Tuesday, January 26, 2021



Was Trump Laid Low Just to Satisfy Barack Obama's Ego?

After studying the Kenyan Imposter for 14 years, it's evident that the former president was, and is, a thin-skinned, vindictive, narcissistic, self-obsessed child.  Condescending Barack Obama has proven that accolades are his life's blood.  When accolades turn into differing opinions, the former POTUS soothes his wounded ego by publicly disgracing his critics

Barack Obama thinks so highly of himself that disagreeing with anything he says makes all challengers the target of mockery and ruin.

Take, for instance, the former president spending eight years sharing his distaste for what he believes is a "deeply flawed" nation.  If critics dared challenge Obama's plan to "fundamentally transform the United States of America" into a Saul Alinsky nightmare, they often met with acerbic pushback.  

Throughout his presidency, Obama consistently admonished or sarcastically insulted his critics.  To punish conservatives, the former president creatively weaponized a federal agency and sicced the IRS on detractors he referred to as "teabaggers." 

By articulating his disdain for "bitter" gun-clinging Judeo-Christians, Obama found a way to openly reaffirm his deep-seated hate for the First and Second Amendments.  Then, in an attempt to make his true feelings known to his detractors, Obama vilified law enforcement and the U.S. militarycensored and surveilled U.S. citizens, and deprecated right-leaning news anchors.  A spiteful Obama imposed his vision on the rebellious by resettling middle-class neighborhoods with unvetted putative refugees, destroying jobs, waving thousands of medically compromised illegals over the border, and insulting Israel by sharing American wealth with genocidal regimes.

In other words, if Barry sensed disapproval, detractors could expect to be tacitly schooled in a backhanded, albeit painful way.

Fast-forward to 2016, and in the race for the White House, an "America First" non-politician caused Obama's Marxist momentum to come to a screeching halt.  The election of Donald Trump symbolized the antithesis of everything the progressive left stood for.  Trump campaigned on reverence for God and respect for the sanctity of life.  He inspired patriotism and had workable plans to create jobs and renew the economy — all of the things Barack had spent eight years attempting to destroy. 

In one night, Barry Soetoro's Marxist takeover was sidelined by a populist billionaire who dared to disagree with the left's doctrine.  Imagine Obama's embarrassment — all that "Hope and Change," crushed by the weight of a guy with bad hair who hailed from Queens.  Let's just say that after Hillary lost, she probably wasn't the only one smashing vases and sticking pins into voodoo dolls. 

Rest assured: Hillary's slap-down was most definitely personalized by the touchy "all about me" narcissist as a total rejection of his anti-American radicalism.  Hence his admitted desire for a "third term."

Nevertheless, if "past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior," after that crushing loss, Obama most likely invested his time making sure there would be hell to pay.  That's why, based on the former president's typical response to humiliation, from that night forward, Barack likely slept little and planned much. 

Thanks to orchestrated overkill, some Americans believe that Trump lost to a guy with dementia, was impeached twice, will lose the right to run for a second run, and might be denied a presidential library.  No Twitter, no Facebook, no nothing.

Although pure speculation, that sort of heavy-handedness indicates that it might have been Obama all along concocting an attack to purge "Orange Man Bad" from the collective consciousness.  In Barack's sick, twisted mind, the former president probably is deluded enough to believe he can re-establish his legacy by making a complete ass out of someone who dared confront the progressive global vision Obama took mainstream.

With that in mind, since President Trump took office, it's hard to not smell Obama's obsessive stink all over a calculated effort to destroy a good man.

Of late, those carefully crafted plans include acrimony and suspicious ACORNish activity, not to mention a year-long lockdown and Rules for Radicals-style chaos.  Recently, Americans witnessed a sham inauguration and post-inaugural mischief where every executive order Joe the Automaton signed reeked with the stench of Obama's malicious effort to reinstate himself as all-knowing redeemer. 

Lest we forget, Kamala "I'm Speaking" Harris has had a longstanding relationship with former president Obama.  Thus the reason for her meteoric rise from the shadows of Willie Brown's love shack to the vice presidency.  Unfortunately for America, besides having a cackle from hell, "the best-looking" attorney general on the planet also has Barry's slimy fingerprints all over her high tops.

Then there's the return of the posse of familiar co-conspirators who emerged from the political ash heap of history to take up where the Obama era left off.  Those throwbacks include the likes of White House press secretary Jen "Pink Hat" Psaki and domestic secretary Susan Rice, who, on behalf of her old boss, would be more than willing to rise from a cobwebbed crypt to deliver social and economic pain to 74 million of Trump's loyal supporters.

Considering that, and more, it's hard to deny that Joe "Marionette" Biden is probably being "nudged" around by a syndicate of Obama-directed operatives

Trust me: since 2016, the former president's goal has been not only to help Democrats win back the White House, nor has it been merely to complete the anti-American job he had hoped Hillary would finish.  Oh, no!  Based on Obama's track record of revenge, with the help of the media and Big Tech, Alinsky's star agitator may be the one who instituted a plan to soothe his wounded ego by making sure Donald Trump, his family, and his supporters are permanently blackballed and publicly disgraced. 

That's why, if all goes according to plan, there will be an Obama-inspired, Pelosi-goaded, RINO-supported impeachment trial designed expressly to put Trump and his supporters on notice that punitive reprisal awaits anyone who defies the tenets Barack Obama spent eight years cramming down America's throat.  In the meantime, the former community organizer is probably stirring a massive vat of warm tar and plucking bushels full of chicken feathers for the impending walk of shame he hopes will be the death knell for Donald Trump's reputation.

Hence, what the world is witnessing isn't only an Obama Redux dressed up in a Biden suit; this is about extracting political blood for an insufferable egomaniac named Barack Obama, whose thirst for retribution remains unquenchable until all his critics are destroyed. 

Jeannie hosts a blog at www.jeannie-ology.com.

Image via Picryl.

WATCH: Eric Holder Urges Democrats to Pack the Supreme Court

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 3: Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder speaks at the National Action Network's annual convention, April 3, 2019 in New York City. A dozen 2020 Democratic presidential candidates will speak at the organization's convention this week. Founded by Rev. Al Sharpton in 1991, the National …
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Former Attorney General Eric Holder urged Democrats on Monday to pack the Supreme Court in response to what he called a crisis of “legitimacy” brought about by the appointment of a conservative majority.

Packing the Court would involve passing legislation to add seats to the nation’s highest judicial body, then using a simple Senate majority to fill the vacancies with liberals.

Holder was addressing a virtual seminar hosted by the Brookings Institution, “Is There a Path Forward for Court Reform?”

The left has shown interest in “reform” since President Donald Trump was able to appoint conservatives to the bench.

Holder began his presentation with what he called “three realities.” First, he said, “Democrats and progressives, are, and have been, uncomfortable with the acquisition and the use of power.” Republicans and conservatives, he said, were not.

Second, he said, the Supreme Court and other courts had been “political bodies.”

And third, he said, the Supreme Court had largely upheld the status quo in its decisions, “sometimes in a way that is inimical to our founding ideals.”

He said that the federal courts were stacked with “ideologues who consistently reach rulings based on their stunted mindsets.”

The recent appointments by the Trump administration, Holder claimed, had “sowed doubt” about judicial independence. (He did not mention the fact that the federal courts, including Trump’s own appointees, rejected his election challenges.)

Holder claimed that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had blocked the confirmation of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court using a justification made up from “thin air” — ignoring that they cited the “Biden rule” once proposed by the new president himself, under which he said presidents should avoid appointments in the middle of an election year.

If Garland had been confirmed, he said, there would have been a liberal majority and four years of “progressive” decisions. He also said Republicans had broken their own rule when confirming Amy Coney Barrett to the Court last year.

Therefore, Holder said, Democrats “must use the power that they now have.” He added: “I believe it would be totally appropriate to add additional seats to the Supreme Court, in response to what has transpired over the past few years.”

Holder also supported the idea of an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices, rather than lifetime appointments. He backed a minimum age of 50 years old for a judge to qualify, and said there should be greater diversity on the bench.

President Biden declined to take a position on packing the court last year, saying he would appoint a commission to study the issue for the first six months of his term. Both parties have rejected expanding the Supreme Court for over a century.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is How Not to Be a Sh!thole Country: Lessons from South Africa. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

The Attempt to Install a One-Party Oligarchy is Predestined to Fail

Scattered throughout the length and breadth of the United States are those who have experienced first-hand the tyranny of despotic rulers and repressive one-party oligarchies.  Today, many of us that came here as refugees are watching with bemusement and a mild sense of trepidation as the oblivious, self-absorbed, puerile wannabe autocrats in the Ruling Class are hell-bent on imposing their dysfunctional version of one-party dictatorial rule on a nation they apparently neither know nor understand. 

The vast bulk of this cadre of self-styled intellectuals and societal elites are little different from those in various European nations.  They are not only beset with a severe case of narcissism but are among the most gullible and easily manipulated due to their overweening need to feel superior to those they perceive to be lesser fellow citizens.  This sense of superiority eventually manifests itself in an immutable belief that they are preordained to rule the unwashed masses.  Thus, they easily fall sway to a charismatic leader or are willing to accept any inane philosophical theory or deviancy that helps embed their status among the nation’s elites.

George Orwell in a letter written in 1944 (5 years prior to the publication of his seminal work 1984) wrote the following:

There is this fact that the intellectuals are more totalitarian in outlook than the common people.  On the whole the English intelligentsia have opposed Hitler, but at the price of accepting Stalin.  Most of them are perfectly ready for dictatorial methods, secret police, systemic falsification of history etc. as long as they feel it is on ‘our’ side.

The current iteration of the American Ruling Class has not only embraced dictatorial methods as a means to their ends but are astonishingly ill-educated thanks to decades of indoctrination rather than education at America’s universities.  This ill-education encompasses not only an inability by the vast majority to reason and generate an original thought but also a breathtaking ignorance of the history of mankind, and a profound inability to comprehend the American experience and citizenry.

The history of the 20th Century is replete with examples of nations that have succumbed to one-party tyrannical rule.  In all cases these countries share at least one of two common threads.  First, due to global or regional wars, they suffered overwhelming destruction to their societies and economies, opening the door for those espousing Marxism/socialism as a cure for the nation’s ills.  Second, none of these nations had a centuries long history of freedom and self-determination. 

The most notable examples of totalitarian one-party rule were Germany and Italy, and currently Russia and China.   The devastating physical and financial destruction of World War I precipitated chaos throughout these European nations.  World War II opened the door in China for Mao Zedong to solidify his party’s supremacy as he had been unable to do so in previous internal conflicts.  These hostilities were the catalyst for the rise to power of one-party rule in all these nations under either the banner of Fascism, Nazism or Communism.  Further, none of these nations (and others with dysfunctional impoverished societies that succumbed to one-party rule, such as Cuba) had any meaningful history of a being a successful multi-cultural society steeped in freedom and unfettered capitalism.  

The United States is not reeling from the aftermath of a devastating war on its soil.  Its citizenry is not suffering the effects of a massive depression.  This nation for 245 years has promoted and reveled in individual freedom and free enterprise.  As a result, its economy, particularly over the past century is the most successful and dominant in world history.  America is the only country in the annals of mankind that has sanctioned the unrestricted right of the populace to own and bear arms as a bulwark against an oppressive central government.  This is not now, nor has it ever been, a nation ripe for the ascension of one-party totalitarian rule. 

Thus, the current infatuation with themselves by this nation’s elites is about to run headfirst into a brick wall.  Their attempt to transform the United States into their hybrid version of a one-party oligarchy under the banner of a new hybrid of socialism is doomed to failure. 

Their psychotic obsession to rid themselves of the threat that Donald Trump posed to their hegemonic plans has prompted unforced and fatal errors.  The blatant hijacking of the 2020 election using the Chinese Coronavirus as cover.  Unabashedly, and with malice, defaming half of the voting citizenry as irredeemable domestic terrorists that must be vanquished.   Accusing nearly 70% of the population of being racists solely because of their skin color.   Unable to control themselves and within hours of having assumed control of Congress and the White House, plunging headfirst into uncharted political overreach through an avalanche of Executive Orders.

These actions reveal a mindless faction in the process of emulating the final scenes in The Wizard of Oz drawing back the green curtain exposing their true colors, character and incompetence.

The vast majority of the denizens of the Ruling Class are not the best and brightest.  They are mere hangers-on who have an insatiable need to be considered part of the in-crowd.  While many have framed elite university diplomas hanging on their walls, they are nearly devoid of what used to be generically known as common sense.  Their most prominent personal characteristics are self-aggrandizement and cupidity.  Their espousal of Marxism/socialism is self-serving as this philosophy empowers an omnipotent ruling class or oligarchy.  Yet, they could not survive a week in those repressive societies they glorify and wish to foist on the rest of the country.  When confronted with their failures they invariably blame others and are, for the most part, moral and physical cowards.  They will not stand up to an organized and determined citizenry.

Therefore, Americans must now mobilize to not just win skirmishes but to permanently dispatch these fatuous megalomaniacs who have declared their determination to transform America and create a one-party oligarchy.   The time has come for unfettered and peaceful civil disobedience as espoused by Gandhi and Martin Luther King.  Marches and demonstrations must become commonplace.  Additionally, the vast majority of Americans need to stop watching and reading the mainstream and social media and instead search out and support alternative news sources.

The citizens of each state must mobilize and demand that unlawful or illegal edicts and Executive Orders emanating from Washington must be ignored by the individual state governors and not just challenged in the courts.  The citizenry needs to forcefully and immediately concentrate on changing and codifying election laws in all the state legislatures.   Further, the focus in future elections should not be on Congress but rather governorships and state legislatures throughout the country.  

It is imperative that the people vote in the congressional primaries as if they were the general election in order to dispatch to the ash heap elected officials that aided and abetted the election fraud of 2020, the second impeachment of Donald Trump and any legislation advancing the tyrannical agenda of the Ruling Class.

Lastly, various elements of the populace need to stop falling prey to the not-so-subtle message put forth by various elements of the mainstream and social media monopoly that all is lost, and the left has won the war to transform the nation.  They have not and will not.  Pessimism and defeatism are what the ruling elites are counting on.   Confidence and a willingness to fight for this country is a trait all of us who were rescued by the American people from either the cauldron of unconditional war or the tyranny of oppression experienced first-hand and continue to see in many of our fellow citizens to this day.

The above actions are rooted in the freedoms Americans have enjoyed since 1776 and thus cannot be eliminated by any faction or party without precipitating a violent civil war they will lose.   That is why the current attempt to foist a one-party oligarchy on the United States will never succeed.

Saturday, January 23, 2021






RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)

Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings


On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said he reads President Biden’s statements about his son Hunter’s deals as a declaration that “it’s going to be business as usual in the Biden administration as far as these deals are concerned.”

Schweizer said, “Joe Biden has said there are going to be no sketchy overseas deals during his second term. Here’s the problem: He does not believe that the early deals that Hunter was involved in, the China deal, Burisma, he’s never described those as sketchy. So, I read that as saying, it’s going to be business as usual in the Biden administration as far as these deals are concerned.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett



Chris Hedges: How Republicans, Democrats, and the Media Have Weakened US Democracy

Friday, January 22, 2021



While 24 Were Shot in Chicago, City Sent 40 Cops to "Protect" Biden


Some people's lives matter more than others. And Democrat shows of force matter most of all.

Biden ascended to office surrounded by barbed wire and more firepower than Saddam Hussein. D.C. was shut down, barricaded, and turned into an armed fortress so that the Democrats could celebrate their "victory of democracy" in a deserted city filled with more M4 rifles than people.

The new Fortress of Government sealed off two miles of the National Mall and parts of downtown D.C. and filled it with more soldiers than are deployed in Iraq.

Some 25,000 National Guard members were dispatched from Vermont, Maine, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Arkansas, Missouri, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Colorado to prepare for a fake invasion that never came. 

D.C. had become a Baghdad and Berlin of checkpoints, choking off access to much of the city, closing roads, bridges, and metro stations. Soldiers could be seen on every corner, and the 25,000 troops were bolstered by 4,000 Marshalls, and a motley crew of local forces, including 200 members of the NYPD, 40 members of the Chicago police, New Jersey and Maryland state troopers, Miami-Dade cops, and other law enforcement officers who were needed back home.

Those police officers could have really been used back home in Chicago.

Twenty-four people were shot, six fatally, in citywide gun violence over the weekend.

Two teenagers were killed and another was critically wounded in three separate attacks Saturday and Sunday. Another shooting early Sunday left a man dead and two others critically injured in a Grand Crossing apartment building hallway.

By Sunday night, it was a deadlier weekend than the last, when five were killed and 25 others wounded between 5 p.m. Friday and 5 a.m. Monday.

Sure, Democrats could have tried using the police to save the lives of these shooting victims, most of whom were black, but they were more concerned with putting on a show of force in D.C. to prepare for that mass invasion that never happened.

Early Sunday morning, a teenage girl was fatally shot in Lawndale on the West Side.

Authorities responded about 4:20 a.m. to the 1200 block of South Kedvale Avenue and found the 17-year-old with a gunshot wound to her chest, police said.

She was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where she was pronounced dead at 4:59 a.m., according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office.

The girl was identified as Demyra Thornton of Oakland on the South Side, the medical examiner’s office said.

Demyra's life didn't matter. Biden having as many guns trained as possible to intimidate Americans in D.C. mattered much more than "black lives".

But the farce that the real threat comes from Republicans as a pretext for a campaign of political repression continues.

In Chicago, the city plans to activate its emergency operations center in preparation of the inauguration.

Currently, officials said they are not aware of "any actionable activity being planned in Chicago."

It might want to activate its emergency ops center because it's another weekend in the Windy City. The only emergency in Chicago comes from the gang members aligned with the city's corrupt Democrat political machine.

Trump supporters didn't shoot Demyra. Democrats did.

Leftist Policies and Soaring Crime Rates

All while the Dems continue their attack on the Second Amendment.


Progressives are consistently clueless. Taxes go up and productivity goes down. What’s that about? Give illegal aliens welfare benefits and more come. Don’t see the connection.

Cities burn and gun sales are at an all-time high. Can’t figure it out?

 A January 14 story in The Boston Globe was headlined, “A more general anxiety: Gun Sales have soared in the past year.”

The paper discloses that, “demand for firearms skyrocketed in Massachusetts in 2020,” which it attributes to “the pandemic, coupled with racial equity protests and a divisive presidential election.”

“Racial equity protests,” what a charming way to describe riots in 130 cities, that led to blocks looking like Dresden after the bombing, assaults on the police and civilians, and murder. None of this was lost on Middle America, which saw elected officials unwilling or unable to protect the innocent.

It took President Biden three months to condemn the riots, and then in the most vague and general terms. Baring something unforeseen, Sheriff Joe and his posse will govern the country for the next four years. And they wonder why gun sales have gone through the ceiling.

Nationally, there were 21 million FBI background checks in 2020, breaking the 2016 record of 15.7 million. A gun store owner in Western Massachusetts told the Globe that he couldn’t keep his shelves stocked, and 40% of the purchasers were first-time buyers. Nationally, the number of black people buying guns jumped 60%. The number of women buying a gun almost doubled.

The rioters demanded defunding the police, and municipalities couldn’t wait to capitulate.  Police in Minneapolis (where the George Floyd “racial equity protests” began – led by Marxists and anarchists) lost $1.1 million.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who David Boaz of the Cato Institute calls “America’s Marxist Mayor,” slashed $1 billion from the NYPD budget.

Los Angeles cut $150 million, Portland $15 million and Seattle $23 million. Everywhere, it was the same story: violent protests, followed by political equivocation, followed by cutting police budgets, followed by surging crime rates. Only a progressive could fail to connect the dots.

Chicago had 750 murders last year, 50% more than in 2019. New York had 437 homicides (up almost 40%), and Los Angeles saw a 30% increase in homicide.

Democratic mayors groveled nicely. De Blasio’s daughter joined the mob. When the rioting – forgive me, the racial equity protests -- started, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said he was waiting for the rampage to burn itself out. Four months later, he was still waiting.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot got tough – when it came to protecting her home, which at one point was guarded by 140 police officers.

Democrats had stock responses to the mayhem – “mostly peaceful protests,” “what about ‘police violence?’” and “Antifa is an ‘idea’ not a movement.” (Did you ever get beaten unconscious and left bleeding in the street by an idea?) Black Lives Matter, whose co-founder described herself as a “trained Marxist,” was heralded as the successor to Martin Luther King and the Freedom Riders.

Blacks and whites, men and women, witnessed the carnage, heard the rhetoric, saw the response and flocked to the nearest gun store.

While Democrats defended the rioters and cut police funding, Biden is making it easier to import gang members, drug dealers and career criminals. A caravan of 9,000 from Honduras is headed for the border.

“Not another foot” of border wall will he build, Joe of the Jungle told the Washington Post this summer. Trump’s policies have been largely successful at stemming illegal immigration. His successor will fight the crisis at our southern border by offering free health care and amnesties to illegals – the lifeblood of the Democrat Party.

Gun prohibition is on the horizon. Good Democrat crime-buster that he is, Biden will fight soaring crime rates with tighter gun control that includes outright confiscation.

The man who once told us that there were 150 million gun deaths between 2007 and 2018, which would be close to half the total population of the United  States (the actual number is 148,000, including acts of self-defense), is putting in charge of his anti-gun initiatives the man who loudly proclaimed, “Hell yes, we’re coming for your AR-15s and AK-47s.” Beto O’Rourke can’t even tell the difference between a semi-automatic and fully-automatic rifle. (Come on, man, they’re all “military-style assault weapons.”)  Joe and Beto -- Sergeant York meets Yosemite Sam.

Biden’s candidate for Secretary of Health and Human Services says “gun violence” should be treated as a public health issue. Mandatory buy-back programs might be the vaccine.

So, to recapitulate, Democrats watched the cities burn last summer, crime rates are soaring, if you call 9-11 you’ll listen to a pre-recorded message or, perhaps, be switched to a prayer line. With Biden in office, the border will be wide open to alien predators and your Second Amendment rights will be under constant attack.

And progressives can’t figure out why people are buying guns in record numbers. 



Democrats Expose Dynamics of the Oligarchy

A legal, democratic recall election is now a “coup” attempt by extremists.


“This recall effort, which really ought to be called ‘the California coup,’ is being led by right-wing conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, anti-vaxxers and groups who encourage violence on our democratic institutions.”

That was California Democratic Party chair Rusty Hicks, in a January 12 press conference, joined by Fresno city councilman Nelson Esparza who called the recall “treasonous.”  That language prompted Ben Christopher of CalMatters to clarify the matter.

“Unlike a coup, which is an illegal seizure of power,” Christopher wrote, “a recall campaign is a democratic mechanism written into the California constitution that allows voters to remove an elected official by popular vote.” This legal, democratic mechanism is what the California Democrats call “treasonous,” and it models what national Democrats have been deploying since 2016.

The “composite character” David Garrow charted in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, whose Dreams from My Father was a novel, transformed a democratic nation into an authoritarian arrangement where the outgoing president picks his successor and deploys the DOJ and FBI to support her and attack her opponent. The overconfident Hillary Clinton failed to campaign in key states and vilified Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables.” Trump campaigned tirelessly and the people elected him president.

“The central fact to appreciate about Donald Trump,” Roger Kimball explains, “is that he was elected without the permission, and over the incredulous objections, of the woke oligarchy that governs us.” As in California, Democrats regarded a democratic mechanism for choosing the president as illegitimate. By the time of Trump’s inauguration, the coup attempt was already in progress and for the next three years on full display in the Russia and Ukraine hoaxes. The 2020 election is best seen as the continuation of the Democrat coup attempt.

“Every honest person knows the 2020 election was rigged,” writes Kimball, who cites  William Briggs on how the “woke oligarchy” works. The party that cheats is also in charge of investigating the accusations of cheating. The media calls cheating a conspiracy theory, and rulers move to expel or cancel those who even question the cheating. According to Briggs, “That party will win by virtue of its power. This is the way power works.” For his part, Kimball shows what our particular form of oligarchy means in practice.

The people do have a voice, “but it is a voice that is everywhere pressured, cajoled, shaped and bullied.” The people have a choice, says Kimball, but “only among a roster of approved candidates.”

In 2016 the Democrat candidate should have been Bernie Sanders, but “the way power works” brought in Hillary Clinton. In 2020, the party was responsible for counting the votes is in charge of investigating the accusations of cheating, so the nation gets addled retread Joe Biden, choice of the oligarchy. In similar style, the DOJ and FBI, which spearheaded the coup attempt against President Trump, are responsible for investigating the coup, so there will be no criminal charges against Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Ohr et al.

For Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, there was no treason and no crime, only “a massive system failure by senior leadership,” in the DOJ and FBI. For the oligarchy and its collaborators, the real problem is the power of the people to remove politicians from office by legal means.

In 2003, Californians of all parties recalled Democrat Gov. Gray Davis, who couldn’t even keep the lights on. Current Gov. Gavin Newsom is basically Davis plus an emergency order that empowered him to govern as a full-on autocrat. Among other actions, Newsom locked down the state, brought back the blackouts, spent $1 billion on masks from a Chinese company, and looked the other way as convicts scammed the unemployment system for $2 billion.

The lawful process to recall the disastrous Newsom is a “California coup,” according to Rusty Hicks, who has an election back story of his own. Hicks became state Democrat Party boss after charges of sexual harassment forced former state party chair Eric Bauman to resign. Democrat staffer William Floyd charged that Bauman forcibly performed oral sex on him several times and sued Bauman over sexual harassment, assault, battery, negligence and civil rights violations.

Hicks won the state party post with support from 57 percent of delegates, which nixed prospects of a runoff with African American Kimberly Ellis. The Emerge California activist ran for Democrat Party chair in 2017, narrowly losing to Eric Bauman and contesting the results, “keeping the party friction alive for months and turning off some members of the party establishment,” as the Associated Press reported.

According to Politico, the Democrat Party “paid millions of dollars to settle sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuits against Bauman.” The party conducted an investigation into Bauman’s conduct but last year approved candidate Rusty Hicks declined to release the results. Hicks’ effort to “deny the truth and hide the evidence,” party members charged in a letter, “sends the message that serial harassers and assailants are still welcome in the party.”

In 2008, Rusty Hicks served as California political director for the composite character formerly known as Barry Soetoro. In eight years, he transformed the nation into the oligarchy it has now become.

The FBI and DOJ are political players operating above the law. Voter fraud is standard practice. The truth counts for nothing and the voice of the people is bullied.  The people must choose from a roster of approved candidates. And the people’s attempt to recall a politician by constitutional, democratic means becomes an attempted coup.