Wednesday, July 19, 2023

CLOSET ISLAMACIST BARACK OBAMA - The Islamization of North Dakota The Islamic attack out of Fargo shows the impact of refugee settlement.


How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Obama Bad; Biden Worse

By Christopher Chantrill

Barack Obama was a bad president, but Biden is even worse, writes Christopher Roach at American Greatness.

Let's face it, as America's First Black President, Barack Obama had the opportunity of the ages to put racial animosity to bed, and start a new age of comity. But he didn't.

Optimism surrounded his election, and even many opponents were hopeful that his victory would demonstrate to both white and black Americans that extreme racial tensions were a thing of the past and no longer a consuming national problem…

But no.

[Obama] never hesitated to criticize white Americans in general… and race relations were noticeably worse at the end of his term than they were at the beginning of it.

Then there's Biden:

Unimaginably, Joe Biden is a worse president than Barack Obama, a complete phony and a disaster in every way possible, as is the deep state that controls much of his agenda.

Why? Why didn't Obama make himself the Hope of the ages and Change racial animosity? Why has the "moderate" Biden supercharged the woke agenda from climate change to systemic racism?

My analysis comes down to two reasons.

First, in politics you must have an enemy. Otherwise, government has nothing to do.

Second, in politics you never admit you are wrong and you Made Things Worse. You always blame the enemy. See Reason One, above.

Let's apply Reason One to Obama and the race question. Why didn't Obama bury the hatchet? It's simple. Ever since Marx, our educated rulers have practiced an over/under political formula, where the ruling educated class rules as the Ally of the Oppressed in a war against the enemy oppressors. If the working class are no longer the oppressed du jour, then blacks must be defended against racists, women against sexists, gays against homophobes, and now transgenders against the mighty armies of J.K. Rowling. Otherwise, what's the point of politics for Barack?

Let's apply Reason Two to Biden and "worse." I say that just about everything that the educated ruling class has imposed upon the human race for the last century has Made Things Worse. Pay-as-you-go Pensions? The government's Social Security is going broke. Health care? Government has given it away for free to some people and made it insanely expensive for others. Welfare? Free government money has demolished the low-income family so that the men don't work much and the women don't marry much. Education? Education is now just about teachers getting paid to do nothing and contribute to Democratic campaigns. But free stuff!

Let's just assume that my analysis is right, that politics needs an enemy and that our modern government-centered pensions, healthcare and education have Made Things Worse. Would any woke progressive ever admit it? Not a bit of it. Transgenders are victims, period. If Social Security is in trouble it must be because of Evil Republicans that want to cut it. If health care is in trouble it must be because of greedy drug companies. If education is failing to educate black kids, it must be because of systemic racism.

And I don't mean that the progressives are being cynical and blaming Republicans. I mean that their saving faith tells them that they cannot be wrong and that their failures must all be the fault of the racist-sexist-homophobes on the far right.

Our modern educated ruling class can never be wrong. So they always find an enemy and blame them for the disaster issuing from the ruling-class policies.

Let's review the history of such disasters.

After the French Revolution with bread prices in the stratosphere the solution was to blame les aristos and guillotine them.

After the Bolshevik Revolution and failed Five Year Plans, the solution was to blame the kulaks for the lack of food, and "saboteurs and wreckers" for the failed industrial experiment, and then execute all the second-tier Soviet officials.

After the Maoist Revolution in 1949 Mao ran the Campaign to Suppress Counter-Revolutionaries in 1950, the Thought Reform Campaign against intellectuals and then the Loyalty and Honesty Campaign in 1951, the Anti-Rightist Campaign in 1957, then the failed Great Leap Forward and subsequent Great Chinese Famine, and finally the  Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of 1966-76, which started with the purging of top university officials in China -- usually with students beating them to death. After defeating all his enemies, Mao finally went to his well-deserved rest in 1976.

Hey, you DEI administrators! Suppose that Next President Hunter Biden needs to blame someone for the utter failure of U.S. education and siccs all the woke trans kiddies on you, for a change? Think it couldn't happen? I'm sure that all the university presidents in China in 1965 thought the same thing.

Okay. So now we know why Obama was bad and Biden is worse.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? No contest: it's Mao ZeDong.

Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, Also get his American Manifesto and his Road to the Middle Class.

Image: National Archives

The Islamization of North Dakota

The Islamic attack out of Fargo shows the impact of refugee settlement.

[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Three blocks from where Mohamad Barakat opened fire on police officers and firefighters, the Islamic Society of Fargo-Moorhead squats across from a school bus company. Nearby are other elements of the new enclave like the Somali Community Development group which offers English and citizenship classes and the Al Hamdi Restaurant from whose vicinity an eyewitness reported hearing the shots that took the life of one police officer and wounded two others.

Officially authorities claim to be baffled by Mohamad’s decision to open fire on cops and firefighters, but the decision by the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service and the bomb squad to search Mohamad’s apartment suggests that they privately have an explosive motive in mind.

“The first thing we always want to know in a situation like this is, ‘Why?”Why would somebody do this?'” Chief David Zibolski wondered. Perhaps he should ask in Fargo’s own Little Mogadishu and inquire of the politicians who turned Fargo into a refugee camp.

If Mohamad acted in the name of Islam, it would not be the first terror attack from Fargo.

In 2016, Dahir Adan, a Somali refugee who penetrated the country along with a massive family that was tragically resettled in Fargo, went on a stabbing spree in a St. Cloud, MN mall. The Somali refugee had gone around the mall shouting “Allahu Akbar” dedicating the violence to his Islamic deity, and demanding to know if potential targets were Muslims before stabbing them.

ISIS claimed credit for the attack after Adam, like Mohamad, was fatally shot and killed, but not until after he stabbed 10 Americans. Fargo Muslims however quickly rushed to play the victim.

“Somali mall workers are afraid to go to their jobs today. I was even afraid to use public restrooms,” Hukun Abdullahi, a local nonprofit leader, had claimed.

Moorhead Mayor Del Rae Williams admitted that her biggest concern from the Muslim terrorist attack was that, “the more we make, you know, these kind of things an issue, the more people are abusive to (refugees) publicly.”

Police Chief David Todd denied, “I don’t have any indication that radicalization is occurring here in Fargo.” Seven years later, Officer Jake Wallin, who had survived Afghanistan and Iraq, was murdered by a Muslim attacker in Fargo. There’s never any indication until someone dies.

The violent attacks by Mohamad Barakat and Dahir Adan may surprise people who still think of Fargo, North Dakota as quintessentially American. Refugee resettlement has changed that.

8% of Fargo is foreign born. Much of that population comes from the Middle East and Islamic areas in Africa like Sudan and Somalia. Even much of the European refugee contingent is Bosnian. The massive influx of refugee resettlement allowed local politicians to boast that Fargo was growing much faster than the rest of the state or the country.

Fargo’s population shot up from 74,000 in 1990 to 90,000 in 2000 to 128,000 today. Somalis flooded Fargo, as did Iraqis, Bosnians and Bangladeshis. Amid the pure snows rose mosques, ethnic welfare nonprofits, Halal markets and other outposts of the new population.

By 2000, six hundred Somali families occupied Fargo, by 2004, Somalis outnumbered Hispanics in the Fargo public school system. Refugee resettlement, led by Lutheran Social Services, continued bombarding the state with foreign migrants, 70% of them embedded into the Fargo area.

“Millennials who are increasingly working in these jobs like to have a multicultural area that has differences in people,” Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney contended. “We really need a diverse population to be more like a normal American city.”

When Fargo City Commissioner Dave Piepkorn had warned that millions of taxpayer dollars were being spent on refugee resettlement and that the area was becoming more dangerous, Somalis launched a recall campaign. Piepkorn has since been stripped of Deputy Mayor status.

Little wonder that few elected officials have had the courage to speak out against what is being done to Fargo and North Dakota.

Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, its coffers swollen by dumping migrants from Islamic terror states on the area, suddenly faced a dieback under the Trump administration. The organization filed for bankruptcy and shut down in 2021, but rather than offering any relief, things actually got worse for Fargo and North Dakota.

Under Republican Gov. Doug Burgum, the former head of Lutheran Social Services, became the Executive Policy Director at the state’s Department of Human Services. Burgum, who is now running for president, announced that the state would take over refugee resettlement from Lutheran Social Services. Burgum had previously turned down an offer from the Trump administration to allow governors to end the practice of refugee dumping.

While Gov. Burgum claimed that the state would handle the invasion more responsibly than Lutheran Social Services had, bringing in the head of LSS put the lie to any such notion. Gov. Burgum had proclaimed that April would be Arab American Heritage Month, not to honor the Christian Lebanese, actual refugees who had first fled Islamic terror to move to North Dakota, but those Muslims who “built the first mosque in the United States of America.”

By 2022, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service North Dakota had taken over for the LSS and 78 Afghans, along with Syrians, Somalis and Iraqis were being resettled in the state.

That same year Rep. Hamida Dakane, who wears a hijab, became the first Somali legislator in the state House of Representatives from a district in Fargo. Dakane had found fame after an alleged vandalism incident at the Moorhead Fargo Islamic Center, holding up a “Hate Has No Home in Moorhead” sign as representatives of “Lutheran, Catholic, Presbyterian and Satanism” movements gathered to help. Then she joined Fargo’s Human Rights Commission.

“I am not representing a Muslim state,” Dakane, who entered this country on a student visa, noted. “There is a lot of things in Islam that doesn’t align with Democrats, but that doesn’t apply to the community.”

Mohamad Barakat may have had less patience waiting for North Dakota to become Islamic.

Fargo is slowly getting there. Somali restaurants, halal markets and ethnic associations are dotting the map. Especially around the area where Mohamad Barkat murdered a police officer. School districts are spending a fortune dealing with non-English speakers, primarily Somalis and Kurds, and a great deal of money goes to subsidize Headstart and food stamps.

Gangs proliferate trafficking in drugs and prostitution. And worse crimes appear and disappear.

Omar Mohamed Kalmio, a Somali refugee who shot and killed his American Sioux girlfriend, her mother, brother and another family member in nearby Minot, is still fighting his life sentence. Kalmio should have been in ICE custody after he and a group of Somalis had previously stabbed a man in the back with a knife.

In Grand Forks, Hawo Osman Ahmed, had allegedly threatened women with a knife. “Come over here I’m going to cut you,” she had warned, “I’m going to slice your neck.”

“I feel like I’m a Muslim woman who’s being attacked because I am a Muslim woman living in Grand Forks,” she later complained.

Authorities generally steer clear of such cases if they know what’s good for them. The prosecution of a sex trafficking ring by the Somali Outlaws gang across the country which allegedly involved girls as young as twelve was shut down by federal authorities, advocates and political pressure amid claims of racism, Islamophobia and cultural differences .

“We are heartbroken by this tragic loss,” Gov. Burgum said in response to the Somali act of violence that killed one police officer and wounded two others. “We also pray for the full recovery of the officers and civilian who were wounded in this horrible incident.”

‘Horrible incidents’ like these could be averted by ending refugee resettlement.

Gov. Burgum refused to end refugee resettlement when he had the opportunity to do so. The blood of the victims of refugee resettlement are on the hands of those who enable it.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.

[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Americans have an abiding fascination with their presidents, especially with their foibles and secrets. Who lied? Who ordered illegal operations? Who had mistresses?

Thus was the country transfixed by Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and the tawdry drip-drip of their liaison. When newly declassified documents revealed hitherto unknown CIA connections to Lee Harvey Oswald, this made a media splash, with Tucker Carlson asking: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?”

But that fascination dies when it comes to Barack Obama, the Left’s quasi-sacred figure. About him, no curiosity, please, no gossip, and no hint of impropriety. When he falsely claimed in 1991 to have been born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii, blame fell on a sloppy literary agent. When Stanley Kurtz proved that Obama lied about not being a member of Chicago’s socialist New Party and a candidate for it, the Obama P.R. machine smeared Kurtz and the story disappeared.

When clear evidence showed that Obama had lied about having been born and raised a Muslim, the researcher who made the case was reviled, his investigation scorned, and his argument vaporized.

I should know, as I was that researcher. I wrote five times on this topic in 2007-08, during Obama’s first presidential campaign (three of those times in and then aggregated all this information, plus new details, in a long and (so far) definitive September 2012 article, “Obama’s Muslim Childhood,” serialized in the Washington Times.

All those writings emphasized that Obama was now a Christian. The first one began with:

“If I were a Muslim I would let you know,” Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim. But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim?

I answered in the affirmative and showed how contradictory evidence concerning Obama’s religious background – from Obama’s father and name, from years in Indonesia, from his family, and most of all from himself – conclusively points to his being born and raised a Muslim.

Throughout, I emphasized not the Islam issue but the character issue; if Obama lies about something so fundamental, how can he be trusted? His other lies, such as Kenyan birth and socialist party non-membership, confirm this problem.

Responses came fast and hard. Ben Rhodes’ “echo chamber” nearly fainted at the impudence of my lèse majesté. Like Kurtz, I was slandered without the facts I presented ever addressed. Here’s a small sampling of the deluge:

  • Ben Smith in Politico derided my analysis as “the template for a faux-legitimate assault on Obama’s religion.”
  • The Spectator called mine the “the worst article on the presidential election” and also deemed it “mad” and “despicable.”
  • Martin Peretz in the New Republic said I had “simply gone bonkers … and malicious.”
  • Vice ran an article “Would You Care If Obama Were Muslim?” that responded to my carefully-crafted argument with “BLARGHA BLARGHA BLARGH REPEAL OBAMA BIN HUSSEIN’S GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF OUR JOBS.”

The Atlantic published no less than three attacks on the article and me. Mark Ambinder rued “the false notion that Obama is or was ever Muslim.” Andrew Sullivan dismissed my work as “toxins.” Matthew Yglesias ridiculed my saying that I believe Obama is not now a Muslim with “I, for one, believe Daniel Pipes when he says he’s not a child molester.”

And so it went, howling with outrage at the very thought of Obama as a Muslim, mocking and taunting me with ad hominem attacks, speculating about my motives. So relentless was the onslaught, even the conservative press overwhelmingly shied away from the topic. The McCain and Romney campaigns both treated the topic like Kryptonite. The issue of Obama’s lies had no impact on either presidential campaign, both of which – of course – Obama won.

I expect that, at some future time when Barack Obama loses his sacral quality, historians will take great interest in his childhood religious affiliation. They will wonder how, in the information-heavy, politically-riven, and celebrity-mad culture of early twenty-first century United States, so gigantic a biographical inconvenience could be successfully hidden and rendered taboo. They will study how, in a modern democratic society, a determined candidate can suppress even the most important and relevant information.

I look forward to the vindication.

Mr. Pipes ( is president of the Middle East Forum. © 2023 by Daniel Pipes. All rights reserved.

US Arrests Colorado Teen Who Planned To Fight for ISIS

Getty Images
July 18, 2023

A Colorado teen was arrested while trying to board an international flight at Denver International Airport on Friday for "attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization."

The Justice Department on Monday said 18-year-old Davin Daniel Meyer "pledged an oath of allegiance to the leader of ISIS and intended to travel to serve as a fighter for ISIS in Iraq," according to an affidavit supporting the charges.

The criminal complaint stated the FBI was alerted by an individual who observed Meyer develop "radical Islamic beliefs" as he "sought out ... extremist videos and content online and openly discussed his violent intentions." Meyer communicated about his travel plans with an FBI informant whom he believed to be an ISIS facilitator.

Since 2011, more than 300 Americans have tried to join ISIS, according to a 2018 report from George Washington University's Program on Extremism. In one 2016 case, a Mississippi couple who met in college were both convicted of attempting to join ISIS, masking their trip abroad as a honeymoon. The report noted Americans accounted for less than 1 percent of all foreign fighters who joined the terrorist group, with most coming from the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. A dozen of the Americans returned home, according to the report.

While ISIS has lost nearly all of its Middle Eastern territory, cells of the terrorist group remain in the region. Conflict arose last year at a Syrian prison after ISIS terrorists attempted to free their fellow militants but were defeated by a Syrian militia.

The FBI Denver Field Office is investigating Meyer’s case and an assistant U.S. attorney from the Colorado district is prosecuting.


Dissecting Obama

Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Congress for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who have burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.


Meanwhile. the media essentially buried Obama's relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers, the radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the convicted white-collar criminal Tony Rezko.

Ilhan Omar Says ‘No Way in Hell’ Will She Attend Israeli President’s Speech to Congress

She only likes foreign leaders who support jihad.

It is no surprise that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu), who has been harshly criticized for her Jew-hatred, would disdain to attend Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s speech to Congress, which is scheduled for this Wednesday. When asked if she was going, Omar shot back a peremptory, contemptuous response: “No way in hell. I didn’t even know he was coming.” It’s noteworthy, however, that she doesn’t have the same burning hatred for some of the world’s most notorious aiders and enablers of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women and religious minorities.

The prospect of Herzog addressing Congress apparently enraged Omar. On Wednesday evening, she took to Twitter to deliver an all-caps rant: “WE SHOULD NOT BE INVITING THE PRESIDENT OF ISRAEL—A GOVERNMENT WHO UNDER ITS CURRENT PRIME MINISTER BARRED THE FIRST TWO MUSLIM WOMEN ELECTED TO CONGRESS FROM VISITING THE COUNTRY—TO GIVE A JOINT ADDRESS TO CONGRESS.” Calming down a bit, she added: “Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address comes on behalf of the most right wing government in Israel’s history, at a time when the government is openly promising to ‘crush’ Palestinian hopes of statehood—essentially putting a nail in the coffin of peace and a two-state solution.” Omar, of course, did not mention that the Palestinian Arabs have been offered a state numerous times, beginning in 1948, and always rejected the offer, as it was predicated upon accepting the existence of the Jewish state.

It’s no surprise that Omar would be disingenuous regarding Israel and the Palestinian jihad. This is the individual who tweeted back in 2012: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” The one who claimed that support for Israel in the United States was “all about the Benjamins baby,” and charged that the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee paid American politicians to support Israel.

Her rage over the alleged oppressiveness of the Israeli government does not carry over to opposition to actual tyrants. Benjamin Weingarten noted in the New York Post in 2020 that “in fall 2017, Omar, then a state representative, attended a closed meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. According to a report since deleted from a Somali-language periodical, Omar and the Islamist strongman discussed ‘issues involving Omar’s native Somalia and issues for Somalis in Minnesota. … The meeting ended with Erdogan asking Omar to voice her support for Turkey.’”

Weingarten points out that “a month later, Omar would take to Twitter to praise Turkey for providing airlifts for Somalis injured in a Mogadishu truck bombing.” He asks the questions that no one has ever asked Omar: “Why was this state representative meeting with the leader of an increasingly anti-American regime? With what authority was she negotiating Turkish-Somali relations or any foreign-relations matters?”

In July 2021, as the Taliban was poised to regain power in Afghanistan, Erdogan said that “Turkey has nothing that contradicts their beliefs.” Erdogan has also likened “Islamophobia,” a word that is used to refer both to vigilante attacks against innocent Muslims, which are never justified, and honest analysis of jihad terror, which is necessary, to a deadly virus. For her part, Omar has introduced a bill in Congress that would mandate the establishment of a State Department “Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Islamophobia.” This would further erode the freedom of speech at a time when the Biden regime is fighting it with everything it’s got.

In a similar vein, in April 2022, Omar visited Pakistan and made a point of visiting the country’s just-replaced Prime Minister Imran Khan, whose Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party proudly tweeted: “US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (@Ilhan) called on @ImranKhanPTI in Bani Gala. They discussed Islamophobia & related issues. Ilhan Omar expressed her admiration for Imran Khan and his work for Muslims globally.” Khan has been criticized for calling for jihad and inciting violence in India.

Ilhan Omar thus seems to have no problem with global leaders who promote and approve of jihad violence. Israel is the singular object of her ire, which in light of the fact that she is a hijab-wearing, Sharia-adherent Muslim, is no surprise. The Islamic holy book, the Qur’an, calls Jews the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82) and contains an enormous number of other anti-Semitic passages. The Jews are said to fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181) and claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64). They disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). They are portrayed as having a truly demonic desire to destroy people: they hide the truth and mislead people (3:78), wish evil upon people and trying to mislead them (2:109), and feel pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120). They are under Allah’s curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29).

No one dares say that all this (and there is much more) is why Omar hates Israel so much. But what would she say, and what could she say, if she were asked what she thought of such passages?

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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Mohammed Opened Fire on Cops, Firefighters for ‘Unknown Reason’ in North Dakota

“Why would somebody do this? What happened?”

It’s a mystery.

Motive unclear in shooting that killed 1 Fargo officer, injured 2 – AP

Unknown and unclear motives for horrifying crimes are a real problem. They seem to really tick up when America and Europe decided to import a theology that calls for committing horrifying crimes against infidels.

And so we have a lot of these mysteries and crimes whose motives will never be known, but can probably be attributed to “mental illness” or… look a squirrel.

A gunman opened fire on police and firefighters “for no known reason” as they responded to a traffic crash in North Dakota, killing one officer and wounding two others before another officer killed him, Fargo’s police chief said Saturday.

Chief David Zibolski said officer Jake Wallin, a military veteran, was killed in the shooting Friday afternoon. Two other officers, Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes, were wounded. A fourth officer, Zach Robinson, shot and killed the suspect, Zibolski said.

Zibolski identified the suspect as Mohamad Barakat, 37, of Fargo, but provided few details about him or the shooting, citing officials’ desire to protect the investigation. He said he was confident authorities would eventually determine the motive.

“The first thing we always want to know in a situation like this is, ‘Why?’” he said. “Why would somebody do this? What happened?”

The feds are looking over Mohamad’s possessions in an entirely routine event that should not lead to any suspicions.

When WDAY was at the apartment complex overnight Friday into Saturday, the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service and the bomb squad were investigating the grounds and asked residents to evacuate.

Residents were allowed back in the building around 5 a.m.

Zibolski said having federal agencies involved in these types of incidents is standard procedure.

Nothing to see here folks. The feds and the bomb squad looking over apartments is routine and standard procedure. Nothing to do with terrorism.

One witness to the shooting, Abdraihman Abdullahi, was eating a late lunch at Al Hamdi Restaurant, near 25th Street South and Seventh Avenue, when he heard gunshots.

“Two cars collided and police came and then pow, pow,” he said. “I was super frightened. This wasn’t the first time I’ve heard gunshots. I came from Somalia, but it sure did look like Minneapolis. I’ve never seen this kind of thing in Fargo.”

Fatah Mohamed works at Al Hamdi Restaurant and came out after the shots were fired, he said.

It’s certainly a good thing that we decided that what Fargo was lacking was Somalis.

Just as the workshop was about to begin, a community organizer showed up with seven gentlemen, all recent arrivals to the area. They hailed from Somalia, Sudan, Bhutan, and Iraq. I was surprised to learn that almost 8 percent of Fargo’s population is foreign born, largely refugees settled through Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, the only federally approved resettlement organization in the state.

In recent years, North Dakota has led the nation in per capita refugee resettlement. Far from the snow-white portrayal in the eponymous Coen brothers’ movie, Fargo is, in fact, a city of many colors.

I’m not sure which has done more damage to America, Al Qaeda or Lutheran Social Services and other refugee resettlers.

Was Mohamad a resettled refugee? Odds are we’ll never hear about it from the media.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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