Wednesday, June 9, 2021



Why Obama's So Defensive of Critical Race Theory

In an interview with Anderson Cooper that aired Monday on CNN, Barack Obama showed once again how well he has mastered the art of sanctimony.

"You would think with all the public policy debates that are taking place right now that the Republican Party would be engaged in a significant debate about how are we going to deal with the economy and what are we going to do about climate change?" Obama said to Cooper.

He added, "Lo and behold, the single most important issue to them apparently right now is Critical Race Theory. Who knew that that was the threat to our republic?"

In researching my forthcoming book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I found myself continually amazed at the price America has had to pay for Obama's spectacular failure to know who he is and to acknowledge how he got where he got.

I had a new insight into Obama's self-delusion from reading a 1995 article in his neighborhood newspaper, The Hyde Park Herald, unearthed by Los Angeles filmmaker Joel Gilbert.

 Interviewed soon after the release of his 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, Obama tries to explain how he ended up becoming "black."

He attributed his revelation, wrote reporter Monice Mitchell, "to an eye opening experience with affirmative action [AA] while attending Punahou Academy, a prestigious prep school in Honolulu."

"He had no choice about his racial identity," wrote Mitchell. "To be half-white was to be black all the way."  Without being too specific, Obama acknowledged that even fifty years ago, being "black" paid dividends.

Having accepted his blackness, Obama led Mitchell to believe that "he started hanging out with a group of similarly young angry black men and dabbled with drugs and trouble."  This claim would have amused his best friend from high school, Keith Kakugawa, or "Ray" as Obama called him in Dreams from My Father.  No one had a better perspective on Obama's racial shape-shifting than Kakugawa.

The friendship, Obama writes in Dreams, was "due in no small part to the fact that together we made up almost half of Punahou's black high school population."  Obama is famously half-black.  Kakugawa is one eighth black.  The pair did not exactly make prime recruiting material for the Crips' Hawaiian franchise.

Speaking of Crips, says Kakugawa about Obama in his own self-published book, "He was cripplingly self-conscious about [race]."  Obama was not too self-conscious to play the AA card when it came to getting ahead.  Although admittedly an indifferent student, he found himself after high school at Occidental, one of the priciest colleges on the West Coast.

"You know, it just so happens my first car was a '76 Fiat," Obama reports telling his colleagues in his newest memoir, A Promised Land.  "Bought it used, my freshman year of college.  Red, five-speed stick."  It wasn't that used.  Obama started college in 1979.  As the purchase suggests, Obama lived a privileged life.  I cannot imagine too many other black eighteen-year-olds in L.A. buying Fiats, even used ones.

After a middling two years at Occidental, Obama rode his AA card to the Ivy League — Columbia, to be precise.  He graduated in 1983 but without honors.  That did not stop Obama from dreaming big.  He tells the reader in Dreams that he settled on three possibilities: "Harvard, Yale, Stanford."  Obama was not deluding himself.  Harvard, he knew, was keener on his DNA than his GPA, let alone his LSAT.

In a rare honest moment at Harvard, he shared the secret that his followers refuse to acknowledge.  Yes, as he explained in a letter to the Harvard Law Record, he was "someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law Review's affirmative action policy."  May have?

For fifty years Obama and people like him have been scamming the system.  Critical Race Theory is a codification of that scam.  To justify the unearned benefits that come with being black or half-black, the "theorists" have to pretend that the continuing risks of being black justify the rewards.

This results in an increased demand for evidence of racism amid a dwindling supply.  In the absence of real racism, the theorists have had to imagine it or to re-create it à la Jussie Smollett and a thousand other hoaxers across the fruited plain.

With mandatory CRT imposed in schools and other institutions, the CRT "trainers" are able to demand that whites imagine a racist America along with them.  Those who refuse this nonsense, who refuse to live their lives in the requisite shame and guilt, further justify CRT by their seeming embrace of white supremacy, the new and even more ludicrous label now applied even to unyielding African-Americans.

Sorry, Barry, but CRT is a threat to our Republic.  Anderson Cooper may believe your blather about "right-wing media venues" monetizing and capitalizing "on stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing America."  But it is all on you.

In 2008, even Republicans hoped Obama would succeed at pulling the races together.  He had a unique historic opportunity.  But instead, to justify his failures in office, he and Michelle encouraged their followers to read "race" into every slight, every disparity, every grievance.  Deception was Obama's strategy.  Division is his legacy, and CRT is his tool for widening the divide.  He should own it!

Jack Cashill's latest book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, is now on pre-sale.  See for more information.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

A new book savagely attacks Obama from the left

Something has changed lately on the left.  Democrats should be riding high now because they control the federal government: they've got the White House; the House; the Senate (sort of, with the filibuster the fragile thread keeping them from total control); and a Supreme Court that, while ostensibly conservative, has a closet leftist chief justice and two remarkably cowed new "conservative" justices.  Nevertheless, they are an angry, fractious party.  Last week, the knives came out for Kamala Harris.  This coming week, a new book launches a scathing attack on that former secular saint, Barack Obama.

Since 2008, Barack Obama has been the Democrat party.  He was the president who could do no wrong.  Every political attack against him was discounted as "racism."  He was more charming, more intelligent, more emotionally attuned, more effective, and more just everything good than any man who had ever occupied the White House, including Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln combined.  (All of them were racists.)

When Trump came along, the Democrats and their media shills weren't merely offended by his politics.  In many ways, the gravest offense was that this loud, combative, conservative-governing orange man dared to step into a White House made hallowed by the presence of a man once hailed as a "magic negro" or another crucified Jesus.

Both Biden and Kamala got reverential treatment, but it was nothing like Obama.  Biden was grandfatherly, experienced, kind, and stable, and he'd learned his White House politics under Obama's aegis.  Kamala was brilliant, multi-racial and multi-cultural, female, and compassionate.  Kamala was sold especially hard because everyone understood that Biden, no matter what he said, wasn't in it for the long haul.  She was obviously going to be the real president, even before Biden inevitably withdrew and she got sworn in.

But as noted, something's been happening with the Democrats.  They should be a jubilant party joyously imposing Marxism on the land, but, instead, they're angry, and they're starting to turn on each other.  Just last week, Edward-Isaac Dovere, a longstanding author at The Atlantic, published a nasty attack on Kamala, although one phrased in polite terms.

Through anecdotes and quotes, Dovere reveals that Kamala is anti-social, socially awkward, bland, ineffective, unfocused, platitudinous, uninteresting, hostile to reporters, paranoid (she has an enemies list), and unable to hold onto her employees.  None of this surprises me.  My decades living and working in the Bay Area meant I'd heard rumors for years saying everything that Kamala offered politically came through her relationship with Willie Brown, a brilliant California politician.  Without Brown, she's nothing.

For The Atlantic, one of the most politically loyal outlets in America, to publish such this attack on someone who should be a Democrat darling was surprising.  More surprises arrived on Friday when the Daily Mail revealed that Edward-Isaac Dovere is back, this time with a new book describing Obama as a "parasite" sucking the Democrat party dry and leaving it with nothing.  Although the book is ostensibly about the 2020 campaign, it's Obama who springs into focus:

Barack Obama was a 'parasite' on the Democrat party who sucked it dry for his reelection and left it saddled with debt, a new book claims.

The former President used the party structure as a 'host' for his 2012 campaign for a second term then treated it like a 'husk' to be discarded with $2.4million in debt.

Obama's aloof demeanor and professorial detachment masked the reality that he was full of 'self-assured self-regard.'

He oversaw the 'pilfering of talent, money, resources, and purpose' away from the Democratic National Committee to his own reelection team.


In a scathing portrait, Dovere, a journalist with The Atlantic, claims that Obama was so arrogant he believed that if he could have run in 2016 for a third term he could have beaten Trump.

Obama's ego was on full display on the golf course and he bragged that his Tweet sent after the Charlottesville far right rally in 2017 was liked more than anything Tweeted by Donald Trump.


He writes that Obama's hubris peaked in 2015 when the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, his signature healthcare law, and ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment requires all states to grant same-sex marriages.


In actual fact, despite his 'beatification among Democrats', Obama 'inadvertently helped usher in what followed him', meaning Trump.

There is much more in the Daily Mail article about Obama's destructive arrogance, sense of entitlement, greed, and ego, as well as his obscene rants about Trump.  As far as I'm concerned, the damage he did to the Democrat brand is yet more evidence that America supported Trump, not Biden, in 2020.

The book is Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaigns to Defeat Trump, and it may end forever the Democrats' Obama worship.

Image: Arrogant Obama.  YouTube screen grab.

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