Saturday, September 12, 2020


 “Why nepotism beneficiaries First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are Team Obama's biggest liberal hypocrites--bashing the corporate world and influence-peddling industries from which they and their relatives have benefited mightily. MICHELLE MALKIN

The moral decay of the US comes in part from the media

By Jack Hellner


When President Obama was elected, he pledged 

to remake America.  It is a shame he did so 

much damage to the fabric of America in eight 

short years. 

The Obama/Biden was the most corrupt, criminal

administration any of us has ever seen, yet the 

media cheered or covered up all the abuse of 

power, obstruction of Justice and other crimes. 


Michelle Deserves Pity, but the 

Rest of Us Deserve More

By Mark DeVine

The equation "racial disparities = systemic racism" has achieved axiom status in the science of social justice.  Recently, Michelle Obama upped the ante of racism's reach by lowering the bar for its detection even farther.  Her recent podcast interview detailing the many racist blows and jabs she's absorbed and the pain inflicted thereby should evoke pity for her — and also for all who must contend with the societal fallout Michelle's particular brand of "suffering" portends.

Consider the white racist attacks Michelle recounts.  "Daily slights.  People talk over you."  Buckle up.  There's more.  "People will come up and pet my dogs but will not look me in the eye."  Then this: While waiting in line for ice cream with her daughters, Michelle O. tells us, "a white woman cut right in front of us."  She reports that white students assigned to room with her in college changed their dorm assignments because they did not want to room with a black person.

With eloquence and feeling, Michelle describes the devastating impact of the "daily slights" received from white people — they "change the shape of your soul."  In the parlance of social justice ideology and Critical Race Theory, the "soul change" Michelle undergoes is called "inheriting the wound" of America's systemic racism.  Its effects are real in the sense that they may be sincerely felt.

Michelle's recounting of her experience of being a black woman in America is disturbing and even moving.  "When I'm just a black woman, white people don't even see us.  That is so telling of how white America views people who are not like them.  We don't exist.  And when we do exist, we exist as a threat.  And that's exhausting."  Departing the White House for the last time, she admits to Oprah, "when I got on the plane, I think I sobbed for like thirty minutes."

Both as FLOTUS and after settling into an 11-plus-million-dollar Martha's Vineyard mansion, Michelle found neither final escape nor permanent relief from racism and the pain it inflicts.  How could she?  She still resides in permanently and systemically racist America.  But she did find strategies to help her cope.  "It has been so important for me to have black women in my crew, throughout my life, because there is such a relief when you don't have to walk into your group and explain yourself."

Infantilization of a First Lady

Michelle is a product of the "infantilization" of black Americans John McWhorter so incisively warns of.  The upshot of McWhorter's contention is that a victimhood culture flourishes among blacks that inhibits the maturity of blacks or people of any color who internalize a debilitating "blame others" and "depend upon others" ethos.  "White people don't even see us!"  What power over herself Michelle cedes to whites.  And what bitterness and blame she harbors and feeds within her soul.

According to McWhorter and other un-woke blacks, this infantilization was nurtured by the post-MLK civil rights leadership in cahoots with a Democrat Party anxious to win black votes by posing as their protectors and providers and by a nation of whites desperate to dissociate from racism.  Infantilization inhibits the cultivation of that one adult psychic instinct Shelby Steele insists is uniquely necessary to human flourishing in America — taking responsibility for oneself.

Fueled by Marxist Critical Race Theory, the rapid development of modern social justice ideology since 2012 has expanded the scope and deepened the debilitating consequences of post-MLK infantilization, giving rise to the concept of micro-aggressions and the need for white-free safe spaces.

Experience + Sincerity =/= Truth

The sincerity of Michelle's confessions of hurt over many years bears witness to the tragic, soul-shaping power of the infantilization lamented by McWhorter and Steele.  Her pain also demonstrates that the reach of social justice infantilization respects no socio-economic boundaries, penetrating and punishing the heart and mind of one of the most beloved, wealthy, and powerful women on the planet.

The pity-evoking power of the former first lady's plight emerges not because the slights and discourtesies identified warrant the level of suffering and exhaustion experienced, but precisely because they do not. Michelle is a victim indeed — but not so much of the racism, real or imagined, she experiences.  She suffers, rather, from the catastrophizing effect of the heightened race-consciousness produced by infantilization.  The changed shape of Michelle's soul includes thin and ever thinning outrage-triggering tripwires.

Much of her suffering is unnecessary because its source resides far less in her experiences than in the meanings the social justice movement has trained her reflexively to draw from those experiences.  The terror of the child fresh from taking in a horror movie who truly believes that a monster lurks under his bed is real even though the monster is not.  Love pities and comforts the child.  But it does not validate child's unwarranted fear; it debunks it.

Numerous alternative, non-race-related interpretations of Michelle's reported averted white eyes, the white queue-cutters, and even the white dorm room–changers are readily available, but not to the infantilized Michelle.  For her non-racist readings are ruled out by social justice insistence that race poisons every interracial encounter in America.  For adults, even where race plays a role in such encounters, the experience of micro-aggressions does not trigger outrage or much of anything, because they are adults, not children.

A National Pity Party

Pity for Michelle?  Absolutely.  But pity a-plenty also for any family, community, or nation increasingly populated by Michelle-like, race-obsessed, infantilized sufferers.

Widespread societal infantilization produces more like Michelle who seek shelter from the racist storm and succor for their racist-inflicted wounds in little enclaves inhabited by those similarly wounded who look and think like them.

Others, however, seek release in collective tantrums bent on rock-throwing and building-burning.  They spit into the black and brown faces of police, screaming, "You're a racist"; kick in the skull of a white man attempting to rescue a man from the mob; and assassinate a black American life-long Democrat who decided he would vote Trump come November.  Michelle has no corner on pity these days.  Where infantilization takes hold, occasions for pity abound indeed.  But unlike Michelle and her husband, no island mansion hideaway beckons to which the rest of us might repair.

Mark DeVine teaches at the Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama and is the author of Bonhoeffer Speaks Today and Shalom Yesterday, Today, and Forever.



But soon enough, the reality of Barack Obama’s unpopularity, the reality of the criminal abuse by his administration in trying to frame and otherwise take down President Trump, and the reality of a booming economy helping all Americans, would take the air out of her balloon.         Eric Georgatos

The Obamas quickly became super rich. Vanity Fair celebrated these "Obamoguls" and hailed Michelle Obama for her "saintly popularity." This so-called saint doesn't spurn the finer things. Last August, TMZ reported the Obamas were buying a $15 million mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard to match their $8 million Washington, D.C., mansion.


“Why nepotism beneficiaries First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are Team Obama's biggest liberal hypocrites--bashing the corporate world and influence-peddling industries from which they and their relatives have benefited mightily. MICHELLE MALKIN


The cheers are always presumed to be unanimous. Dissent from this party line is ignored. And no one asks about the profits. For the Obamas, greed is cast as just another inspiring voyage of self-discovery.

Michelle Obama, Saintly Buckraker?

Tim Graham

The Hollywood Reporter recently broke a scoop about the latest Netflix documentary from the Obamas, designed to offer us an oasis of joy as we suffer through the coronavirus pandemic. It's called "Becoming," and it will be available worldwide on May 6. As the title suggests, it promotes Michelle Obama's memoir of the same name, which has sold more than 10 million copies. So let's get this straight. The Obamas were awarded a book deal worth an estimated $65 million for their memoirs, hers and then his. They also struck an estimated $50 million production deal with Netflix. (We don't have actual numbers. Could someone in the media ask for a tax return?)

With this self-aggrandizing documentary, their second deal is being used to accentuate the profits of their first. The buckraking here is intense. President Donald Trump surely admires their self-promotional moxie. The Obamas quickly became super rich. Vanity Fair celebrated these "Obamoguls" and hailed Michelle Obama for her "saintly popularity." This so-called saint doesn't spurn the finer things. Last August, TMZ reported the Obamas were buying a $15 million mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard to match their $8 million Washington, D.C., mansion. Non-Fox network coverage? Zero. In December, they actually bought said Martha's Vineyard mansion for $11.75 million. Non-Fox network coverage? Again, zero. There would be no denting haloes by asking how much they're giving to charity. The documentary celebrates Michelle Obama's "Becoming" book tour events at stadiums that charged Obama superfans $300 or more a ticket, often with celebrities like Oprah Winfrey along for the ride.

Media outlets repeated Obama's self-puffery without rebuttal. "Those months I spent traveling -- meeting and connecting with people in cities across the globe -- drove home the idea that what we have in common is deep and real and can't be messed with," she said in a statement. She augmented her new status as a self-help guru with a workbook of sorts: "Becoming: A Guided Journal for Discovering Your Voice," complete with "an intimate and inspiring introduction by the former First Lady and more than 150 inspiring questions and quotes to help you discover -- and rediscover -- your story."

Not everyone famous is praised for self-help books for women. The current president's daughter Ivanka Trump wrote one in 2017, and The New York Times was brutal. "It reads more like the scrambled Tumblr feed of a demented 12-year-old who just checked out a copy of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations from the library," it wrote.

There are never Republican critics of Obama in the "news" these days. In a Washington Post story on the documentary, writer Sonia Rao quoted Anita McBride, chief of staff to former first lady Laura Bush, who said Obama was "a reluctant first lady" but then formed lasting public connections through her "extraordinary use of media and pop culture and television."

Is that Michelle's gift to the media? No, it's the media's gift to Michelle. The infatuated titans of "news" and entertainment media appear to have granted her every "extraordinary" wish in building this "billion-dollar brand."

The cheers are always presumed to be unanimous. Dissent from this party line is ignored. And no one asks about the profits. For the Obamas, greed is cast as just another inspiring voyage of self-discovery.

Tim Graham is director of media analysis a

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His 

Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and 



by Michelle Malkin


Editorial Reviews


In her shocking new book, Malkin digs deep into the records of President Obama's staff, revealing corrupt dealings, questionable pasts, and abuses of power throughout his administration.


From the Inside Flap

The era of hope and change is dead....and it only took six months in office to kill it.


Never has an administration taken office with more inflated expectations of turning Washington around. Never have a media-anointed American Idol and his entourage fallen so fast and hard. In her latest investigative tour de force, New York Times bestselling author Michelle Malkin delivers a powerful, damning, and comprehensive indictment of the culture of corruption that surrounds Team Obama's brazen tax evaders, Wall Street cronies, petty crooks, slum lords, and business-as-usual influence peddlers. In Culture of Corruption, Malkin reveals:


Why nepotism beneficiaries First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are Team Obama's biggest liberal hypocrites--bashing the corporate world and influence-peddling industries from which they and their relatives have benefited mightily


* What secrets the ethics-deficient members of Obama's cabinet--including Hillary Clinton--are trying to hide


* Why the Obama White House has more power-hungry, unaccountable "czars" than any other administration


* How Team Obama's first one hundred days of appointments became a litany of embarrassments as would-be appointee after would-be appointee was exposed as a tax cheat or had to withdraw for other reasons


* How Obama's old ACORN and union cronies have squandered millions of taxpayer dollars and dues money to enrich themselves and expand their power


How Obama's Wall Street money men and corporate lobbyists are ruining the economy and helping their friends In Culture of Corruption, Michelle Malkin lays bare the Obama administration's seamy underside that the liberal media would rather keep hidden.


•           ISBN-10: 1596981091


•           ISBN-13: 978-1596981096


Michelle Malkin


No Shady Banking Buddy Left Behind 


First Lady Michelle Obama's latest overseas jaunt is getting all the headlines. But President Obama's money-grubbing junket to Chicago may cost taxpayers far more in the long run. With his Gaultier-clad wife sashaying around the Spanish seaside, the lonely fundraiser-in-chief returned to Illinois to take care of some birthday-week business. Job One: Filling the Senate campaign coffers of his corruption-tainted political protege Alexi Giannoulias.


Mission accomplished. Obama's Thursday afternoon campaign event for Giannoulias, the beleaguered state treasurer of Illinois, reportedly raked in $1 million. Lagging behind his GOP opponent, liberal Republican Rep. Mark Kirk, Giannoulias has coveted one-on-one, grip-and-grin time with Obama for months. In addition to the cash, photo-ops and video of the Obama fundraising event that Giannoulias will milk from now until Election Day, the White House has dispatched Vice President Joe Biden, White House senior adviser David Axelrod and White House campaign management guru David Plouffe to boost Giannoulias' bid. Plouffe proclaimed Democrats "all in" for Giannoulias, whom he described as "a great progressive champion."


Obama gave his own personal seal of ethical approval, 


telling deep-pocketed donors this week: "I appreciate his


strong sense of advocacy for ordinary Americans. You 


can trust him -- you can count on him." Uh-huh. And I've 


got a bridge to Hope and Change to sell you.


What would Giannoulias know about "ordinary Americans"? Giannoulias, 34, befriended Obama during pickup basketball games with an elite group that also included Michelle Obama's brother, Craig; Chicago edu-crat Arne Duncan (now Education Secretary); and hedge fund manager John Rogers (the ex-husband of the Obamas' ex-White House social secretary, Desiree Rogers). He spread his wealth and influence around early and often to support Obama's fledgling political career. He pitched in $7,000 in 2003-2004 to Obama's Illinois State Senate bids. He hosted fundraisers for Obama's U.S. Senate campaign in 2004 and for his presidential campaign in 2007.


Where'd the cash come from? Giannoulias' Greek immigrant family founded Chicago-based Broadway Bank, a now-defunct financial institution that loaned tens of millions of dollars to convicted mafia felons and faced bankruptcy after decades of engaging in risky, high-flying behavior. It's the place where Obama parked his 2004 U.S. Senate campaign funds. And it's the same place where a mutual friend of Obama and Giannoulias -- convicted Obama fundraiser/slum lord Tony Rezko -- used to bounce nearly $500,000 in bad checks written to Las Vegas casinos. This week, the Chicago Sun-Times revealed an additional $22.75 million Broadway Bank loan to a Rezko-owned business in 2006. Giannoulias held an ownership stake in the bank at the time.


Giannoulias served as Broadway Bank vice president and senior loan officer for four years. According to the Chicago Tribune, during Giannoulias' tenure, some $27 million of Broadway Bank's funny money went to mob crooks Michael "Jaws" Giorango and Demitri Stavropoulos. Giorango is a hustler who fronted a nationwide prostitution ring and was sentenced to six months in prison; Stavropoulos is behind bars for operating a multistate bookmaking ring. Giorango ran the $400-an-hour call girl operation out of high-rise luxury apartments in Chicago with the infamous "Gold Coast Madam," Rose Laws. Giorango and Stavropoulos used their Broadway Bank loans to start their own risky lending business for nontraditional borrowers unable to secure traditional bank financing.


Despite Giorango's criminal record exposed by the Tribune in 2004, Broadway Bank approved massive mortgages for him. Giannoulias' brother, Demetris, explained that as a "relationship bank," Broadway wouldn't just throw someone under the bus because of a "bad article." Instead, the bank went ahead and rubber-stamped a September 2005 loan for $3.4 million to buy a 32-unit Los Angeles apartment complex. The application falsely stated that the borrower, Giorango, had "not been convicted of a felony." Giannoulias oversaw the servicing of such shady loans totaling $11 million. Remember: He was no low-level staffer. He was, as he reminded supporters when he needed to deflect attention away from his youth, top management at Broadway Bank.


In January 2010, the bank entered a consent decree with federal and Illinois state regulators. It required Broadway Bank "to raise tens of millions in capital, stop paying dividends to the family without regulatory approval, and hire an outside party to evaluate the bank's senior management." The city's former inspector general blasted Giannoulias and his family for tapping $70 million worth of dividends in 2007 and 2008 as the real estate crash loomed. Broadway Bank was sitting on an estimated $250 million in bad loans. In late April, federal regulators shut it down. Cost to taxpayers: an estimated $390 million. Giannoulias refused to drop out of the race -- and instead used the company failure to argue that it made him (SET ITAL) more (END ITAL) qualified to serve in office: "I have a renewed vigor and a new perspective on just how horrible it is out there for so many people."


Forget ‘Michelle for President’

By Eric Georgatos

Our betters in the MSM, and related ruling-class mouthpieces, have set the narrative:  the lackluster, too-crazy pack of Democrat presidential candidates, even with a few token billionaires, will ultimately give way to the entry of Michelle Obama into the race.  The former First Lady, author of an apparently best-selling memoir, will inject palpable blue energy throughout the nation, return black America to a 95+% Democrat voting bloc, consolidate the Obama voting coalitions that won two presidential elections, and the evil interloper Trump will be sent packing.

Don’t buy this narrative.

In a country of 320+ million people, there is always a sizable segment who will not be willing or able to discern or question anything beyond what they are told by the MSM, and will follow the narrative.  That segment is actually becoming smaller every year; the reality of fake news has diluted the MSM’s influence to a far greater degree than they understand.  But that’s not why I’m not buying the narrative.

Here’s why:

‘Obama’ is how we got Trump.  For all the gigabytes devoted to explaining how Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, the simplest two-word explanation has always been:  Barack Obama.   

Most Americans never agreed with the radical left-wing policies that President Obama instituted, nor did they appreciate his subtle, persistent denigration of America’s character, identity and place in the world. But Americans did salute to the notion that we should be especially careful not to criticize America’s first black President. 

In short, the absence of strong criticism of President Obama and his policies was not due to their popularity, but rather due to a surrender to the political reality enforced in great degree by the MSM that any such criticism would be labeled as racist.  His policies and view of America were in fact alarming to many Americans, who silently bided their time until he was out of office.

The truth is that Barack Obama was and is a radical leftist ideologue who in his own words sought to fundamentally transform America.   A few observers saw this agenda from the beginning of Obama’s appearance on the national scene, but they were voices in a wilderness dominated by a sycophantic media.  The American people never supported a fundamental transformation of their country -- in leftist terms, a shredding of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage in favor of a godless, George Soros-vision of an Open Society, directed and controlled by almighty secular government -- and the more they understood the truth of who Obama was and what he was trying to do, the angrier and more resentful they became

Donald Trump was the anti-Obama for one simple reason:  he loves America.

And so…the “Michelle Obama riding on the residual goodwill of the Obama name!” campaign narrative, doesn’t resonate.

‘Blexit’ is real.  Candace Owens deserves tremendous credit for branding and building the “Blexit” movement, and for devoting her amazing intelligence and energy to its articulate messages.  Yet well before Blexit was a thing, Donald Trump planted the seed with black Americans when he said in August 2016:  What do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump?”

Three-plus years later, with black unemployment the lowest in recorded history, polls that show roughly a third of likely voting black Americans supporting President Trump are not an accident or a fluke.  (And they may just mark the floor of his support in 2020.)  They reflect conscious recognition among black Americans of simple truths:  black lives generally did not get better under eight years of Obama; black lives generally have gotten much better under less than three years of President Trump. 

And so…the “Michelle Obama will bring back the good old days of black prosperity!” campaign narrative falls flat.

Barack Obama is the elephant in the room re Barr/Durham.  Of all the names that engaged Americans associate with the Russia Collusion hoax -- Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Rosenstein, Simpson, Steele, etc. --  there is one that is going to loom larger and larger in public thought as the Horowitz IG report and Barr/Durham followup becomes public:  Barack Obama. 

Our own guess is that when the truth finally comes out, Americans across the political spectrum will be stunned at the level of criminality and corruption in the Obama administration.   It will shock the collective conscience of the nation that all of this was directed to brazenly and arrogantly overturning the will of the American people for the ugly but simple reason that Donald Trump was an outsider who threatened the Obama/leftist/globalist hold on power.   

If the Horowitz report and Barr/Durham follow-up reveals, as seems increasingly likely, the deliberate and nefarious concoction of the Russia Collusion Hoax by leaders in the CIA, FBI, and DoJ, the vast majority of Americans, including millions who have historically identified themselves politically as Democrats, will be fiercely offended at this historic, unconscionable abuse.  And who is at the top of all the plotting and scheming and lying and weaponization of government against the will of the people?  Barack Obama.

And so…the ”Michelle Obama will bring back the days of the scandal-free Obama administration!” campaign narrative reeks.

Michelle’s heart isn’t in it… and may not be a happy heart anyway.  Mrs. Obama is on record saying she has no interest in running, and of course, those words by themselves mean nothing as to whether she will enter the race.  But we think they do signal that at her core, her heart is not in it.  And ‘it’ refers to the pressure, the nastiness, the unrelenting spotlight, the every-word-and-every-smirk-on-video scrutiny of an American presidential race.

Michelle Obama’s eight years in a soft, adulatory spotlight as First Lady are not the same as the brass tacks rough-and-tumble of a presidential campaign.  And even if the MSM did everything in its power to shield her (and it surely would), the MSM is not the gatekeeper it once was.   Plus, winners tend to be happy warriors.  There has always seemed to be an undercurrent of anger in Michelle Obama’s countenance, and if it ever flared on the campaign trail, she could quickly find herself in a big hole.  Anger doesn’t win elections.

Michelle Obama may or may not get into the race; it’s probably a 50/50 proposition at this point.  And if she does get in, she’ll have access to the best messaging talent the left can buy.   So she’d make waves for a while.  But soon enough, the reality of Barack Obama’s unpopularity, the reality of the criminal abuse by his administration in trying to frame and otherwise take down President Trump, and the reality of a booming economy helping all Americans, would take the air out of her balloon.  “Bring Back Barack” is not a winning campaign theme.  And if a tweet or two happened to get under her skin, the result could be ugly. 

“Michelle Obama for President” is not inevitable or invincible.

Eric Georgatos is a former corporate lawyer who operated the Brushfires of Freedom blog from 2008-2016 (a book of top postings from the blog is available at America, Can We Talk?).

The moral decay of the US comes in part from the media

When President Obama was elected, he pledged 

to remake America.  It is a shame he did so 

much damage to the fabric of America in eight 

short years.  Here is a sample of recent events that show how far morality has declined in the U.S.:

The Netflix movie Cuties sexualizes very young girls.  Somehow that abuse of children didn't make the nightly news.

Maybe the Obamas and Prince Harry and Meghan should be asked what they think of Netflix since they make so much money from them, despite having no experience producing films.

'Cancel Netflix' backlash grows over 'Cuties' film's sexualization of young girls

But this wasn't the half of it.  How about this?

New California bill would lower penalties for adults who have sexual relations with a minor

A new bill headed to Governor Gavin Newsom's desk would lower penalties for adults who have consensual sex with a minor if the offender is within 10 years of age with the victim.

"If signed into law, a 24-year-old could have sexual relations with a 15-year-old child without being required to register as a sex offender[.]"

While California politicians are focused like a laser beam on keeping people from gathering at businesses, going to church, wearing masks, or gathering on beaches, now's the time they decide to lessen the penalties on pedophiles who abuse and groom children?  Somehow, children who can't legally do much have the ability to consent to sex with adults.  Isn't it nice that these children are disposable?  It is no wonder most of the media buried the Epstein story for years to protect the Clintons.  The abused young girls were disposable.

The media, entertainers, athletes, and other Democrats will boycott states that limit abortion or have people use facilities that match their desired body parts, but they won't boycott Iran, Cuba, or China.  Can anyone spot the hypocrisy?

We see lots of pro athletes and entertainers who will gladly trash the U.S. and disrespect the flag and national anthem, but never do we see them criticize China, which abuses so many.  The greed overcomes their morality. Like this:

Disney criticized for filming 'Mulan' in China's Xinjiang

Disney is under fire for filming part of its live-action reboot "Mulan" in Xinjiang, the region in China where the government has been accused of human rights abuses against Uighurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities.

It was immoral and deadly for Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York and other governors to force nursing homes to take in sick people to kill vulnerable residents but the media cheers Cuomo and lies when they blame Trump for the deaths.

It is immoral for politicians to keep so many businesses and schools closed long after the curve has been flattened and then blame Trump for the job losses and their intentional destruction of the economy.  The mental, physical, and financial health of tens of millions are intentionally being destroyed because of the coming election.

It is immoral for supposed journalists, mayors, and governors to watch radical leftists, Marxists, and anarchists harm people and destroy businesses and cities while claiming they are mostly peaceful protests.  Then, when it is clear that the violent protests are harming Biden, they lie and proclaim that Trump is causing the violence.

It is immoral that government officials are waiting until after the election to open the schools, but that is what an L.A. County health official admitted.  That shows how little they care about the children and how much they care about power.  Shouldn't it make the nightly news when health officials are basing their decisions on an election date instead of science?

Audio: LA County Health Director Says Schools Won't Reopen Until After November Election

The Obama/Biden was the most corrupt, criminal

administration any of us has ever seen, yet the 

media cheered or covered up all the abuse of 

power, obstruction of Justice and other crimes. 

The media and other Democrats spend a lot of time rewriting history to intentionally mislead the public, but the truth should matter.

I realize that this is repetitious, but Trump and his supporters are attacked every day, and we must stay on offense or America will be permanently destroyed:

Obama and his minions continually lied to the American people to take away choices on health care.

Obama used the IRS to target political opponents.  (Isn't this a violation of the Hatch Act?)

Obama illegally spied on thousands of Americans, including some journalists. 

The Obama administration shook down corporations at Justice, the EPA, and the CFPB and established slush funds which were used for political purposes and to give kickbacks to political supporters.  (Aren't these clear violations of the Hatch Act?)

The Obama administration continually lied through the media to get the deal done with Iran which pledges death to America and death to Israel.  Massive amounts of money were given to the Iranians, which allowed them to sponsor terrorism.

Obama dictatorially stopped a long investigation into a billion-dollar a year drug-running investigation into Hezbollah to appease Iran.

On 9-11-12, Obama and Hillary didn't lift a finger to save Americans under attack in Benghazi. Instead they concocted a lie about a video to protect their political power.

Obama/Biden blocked vouchers for poor kids to have school choice.

Obama dictatorially and unconstitutionally implemented DACA. Instead of the media and other Democrats caring about this clear abuse of power, they cheered.

Obama dictatorially allowed boys and men to go to womens' restrooms and threatened to cut off funds if schools didn't comply.

The Democrats went from saying they believed in limited abortion to unlimited abortion and even allowing children to die after birth without health care.

Obama/Biden refused to give Ukraine defensive weapons to appease Vladimir Putin.

No one cared about all the women Bill and Hillary physically and mentally abused and sought to destroy as they craved political power. The women were disposable.

The Obama/Biden saved their most criminal, corrupt acts until 2016 when they used massive amounts of government personnel and money (isn't this a violation of the Hatch Act?) as they sought to destroy Trump and elect the criminal Hillary as President. Woodward, Bernstein and other supposed journalists not only didn't care about the crimes, they have participated in perpetuating the lie of Russian collusion to the public for years and supported endless investigations by the lying Schiff and Nadler.

But according to Woodward, Bernstein and most of the media, it is Trump who is unfit to be president and Trump's supporters are immoral, along with every other name they can think of. 

Never Trumpers, most of the media and other Democrats say we need to elect Biden to get back to normalcy and for unity. What pure B.S. There was nothing normal about the Obama/Biden years. They were corrupt and set out to destroy the private sector and make the government more powerful. They continually abused their power and sought to destroy political opponents. Exactly which of the socialist policies would the Republicans feel unified with? Why would Republicans ever unify with helping the tyrants in Iran or destroying the U.S. economy with some version of the green new deal?

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