Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Obama Makes ‘Surprise’ Visit to Chicago Food Bank – WITH HIS OWN CAMERA CREW (VIDEO)

Barack Obama made a ‘surprise’ visit to a Chicago food bank on Tuesday and brought his own camera crew.

Obama waltzed into the Greater Chicago Food Depository wearing a White Sox hat with his Obama Foundation camera crew in tow.
Leave it to Obama to make feeding the homeless and poor about himself.

Obama then tweeted about it, thanking the food bank for ‘letting him crash.’
OBAMA: Thanks to the Chicago @FoodDepository team for all you do and to the volunteers who are doing great work and let me crash today. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

The Obamas are set to become a billion-dollar brand soon off of book deals, speeches and Netflix videos.
Didn’t Barack Obama once say ‘At certain point you’ve made enough money’?

At least he put some potatoes in a netted baggie for the poor while his crew captured it on camera.

THE RISE of BARACK OBAMA, sociopath huckster from Chicago, and the FALL of AMERICA

“My guess is that the students and employees at the U of I who listened to Obama's self-righteous speech believe that Obama is ethical because most of the media intentionally hid the mass corruption, or if they reported on it, they downplayed it.  The corruption and unethical behavior started as soon as Obama took office.” JACK HELLNER / AMERICAN

“They knew Obama was an unqualified crook; yet they promoted him. They knew Obama was a train wreck waiting to happen; yet they made him president, to the great injury of America and the world. They understood he was only a figurehead, an egomaniac, and a liar; yet they made him king, doing great harm to our republic (perhaps irreparable.)” ALLAN ERICKSON

President Barack ObamaDuring his presidential campaign, President Obama promised to run an ethical and transparent administration. However, in his first year in office, the President has delivered corruption and secrecy, bringing Chicago-style political corruption to the White House. JUDICIAL WATCH

Obama Foundation is raising big bucks but hiding the identities of its mega-donors

The planned Obama presidential library "Presidential Center" that wants to grab priceless lakefront property from taxpayers for a vast campus that amounts to a cenotaph-like monument to the wonderfulness of the 44th president of the United States recently filed its required Form 990 for 2017 with the IRS.  It revealed three surprising facts.
One: The Foundation's fundraising skyrocketed from $13.175 million in 2016 to an eye-popping $232.6 million in 2017, 17.6 times as much.  Would it be too cynical of me to notice that this coincided with the elimination of the self-imposed limit of $1 million per contributor?  We do know that Obama and his wife actively courted donors once out of office with Clinton Global Initiative-like schmooze fests.

Screen grab from Obama Foundation video.
Two: The Obama Foundation decided to mask the identities of its mega-donors.  With Obama out of office in 2017, I presume that federal restrictions and disclosure requirements also went by the wayside.  Would it be too cynical of me to wonder if any foreign actors were among the mega-donors?  We are told, "Most contributions last year came from individuals, 94.9 percent or $220.7 million."
Three: The Foundation is lavishly compensating its top executives.  The Chicago Tribune reports: 
CEO David Simas earned $590,651. His salary is nearly twice what the CEO of the George W. Bush Foundation earned in 2016, the last year available. ... The executive director of the foundation, Robbin Cohen, earned $827,834 last year[.]
The Nonprofit Quarterly figuratively raised its eyebrows over this 2017 data, in an article entitled "The Obama Foundation's Financials Don't Match Its Rhetoric."  Danielle Holley writes:
The Obama Foundation released its 2017 financials early last week, providing an in-depth look at the organization's priorities and the extent to which they match – or in this case, don't match – the overarching narrative that the Foundation has been telling its Chicago South Side neighbors.
The Foundation has caused significant controversy over the past year, with Chicago's public sector and activist groups raising questions on whether the Presidential Center at Jackson Park, the Foundation's most significant project, will truly be of public benefit or simply a force for elitism and gentrification in Chicago's South Side.  Those flames were fanned again last week when the Foundation's Form 990 filing revealed skyrocketing executive compensation, with Executive Direct Robbin Cohen making an outsized $827,834 annually, and with a fundraising bonanza of unknown – and therefore to many suspicious – origin.
One should look at this compensation a few different ways.  Prime among them are:
·       Does it conform to the compensation of like organizations – in this case, presidential libraries?
·       What mission message does the compensation send to the community, which here includes a relatively low-income neighborhood concerned about gentrification?
compensation comparison among other presidential libraries was done five years ago and reported that some directors have earned more than $600,000.  That said, the 2016 Form 990 report from [the] George W. Bush Foundation shows the Obama Library CEO's compensation to be twice the highest there.
Read the whole thing.
Meanwhile, the Chicago Tribune editorial board seems a bit nervous over the possibility of the OPC becoming an issue in the mayoral election, now that Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama's former chief of staff, has bowed out of the race.  
From the start, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been both pitch man and troubleshooter for the proposed Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park on Chicago's South Side.
The mayor steered his old boss' project through Plan Commission and City Council approvals earlier this year.  He has touted the center's "tremendous economic, educational and cultural" opportunities.  This week, his administration is introducing legislation that sets up a 99-year agreement for the center's operation on Chicago Park District property.
The worry about the future of the lavishly funded project is palpable:
If we could have a moment with each mayoral candidate, we'd explain that this situation is delicate.  That the center is far from a slam dunk.  That the competing interests will try to lure candidates into their respective camps.
That use of the word "lure" is revealing.
And as the Trib editorialists note, there is a precedent for Chicago rejecting use of park land for monuments to gigantic egos:
Recall that Star Wars creator George Lucas envisioned a private museum on public lakefront parkland – and got derailed by a lawsuit challenging his vision.  Lucas abandoned the idea after the federal judge in the case said he did not believe it would benefit the public, but would instead "promote private and/or commercial interests."  The Obama Foundation says the public benefit here is obvious – and has agreed to transfer ownership of the center to the city once it's built.  Will that persuade a judge to toss the lawsuit?  Or will the case lurch along?  We'll see you in court – someday.
In the end, the Trib wants the project built:
So, in our hypothetical huddles with the candidates, we'd advise them not to shoot from the lip: Emanuel and his decisions are fair game; many of the candidates got into the race to defeat him.  But this proposal should be too crucial to the South Side to become a chew toy for candidates eager to build their anti-Rahm cred.  We'd remind the candidates that for South Siders and other Chicagoans who see the promise of an Obama Center, squandering this opportunity would be a sorry mistake.
Everyone's entitled to his opinions, of course.  As are we.

From $13 to $232 million -
Clinton Foundation laundering money through
the Obama Presidential Center?

David Brock runs a scam like that between 
his various foundations 

How much overlap in personnel between 

Clinton and Obama Center?

Obama’s monument to himself covertly grabbing $244 million of Illinois taxpayers’ money for ‘privately-funded’ project

Barack Obama announced that he would not have a federally-funded presidential library, but instead would rely on private money paid to the Obama Foundation to build a “presidential center” that may or may not have any books (we still don’t know, but there definitely will be basketball courts). That's what Obama wants, so that's what Obama gets.
The entire project would be all his to control, a monument created by the person being honored. Normally, that is the practice of dictators like Saddam Hussein, but Barack Hussein Obama was a president like no other.
And oddly enough, the building style chosen by the Obamas resembles nothing so much as a cenotaph, even though Obama is alive and kicking.
3 cenotaphs:
Hong Kong
New Zealand
Of course, the usual claque applauded.  Politico Magazine gushed that it would be:
…a new model for a privately run presidential museum that can be laudatory in its exhibits and partisan in its programming, but not while under the troubling imprimatur of the federal government—and without the taxpayers footing the bill. 
Unfortunately, the notion that taxpayers would be unmolested is fake news. Start with the acres of city-owned park land on the shore of Lake Michigan that Chicago handed over as a gift, in apparent violation of law. The group Protect Our Parks has sued to prevent the giveaway, and cites this Illinois State Law. (They have also cited my writings, which gratifies me no end.)
But the taxpayer-owned parkland is but one aspect of the rape of the taxpayers. The new Illinois state budget artfully obscures the estimated $244 million dollars that Land of Lincoln Obama taxpayers will be giving to make the project happen. The Illinois Policy Institute writes:
Projects relevant to the forthcoming Obama Presidential Center in Chicago’s Jackson Park will cost taxpayers $224 million, according to the Washington Examiner.
This includes $174 million for roadwork in and around Jackson Park and $50 million for renovations to the Garfield Green Line station, two miles from the presidential center. Illinois taxpayers will be on the hook for $199 million of the total cost, with $25 million of the Garfield station renovations funded through a federal grant, according to the Washington Examiner.
Fifty million dollars for renovating one El station that is two miles from the project? Are we supposed to believe that tourists would walk that far though Chicago’s notoriously dangerous Southside to visit the library? And how can it take that much money to spiff up a station that already is in operation? Paint and ceramic tiles aren’t that expensive. Elevators and escalators don’t cost ten million dollars each.  
Unfortunately, Illinois taxpayers would have no way of knowing this money was flowing to the presidential project from looking at the state’s 1,245-page budget, which makes no mention of the Obama Presidential Center. That spending is hidden, but has been confirmed by political figures such as Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
Taxpayers aren’t the only ones kept in the dark:
The negotiating process in drafting of the budget took place outside of public view and state senators were given five hours to read the massive document before taking a vote.
But rest assured that diversity will be foremost in the minds of those selecting contractors to build unusually expensive projects for the library. As the Obama Foundation promises:
 In our first year, we announced our plans to hire a diversity consultant to prioritize the hiring of local, diverse residents for construction and subcontracting.

THE RISE of BARACK OBAMA, sociopath huckster from Chicago, and the FALL of AMERICA

“My guess is that the students and employees at the U of I who listened to Obama's self-righteous speech believe that Obama is ethical because most of the media intentionally hid the mass corruption, or if they reported on it, they downplayed it.  The corruption and unethical behavior started as soon as Obama took office.” JACK HELLNER / AMERICAN

“They knew Obama was an unqualified crook; yet they promoted him. They knew Obama was a train wreck waiting to happen; yet they made him president, to the great injury of America and the world. They understood he was only a figurehead, an egomaniac, and a liar; yet they made him king, doing great harm to our republic (perhaps irreparable.)” ALLAN ERICKSON

For those who forgot – or would like to forget – despite waking up every morning for eight years "in a house built by slaves," America's former first lady, Michelle Obama, indulged in 100 million dollars' worth of vacations at taxpayers' expense; wore haute couture; and, while attempting to limit every morsel Americans put in their mouths, ate epicurean fare fit for a queen. 
Recently, Penguin Random House and an advance in excess of $65 million for two memoirs ensured that Mrs. Obama can continue to live the lifestyle she'd grown accustomed to, which now includes things like an $8.1-million Kalorama mansion and back-to-back vacations in Martha's Vineyard and Mallorca, Spain.
For those of us who "at this point have made enough money," if a $65-million tome reiterating the minutiae Michelle and Barack have subjected America to for a decade weren't enough, like U2 on steroids, Mrs. Obama has now decided to embark on a hard-knock-life stadium-sized expedition.
About her forthcoming outing, Michelle had this to say: "I've spent the last year and a half reflecting on my story as deeply and honestly as I could, and now I'm thrilled to travel the country and do the same with readers this fall." 
After deep reflection, Michelle's sure-to-be divisive "intimate conversation" begins in her hometown of Chicago at a place called, of all things, the United Center.  Less a book tour and more an egotistical effort to outdo Donald Trump rallies, after getting a $65-million advance, as an accomplished woman of color, Michelle plans to get things done by selling high-priced tickets and hawking self-aggrandizing wares.
Judging from past experience, the whole spectacle is sure to be a carefully crafted mix of racially motivated rhetoric, acid-tongued vitriol, rap-style propagandizing, and Alinsky street activist antics sprinkled with live discussions, hugs, and pop star drop-ins from the likes of Beyoncé and Jay-Z.  Ticket-holders shouldn't be surprised if guests like Bruno Mars and Janelle Monáe show up to coax reluctant "Squad Member" Michelle into performing impromptu renditions of proven crowd-pleasers like "Uptown Funk." 
With "sharing the wealth" in mind, Michelle and Live Nation are supposedly donating 10% of the book tour ticket sales to ensure that people looking for handouts, Black Lives Matter, and refugees from resettlement neighborhoods can be brainwashed and community organized, free of charge.
So far, Mrs. Obama is scheduled to zigzag across the nation from Chicago to L.A. to Washington to Boston and PA – all the way east to Brooklyn, New York.  From there, Shelly will be off to Detroit, Denver, San Jose, and Dallas.  The first leg of the "Becoming" tour is slated to continue until Michelle, her two dogs, her mother, her daughters, and Barack confidante Valerie Jarrett take a break for the annual 17-plus-day Obama Christmas getaway.
For those counting, if Mrs. Obama somehow manages to fill all 196,868 seats, it's likely she'll earn multi-millions for just ten days' work.  That doesn't include a percentage of book sales over and above her royalty agreement.  If every person who shows up purchases a book, Michelle's haul might even cover expenses for her next vacation. 
Do the math.  The United Center fits 23,500 people, and tickets start at $30 and can graduate upward to $160-plus per seat.  Multiply that by nine more stadiums, and with that kind of money flowing in, after paying expenses, America's former FLOTUS could drag down mucho dinero.  That's before taking into consideration the more expensive VIP "Becoming" packages that include a meet-and-greet, a cheesy pre-signed photo, and/or a personalized copy of Michelle's Southside sob story.   
If Mrs. Obama and her "spread the wealth around" spouse manage to pocket even a small percentage of the earnings from "Conversations with Michelle Obama," the ten amphitheater stops will deposit into the Obama joint bank account handsome quantities of pie that should sustain the couple if the Venezuela-style socialism they promote should happen to befall America. 
In other words, instead of eating zebra slaughtered after breaking into a zoo, if the time should come where Americans start to resemble Venezuelans, at least Barry and Michelle can continue to nibble on goat confit.
After carefully counting book tour money, Mrs. Obama can turn her attention toward projects like the $100-million Obama Netflix deal and how to further pervert the American psyche into thinking the common good always outweighs the acquisition of personal wealth.
Jeannie hosts a blog at




Andrew Kerr | Investigative Reporter

Representatives for Barack Obama have threatened to cancel the former president’s upcoming paid speech at a Denmark university if details of his speaking contract are released to the public.
Obama will participate in a moderated question and answer session on Sept. 28 at the University of Southern Denmark before local business leaders, university students and local dignitaries, according to Business Kolding, the event’s organizer.
But the event has already sparked criticism from citizens of Denmark’s Kolding Municipality, which is providing 750,000 kroner, or $117,000, in taxpayer funds to support the behind-closed-doors event titled “A Conversation with President Barack Obama.”
Kolding currently faces a deficit of 100 million kroner in its next year’s budget. The town’s mayor, Jørn Pedersen, justified using taxpayer dollars to fund Obama’s invite-only talk, claiming the event is effectively a marketing opportunity for the town, according to Danish news outlet JydskeVestkysten.
“At this event, current and future leaders will have an opportunity to experience President Obama first hand. Everyone can expect to be inspired. And we have every reason to be proud,” Kolding Mayor Jørn Pedersen said.
But Pedersen said he has been kept in the dark by the event’s organizers regarding the total cost of hosting Obama’s talk. (RELATED: Reporters Told To Not Report On Obama Speech)
When pressed by a local news outlet for more information, Business Kolding said the Obama team would cancel the event outright if details surrounding his speaking contract were released to the public.
Despite efforts to keep the media in the dark, JydskeVestkyn estimates Obama will rake in up to two million kroner, or $312,000, for partaking in the event.
The University of Southern Denmark anticipates that Obama’s visit will “boost” the university’s prestige.
“SDU is an international university with a strong vision. We wish to break down barriers and mould the future. We are convinced that President Barack Obama’s visit will give us a tremendous boost,” said Henrik Dam, the university’s vice-chancellor.
“As a regional player, this is a unique opportunity for us to support an exceptional event here in the Region of Southern Denmark. It is an event that in every possible way promotes SDU’s strategic goals of being an international university, enabling every talent and encouraging the exceptional,” added pro-vice-chancellor Bjarne Graabech Sørensen.
Obama’s office did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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Haven't the Obamas Made Enough Money?

By Jeannie DeAngelis

For a guy who said, “at some point, you’ve made enough money,” and a gal who said, “someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more" the Obamas sure rake in plenty of dough.

Unless installing an in-ground pool in the yard of an  $8.2-million home located in a fancy Washington, DC neighborhood  is considered spreading the wealth?  Since, leaving the White House the duo seems to be gathering, not “spreading, the wealth.”

Fresh out of the White House, Michelle and Barack began “leveling their playing field” with a joint book deal in excess of $65-million penned with Penguin Random House.  Let’s face it, $65-million is not a bad payday for people who earn oodles of capital reiterating the same hardscrabble story about impoverished childhoods, suffering racial injustice, and how understanding gender inequity and the plight of poor people is something only they can do.

The $65-million the Obamas will earn on their books will trickle into the couple’s bank accounts in dribs and drabs, first for Michelle, whose long-awaited memoir is due out in November and is entitled: “Becoming.”

While the Mrs. is busy showing up angry on book tours, hubby will be pleasantly giving speeches at $400,000 a pop where he can pontificate about community organizing and commiserate with the problems poverty-stricken Americans suffer.  And while payroll is processing Barack's speaking stipend, the former president can continue to bide his time with extemporaneous musings about American prejudice, minority mistreatment, and how Trump-style capitalism is a global blight.

Just recently, the Obama $65-million+pie expanded, receiving a fresh infusion of cash from internet entertainment company Netflix.  Netflix is perfect for the Obamas because the network’s programming includes liberal topics that cover subjects such as sexual awareness in children and normalizing abortion.

It was a top Obama campaign contributor named Ted Sarandos that provided the Obamas the opportunity to community organize 125-million Netflix subscribers in 190 nations worldwide. Sarandos is the chief content officer and manager of the $8-billion Netflix budget who brokered a deal that industry sources say could be worth more than $50-million for Mr. and Mrs. “You Didn’t Build That.”

Any way you look at it, the Obama creative production deal with Netflix is an impressive promotion from the church basement on the Southside of Chicago where Barry Soetoro strategized Marxist troop formation on a chalkboard.

More importantly, at Netflix, the opportunities presented are endless for the Obamas to bring their unique brand of hostility to a much broader audience – which is always the pair's underlying objective.

According to the multiyear contract, when not out inspiring dissatisfaction at live appearances and college commencement ceremonies, the twosome, will be called on “to produce a diverse mix of content, including the potential for scripted series, unscripted series, docu-series, documentaries and features.”

The whole thing works out beautifully because by signing on with Netflix, the Obamas get to assist their good friend George Soros in his quest to ‘slow the rising oceans’ of freedom and ‘heal the planet’ from the ravages of democracy.  Soros and the Soros Fund Management own about 71,500 shares of Netflix stock.

Barack Obama recently said that the original deal at Netflix provides an opportunity for him and his wife to communicate inspiring stories about individuals who’ve made a difference.  But, in reality, and based on what both Obamas consider inspirational difference making,  Netflix will most definitely double as a high-tech training ground to prepare legions of socialist-leaning youth to converge on democratic nations transforming the whole planet into one big Arab Spring.

Ted Sarandos had this to say about his friends, Barack and Michelle:

Barack and Michelle Obama are among the world’s most respected and highly recognized public figures and are uniquely positioned to discover and highlight stories of people who make a difference in their communities and strive to change the world for the better. We are incredibly proud they have chosen to make Netflix the home for their formidable storytelling abilities.

And so thanks to Netflix the community organizer and his sullen spouse are going global with their “formidable storytelling abilities,” or what is more accurately described as going global with the Obamas unique ability to twist the truth, incite discontent, and drive the naïve toward total ruin.

Rest assured, regardless of what Barack and Michelle say, the Obama Storytelling Show likely will be multiyear streaming of left-wing churlishness presented to the world on brightly colored sound stages complete with progressive guests, distorted tales of woe and radical rants.  Both Obamas will be front and center infusing the conversation with manipulative mind control tactics and jazzing it up with aerobic dance routines choreographed by Bruno Mars.
In addition to all that obnoxiousness, the Raconteurs probably will feature rhetoric interspersed with pleas for a more significant piece of the pie.   Likewise, there will also be admonishments that at some point enough money has been made, exhortations to spread the wealth around, and constant reminders that, regardless of what Americans think, “they didn’t build that.”

But most importantly, Barack and Michelle will have an international platform to counterpoint President Trump’s policies and do it from a $50-million podium where they will be paid handsomely to undermine Trump’s accomplishments with lies and distortions from the left.

Jeannie hosts a blog at




What did the Wall Street banksters know that 

took us so long to find out???

"One of the premier institutions of big business, JP Morgan Chase, issued an internal report on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the 2008 crash, which warned that another “great liquidity crisis” was possible, and that a government bailout on the scale of that effected by Bush and Obama will produce social unrest, “in light of the potential impact of central bank actions in driving inequality between asset owners and labor."  

 Obama, of course, covered up his own role, depicting his presidency as eight years of heroic efforts to repair the damage caused by the 2008 financial crash. At the end of those eight years, however, Wall Street and the financial oligarchy were fully recovered, enjoying record wealth, while working people were poorer than before, a widening social chasm that made possible the election of the billionaire con man and Demagogue in November 2016.

“The response of the administration was to rush to the defense of the banks. Even before coming to power, Obama expressed his unconditional support for the bailouts, which he subsequently expanded. He assembled an administration 
dominated by the interests of finance capital, symbolized by economic adviser Lawrence Summers and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.”

Trump criticized Dimon in 2013 for supposedly contributing to the country’s economic downturn. “I’m not Jamie Dimon, who pays $13 billion to settle a case and then pays $11 billion to settle a case and who I think is the worst banker in the United States,” he told reporters.




“Democrats Move Towards ‘Oligarchical Socialism,’ Says Forecaster Joel Kotkin.”

BARACK OBAMA POSITIONS MARK ZUCKERBERG of FAKEBOOK to be his global controller of propaganda for the Obama bankster-funded third term for life.

“They knew Obama was an unqualified crook; yet they promoted him. They knew Obama was a train wreck waiting to happen; yet they made him president, to the great injury of America and the world. They understood he was only a figurehead, an egomaniac, and a liar; yet they made him king, doing great harm to our republic (perhaps irreparable.)” ALLAN ERICKSON


“Democrats Move Towards ‘Oligarchical Socialism,’ Says Forecaster Joel Kotkin.”

Hey Obama, Where Did My Ten Trillion 

Dollars Go?

So former President Obama is back out on the campaign trail. Maybe this time the press will hold him to account with some tough questions (spoiler: don’t count on it).
Here’s a quick question for our former president, and a possible tagline for the GOP midterm elections. “Hey Obama, where did my ten trillion dollars go?” In other words, what exactly did Obama accomplish with his extraordinary orgy of federal spending that doubled the national debt, raising it from $10 trillion to $20 trillion?
Yes, I know, the Wall Street downturn, the never-ending recession, and the limp recovery practically mandated that the government open the spending taps (or at least provided a decent excuse for it). But where did it all go? What tangible result do we have in return for this unprecedented deluge of red ink? There was no Louisiana Purchase, or defeat of Hitler in World War II. It just seemed like business as usual and then we woke up drowning in debt.
Most Obama defenders, after a little harrumphing, would point out that every POTUS increases the debt, and besides Obama inherited an economy in tatters, and a Wall Street crisis that required a nearly trillion-dollar TARP bank bailout. But in actual fact, the TARP loan was fully repaid, with interest. The Feds actually made a profit on that deal, so the net cost of TARP was $0.
The 2009 Stimulus Package, on the other hand, was real spending, some $700 billion that went out into the ether and never came back. As Obama acknowledged, there were precious few shovel ready jobs, and most of the money went to various pet government projects. Can you point to any? I can’t either.
I regularly travel to mainland China where the evidence of government spending is everywhere; gleaming new airports, high-speed trains, huge mass transit systems, a vast network of new superhighways. We didn’t get any of that stuff, and Americans still struggle through public transportation facilities that look more at home in third-world countries. What a missed opportunity!
What else did we get? Student loans are one of the few “investments” the Federal government makes where we actually receive an asset in return. The current student debt held by the Feds is approaching $1.5 trillion. Forbes recently referred to the poor quality of this portfolio, with a delinquency rate over 10%, as a “crisis.”
So what does all this federal debt mean to the average American? Allocated per capita, Obama’s $10 trillion equates to an additional $30,700 in debt for every man, woman and child living in the USA. (Should we count non-citizen undocumented aliens? Or are they off the hook for this kind of thing?) For the average family size of 2.58 people, that averages just over $79,000 per household.
Considering that the median U.S. housing cost is $200,000 (which sounds cheap to these California ears), that’s the equivalent of a 40% mortgage for each household. But remember, we’re only including Obama’s most recent share of the debt; adding in the full $20 trillion in obligations brings us to a staggering $160,000 in federal debt per household.
Think of it: that $160,000 in debt represents 80% of the value of the average U.S. home, a loan to value ratio already in excess of the traditional 70% LTV maximum. And that’s just for the national debt. And many households don’t even own a home, and those that do already have a mortgage. And most have student and credit card debts as well.
And keep in mind the $20 trillion in Federal debt is just the tip of the iceberg; we’re not including other contingent liabilities like Federal pension obligations or loan guarantees that might double or triple the overall debt levels. Nor does this include state and local debt; and many cities and states have debt levels that make the Feds look like penny pinchers. So if you add it all up -- it’s just too depressing to even think about!
Jay Latimer is an international businessman, writer and investor who has worked in investment banking in New York, Hong Kong, and Beijing.

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