Friday, May 6, 2022



Dr. Leah Torres, an OB/GYN in Salt Lake City, Utah, said that when she performs certain abortions she cuts the vocal cord of the baby so "there's really no opportunity" for the child to scream.

Blacks make up slightly less than 13% of the American population – a percentage that’s diminishing daily as the Biden administration floods the country with illegal aliens from Latin America. However, Blacks are also doing their bit to keep their presence in American relatively small: They’re aborting their babies in extraordinary numbers. CNS News caught up with CDC statistics for 2018, based on data from only 31 reporting areas. They show that 117,626 Black children were aborted – or 33.6% of all reported 2018 abortions.
Planned Parenthood improperly took tens of millions of dollars' worth of government loans intended to help businesses during the coronavirus, according to a group of Republicans who want to see the organization investigated.

It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.

9. Maxine Waters laments that her mother could not abort any of her 12 siblings Waters, speaking of civil rights marches, alluded her mother could not have any of her children aborted. Waters is the fifth of 13 children. “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion,” she said.

Obama and Michelle Call to Arms Over Roe v. Wade

On April 21, 2022, Barack Obama spoke at a cyber symposium hosted by Stanford University. During that address, the former president attempted to redefine the meaning of free speech. Obama argued that in order to safeguard America from opinions he considers dangerous, government regulation of the First Amendment, via constitutional modification, was more than justified.

Fast forward two weeks, on May 3rd, after the news leaked that the U.S. Supreme Court is close to overturning the decision Justice Samuel Alito called “egregiously wrong from the start,” Barack, along with his wife Michelle, immediately responded by contradicting the argument he made at Stanford.

Barack Obama had just decreed that, among other things, questioning the 2020 election result threatens democratic ideals and must be silenced through federal rule. Then when the Roe v. Wade information leaked, the former president did a 180-degree about-face and issued directives that if the highest court in the land decides Roe v. Wade is bad law and throws abortion back to the states, public rejection of the decision is necessary as well as exercising the First Amendment right to protest.

Simply put, depending on the ideological leaning of the topic, one week, the right to free speech should be restricted and the “flawed” Constitution adjusted, and the next week, the right to free speech exercised and the sacred Constitution protected.

The couple explained why that’s necessary in the following way:

Today, millions of Americans woke up fearing that their essential freedoms under the Constitution were at risk. If the Supreme Court ultimately decides to overturn the landmark case of Roe v. Wade, then it will not only reverse nearly 50 years of precedent – it will relegate the most intensely personal decision someone can make to the whims of politicians and ideologues.

That rant should have begun by ‘relegating’ “intensely personal decisions” to the ‘before you participate in the procreative act’ column. Next, the statement could have explained to America why the precedent set by the First Amendment in 1791 is less of a pattern for freedom than a poorly thought-out decision made in 1973?

Please note, when addressing the need to oppose this controversy, both Biden and Obama coincidentally mentioned the word “whims.”

Nevertheless, what Barack and Michelle failed to acknowledge in their quickly released communiqué was that there are “millions of [other] Americans” who’ve also woken up every day for the last 50 years and who lament the 62 million lives snuffed out “under [the auspices of a] Constitution” established to protect both “life and liberty,” neither of which was meant to exclude one from the other. Those Americans are thankful that at least on the federal level, the “essential freedoms under the Constitution” will also apply to the 3,000 unborn Americans whose lives are “at risk” every single day.

What Obama shared, as if it was settled truth, was that despite 98% of all abortions being solely for convenience’s sake,  he and his wife believe the more than 60 million women who disposed of 20% of the current U.S. population did not approach the decision “lightly.” How he knows that statistic is anyone’s guess.

Ironically, Obama's statement also argued that ceasing federal support for abortion "pose[s] grave risks" to the health, fertility, and life of – wait for it – schoolgirls without cars and poor working women who choose abortion over the lives of their children.

Wait! Isn’t the former president amongst those who insist federal control of gun ownership ensures the “grave risks” posed by guns would be eliminated?  If that’s true, and government equals safety and the assurance that illegal firearms will be impossible to access if gun laws are enacted, why then doesn’t the same hold true when it comes to access to illegal abortion? If restricting guns saves American lives, so should restricting abortion.

Shelly and Barry reminded anyone who might disagree with whatever self-contradictory thing they think or say here:

A clear majority of Americans support Roe. Yet we recognize that while many are angry and frustrated by this report, some of those who support Roe may feel helpless and instinctively turn back to their work, or families, or daily tasks – telling themselves that because this outcome may have been predictable, there’s nothing any of us can do.

Is trust in a “clear majority” why Obama feels comfortable floating a subliminal suggestion that anarchist types not “turn back to their work” but instead participate in Alinsky-style chaos on behalf of those who make up less than 2% of the annual abortion statistics – namely rape victims, and women who require medically-necessary abortions?

Fostering outrage as potential fuel for another summer of pre-election violence, the community agitator then recommended everyone, including women without transportation and money, exercise the freedom of speech he had called dangerous at Stanford, skip either school or work, and attend local pro-abortion protests and campaigns. And to "act," not just "think about these people," by "standing" with those like himself who have “sounded the alarm” for decades that the federally-funded butchery was in danger of being shut down.

In ‘Born Alive’ Barack’s sphere of influence, policy disagreement now translates into “fascism” and forced submission to subhuman government fiat is viewed as “democracy.” Thus, assured his convincing skills are sufficient, Obama must feel comfortable omitting data that explains who and why women have abortions and state as a fact that a “clear majority of Americans” consensus exists of people who without exception support the unfettered slaughter and incineration of living human beings.

Let’s face it, radicals like Barack and Michelle despise the type of democracy they claim they want to preserve. Not once in that strongly written statement did the couple appeal to the opposing side, or advocate for personal accountability, express respect for human life, or call for a calm, measured response until the court’s decision is finalized.   

So, there you have it, the man who recently suggested the Supreme Court needs to revamp the Constitution and redefine the First Amendment is now contradicting his own convoluted argument by warning that the same court he hoped would revise the First Amendment, now be opposed with a heavy-handed outworking of “free speech.”

Jeannie hosts a blog at

Alveda King: Celebrate Mother's Day for Life

 By Alveda King | May 6, 2022 | 3:27pm EDT


Naomi King, mother of Alveda King (Screen Capture)
Naomi King, mother of Alveda King (Screen Capture)

“Let your father and mother be glad; let her who bore you rejoice.” – Proverbs 23:22

Mother’s Day is always special to me. Many mothers are still here on the planet, even though many, many more mothers have gone on to another place. In the Christian faith, when our mothers die, if they are founded into Jesus Christ, we believe they will have an eternity with the Lord. As Christians, our sorrow may be deep but we expect a joyful reunion one day.

The Bible says in Psalm 127 that children are a gift from the Lord.  How can the dream survive if we murder our children? As a mother and a grandmother, this year I am very mindful of the fact that even though I and three of my babies have suffered the evils of abortion; God has forgiven me and blessed me not only with the gift of my life; He has granted me the gift of birthing six children and helping to raise my grandchildren -- this is my heritage.

“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: And the fruit of the womb is his reward.” -- Psalm 127:3 

I know that we are living in challenging times: the war in Ukraine, the Roe v. Wade issues, post-pandemic confusion, mid-term elections, and so much more. Meanwhile, this week as I was rushing to catch a flight, I began to grumble about the experience of travel. As my daughter was driving me to the airport, she so kindly reminded me of all the positive things that could occur to make the trip better. As I remember the words of my grandfather, I am humbled by the reality that complaining never births solutions:

“Thank God for what we have left.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr.

I am often reminding others that there is always a silver lining to every cloud and that a glass full of air can also be half full or half empty of water. Sometimes it's hard for me to practice what I preach. This year I am blessed to still have my mother, Mrs. Naomi Ruth Barber King, with me. She is such a delightful, beautiful gift from God to me; and she calls me her angel daughter.

Mother is in Israel for this Mother's Day. Many months ago, she began to say: “I need to go to Israel.” It was clear that God was leading her on yet another “missions journey.” During the height of the COVID pandemic crisis, my mother began preparing for the trip. I put my foot down! I remember that conversation so clearly. It occurred in mid-September 2021. I told her that while I believed she was hearing from GOD and that she should take the pilgrimage, right now was not the time; it was too dangerous.
My mother is never happy to be contradicted; neither am I. After all, in all honesty, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. However, at that time, the borders were closed in Israel and my mother could not go. I believe she felt that I did not want her to enjoy the experience; but that wasn't the case. I have traveled to the Holy Land myself, and it was a transformational experience. 
My mother is an Ambassador for Christ, as well as a champion for life. Please see our pro-life testimony here:

I know that while she is in Israel, the birthplace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Mother will be praying for us; please pray for her.
We just celebrated National Day of Prayer on May 5, 2022. Let's continue to pray. Prayer should be a lifestyle, not just for a day but for a lifetime.
Springtime is such a special season with Mother’s Day, Father's Day, and Juneteenth observances.
Then the long hot summer brings us Independence Day. Holidays can herald celebrations and stress simultaneously. This year, let’s elevate the occasions as we pray for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and for kindness and human dignity for the one-blood human race…from the womb to the tomb. Personally, I am praying for the Supreme Court justices, that they will stand strong and grant "we the people" the opportunity to weigh in on re-examining the spiritual, moral, and civil rights of children in the womb -- and their parents -- regarding the sanctity of life, state by state. I continue to pray for human dignity, human flourishing, and abundant life for everyone.
Back to Mother’s Day…
This year, whether your mother is still here on Earth with you or has gone on beyond – be encouraged! If you are a mother, cherish and honor the gift of motherhood. If you are one who has never birthed children, share your love and wisdom with others who are in need of motherly love, comfort, and advice.
Let us thank God for the gift of life, the gift of mothers, and the gift of children, for now and for generations to come. 

Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is the founder of King for America, Inc. and serves on Priests for Life's pastoral team.

Planned Parenthood’s $80 Million Payday Sparks Call for Probe

Lawmakers accuse abortion giant of inappropriately taking small-business relief


ST LOUIS, MO - MAY 28: The exterior of a Planned Parenthood Reproductive Health Services Center is seen on May 28, 2019 in St Louis, Missouri. In the wake of Missouri recent controversial abortion legislation, the states' last abortion clinic is being forced to close by the end of the week. Planned Parenthood is expected to go to court to try and stop the closing. (Photo by Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images)Graham Piro • April 20, 2021 11:15 am

Planned Parenthood improperly took tens of millions of dollars' worth of government loans intended to help businesses during the coronavirus, according to a group of Republicans who want to see the organization investigated.

House lawmakers accused Planned Parenthood of unlawfully using the Small Business Administration's COVID-response program, the Paycheck Protection Program, to obtain millions of dollars in taxpayer funds. Reps. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R., Mo.) and Byron Donalds (R., Fla.) wrote that the Committee on Small Business is calling for the Department of the Treasury and the Small Business Administration to investigate the organization's actions.

"We insist that the SBA and the Department of the Treasury investigate 1.) the distribution of these loans in violation of the relevant affiliation rules and 2.) whether Planned Parenthood violated the law," the lawmakers wrote in a Friday letter.

In May 2020, the multibillion-dollar organization came under fire for taking $80 million in small-business assistance loans. Planned Parenthood said that its local affiliates qualified for the assistance. The Small Business Administration, however, demanded the money be returned, saying local branches were too closely associated with the national organization to be considered independent. Now, GOP lawmakers are looking for answers as to whether or not the organization broke the law.

"At a time where small-business owners are working tirelessly to open their doors and contribute to their communities again, we must ensure the SBA is using relief funding for its intended purpose—assisting our nation’s hardest hit small businesses, not America’s most tragic abortion provider," Luetkemeyer told the Free Beacon. "The SBA must immediately investigate Planned Parenthood’s blatant violation of the rules to ensure guidelines are followed and American taxpayer dollars are protected."

The letter comes as President Joe Biden's Department of Health and Human Services threw open the door for taxpayer-funded abortion. The department unveiled new rules concerning Title X family planning funding that reversed Trump administration policies limiting taxpayer funding for abortion providers. Donalds said taxpayer dollars should not be used to subsidize abortion providers.

"Planned Parenthood—the nation's most notorious abortion provider that has an estimated $2 billion in assets and over 16,000 employees—receiving taxpayer dollars through the Paycheck Protection Program is extremely concerning," he said.

Planned Parenthood defended the loans and accused congressional Republicans of focusing on "baseless political attacks" and targeting centers that "provide essential health care."

"Like many other local nonprofits and health care providers, the independent Planned Parenthood 501(c)(3) organizations who were awarded PPP loans met the eligibility requirements established by both Congress and the Small Business Administration," said Jacqueline Ayers, vice president of government relations and public policy for Planned Parenthood for America.

The Trump administration made changes to the Title X family planning program designed to limit the amount of taxpayer funding for abortion providers. Planned Parenthood withdrew from the program rather than comply with limitations on abortion referrals, forgoing approximately $60 million in annual federal funding.

The HHS rules are expected to take months to implement but will effectively return Title X funding policy to its pre-Trump status. Senate Republicans ripped Biden for allowing the abortion industry to profit from his presidency.

"President Biden took millions from the abortion industry during his campaign," Sen. Steve Daines (R., Mont.) said. "Now, Planned Parenthood is cashing in."

BLM conspicuously quiet about massive numbers of Black deaths

By Andrea Widburg

Blacks make up slightly less than 13% of the American population – a percentage that’s diminishing daily as the Biden administration floods the country with illegal aliens from Latin America. However, Blacks are also doing their bit to keep their presence in American relatively small: They’re aborting their babies in extraordinary numbers. CNS News caught up with CDC statistics for 2018, based on data from only 31 reporting areas. They show that 117,626 Black children were aborted – or 33.6% of all reported 2018 abortions.

According to CNS News:

In the CDC report Abortion Surveillance -- United States, 2018, released in November 2020, Table 5 shows, “Reported abortions, by known race/ethnicity and reporting area of occurrence — selected reporting areas,* United States, 2018.”

As the Table explains, “* Data from 31 reporting areas; excludes 21 reporting areas (California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York City, New York State, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Wyoming) that did not report, did not report by race/ethnicity, or did not meet reporting standards.”

Nonetheless, the data show that from the 31 reporting areas, 117,626 of the surgical abortions in 2018 were of black children, which equals 33.6% of the total abortions. 

For white children, 135,328 were killed by abortion (38.7% of total); Hispanics, 70,195 (20% of total); and Other, 26,975 abortions (7.7% of total).

In other words, it’s a virtual certainty that more than 117,626 Black children were aborted, although it’s uncertain if they continued to represent a disproportionate number of total abortions. Nevertheless, it’s numbers such as these, combined with seeing my children’s ultrasounds, that turned me from being pro-Choice (I was raised a Democrat in the San Francisco Bay Area) to pro-Life. The Democrats’ relentless obsession with abortion has turned the Democrat party into a death cult and I want no part of it.

While Democrats once spoke about making abortion “safe, rare, and legal,” in the past two decades they’ve elevated abortion to a sort of Holy Grail status within the party. For most of the Democrat women I’ve known, abortion is the one issue on which they have no flexibility. They’re blind to the hypocrisy of weeping over illegal alien children in Trump’s cages (Biden’s cages don’t trouble them) while encouraging the annual death of hundreds of thousands of human lives.

Although the CDC information was released in November, CNS News only reported it now, which is why I’m getting to it now. Still, I think the timing is actually excellent. With the Derek Chauvin trial wrapping up in Minneapolis, BLM is again gearing up to use Black deaths as the cudgel by which they’ll beat American Blacks into a riotous, often murderous, frenzy that leftists hope will finally, once and for all, bring our country to its knees.

Even as leftists beat that drum, though, they’re unperturbed by the annual deaths of over a hundred thousand Black infants and are doing nothing to stop the slaughter of Black children in Democrat-run, gun-controlled, urban neighborhoods. Abortion on that scale has turned entire Black communities into self-perpetuating death cults.

The people who should care most about the welfare of children in the Black community are the mothers. Instead, though, the Democrat obsession with abortion encourages Black women to think nothing about disposing of their pregnancies. The message is clear to the children who manage to survive to birth: Whether they’re killed in utero or out of it, Black lives are indeed disposable.

No wonder 13-year-old boys run around Chicago with guns. If life has no value, what does it matter if you kill someone and it seemingly didn’t matter to those raising “Lil Homicide” that he might be killed.

The cleverest thing the Democrat party ever did was to convince Blacks to engage in what I call “auto-genocide.” Despite all the “Black Lives Matter” protests, the reality is that the very core of the Democrat party values holds that Black lives don’t matter at all.


10 Lowlights of Maxine Waters’ Political Career

J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo


20 Apr 202174


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is one of the most controversial members of Congress, with a history of scandalous and bizarre statements and stories throughout her thirty years as a representative.

Below are ten lowlights in Waters’ political career:

1. Waters is reprimanded by a judge for inciting unrest during an ongoing criminal trial

Waters has recently been in the news for encouraging protesters in Minnesota to “get more confrontational” if Derek Chauvin is acquitted of murder charges for the death of George Floyd.

Judge Peter Cahill, who is presiding over the trial, said on the day of counsel’s closing arguments that her remarks were “abhorrent” and “may result in the whole trial being overturned”:


Volume 90%

I’m aware that Congresswoman Waters was talking specifically about this trial and about the unacceptability of anything less than a murder conviction, talked about being confrontational… I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law, and to the judicial branch and our function. I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so in a respectful, and in a manner that is respectful to the Constitution, to respect the co-equal branch of government. Their failure to do so, I think, is abhorrent.

In addition, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told Breitbart News Monday he will formally move to censure Waters “over her call to violence in Minnesota,” Breitbart News’ Matt Boyle reported. If just a handful of Democrats cross the aisle and the censure resolution passes, she will be stripped of her duties as the chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee.

2. Waters lives outside her congressional district

Republican Joe Collins campaigned against Waters during the 2020 cycle and highlighted that Waters does not even live in the district she represents.

“Do you know where I am right now? Maxine Waters’ six million-dollar mansion,” Collins says in an ad. “Do you know where I’m not right now? Maxine Waters’ district.”

“She has a very nice community, she has a really big house – and that’s just one of three or four house that she has,” he also told Fox News. “And meanwhile, she comes to the inner city and preaches the message of hatred, and a message of us vs. them.”

Do you know where I am?
Maxine Waters’ $6 Million Mansion.

Do you know where I’m NOT?
Her District.

Mansion Maxine Waters doesn’t live in her District — I do.

My name is Joe Collins and I’m running for Congress against Maxine Waters.

Help Me WIN:

— Joe E. Collins III (@joeecollins3) October 10, 2020

Waters’ home once was counted as part of her own district (CA-43), but it now lands in CA-37, represented by fellow Democrat Karen Bass.

3. Waters calls for public harassment of White House officials

In 2018, Waters suggested people should be harassing and protesting then-president Donald Trump’s Cabinet officials at stores, restaurants, and gas stations.

“I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who know it’s wrong for what they’re doing on so many fronts. They tend to not want to confront this president or even leave, but they know what they’re doing is wrong,” Waters said.

“I want to tell you, these members of his cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store,” she continued.

“The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re going to absolutely harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the president, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’ This is wrong. This is unconscionable. We can’t keep doing this to children,” she concluded.


4. Waters claims God sent her to stop Donald Trump

Later that same year, Waters addressed the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles, claiming she was sent to Washington by God to obstruct Trump.

“You’ve gotta know that I’m here to do the work that I was sent to do, and as pastor said to me when I came in this morning, when God sends you to do something, you just do it!” she said.

“So I have a message: I’m going back to Washington tomorrow morning, I’m going to tell them pastor told me to come here and just do it!” she proclaimed.

“I’m not about to sit quietly and allow the President of the United States, or anybody else, to undo all that has been done to make this a great country,” she concluded.


5. Waters gets pranked by Russian trolls posing as Greta Thunberg

Waters presumably spoke with two Russians impersonating Greta Thunberg and her father after her staff believed they have connected with the Swedish climate change activist, Breitbart News’ Kristina Wong reported.

A woman who identifies herself as Congresswoman Waters tells “Greta”: “Of course, I know all about you. You have made quite a big, big, big thunder on this issue. I am really, really very proud of you and the work that you’re doing.”

The prank callers trick Waters into making a statement in defense of the environment of an imaginary island named “Chunga Changa.”

The call gets more farcical when “Greta” tells Waters that she met Trump at the United Nations, where he privately insulted her and confessed to threatening Ukraine’s president.

“He came over, he leaned towards me, and said softly, ‘Listen to me very carefully, little girl, you will never achieve your goals,’” “Greta” says.

“He said you will never achieve your goals? Oh my goodness!” Waters exclaims, stunned. “Greta” then says that she cried. “Oh my God did you cry?” Waters exclaims.


6. Waters compares Trump to “Kim Jong-Oom” and “Validimore Putin”

Waters spoke in San Diego in February 2018 and compared Trump to North Korea and Russia’s dictators, botching the heads of state’s names along the way.


.@MaxineWaters to President Trump: “Why are you so compromised?” #CADEM18

— Javier Panzar (@jpanzar) February 24, 2018

7. Waters propagated “BlueAnon” conspiracy theories about Trump and Russia

In the clip immediately above, the congresswoman insinuated that Trump is “compromised” by Putin — a far-left conspiracy theory that has since been proven false. In January 2019, Waters speculated about a Trump-Russia scheme during the 2016 election, even admitting “I don’t have the proof” to substantiate any portion of the claims.

8. Waters says she has never seen police brutality against white Americans

During a new conference in 2002, Waters said of her social justice cause that there is a disparity between the policing of white and back people.

“I don’t see white police officers slamming the heads of little white boys into police cars,” Waters said.

“I haven’t seen them abusing white males. What I see is white police officers abusing black males, and young black males particularly. Yes, I believe it’s racially motivated,” she added.

9. Waters laments that her mother could not abort any of her 12 siblings Waters, speaking of civil rights marches, alluded her mother could not have any of her children aborted. Waters is the fifth of 13 children.

“I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion,” she said.

10. Waters takes cheap shots at Melania Trump

Typically, a U.S. president’s family members are considered off-limits in political battles, but Waters did not let that stop her from making some low blows against First Lady Melania Trump, without any particular political angle. On one occasion in 2018, she made the non-sequitur remark: “[Trump] doesn’t even know how to spell his own wife’s name.” The year before, she wrote on social media: “Melania can’t trust Trump,” with no further context or explanation of what prompted the statement.


Harris is no friend of religious liberty. Her recent decision to exclaim in the year of our Lord, which has been conveniently picked up by her staff, is a ploy designed to appeal to unassuming Christian voters impressed by "God talk." As the old adage says, actions speak louder than words, and on this score, Harris fails to convince.

It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.


As most people know, prior to her being a Senator, she served as the chief prosecutor for the city of San Francisco.  Now, complaints are coming forward that she flat out refused to pursue criminal cases against Catholic priests who allegedly sexually battered children.

People who say they were victims of childhood sexual abuse call out Harris for not doing all that she could to prosecute their cases. 

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