list that includes holding to account politicians who sell themselves to Islamic advocacy groups, staying informed and finding ways to actively wean ordinary Muslims away from their religion of destruction, intolerance, backwardness and death.  Muslims need to be openly challenged ideologically.  Do they accept Sharia law (female genital mutilation, the right of a man to beat one’s wife, total subjugation of wives by their husbands, death for unmarried fornication and adultery, death to gays, death to critics of Islam, death for apostates) over America’s Constitutional law?  Is reform of Islam even a theoretical possibility?
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich echoes Spencer,
“Western civilization is in a war.  We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported.  Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization.  Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia— I am glad to have them as citizens.  Perfectly happy to have them next door.”
On a personal note, I spent two exciting years in Beirut as chief of Middle East Services for the Associated Press.  I had many Arab, Armenian and Palestinian friends and employees.  Many of them were wonderful, lovely people who were fun to socialize and spend time with.  But this was before Jimmy Carter cut the floor out from under the Shah, paving the way for the Ayatollah Khomeini to return from Paris to Tehran to assume leadership of the country.  My friends were what I would call cultural or secular Muslims.  They were not devout and did not pray five times a day.  As far as I knew they were good people.  So it’s important to separate good human beings from radical Islam wherever we can.
In his 2002 “Letter to the American people,” bin Laden wrote that war against the United States will end
“...only with the submission of the United States to the warriors of jihad.  The first thing we are calling you to is Islam .  .  .  killing you and fighting you and terrorizing you, responding to your attacks, all are considered to be the great legitimate duty in our religion.  These actions are offerings to God.”  
Will any Imam or devout Muslim challenge this or renounce it?
“The historical record speaks for itself,” says Spencer, “even more loudly and clearly than it usually does.  It is my hope that readers with an open mind and a willingness to consider unwelcome facts…will see this record for what it is and ponder carefully its implications for the future of free societies around the world.”  In other words, Islam is coming, by land, sea and air.  The warnings are all there.  It’s time to recognize what is happening and bring it to a halt.
Frank Hawkins is a former U.S.  Army intelligence officer, Associated Press foreign correspondent, international businessman, senior newspaper company executive, founder and owner of several marketing companies, and published novelist.  He currently lives in retirement in North Carolina.


Amber Athey | Media and Breaking News Editor

Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, managed to snag a front-row seat at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday.
A live broadcast of the Queen of Soul’s funeral shows Farrakhan seated in the same row with Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and President Bill Clinton.

On stage in front at Aretha Franklin’s funeral are Min. Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and former president Bill Clinton  #ArethaHomegoing
Farrakhan is a black nationalist who has called for an end to white men and repeatedly gone on angry rants against Jewish people. (RELATED: Seven Louis Farrakhan Quotes On Jews, Gays, And White People) 
“Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people. You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again,” Farrakhan said in 2011.

In 2015, he asserted, “White people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it.” (RELATED: Louis Farrakhan Issues A Sunday Call For An End To White Men)

Bill Clinton Sits on Stage with Louis Farrakhan At Aretha Franklin's Memorial Service


Perhaps Slick Willy was too enamored by Ariana Grande's rendition of "Natural Woman" by the late Aretha Franklin to notice that he was sitting on stage with the infamous, Anti-semite and hate-monger,  Louis Farakahn.  But really, this video Bill watching Grande is one you need to see to believe. What a pervert.  Whatever the case, the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton, gleefully shared floor space with arguably one of the most divisive and bigoted American figures in recent memory at yesterday's memorial service to the Queen of Soul. 

President Bill Clinton, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Min. Farrakhan were all given special seats in the front row at Aretha Franklin's funeral service. Franklin passed away on August 16th from pancreatic cancer. As noted by the Washington Examiner, "Franklin was awarded the National Medal of the Arts and Humanities by Clinton in 1999. She sang at Clinton’s inauguration in 1993, in addition to the White House Correspondents' Association dinner in 1999." The two had mutual respect and admiration for each other. 

Since at least the early 70s, Franklin and Farrakahn have had some sort of friendship. Farrakhan, who became the leader of the Nation of Islam in 1977, wrote after her death that,"‘In 1972 when I was a minister in New York City, Temple No 7, the police attacked our mosque. Within a few hours, Aretha Franklin came to the mosque, to my office, and said that she saw the news and came as quickly as she could to stand with us and offer us her support.'" 

Farrakhan is notorious for making hateful comments against Jewish people, white people, and virtually anybody not black. As noted by the Daily Caller, Farrkahn said in 2011, "Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people. You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again." 

And in, February of 2018 Farrakhan said, "White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God's grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I'm here to say your time is up, your world is through," while at a speech in he gave in Chicago.

There are countless other examples of his derogatory speech from across the decades. Farrakhan's hateful remarks are so universally disavowed, the Nation of Islam was even designated as a hate group by the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center. 

So, where's the outrage from the left against Bill Clinton for sitting on stage with this man? Keep in mind this funeral occurred just days after Ivanka Trump was lambasted by media outlets for posing with a photo with Jimmy Garlow, an evangelical pastor who is against gay marriage and said that, "if I were Satan, if I were the devil, I’d want to destroy the imagery of male and female coming together with the light and joy, covenantal marriage on earth.” Surely, some will argue that President Clinton was simply honoring the respects of the deceased Aretha Franklin and was sitting there because she requested him alongside Farrakhan, but it's fairly obvious that if a conservative or a republican had taken the stage with such a divisive and hateful figure that they would not have been given the benefit of the doubt by the left.

Calls for respect for black America at Franklin funeral

Calls for respect for black America at Franklin funeral
The Associated Press

DETROIT (AP) — As Aretha Franklin was remembered at her funeral Friday as a proud black woman who also used her magnificent voice to stand up for the black community she loved, several speakers used the moment to continue to demand respect for black America.
Amid the gospel, personal reflections and grief were calls to register and turnout to vote in November and condemnation of President Donald Trump, who, upon her death, referred to Franklin as “someone who worked for me” — a comment that rankled many African-Americans.
“No — she used to perform for you,” the Rev. Al Sharpton said to cheers and applause from the crowd. “She worked for us. Aretha never took orders from nobody but God.”
Franklin’s civil rights legacy was mentioned often during the eight-hour service, and was tied to her faith and roots in the black church. Many also mentioned her father, the Rev. C.L. Franklin, and his civil rights leadership, which influenced his daughter from a young age.
Late Friday, Franklin was laid to rest in a mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery, the final resting place of her father.
None of the politicians present — including former President Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Eric Holder — took the opportunity to turn the event partisan. Michigan Democratic House Rep. Brenda Lawrence took a moment to recognize Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, whose funeral is Saturday.
But others seized on Trump’s comments and Franklin’s message of dignity to speak to the present social and political climate. In pointing out the long lines to pay tribute to Franklin this week, the Rev. Jesse Jackson lamented that the lines to vote often aren’t nearly as long.
“Aretha was on the battleground for 60 years,” Jackson told the audience. “We have long lines to celebrate death, and short lines for voting. Something is missing. If you leave here today and don’t register to vote, you’re dishonoring Aretha.”
Judge Greg Mathis, one of Franklin’s many friends who often talked politics with her, said that his last conversation with Franklin earlier this summer was about the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan, where government negligence has left residents living with lead-tainted water since 2014.
“Her last words to me … were “‘Go back up there and sock it to ’em!,'” Mathis told the crowd before vowing that he would in her memory.
Some made a statement without saying a word. When she was shouted out from the stage, California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters — who has called frequently for Trump’s impeachment and is a campaign rally punching bag for the president — acknowledged the crowd with the “Wakanda salute,” from the movie “Black Panther,” closing her fists and crossing her arms over her chest to applause.
Many in the audience, including President Clinton, stood and cheered.
“Everybody just point over there and tell her, ‘We got your back!'” said Bishop Charles H. Ellis III, pastor of Greater Grace Temple, which the audience shouted in Waters’ direction.
Georgetown University sociologist Michael Eric Dyson took several shots at Trump in his remarks, assigning the president several nicknames: “orange apparition,” ”lugubrious leech,” ”doppleganger of deceit and deceit,” ”lethal liar,” ”dimwitted dictator,” ”foolish facist.”
“She ain’t work for you,” Dyson shouted over applause. “She worked above you. She worked beyond you. Get your preposition right.”

Jewish Leaders Slam Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan’s Place of Honor at Aretha Franklin’s Funeral

From left to right, Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson attend the funeral service for Aretha Franklin at Greater Grace Temple, Friday, Aug. 31, 2018, in Detroit. Franklin died Aug. 16, 2018 of pancreatic cancer at the age of 76. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)
AP/Paul Sancya

TEL AVIV – American Jewish leaders expressed outrage over the place of honor given to virulently antisemitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday.
Farrakhan was seated in the front row alongside other controversial African-American figures, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Former president Bill Clinton sat three places to Farrakhan’s left.
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, said it was “jarring” to see a “hatemonger” like Farrakhan at the funeral.
“It was absolutely jarring to see one of America’s leading purveyors of antisemitism given a place of such prominence at Aretha’s funeral,” Greenblatt told the Algemeiner. “We join the country in mourning the Queen of Soul, but this was an honor that an unapologetic hatemonger like Farrakhan didn’t deserve.”
Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center charged Farrakhan with despising America and Jews.
“Like millions of other Americans who grew up listening to Aretha Franklin’s amazing voice, I was saddened by her passing. Putting Louis Farrakhan in a seat of honor in the first row on stage, near President Clinton and amidst a generation of African-American political and religious leaders was equally saddening,” Cooper said in a statement to the Algemeiner.
“50 years ago Aretha Franklin received an award from Martin Luther King Jr. and toured the country to raise money for the struggling Civil Rights Movement,” he added. “For decades Farrakhan has stood against everything MLK lived and died for. He hates America and hates Jews. Aretha Franklin wasn’t a hater. The sight of his smiling face on stage soured the heartfelt music and words during the marathon tribute to a great icon.”
Betty Ehrenberg , executive director of the World Jewish Congress North America, lamented Farrakhan’s status as a role model for activists and candidates for office.
“We were dismayed to learn that Farrakhan was seated in a prominent place at the funeral of a widely revered artist,” she said. “And it is equally dismaying to see him being admired by some newly emerging activists and candidates for office who should not associate with an unapologetic antisemite with a long history of racist views.”
As Breitbart Jerusalem reported in March, Rep. Danny Davis, an Illinois Democrat, praised Farrakhan as an “outstanding human being.”
The three leaders of the Women’s March, Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour have also aligned themselves with Farrakhan. 
Abraham Foxman, head of the Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism at New York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage, told the Algemeiner, “Sadly the African-American community has a blind spot when it comes to antisemitism. They have always given a pass to Louis Farrakhan’s racism and antisemitism. They don’t recognize him as a racist and antisemite, and that’s sad for the relationship between our two communities.”
Renowned law professor Alan Dershowitz expressed his dismay that Clinton appeared alongside Farrakhan.
“I know there was a relationship 30 years earlier between Louis Farrakhan and Aretha Franklin. I don’t know if that relationship continued, or whether the family invited him, but I think any president should have said, ‘No. If you want me on the stage, you can’t have a bigot like Farrakhan sitting next to me,’” he told Fox & Friends.
“You just can’t mainstream and allow legitimacy to a man who has expressed the kind of hateful views he’s expressed of Jews, of white people, of gays,” he added.
Democratic New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind called the incident “shocking.”
“Louis Farrakhan, front and center, treated like royalty? What is this obsession with America’s Black Hitler? In spite of his crude, vicious comments about Jews, whites, gays, he is placed up front with President Clinton? Shocking!”
Earlier this year, Farrakhan delivered a rancorous anti-Semitic rant at the 2018 Saviour’s Day event in Chicago, calling Jews members of the “Synagogue of Satan” and claiming that Jesus called the Jews “the children of the devil” and “when you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door.”
“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out turning men into women and women into men. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through,” the Nation of Islam leader said.
After Franklin died last month, Farrakhan released a statement saying, “In 1972, when I was minister in New York City, Temple No. 7, the police attacked our mosque. Within a few hours, Aretha Franklin came to the mosque, to my office, and said that she saw the news and came as quickly as she could to stand with us and offer us her support.”
“We marveled at her show of courage, fearlessness which was rooted in her profound love for her people and her desire for justice for us,” Farrakhan added.


Peter Hasson | Reporter
  • former Attorney General Eric Holder stood for a photo with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

  • Farrakhan is a notorious racist and anti-Semite and has ties to several prominent Democrats.

  • A spokesman for Holder said the photo didn’t constitute an endorsement but would not say whether Holder is willing to condemn Farrakhan’s bigotry.
Former Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday posed with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in a photo that went largely unnoticed over the holiday weekend.

Farrakhan is a notorious racist and anti-Semite who has praised Hitler as a “very great man,” claimed that interracial marriage “mongrelized” the black race and repeatedly espoused conspiracy theories about “satanic” Jews.

The Nation of Islam published a photo on Twitter that shows Holder standing next to Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday.

Photo: screenshot
The legendary singer’s funeral prominently featured Farrakhan alongside former President Bill Clinton and MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton.

Holder now leads the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) and is reportedly weighing running for president in 2020.
“When asked, Mr. Holder participated in a photo taken with the people on stage at the Aretha Franklin services. It was in no way an endorsement or expression of support for anyone,” NDRC spokesman Patrick Rodenbush told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an email.

Rodenbush did not answer whether Holder is willing to condemn Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism.

Farrakhan’s ties to the Democratic Party have become a source of controversy after a photo emerged showing then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama standing with Farrakhan in 2008. (RELATED: Maxine Waters Attended Nation Of Islam Convention Where Farrakhan Defended Suicide Bombers)

The photographer who took the photo worked for a Nation of Islam publication and withheld the photo until after Obama left office to avoid hurting his political career.

Following the publication of the Obama-Farrakhan photo, other prominent Democrats including Reps. James Clyburn of South Carolina and Maxine Waters of California were revealed to have attended events with Farrakhan and have since declined to denounce him.

Clyburn has said he is willing to consider running for Speaker of the House if Democrats retake the lower chamber in November’s midterm elections.

Illinois Rep. Danny Davis described Farrakhan in February as an “outstanding human being” and admitted the two had a personal relationship.

After Davis’s office falsely told the Anti-Defamation League that the congressman had been misquoted, he doubled down on his relationship with Farrakhan in a March interview with this reporter.

Davis easily won his primary in March despite the Farrakhan controversy.

Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan during his time in Congress, despite claiming that he had cut ties with the anti-Semite decades earlier.

Despite misleading the public about his Farrakhan ties, Ellison has remained the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and last month won the Democratic nomination for Minnesota attorney general.

The leaders of Women’s March, a popular progressive activist group, similarly sparked controversy by declaring their support for Farrakhan. (RELATED: Women’s March Leader Calls For Starbucks Boycott Over Partnership With Jewish Group)
The group’s cofounder, Tamika Mallory, attended a Nation of Islam convention where Farrakhan espoused anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Mallory later defended Farrakhan and repeatedly refused to condemn him.


This was not because of difficulties in securing indictments or convictions. On the contrary, Attorney General Eric Holder told a Senate committee in March of 2013 that the Obama administration chose not to prosecute the big banks or their CEOs because to do so might “have a negative impact on the national economy.”



Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated - and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.


Of course, the game of the Democrats is to avoid at all costs any of the safeguards against fraud, such as photo ID requirements.  That should tell anyone with integrity what they are up to.  But most media continue to ignore this stain on democracy.  THOMAS LIFSON – AMERICAN THINKER

 BARACK OBAMA and ERIC HOLDER’S SABOTAGE OF HOMELAND SECURITY: The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain. NEIL MUNRO

What did Obama do for black Americans during the 8 years he and Holder were sabotaging our laws and borders to get more Mexicans into our voting booths?!?


 How the Democrat party surrendered America to Mexico:


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.

The cost of the Dream Act is far bigger than the Democrats or their media allies admit. Instead of covering 690,000 younger illegals now enrolled in former President Barack Obama’s 2012 “DACA” amnesty, the Dream Act would legalize at least 3.3 million illegals, according to a pro-immigration group, the Migration Policy Institute.”

Obama Quietly Erasing Borders (Article)


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

Obama Funds the Mexican Fascist Party of LA RAZA “The Race”… now calling itself UNIDOSus.

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY/ FRONTPAGE mag


Attorney General Eric Holder's tenure was a low point even within the disgraceful scandal-ridden Obama years.
Holder protected a black nationalist racist hate group engaging in voter intimidation, appeared at a Sharpton event, used the DOJ to aid hate groups and race rioters, and to intimidate local governments and individuals critical of his boss.
So this isn't a surprise. It's a confirmation.
And, like Obama's Farrakhan photo, it should be brought up every time we get another media lecture about the evils of racism.
Obama and his cohort were in bad with black nationalist racists. The left is still chock full of Farrakhan fans, from Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory at the Women's March, to a DSA endorsed candidate, to Keith Ellison, the second in command at the DNC.
The left is racist. That's why it's right there with Farrakhan.


 The Democratic earthquake

I don't know if you've felt them, but we've had many warnings of a major catastrophic human-made earthquake that threatens the foundations of our 242-year-old existence as a free nation.  The needle on the political Richter scale started shaking after the 2000 election of George W. Bush.  The rumblings began with the Democrats contesting the 527-vote Florida game-changing presidential win by Bush over Gore that eventually was confirmed by a recount.  Thereafter, Bush was for his eight more years in the White House referred to and treated by the left as America's first sitting "non-president." 
Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.  He did, with racial unrest, blacks against whites, attacks against law enforcement, hatred against people of wealth, the cover-up of Muslim hate crimes, the admission of millions of illegals, the deliberate condemnations of our nation's history, the "Arab Spring" that turned the Middle East into a raging inferno of destruction and death, the support to the terrorist nation of Iran, and the eight-year unsuccessful effort to undermine the Jewish State of Israel.  Worrisome tremblings, indeed.
Recently, the threats have increased in volume and intensity with the election of Donald Trump in 2016.  The grinding Democrat tectonic plates beneath our (small "d") democracy have sent rumbling tremors that indicate a major catastrophe to our nation on the horizon.  The forces of hate against our president have reached catastrophic levels on the political seismic scale that threaten to take down the pillars of liberty and freedom.  The fraudulently concocted charges of treason and collusion with an enemy nation against Trump have shaken the nation's stability.  Calls for his impeachment, his assassination, and physical attacks against his staff and supporters have rattled us all.  And our Democratic elected leaders are feeding this frenzy.  The recent live broadcasts of the funerals of Aretha Franklin and John McCain coming so close together should have knocked us off our feet, with the eulogists standing over caskets, attacking our legally elected president.  The shock of having three open haters of whites, Jews, and America in the first row at the Franklin services seated purposely and openly right next to a former president should have rocked our senses.  But it didn't...and that's scary.
Lastly, perhaps the most significant recent shudders came in the current Senate hearings for the appointment of a new Supreme Court justice.  The well planned observer tantrums requiring the ejection of violent demonstrators for the whole world to see, along with the coordinated Democratic disruption from the official seats, represented a massive threat to our liberties.
We have no control of nature.  Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, and tsunamis are generated by Earth's forces.  But the undermining rattling of our halls of justice, our Constitution, and our liberties for which so many have sacrificed their lives is occurring because we are permitting it to happen.  The willful closing of our eyes to the earth-shaking warning signals of calamity, growing not only in frequency but in intensity, will result in irreparable cracks in the foundations of our liberties and freedom.  The next shock may be coming soon.


See if you can spot the Republican racial nationalism in these pictures.

In his Trump-bashing speech, Barack Hussein Obama accused Republicans of an "appeal to racial nationalism that’s barely veiled". I don't see a whole lot of veils up there.

Bring Back Shame

Now that the eulogy – I mean grotesque political self-aggrandizing McCainAretha Franlin funeral service – is over, featuring some of the most egotistical, self-serving, and corrupt individuals, Candace Owens succinctly states that "[t]his new trend of using funerals and eulogies to deliver political messages is really quite disgusting.  Everyone involved should be ashamed[.]"
Consider how America has lost an awareness of the value of shame.  As defined, shame is a "painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior."
James B. Twitchell in his 1997 book For Shame: The Loss of Common Decency in American Culture asserts that "we are living in shameless times," as compared to when he was growing up in the 1950s, when "public drunkenness, filing for bankruptcy  ... drug addiction, hitting a woman, looting stores, using vulgar language in public, being on the public dole [and] getting a divorce" were considered shameful, and "most of these reflected concerns about limiting individual behavior within a group."
What once was considered a private matter now results in haphazard public defecations.  San Francisco currently boasts a "poop map" as the city reports a 140% rise in feces.  Taboos that used to entail modesty have disappeared.
Instead, according to Twitchell, shame has been "redirected to trivial concerns," and Americans have lost their "receptiveness to shame."  Promoting unwed teenage mothers and not hectoring their "reprobate companions" barely raise eyebrows.  Twitchell asks, "Why do we not excoriate the unwed teenage mother?"  Instead, we are privy to a television show titled Teen Mom.
When Hollywood folk have children out of wedlock, they are praised, but "all hell would break loose" if someone were caught wearing mink or baby seal.  Our priorities have been turned inside-out.
In the Jewish Press of July 20, 2018, author John Rosemond explains how psychologists have long accepted the idea that a child's bad behavior is nothing more than a symptom of some emotional tension and that punishment would only make matters worse.  Thus, by "pseudo-intellectual alchemy, a misbehaving child was transformed from a perpetrator into a victim deserving, not discipline, but great understanding and sympathy."  Such beliefs "absolved ill-behaved children of responsibility for their various anti-social outbursts[.]"  Shame is not an obstacle to self-esteem, as many would assert; instead, "shamelessness becomes a cultural toxin."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan coined the term "Defining Deviancy Down" to describe how we legitimize behavior previously regarded as antisocial or criminal."  When dysfunctional becomes the norm, the functional turns abnormal.  Consequently, there is nothing unseemly about a so-called comedian holding up the decapitated head of a president, and there is nothing improper about inviting someone to a dinner only to bash her publicly and expect her to sit and smile.  Obama created a scenario where minority students would be held less accountable concerning school disruptions, therefore delinquency and school violence increased.
In just the first year after Obama in January 2014 issued his new discipline guidelines – which came with threats of federal investigations and defunding – schools saw more than 160,000 'physical attacks' on teachers across the country.
Pointing this out results in being called a racist.  The R-word is used so frequently that it has lost its actual meaning.
In order to distract from behavior that hurts the community, language is constantly corrupted with such "psychobabble as 'codependency'" and "edubabble as 'invitational education,'" resulting in the destruction of any real meaning in language.
In Moynihan's Summer 1993 article in The Public Interest, titled "Toward a New Intolerance," he emphasizes that "most importantly, and absolutely essential is the decline of family."  Thus, in 1943, the illegitimacy rate in new York City was three percent.  In 1992, it was 45 percent.  Two thousand ten statistics indicate the following:
Racial or ethnic group
Percent of births considered "non-marital"
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
17 percent
Non-Hispanic whites
29 percent
53 percent
American Indian and Native Alaskans
66 percent
Non-Hispanic blacks
73 percent
Moynihan cites correspondence he had with Justice Edwin Torres, who had been raised in the barrio on 108th Street in New York City.  Torres emphasizes that "a society that loses its sense of outrage is doomed to extinction."
Yet, broad scale social regression appears to have taken center stage in this country. 
Shelby Steele points out in Shame: How America's Past Sins have Polarized Our Country how black conservatives are viewed as "opportunistic or, worse, self-hating, and sycophantic" rather than as voices that may hold a different point of view.  Shame is not used to create cohesion; it is used to divide America into balkanized political camps and to denigrate black Americans by smothering their individual voices. 
It is, however, not viewed as shameful that anti-Semitic, American-hating individuals run for political office.  In addition, criminal behavior is excused.  In the past, Marion Barry, former videotaped crack-smoker, was re-elected as mayor of Washington.  Clinton, a serial rapist, is welcomed to McCain's funeral, as is his wife, who as a "manifest felon" is the epitome of every unscrupulous behavior and trickery she can get away with by committing fraud, harming American lives, and lying to the American public.
Farrakhan, who hates whites and Jews with a vengeance sits comfortably in the front of the Franklin ceremony and no one bothers to comment about his odious deeds.  Michelle Malkin eloquently describes the crass and despicable behavior that characterized the John McCain and Aretha Franklin funeral services.
Twitchell speaks about "intellectual shame."  Grades that were meant to be a catalyst for improvement become meaningless in a world where any interpretation of a subject is no better than another.  Then grades are eliminated; standardized tests are no longer mandatory, or scores are manipulated depending upon the ethnicity of the test-taker.
More recently, the University of Houston, Texas's third largest university, has been stonewalling allegations that a school superintendent plagiarized the doctoral dissertation he submitted as a student at the university's College of Education.
Rutgers athletics football program was rocked when law enforcement announced that six active players were among ten people charged with a string of crimes around campus including home invasions and aggravated assaults.
At all levels of education, standards have precipitously dropped, academic expectations are lowered and campus groupthink reigns supreme as "institutions once devoted to the pursuit of truth and the free exchange of ideas now engage in the infantilisation of students."  The "crucial ceremonies of adult decency" are lost.
In 1974 Eric Hoffer penned a piece titled "Long Live Shame!" wherein he asserted that "there is one dangerous threat that no society can escape: namely, the recurrent threat of disruption by juveniles as a young generation passes from boyhood to manhood."  In his cogent piece, he writes:
Shame, far more than guilt, involves an awareness by the individual of being watched and judged by the group. It is to be expected, therefore, that the more compact the group, the more pronounced the sense of shame.  The member of a compact group carries the group within him, and never feels alone.
Yet Woody Allen saw "no moral dilemma whatsoever" in having an affair with the 20-year-old adopted daughter of Mia Farrow, with whom he'd raised a family. 
Then there is the disgusting display of Harvey Weinstein, who seemingly can never control himself.
Powerful people continue to be duplicitous and get away with it.  We are still awaiting the truth about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and Huma Abedin's Muslim Brotherhood connections. 
Then there are the social media moguls.  According to a report in The New York Times, Facebook began granting inappropriate access to personal information of its users to third parties around ten years ago, yet in front of Congress, Zuckerberg fudged this information.  This graphic puts a lie to Zuckerberg's mealy-mouthed assertions.
Should we be surprised that young people have little respect for any societal rules?  The fact that nothing is sacred, that all taboos are to be dismissively diminished has created a scenario where young people have no support net to fall back upon.
If America returned to a time wherein bad manners and crude and lewd behavior were considered verboten instead of being applauded and protected, perhaps a #MeToo Movement would not have been needed.
Forty-five years since Hoffer wrote "Long Live Shame" his words are quite prescient.
In this country at present the inability of adults to socialize their young has made it possible for juveniles to follow their bents, act on their impulses, and materialize their fantasies and the 'result has been a youth culture flauntingly shameless.'
Consider the vicious attacks on people and property that are countenanced, certainly rarely stopped as Antifa, and Black Lives Matters and their ilk run roughshod in the country.  This is not an assertion of civil liberties.  It is pure violence, plain and simple.  College administrators watch while their universities are trampled upon. 
This confirms another Hoffer assertion: "[t]he disconcerting thing is that loss of shame is not confined to juveniles."
Shame properly used is "how a sense of decency is developed."  It protects the group from the dangers of individual excesses.  It is a balancing tool that keeps people accountable.
In classical Greek mythology, Aidos was the "goddess of modesty, shame, reverence and respect.  She was a companion of the goddess Nemesis.  As a quality Aidos was the feeling of shame which restrains men from doing wrong, while Nemesis was righteous indignation aroused by the sight of wicked men receiving undeserved good fortune."
Eileen can be reached at 


“The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist we must take a lesson from Hitler”

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing was the beginning of the Democrat 2020 primaries, and the winner was the Senate Democrat who yelled the worst possible thing.
That was Senator Cory Booker.
Unlike some Senate Dems, Booker didn’t just confine his attack to Brett Kavanaugh, a mild-mannered man widely beloved by both the Democrats and Republicans who worked with him, he went for broke.
The Founding Fathers were racist geniuses, Booker insisted. Their constitution was flawed. Originalism, interpreting the Constitution as it was written, rather than whatever social justice activist the Dems had managed to plant on the bench, is going to be racist and sexist, because its authors were deplorables.
“Native Americans were referred to as savages, women weren’t referred to at all, African Americans were referred to as fractions of human beings. As one civil-rights activist used to say ‘constitutu, constitu, I can only say three-fifths of the word,’” Booker bloviated.
Who is this “civil rights activist”? A violent racist who had called Adolf Hitler “the greatest white man”.
You can see why Booker might have hesitated a bit when using him to bolster his claim that the Founding Fathers of this country were flawed racist sexist men. Even though, unlike Booker’s civil rights hero, they didn’t admire Hitler or call for the mass murder of Jews.
Senator Cory Booker doesn’t yawn without first rehearsing it before three staff members and two consultants to extract the maximum amount of pathos from each fake gesture. He had been regularly delivering the same attack on the Constitution as a stump speech. You can find Senator Cory Booker bleating the same basic remarks last March at SXSW before a much friendlier lefty audience.
“Look, our founding documents are saturated — unfortunately — are scene with replete through them, these examples all those darker strains of human nature,” Booker held forth at SXSW. “Native Americans are referred to as savages, women aren’t referred to at all. Blacks are, you know Stokely Carmichael used to say, constitute constitute I can only say three fifths of the word.”
Booker appeared to have also quoted Carmichael in June of last year and again in July of this year.
There are examples going back several years, with Booker saying, “Stokely Carmichael said it best: we are the leaders we’ve been looking for.”
In a July interview this year, his Stokelyite attack on the Constitution was even harsher. “Yeah, if you read the Declaration of Independence now, you see the Native Americans referred to as “savages.” And women are clearly, by their omission, a second-class citizenry. Stokely Carmichael — I love how he used to always say, ‘Constitu-, constitu- — I can only say three-fifths of the word.’”
But the sneering line about the Constitution isn’t Stokely’s most famous quote.
Two others are way ahead of it: “The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist we must take a lesson from Hitler” and “The only position for women in SNCC is prone."
Anti-Semitism has become socially acceptable among Democrats, but the party that sent in activists to scream that Brett Kavanaugh was a horrible sexist and a sexual harasser by association is okay with Stokely’s sexism and Booker’s admiration of him. The left’s standards, like its vision, are all double.
Stokely Carmichael, better known as Kwame Ture, was a leftist bigot who had called for racist violence.
Black Panther Mark Essex burst into a New Orleans hotel, shouting, “I want the whites!” He murdered a young honeymooning couple, hotel guests and staff members, and a number of police officers. Stokely Carmichael praised Essex, saying, “We should study and learn from the actions of Brother Essex. We should understand that Brother Essex carried our struggle to its next quantitative level, the level of science.”
Carmichael had also declared, “I’ve never admired a white man, but the greatest of them, to my mind, was Hitler.”
"Go home and get your guns," Carmichael had urged after Martin Luther King’s death, "When the white man comes he is coming to kill you. I don't want any black blood in the street.”
"We are preparing groups of urban guerrillas for our defense in the cities," he warned in Communist Cuba. "It is going to be a fight to the death."
Stokely Carmichael burned through the SNCC and moved on the Black Panthers, but his violent hatred of white people proved to be too much even for the black nationalist hate group. But Booker’s hero nurtured a particular hatred of Jews. And his anti-Semitic threats led to actual anti-Semitic attacks.
Nor did Carmichael have any objection to that.
“Zionist pigs have been harassing us everywhere,” he warned at the University of Maryland, “And when this anger rises, will snap our fingers and finish them off."
It was 1990.
Senator Booker has repeatedly quoted a violent racist. At the Kavanaugh hearing, he cited an attack on the legitimacy of our founding documents from an advocate of a socialist black nationalist revolution through mass murder, a supporter of Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi and assorted murderous dictators.
And yet there’s nothing extraordinary about it.
Carmichael’s anti-Semitism had been defended in the past by Rep. Keith Ellison, the number two man at the DNC and Dem nominee for Minnesota Attorney General. He was attended by Rep. Maxine Waters.
Americans are treated to non-stop lectures about racism from top lefties like Cory Booker. But they are the ones who are the most in need of those hectoring lectures about the evils of racism.
When former president Barack Obama, former president Bill Clinton and Eric Holder, a top DOJ official in both administrations, have been caught hanging around with Farrakhan, there’s a racism problem.
When Senator Booker casually quotes a violent anti-Semitic racist, there’s a serious racism problem.
It’s a problem of black racism. And until it’s taken seriously, there are no other conversations about racism worth having. When the top figures in the Democrat party are okay with anti-Semitism and racism, then their political faction and its media apparatus has no right to lecture on racism.
In October 2016, Booker tweeted a photo commemorating Farrakhan's Million Man March. "May the unity and spirit of the march continue to live on," he wrote, over a photo of a marcher brandishing a poster that included Louis Farrakhan. No complex interpretation of hand gestures is needed here.
Farrakhan, like Stokely Carmichael, is a racist and anti-Semite who admires Hitler. And he’s a pal of presidents and politicians. Including the men who lecture us on how racist the Founding Fathers were.
There is a deep racist and anti-Semitic disease in the leadership of the Democrats. As Senator Cory Booker brings his hatred for the Jewish State to the Senate, he should be asked whether he agrees with his hero, “The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist we must take a lesson from Hitler”.


Amber Athey | Media and Breaking News Editor

Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, managed to snag a front-row seat at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday.
A live broadcast of the Queen of Soul’s funeral shows Farrakhan seated in the same row with Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and President Bill Clinton.

On stage in front at Aretha Franklin’s funeral are Min. Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and former president Bill Clinton  #ArethaHomegoing
Farrakhan is a black nationalist who has called for an end to white men and repeatedly gone on angry rants against Jewish people. (RELATED: Seven Louis Farrakhan Quotes On Jews, Gays, And White People) 
“Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people. You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again,” Farrakhan said in 2011.

In 2015, he asserted, “White people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it.” (RELATED: Louis Farrakhan Issues A Sunday Call For An End To White Men)

Bill Clinton Sits on Stage with Louis Farrakhan At Aretha Franklin's Memorial Service


Perhaps Slick Willy was too enamored by Ariana Grande's rendition of "Natural Woman" by the late Aretha Franklin to notice that he was sitting on stage with the infamous, Anti-semite and hate-monger,  Louis Farakahn.  But really, this video Bill watching Grande is one you need to see to believe. What a pervert.  Whatever the case, the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton, gleefully shared floor space with arguably one of the most divisive and bigoted American figures in recent memory at yesterday's memorial service to the Queen of Soul. 

President Bill Clinton, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Min. Farrakhan were all given special seats in the front row at Aretha Franklin's funeral service. Franklin passed away on August 16th from pancreatic cancer. As noted by the Washington Examiner, "Franklin was awarded the National Medal of the Arts and Humanities by Clinton in 1999. She sang at Clinton’s inauguration in 1993, in addition to the White House Correspondents' Association dinner in 1999." The two had mutual respect and admiration for each other. 

Since at least the early 70s, Franklin and Farrakahn have had some sort of friendship. Farrakhan, who became the leader of the Nation of Islam in 1977, wrote after her death that,"‘In 1972 when I was a minister in New York City, Temple No 7, the police attacked our mosque. Within a few hours, Aretha Franklin came to the mosque, to my office, and said that she saw the news and came as quickly as she could to stand with us and offer us her support.'" 

Farrakhan is notorious for making hateful comments against Jewish people, white people, and virtually anybody not black. As noted by the Daily Caller, Farrkahn said in 2011, "Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people. You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again." 

And in, February of 2018 Farrakhan said, "White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God's grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I'm here to say your time is up, your world is through," while at a speech in he gave in Chicago.

There are countless other examples of his derogatory speech from across the decades. Farrakhan's hateful remarks are so universally disavowed, the Nation of Islam was even designated as a hate group by the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center. 

So, where's the outrage from the left against Bill Clinton for sitting on stage with this man? Keep in mind this funeral occurred just days after Ivanka Trump was lambasted by media outlets for posing with a photo with Jimmy Garlow, an evangelical pastor who is against gay marriage and said that, "if I were Satan, if I were the devil, I’d want to destroy the imagery of male and female coming together with the light and joy, covenantal marriage on earth.” Surely, some will argue that President Clinton was simply honoring the respects of the deceased Aretha Franklin and was sitting there because she requested him alongside Farrakhan, but it's fairly obvious that if a conservative or a republican had taken the stage with such a divisive and hateful figure that they would not have been given the benefit of the doubt by the left.

Calls for respect for black America at Franklin funeral

Calls for respect for black America at Franklin funeral
The Associated Press

DETROIT (AP) — As Aretha Franklin was remembered at her funeral Friday as a proud black woman who also used her magnificent voice to stand up for the black community she loved, several speakers used the moment to continue to demand respect for black America.
Amid the gospel, personal reflections and grief were calls to register and turnout to vote in November and condemnation of President Donald Trump, who, upon her death, referred to Franklin as “someone who worked for me” — a comment that rankled many African-Americans.
“No — she used to perform for you,” the Rev. Al Sharpton said to cheers and applause from the crowd. “She worked for us. Aretha never took orders from nobody but God.”
Franklin’s civil rights legacy was mentioned often during the eight-hour service, and was tied to her faith and roots in the black church. Many also mentioned her father, the Rev. C.L. Franklin, and his civil rights leadership, which influenced his daughter from a young age.
Late Friday, Franklin was laid to rest in a mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery, the final resting place of her father.
None of the politicians present — including former President Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Eric Holder — took the opportunity to turn the event partisan. Michigan Democratic House Rep. Brenda Lawrence took a moment to recognize Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, whose funeral is Saturday.
But others seized on Trump’s comments and Franklin’s message of dignity to speak to the present social and political climate. In pointing out the long lines to pay tribute to Franklin this week, the Rev. Jesse Jackson lamented that the lines to vote often aren’t nearly as long.
“Aretha was on the battleground for 60 years,” Jackson told the audience. “We have long lines to celebrate death, and short lines for voting. Something is missing. If you leave here today and don’t register to vote, you’re dishonoring Aretha.”
Judge Greg Mathis, one of Franklin’s many friends who often talked politics with her, said that his last conversation with Franklin earlier this summer was about the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan, where government negligence has left residents living with lead-tainted water since 2014.
“Her last words to me … were “‘Go back up there and sock it to ’em!,'” Mathis told the crowd before vowing that he would in her memory.
Some made a statement without saying a word. When she was shouted out from the stage, California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters — who has called frequently for Trump’s impeachment and is a campaign rally punching bag for the president — acknowledged the crowd with the “Wakanda salute,” from the movie “Black Panther,” closing her fists and crossing her arms over her chest to applause.
Many in the audience, including President Clinton, stood and cheered.
“Everybody just point over there and tell her, ‘We got your back!'” said Bishop Charles H. Ellis III, pastor of Greater Grace Temple, which the audience shouted in Waters’ direction.
Georgetown University sociologist Michael Eric Dyson took several shots at Trump in his remarks, assigning the president several nicknames: “orange apparition,” ”lugubrious leech,” ”doppleganger of deceit and deceit,” ”lethal liar,” ”dimwitted dictator,” ”foolish facist.”
“She ain’t work for you,” Dyson shouted over applause. “She worked above you. She worked beyond you. Get your preposition right.”

Jewish Leaders Slam Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan’s Place of Honor at Aretha Franklin’s Funeral

From left to right, Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson attend the funeral service for Aretha Franklin at Greater Grace Temple, Friday, Aug. 31, 2018, in Detroit. Franklin died Aug. 16, 2018 of pancreatic cancer at the age of 76. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)
AP/Paul Sancya

TEL AVIV – American Jewish leaders expressed outrage over the place of honor given to virulently antisemitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday.
Farrakhan was seated in the front row alongside other controversial African-American figures, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Former president Bill Clinton sat three places to Farrakhan’s left.
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, said it was “jarring” to see a “hatemonger” like Farrakhan at the funeral.
“It was absolutely jarring to see one of America’s leading purveyors of antisemitism given a place of such prominence at Aretha’s funeral,” Greenblatt told the Algemeiner. “We join the country in mourning the Queen of Soul, but this was an honor that an unapologetic hatemonger like Farrakhan didn’t deserve.”
Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center charged Farrakhan with despising America and Jews.
“Like millions of other Americans who grew up listening to Aretha Franklin’s amazing voice, I was saddened by her passing. Putting Louis Farrakhan in a seat of honor in the first row on stage, near President Clinton and amidst a generation of African-American political and religious leaders was equally saddening,” Cooper said in a statement to the Algemeiner.
“50 years ago Aretha Franklin received an award from Martin Luther King Jr. and toured the country to raise money for the struggling Civil Rights Movement,” he added. “For decades Farrakhan has stood against everything MLK lived and died for. He hates America and hates Jews. Aretha Franklin wasn’t a hater. The sight of his smiling face on stage soured the heartfelt music and words during the marathon tribute to a great icon.”
Betty Ehrenberg , executive director of the World Jewish Congress North America, lamented Farrakhan’s status as a role model for activists and candidates for office.
“We were dismayed to learn that Farrakhan was seated in a prominent place at the funeral of a widely revered artist,” she said. “And it is equally dismaying to see him being admired by some newly emerging activists and candidates for office who should not associate with an unapologetic antisemite with a long history of racist views.”
As Breitbart Jerusalem reported in March, Rep. Danny Davis, an Illinois Democrat, praised Farrakhan as an “outstanding human being.”
The three leaders of the Women’s March, Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour have also aligned themselves with Farrakhan. 
Abraham Foxman, head of the Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism at New York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage, told the Algemeiner, “Sadly the African-American community has a blind spot when it comes to antisemitism. They have always given a pass to Louis Farrakhan’s racism and antisemitism. They don’t recognize him as a racist and antisemite, and that’s sad for the relationship between our two communities.”
Renowned law professor Alan Dershowitz expressed his dismay that Clinton appeared alongside Farrakhan.
“I know there was a relationship 30 years earlier between Louis Farrakhan and Aretha Franklin. I don’t know if that relationship continued, or whether the family invited him, but I think any president should have said, ‘No. If you want me on the stage, you can’t have a bigot like Farrakhan sitting next to me,’” he told Fox & Friends.
“You just can’t mainstream and allow legitimacy to a man who has expressed the kind of hateful views he’s expressed of Jews, of white people, of gays,” he added.
Democratic New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind called the incident “shocking.”
“Louis Farrakhan, front and center, treated like royalty? What is this obsession with America’s Black Hitler? In spite of his crude, vicious comments about Jews, whites, gays, he is placed up front with President Clinton? Shocking!”
Earlier this year, Farrakhan delivered a rancorous anti-Semitic rant at the 2018 Saviour’s Day event in Chicago, calling Jews members of the “Synagogue of Satan” and claiming that Jesus called the Jews “the children of the devil” and “when you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door.”
“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out turning men into women and women into men. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through,” the Nation of Islam leader said.
After Franklin died last month, Farrakhan released a statement saying, “In 1972, when I was minister in New York City, Temple No. 7, the police attacked our mosque. Within a few hours, Aretha Franklin came to the mosque, to my office, and said that she saw the news and came as quickly as she could to stand with us and offer us her support.”
“We marveled at her show of courage, fearlessness which was rooted in her profound love for her people and her desire for justice for us,” Farrakhan added.


Peter Hasson | Reporter
  • former Attorney General Eric Holder stood for a photo with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

  • Farrakhan is a notorious racist and anti-Semite and has ties to several prominent Democrats.

  • A spokesman for Holder said the photo didn’t constitute an endorsement but would not say whether Holder is willing to condemn Farrakhan’s bigotry.
Former Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday posed with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in a photo that went largely unnoticed over the holiday weekend.

Farrakhan is a notorious racist and anti-Semite who has praised Hitler as a “very great man,” claimed that interracial marriage “mongrelized” the black race and repeatedly espoused conspiracy theories about “satanic” Jews.

The Nation of Islam published a photo on Twitter that shows Holder standing next to Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday.

Photo: screenshot
The legendary singer’s funeral prominently featured Farrakhan alongside former President Bill Clinton and MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton.

Holder now leads the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) and is reportedly weighing running for president in 2020.
“When asked, Mr. Holder participated in a photo taken with the people on stage at the Aretha Franklin services. It was in no way an endorsement or expression of support for anyone,” NDRC spokesman Patrick Rodenbush told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an email.

Rodenbush did not answer whether Holder is willing to condemn Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism.

Farrakhan’s ties to the Democratic Party have become a source of controversy after a photo emerged showing then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama standing with Farrakhan in 2008. (RELATED: Maxine Waters Attended Nation Of Islam Convention Where Farrakhan Defended Suicide Bombers)

The photographer who took the photo worked for a Nation of Islam publication and withheld the photo until after Obama left office to avoid hurting his political career.

Following the publication of the Obama-Farrakhan photo, other prominent Democrats including Reps. James Clyburn of South Carolina and Maxine Waters of California were revealed to have attended events with Farrakhan and have since declined to denounce him.

Clyburn has said he is willing to consider running for Speaker of the House if Democrats retake the lower chamber in November’s midterm elections.

Illinois Rep. Danny Davis described Farrakhan in February as an “outstanding human being” and admitted the two had a personal relationship.

After Davis’s office falsely told the Anti-Defamation League that the congressman had been misquoted, he doubled down on his relationship with Farrakhan in a March interview with this reporter.

Davis easily won his primary in March despite the Farrakhan controversy.

Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan during his time in Congress, despite claiming that he had cut ties with the anti-Semite decades earlier.

Despite misleading the public about his Farrakhan ties, Ellison has remained the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and last month won the Democratic nomination for Minnesota attorney general.

The leaders of Women’s March, a popular progressive activist group, similarly sparked controversy by declaring their support for Farrakhan. (RELATED: Women’s March Leader Calls For Starbucks Boycott Over Partnership With Jewish Group)
The group’s cofounder, Tamika Mallory, attended a Nation of Islam convention where Farrakhan espoused anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Mallory later defended Farrakhan and repeatedly refused to condemn him.


This was not because of difficulties in securing indictments or convictions. On the contrary, Attorney General Eric Holder told a Senate committee in March of 2013 that the Obama administration chose not to prosecute the big banks or their CEOs because to do so might “have a negative impact on the national economy.”



Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated - and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.


Of course, the game of the Democrats is to avoid at all costs any of the safeguards against fraud, such as photo ID requirements.  That should tell anyone with integrity what they are up to.  But most media continue to ignore this stain on democracy.  THOMAS LIFSON – AMERICAN THINKER

 BARACK OBAMA and ERIC HOLDER’S SABOTAGE OF HOMELAND SECURITY: The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain. NEIL MUNRO

What did Obama do for black Americans during the 8 years he and Holder were sabotaging our laws and borders to get more Mexicans into our voting booths?!?


 How the Democrat party surrendered America to Mexico:


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.

The cost of the Dream Act is far bigger than the Democrats or their media allies admit. Instead of covering 690,000 younger illegals now enrolled in former President Barack Obama’s 2012 “DACA” amnesty, the Dream Act would legalize at least 3.3 million illegals, according to a pro-immigration group, the Migration Policy Institute.”

Obama Quietly Erasing Borders (Article)


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

Obama Funds the Mexican Fascist Party of LA RAZA “The Race”… now calling itself UNIDOSus.

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY/ FRONTPAGE mag


Attorney General Eric Holder's tenure was a low point even within the disgraceful scandal-ridden Obama years.
Holder protected a black nationalist racist hate group engaging in voter intimidation, appeared at a Sharpton event, used the DOJ to aid hate groups and race rioters, and to intimidate local governments and individuals critical of his boss.
So this isn't a surprise. It's a confirmation.
And, like Obama's Farrakhan photo, it should be brought up every time we get another media lecture about the evils of racism.
Obama and his cohort were in bad with black nationalist racists. The left is still chock full of Farrakhan fans, from Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory at the Women's March, to a DSA endorsed candidate, to Keith Ellison, the second in command at the DNC.
The left is racist. That's why it's right there with Farrakhan.


 The Democratic earthquake

I don't know if you've felt them, but we've had many warnings of a major catastrophic human-made earthquake that threatens the foundations of our 242-year-old existence as a free nation.  The needle on the political Richter scale started shaking after the 2000 election of George W. Bush.  The rumblings began with the Democrats contesting the 527-vote Florida game-changing presidential win by Bush over Gore that eventually was confirmed by a recount.  Thereafter, Bush was for his eight more years in the White House referred to and treated by the left as America's first sitting "non-president." 
Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.  He did, with racial unrest, blacks against whites, attacks against law enforcement, hatred against people of wealth, the cover-up of Muslim hate crimes, the admission of millions of illegals, the deliberate condemnations of our nation's history, the "Arab Spring" that turned the Middle East into a raging inferno of destruction and death, the support to the terrorist nation of Iran, and the eight-year unsuccessful effort to undermine the Jewish State of Israel.  Worrisome tremblings, indeed.
Recently, the threats have increased in volume and intensity with the election of Donald Trump in 2016.  The grinding Democrat tectonic plates beneath our (small "d") democracy have sent rumbling tremors that indicate a major catastrophe to our nation on the horizon.  The forces of hate against our president have reached catastrophic levels on the political seismic scale that threaten to take down the pillars of liberty and freedom.  The fraudulently concocted charges of treason and collusion with an enemy nation against Trump have shaken the nation's stability.  Calls for his impeachment, his assassination, and physical attacks against his staff and supporters have rattled us all.  And our Democratic elected leaders are feeding this frenzy.  The recent live broadcasts of the funerals of Aretha Franklin and John McCain coming so close together should have knocked us off our feet, with the eulogists standing over caskets, attacking our legally elected president.  The shock of having three open haters of whites, Jews, and America in the first row at the Franklin services seated purposely and openly right next to a former president should have rocked our senses.  But it didn't...and that's scary.
Lastly, perhaps the most significant recent shudders came in the current Senate hearings for the appointment of a new Supreme Court justice.  The well planned observer tantrums requiring the ejection of violent demonstrators for the whole world to see, along with the coordinated Democratic disruption from the official seats, represented a massive threat to our liberties.
We have no control of nature.  Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, and tsunamis are generated by Earth's forces.  But the undermining rattling of our halls of justice, our Constitution, and our liberties for which so many have sacrificed their lives is occurring because we are permitting it to happen.  The willful closing of our eyes to the earth-shaking warning signals of calamity, growing not only in frequency but in intensity, will result in irreparable cracks in the foundations of our liberties and freedom.  The next shock may be coming soon.


Major corporations get behind racism and anti-Semitism.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism
On Saturday, the Human Rights Campaign, the country's top gay rights lobby, held its 22nd annual dinner. Top speakers included Joe Biden, who bemoaned the lack of acceptance for gay people, Anne Hathaway, who shrieked, “Let’s tear this world apart and build a better one”, and Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, who declared, “The age of bullies and bigots is not fully behind us”.
Holder would know. He was last seen posing with Louis Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin's funeral. The leader of the Nation of Islam is both a bigot and a bully. He also loathes gay people.
The HRC dinner was taking place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center concurrently with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Phoenix Awards.
Holder's boss, Barack Obama, had been caught posing with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus event. And multiple CBC members have refused to condemn Farrakhan. They include Rep. Danny Davis, who had called Farrakhan an “outstanding human being”. They also include Rep. Maxine Waters.
On Friday, the day before, Rep. Maxine Waters had received the National Leadership Award from the National Newspaper Publishers Association.
The NNPA is an association of black papers that includes Final Call, the paper of Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Ford, GM, AT&T, Pfizer, AARP, Comcast, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation act as partners and sponsors of an association that includes a notorious racist and anti-Semitic hate group.
Ford had spent a long time trying to live down its past association with another anti-Semitic paper, The Dearborn Independent, only to end up associated with yet another violently anti-Semitic publication.
The HRC has its own extensive relationship with Ford. It has nothing to say about Ford’s NNPA role.
At the 2018 Black Press conference sponsored by the NNPA, which had previously honored Senator Kamala Harris, the First Place Feature Writing Award went to a Final Call article, “The Feminization of Black Men” which quoted Farrakhan’s claims that drugs were being used to turn black men gay.
"He can make you think you’re a homosexual, he’s feminizing the Black man," the racist leader declared. "You are the guinea lambs of White experimentation."
"We now have feminization and homosexual behaviors being normalized in the Black community," another of the article's experts warned.
The NNPA awarded piece then went on to quote Nation of Islam minister Wesley Muhammad, whose version of the ‘Pot Plot’ warned that that the government and the Jews were using pot to make black men gay.
“It’s the US government and the Synagogue of Satan’s scheme to use manipulated marijuana along with other drugs to de-masculinize and feminize the black male of America," Wesley warned at a mosque. “While it cannot be said that the Pot Plot that we are exposing is a strictly Jewish conspiracy, the Synagogue of Satan is the key player."
Last month, Mary Beth Maxwell was forced to resign as the head of the education arm of the Human Rights Campaign for using the ‘N-word’ twice. But nobody at the Congressional Black Caucus or the NNPA is resigning. Not for the racism, the anti-Semitism or the homophobia.
The NNPA’s tolerance for both shouldn’t be surprising. It’s headed by Ben Chavis, a former NAACP boss and former member of the Nation of Islam, who had tried to steer the NAACP closer to Farrakhan.
At the HRC dinner, Anne Hathaway denounced white and straight privilege, attacking the “myth” that “gayness orbits around straightness, transgender orbits around cisgender, and that all races orbit around whiteness.” The tidy intersectional formula though doesn’t remotely reflect reality.
Identity politics is a coalition of separate identity resentments united only by loathing the construct of an oppressive majority, of whiteness, straightness and whatever othering formula the left is offering this week. Once you get past those common bonds of bigotry, of hating the same people, unity falls apart.
The attendees at the National Newspaper Publishers Association and the Congressional Black Caucus dinner move in the same Democrat orbits, but have very different views of each other. Eric Holder goes from rubbing shoulders with Louis Farrakhan to pontificating for wealthy gay donors at the HRC dinner.
Wells Fargo and Pfizer sponsor both the NNPA and the HRC, funding both celebrations of gayness and of the promotion of conspiracy theories about drug companies, governments and Jews conspiring to make black men gay. It’s not just individuals, but politicians and major corporations on the ‘down-low’, appealing separately to wealthy gay men and the black political allies of an anti-gay hate group.
Nobody speaks about the essential contradictions of a movement that includes both militant denunciations of homophobia at the HRC dinner and the NNPA’s support for Farrakhan’s militant denunciations of homosexuality. The friction between gay nationalism and black nationalism is just another of the many schizophrenic frictions of the Democrats in the dark age of identity politics.
Identity politics nationalism is based on a thousand clashing convictions of the superiority of the group and the inferiority of outsiders. Every identity politics group has its own Farrakhan, the ‘extremist’ who is popular within that group because he preaches its total superiority and the inferiority of the ‘Other’.
No matter how much the left wants to unify pride and identity politics nationalism around hating an artificial idea of straight white men, a multicultural society is one with a multitude of hatreds. The more diverse America becomes, the more diverse the varied hatreds of the rainbow coalition will get.
The left killed liberalism, tolerance and coexistence. What’s waiting in the wings is Farrakhan
Apologists on the left insist that black people love Farrakhan, not because of his bigotry, but because of his message of empowerment. But Farrakhan’s message of ‘empowerment’ is based entirely on his bigotry. The Nation of Islam’s message of black empowerment derives from its theological conviction that black people are a master race while white people (and especially Jews) are genetically evil.
Farrakhan’s message of “empowerment” is the same as Hitler’s. It lays out a vision of a naturally superior people being oppressed by their racial inferiors through trickery and cunning. The NNPA awarded an article whose rhetoric echoes Nazi Germany’s Goebbels almost word for word.
The black empowerment of the Nation of Islam that the left praised is based on racism, dehumanization and power. When Obama, Holder, leaders of the Women’s March, and members of the Congressional Black Caucus embrace Farrakhan, they’re showing their own hate. And the farce of identity politics.
When Eric Holder flirts with black nationalists and gay rights activists, whom does he go home with at night? Democrats running for the White House inevitably head to New York City to meet with Al Sharpton who once ranted about, “Greek homos”, and then condemn homophobia. Maxine Waters plays aunt to the #resistance of white lefties, but hugs Louis Farrakhan and collects an award from a press association that includes Farrakhan’s Final Call, with its claims of a plot to make black men gay.
The Democrats are all on the ‘down-low’, flirting with bigots and then condemning bigotry.
Corporations throw money at both the NNPA and the HRC, and any other diverse dinner they can find. The media could expose the contradictions, but it chooses to ignore principles for political expediency.
The obsessive accusations of bigotry aimed at Republicans are a typical example of projection. The left needs to believe that Republicans are bigots so that its members can pretend that they aren’t. As the devil’s bargain with identity politics takes hold, the accusations of bigotry grow shriller, not because Republicans have become more bigoted, but because the Dems are dealing with more internal bigotry.
The schizoid nature of identity politics is turning the Democrats into bigots who scream about bigotry.
And the more they scream, the more bigoted they are.
Meanwhile the NNPA, an organization that includes a racist paper put out by a racist hate group, is sponsored by Ford, GM, Bill Gates, AT&T, MillerCoors, the AARP, Coca Cola, Macy's, Toyota, VW, Pfizer, Wells Fargo and many other major corporations and organizations. Racism is big business once again.
Major corporations have gotten behind racism and anti-Semitism because the Democrats have.

Why do American Jews vote for Democrats?

For all those who have wondered how American Jews could support the Democrats, let me explain.  It has to do with history and psychology.
First, let's remember that humans are entirely emotional creatures.  We make almost all of our decisions based on emotions and then use logic and reason to justify our emotional choices.  Jews, being human, do the same thing.
When the Jews began immigrating to America by the millions between 1880 and 1920, they were escaping the pogroms (anti-Jewish riots that included arsons, rapes, and murders) in Russia and Poland (then part of Russia).  They arrived in New York City with just about nothing and found themselves living in the impoverished and violent slums of New York's 5-Points and Lower East Side neighborhoods.  The only jobs they could get were in the garment industry's sweat shops, where they toiled for 12 or 14 hours a day for only pennies.  Life was miserable, and there was no way to escape.
But then, on March 25, 1911, something happened that changed everything.  The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory caught on fire while it was filled with impoverished Jewish workers, almost all of whom were women.  Those workers were unable to leave the building because the emergency exits had been locked to prevent the workers from stepping outside for a smoke.  One hundred forty-six garment workers died that day due to fire or smoke or jumping through windows several stories high down to the cold, hard pavement.
The Jewish community in NYC then exploded in outrage.  New York was overwhelmed by demonstrations demanding reforms.  The Jewish community joined the movement to unionize New York's garment industry, a movement that was strongly supported by the Democrats but resisted by the Republicans.  The decision to do that was, of course, totally emotional.  And those strong emotions became part of the American Jewish psyche.  Democrats were presumed to be for the little guy, and Republicans were assumed to be rich, white men.  The Jewish community (other than the Orthodox) and the Democrats became joined at the hip.  The majority of Jewish families taught its kids to vote Democrat for justice for the little guy.  Voting Democrat became a part of Jewish culture in America.
That Jewish emotional attachment to the Democrats has continued for generations even though most American Jews today have never heard of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire.  As time went by and the community became less religious, "progressive" politics replaced Judaism and God.  Their new gods (idols, really) became Democrat leaders, and their new religion became progressivism.  Emotionally, the community is still right where it was back in 1911, despite the fact that America has changed and the Democrats have really changed.  Most of the Jewish community is now so identified with progressivism that 70 percent of American Jews now vote for Democrats.  To do that, they have to deny the Democrats' Jew-hate and Israel-hate, and so they do.  Like all humans, they see what they want to see and ignore that which they don't want to see.
That's why, if you ask a Jewish Democrat how he feels about the Jew-hate in the Democratic Party, he will probably scream insults at you but never touch the subject you brought up.  (That's happened to me numerous times.)  These Jews just can't let anything disturb the comfortable delusion that they inherited from their parents and grandparents that the Democrats are for the little guy, especially the Jews.
But times have changed, and they are wrong.  Today, the big issue is the survival of Israel, and it is the Republicans, not the Democrats, who are on our side.  
Nonetheless, due to the long historical and psychological connection between American Jews and the Democrats, it's likely to be a long time before that link is broken.
Pete Cohon is a retired attorney living in Tel Aviv, Israel.

“Attorney General Eric Holder's tenure was a low point even within the disgraceful scandal-ridden Obama years.” DANIEL GREENFIELD / FRONTPAGE MAG

Rep. Maxine Waters is fine with Farrakhan. And the left is fine with Waters. Eric Holder recently posed with Farrakhan. DANIEL GREENFIELD / FRONTPAGE MAG

Congress overrides Obama veto of bill allowing 9/11 lawsuits
By Tom Carter
30 September 2016
On Wednesday, the US Congress overturned President Obama’s veto of legislation that would permit victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks and their families to sue Saudi Arabia. Declassified documents released this year confirm the involvement of Saudi intelligence agents in the funding, organization, and planning of the attacks—facts which were covered up for years by the Bush and Obama administrations.
The vote, 97-1 in the Senate and 348-77 in the House of Representatives, represents the first and only congressional override of Obama’s presidency. Under the US Constitution, the president’s veto can be overturned only by a two-thirds majority vote in both houses of Congress.
The Obama administration and the military and intelligence agencies, backed by sections of the media, including the New York Times, have vigorously denounced the legislation. Obama personally, together with Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford among others, have all publicly opposed the bill.
In a letter to Congress opposing the legislation, Obama warned that the bill would “threaten to erode sovereign principles that protect the United States, including our U.S. Armed Forces and other officials, overseas.”
In a lead editorial on Wednesday, the New York Times similarly warned that “if the bill becomes law, other countries could adopt similar legislation defining their own exemptions to sovereign immunity. Because no country is more engaged in the world than the United States—with military bases, drone operations, intelligence missions and training programs—the Obama administration fears that Americans could be subject to legal actions abroad.”
In other words, the bill would set a precedent for families of victims of American aggression abroad—such as the tens of thousands of victims of “targeted killings” ordered by Obama personally—to file lawsuits against US war criminal in their own countries’ courts.
Obama denounced the vote with unusual warmth on Wednesday. “It's an example of why sometimes you have to do what's hard. And, frankly, I wish Congress here had done what's hard,” Obama declared. “If you’re perceived as voting against 9/11 families right before an election, not surprisingly, that's a hard vote for people to take. But it would have been the right thing to do ... And it was, you know, basically a political vote.”
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave,” Sir Walter Scott famously wrote, “When first we practice to deceive!” As the tangled web of lies surrounding the September 11 attacks continue to unravel, one senses that the American ruling class and its representatives do not see a clear way out of the dilemma.
Openly torpedoing the legislation is tantamount to an admission of guilt. Indeed, the Obama administration, the military and intelligence agencies, and theNew York Times are publicly working to cover up a crime perpetrated by Al Qaeda and its backers in Saudi Arabia, which in turn is an ally of the United States. The mere fact that Obama vetoed this bill constitutes an admission that the US government is hiding something with respect to the September 11 attacks.
The alternative, from the standpoint of the American ruling class, is also fraught with risks. Court proceedings initiated by the families of September 11 victims will inevitably expose the role played by the Saudi monarchy, an ally of both Al Qaeda and the United States, in the September 11 attacks. This, in turn, will highlight long and sordid history of American support for Islamic fundamentalism in the
Middle East, which continues to the present day in Syria and Libya.
Perhaps most dangerously of all, a full public accounting of  the roles of Saudi intelligence agents in the September 11  attacks will once again raise questions about the role of the American state in the attacks. Why did US intelligence
agencies ignore the activities of Saudi agents before the attacks, based on Saudi Arabia’s supposed status as a US ally?
Why did the US government deliberately cover up the Saudi connection after the fact, instead claiming that Afghanistan was a “state sponsor of terrorism” and that Iraq was developing “weapons of mass destruction?” Why was nobody
The New York Times, for its part, simply lied about the evidence of Saudi complicity. “The legislation is motivated by a belief among the 9/11 families that Saudi Arabia played a role in the attacks, because 15 of the 19 hijackers, who were members of Al Qaeda, were Saudis,” the editors wrote. “But the independent American commission that investigated the attacks found no evidence that the Saudi government or senior Saudi officials financed the terrorists.”
In fact, at least two of the hijackers received aid from Omar al-Bayoumi, who was identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a Saudi intelligence agent with “ties to terrorist elements.” Some of the hijackers were paid for work in fictitious jobs from companies affiliated with the Saudi Defense Ministry, with which Al-Bayoumi was in close contact. The night before the attacks, three of the hijackers stayed at the same hotel as Saleh al-Hussayen, a prominent Saudi government official.
These and other facts were confirmed by the infamous 28-page suppressed chapter of the 2002 report issued by the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001. After 14 years of stalling, the document was finally released to the public this summer.
Yet the New York Times continues to describe the Saudi monarchy, the principal financier and sponsor of Islamic fundamentalist groups throughout the world, as “a partner in combating terrorism.”
The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, passed Wednesday, is a direct reaction to these revelations of Saudi complicity in the September 11 attacks, under pressure from organizations of survivors and families of victims. The law amends the federal judicial code to allow US courts “to hear cases involving claims against a foreign state for injuries, death, or damages that occur inside the United States as a result of. .. an act of terrorism, committed anywhere by a foreign state or official.”
Although the bill nowhere names Saudi Arabia, the Saudi government has
threatened massive retaliation, including by moving $750 billion in assets out of  the country before they can be seized in American legal proceedings. This
reaction alone confirms the monarchy’s guilt.
During Wednesday’s session, many of the statements on the floor of the Senate were nervous and apprehensive. Casting his vote in favor of the bill, Republican Senator Bob Corker declared, “I have tremendous concerns about the sovereign immunity procedures that would be set in place by the countries as a result of this vote.” More than one legislator noted that if the bill had unintended consequences, it would be modified or repealed.
The anxious comments of legislators and the crisscrossing denunciations within the ruling elite reflect the significance of this controversy for the entire American political establishment. For 15 years, the American population has been relentlessly told that the events of September 11, 2001 “changed everything,” warranting the elimination of democratic rights, the militarization of the police, renditions, torture, assassinations, totalitarian levels of spying, death and destruction across the Middle East, and trillions of dollars of expenditures.

The collapse of the official version of that day’s events shows that American politics for 15 years has been based on a lie.

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