Monday, December 14, 2020



Obama lets the cat out of the bag: He's got plans to make Joe Biden his stooge

Joe Biden, who couldn't even get President Obama's endorsement during the primaries, now has word that Obama may well use him as his marionette stooge for what's in fact a third Obama term.

He's not even trying to hide it.

In an interview over the weekend with Stephen Colbert for The Late Show, Obama admitted:


... and I used to say, you know what, if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front-man, or a front-woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the ... stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines but someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that ...

This ought to be embarrassing for Biden, given that Obama is effectively letting word slip out that he intends to be Biden's backseat driver, telling the old dotard what to do from behind closed doors, maybe even from some basement.  That's not exactly a vote of confidence, even as Biden presumably assumes the reins of the richest and most powerful nation on Earth.

Everyone suspected that this was the real idea — Biden serving as a placeholder for a third Obama term while Obama called the shots.  RedState points out that this is exactly what Vladimir Putin did, when election laws prohibited him from seeking an additional term, so he placed a obedient loyalist, Dmitri Medvedev, into the presidential slot until he could get himself back into power.  The same thing happened in Argentina as the Kirchner gang, husband and wife, traded off with each other for the nation's top job, leaving the country in shambles.

Biden's smallness, venality, and malleability make him a perfect front man for Obama, which is pretty obvious to normal people.  Obama, recall, has a long history of contempt for Biden, stating that nobody could screw things up as Biden could, and advising Biden as he contemplated his presidential run by saying, "Joe, you don't have to do this."  No "good luck" and "best wishes" there.

Now Obama finds that Biden could be useful in that great stooge fantasy he posited to Colbert.  Biden, after all, is politically weak, with no mass following and no political coattails even as he "won" the fraud-infused presidential election.  Biden also had very weak traction leading up to his sudden Super Tuesday nomination brought on by an endorsement from Rep. Jim Clyburn.  Prior to that, Biden was a washed up old joke, and Kamala Harris played with him on the debate stage like a chew toy.  It's kind of odd, is it not, that Biden, who got nearly 20 million more votes than Obama, would be so weak that he'd need to take orders from his supposedly weaker previous boss.

RedState also points out that Biden's now got the lean and hungry Obama-linked Kamala at his side, and worse still is larding up his Cabinet with former Obama administration retreads such as Tom Vilsack and Susan Rice.

Ben Rhodes and Valerie Jarrett, we assume, won't be far behind.

It's not a pretty picture.  Presumably, Biden has a presidential legacy to think of as he ascends the ranks of "history," and presumably, he would want to make his own mark, striking out on his own from under the shadow of Obama.

But with Obama making talk about whispering to Joe like some infernal boyar in medieval Russia's "time of troubles," Biden can't help but look small.  Obama admits he fantasizes about continuing to call the shots in an undeclared third term, while sure enough, Biden plays his pathetic puppet.  As for the rest of us, and for world leaders, too, all that is conveyed is that Biden is weak, a yes man, and not truly presidential. 



In the end of November, Biden tapped Obama-era officials for top national security and economic roles -- the same people who were one of the main reasons why it was Trump and not Hillary winning over the White House.

Joe Biden's pick to run the DHS immigration agency – Alejandro  Mayorkas – is a political gift for the  GOP, says Jessica Vaughan at CIS: "Cronyism, corruption, swampiness, and the immigration 

OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder and their bankster paymasters plan coup.

Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.

Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.” 


That baleful presence of George Soros, all over the Biden 'transition' team Big Tech and Wall Street, for sure, are getting their influence and power. But where the mask is really off, revealing at last who he's really fronting for is leftist billionaire George Soros. MONICA SHOWALTER



“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”

 Obama Has 'HOPE' for a Third Term Through Joe

Obama stayed in D.C. because he’s a political whore like no other. BOSCH FAWSTIN

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”


BARACK OBAMA AND HIS CRONY BANKSTERS set themselves on America’s pensions next!

The new aristocrats, like the lords of old, are not bound by the laws that apply to the lower orders. Voluminous reports have been issued by Congress and government panels documenting systematic fraud and law breaking carried out by the biggest banks both before and after the Wall Street crash of 2008.

Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and every other major US bank have been implicated in a web of scandals, including the sale of toxic mortgage securities on false pretenses, the rigging of international interest rates and global foreign exchange markets, the laundering of Mexican drug money, accounting fraud and lying to bank regulators, illegally foreclosing on the homes of delinquent borrowers, credit card fraud, illegal debt-collection practices, rigging of energy markets, and complicity in the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme.

Judicial Watch: Only Crimes in Russia Scandal Are from ‘Obama Gang’


Katie Pavlich's Latest Books, Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up are available on Amazon

“One of the most disgusting things to come out of the Obama administration was "Operation Fast and Furious," where members of the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) allowed illegal gun sales to go through – commonly referred to as "gun walking" – in order to track buyers and sellers they believed were connected to the Mexican drug cartels. Nearly 2,000 firearms were sold and were eventually found throughout the United States and Mexico. Two of them were used to k ill Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.”   BETH BAUMANN

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