Thursday, August 3, 2023

DANGER! THE PIG LAWYERS - Who is Jack Smith? Using his name and the word 'integrity' in the same sentence is an oxymoron


Jack Smith was in charge of the public integrity section of the Justice Department during five of the Obama-Biden years, which was a massively corrupt administration. He must have had blinders on.  corrupt administration. He must have had blinders on. 

Who is Jack Smith? Using his name and the word 'integrity' in the same sentence is an oxymoron

Jack Smith was in charge of the public integrity section of the Justice Department during five of the Obama-Biden years, which was a massively corrupt administration. He must have had blinders on. 

He was there when Lois Lerner and the IRS corruptly targeted Obama's opponents, who wanted smaller government and lower taxes. Lerner violated their Constitutional rights to free speech and freedom of association with her targeted harassment. Then she lied to Congress and destroyed evidence. She clearly obstructed justice. Yet she, nor no one else surrounding her were ever charged and Lerner went off to retire at her beltway mansion. 
Smith also clearly had to know that Hillary Clinton mishandled classified documents, destroyed evidence, and collected money from all sorts of foreign and domestic sources for pay-to-play access yet neither she, nor no one else who supported her, were ever charged.
Obama and his wingman, Department of Justice chief Eric Holder, withheld documents from Congress for years on the gun-running scandal known as "Operation Fast and Furious." Holder committed perjury. The two of them clearly obstructed justice. Yet somehow, Smith never charged them with anything. 
People throughout the Obama-Biden administration illegally spied on a huge number of Americans. They withheld this evidence until after they left office. Yet somehow, no one was charged. 
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied to Congress about the illegal spying but he was never charged, either. 
CIA Direcot John Brennan had his staff illegally spy on U.S. senators and then lied to them about it. Yet he, nor his staff members were never charged. 
CIA Director John O. Brennan has apologized to leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee after an agency investigation determined that its employees improperly searched computers used by committee staff
And people, including Jack Smith,  throughout the Obama-Biden administration, along with the media, knew that Hunter was a drug addict getting paid by the corrupt company Burisma but did nothing about it. They didn't even care when Biden blackmailed Ukraine that he would withhold one billion taxpayer dollars if they didn't fire the prosecutor. 
No matter how many times Biden interfered in elections, by lying that he never talked to Hunter about his business relationships and that no one in his family made money overseas, the media stayed quiet. All they cared about was destroying Trump. 
It appears that Jack Smith thought his job was to stay quiet about Democrat corruption, too.

One DOJ Official Could Have Stopped Biden Family Crime Racket Years Ago: Jack Smith

As head of DOJs Public Integrity Section from 2010 until 2015, the now Special Counsel was responsible for investigating corruption among government officials and their associates. Why not the Bidens?

And despite Psaki’s spin, State Department officials soon after expressed concern about the “perception of a conflict of interest,” even taking those concerns to Vice President Joe Biden’s office in early 2015.

But one person in official Washington seemed uninterested in the shady deal between a corrupt international gas company operating in a notoriously unstable country and America’s most troubled nepo-baby:

Jack Smith.

Smith—appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland last year to take over DOJs dual investigations into Donald Trump for alleged mishandling of classified documents and the events of January 6—was named chief of the Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section, or PIN, in August 2010. 

Operating within the criminal division, PIN maintains broad purview over public corruption investigations on the federal, state, and local level including cases tied to “a government official…or someone associated with such an official,” according to the office’s annual report.

There is also this problem with the cases he did prosecute:

Among his most notable corruption cases, Smith – who was tapped by equally evil Attorney General Merrick Garland – was overturned unanimously in the Supreme Court. 

Smith prosecuted the former Republican governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell. The U.S. Supreme Court later overturned the case in a unanimous 8-0 decision. The Court observed that “there is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that. But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes, and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the Government’s boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute.” 


In 2016, the DNC and Hillary committed massive fraud by paying over $10 million to a foreign national to create a fictitious document to destroy Donald Trump to intentionally interfere in an election. Yet they were not charged. 

Many people in the Justice Department committed felonies by lying to the FISA court, in order to interfere in the election, as they illegally spied on people surrounding Trump, yet they are still free. They are clearly above the law. 

Many Democrats challenged the 2016 election and the electors. There were violent riots throughout the U.S. because Trump won. Yet we didn't have endless hearings or people saying that was a threat to Democracy. 

Hillary and others denied for years that Trump won the 2016 election and went around saying he was an illegitimate president yet somehow she hasn't been charged.

The media, Adam Schiff, and others continually lied and targeted Trump for destruction about the fake conspiracy that he colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election, yet no one cares. 

In 2020, the media, Justice Department, media outlets, Joe Biden,  51 former intelligence officials, and others colluded to lie to the public that the true story in the New York Post about the Biden family corruption looked like Russian disinformation to hide the truth from the public. This was massive election interference yet no one has been charged.

Mark Zuckerburg spent $400 million to interfere in state elections in 2020. He was accused of fraud in Wisconsin. Yet we are told the lie by the media and other Democrats that the 2020 election was clean. They say this even though they know many states circumvented their own election laws, supposedly because of COVID.  

But Trump is essentially being charged by Jack Smith for questioning election results. 

Isn't it time for the media and others to demand that anyone who ever challenged elections and denied they lost to be charged with crimes since they say that we should have equal treatment under the law and that no one is above the law?

The reason Trump has been targeted for destruction for over seven years with endless investigations and charges by most of the media, many federal bureaucrats, Democrats, and several Republicans is because he is an outsider who wants to give the power, freedom, and money back to the people where it belongs. The Deep State can't stand someone who wants to usurp their power over the people. 

Basically Trump has been charged because prosecutors don't agree with what he says and don't like and support him. 

That is a quick way to destroy the greatest and most generous country that ever existed. 

In 1985, Sol Wachtler, then the chief justice of New York’s Supreme Court said, “Any good prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.”

Republicans should remember that if the cabal is able to get rid of Trump they will move towards other Republicans no matter how much they have to lie. The WaPo has never endorsed a Republican for president and the NYT has not since Eisenhower, no matter how corrupt and incompetent the Democrat is.

Image: Screen shot from CBS News video, via YouTubed

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.

In what might be the single most crystallizing example of government micromanagement of Americans’ everyday lives since Barack Obama’s attempts to destroy the suburbs, the Biden Administration is considering banning gas stoves and a plethora of other items Americans use in the normal routine of their daily lives. Think about that…

The Vera Institute of Justice, a Soros-associated entity, funds radical-left agendas that persecute law enforcement.  It partner with district attorneys to manipulate 'racial disparities' in decisions for criminals.  They state their mission is to demolish what they perceive as a 'racist' system.  It views immigration enforcement agencies as a threat to civil liberties. Vera Justice's president, Nick Turner, said, "We work to transform the immigration system because many of the problems that we see in the criminal legal system are just the same in the immigration system.  And by transform, what I mean is to shrink both of those systems."

The Risk That Americans Are Too Busy To Notice Our Dying Liberties

Americans are busy people—but the real risk in the lead-up to 2024 is that we may be too busy to pay attention to our last chance to preserve our liberties.

In one respect, we’re no different than any other people on the planet given that our primary needs are food, water, and shelter. Beyond that, however, Americans enjoy a life of leisure opportunities that virtually no one else on the planet enjoys. Not leisure that’s measured in hours worked as in France or Germany. Workers in most developed countries work fewer hours per year than Americans do.

No, what’s different is that Americans have so many ways to spend their leisure time: Motocross. Shopping. Video games. Countless cable channels. Amusement parks. Golf. Swimming. Skiing. Football. Baseball. Golf. Putt putt golf. Pickleball. Off-track betting. Gymnastics. Theater. Karate. Star Trek conventions. Habitat for Humanity. Cornhole. BBQ competitions. Quilting competitions. Beauty pageants for kids. These are only a tiny fraction of the myriad options Americans have at their disposal to entertain themselves or spend their leisure time watching or participating in.

If one were to compare the spectrum of activities available to the average American with the equivalent spectrum for any other country on the planet, it wouldn’t take long to see an enormous difference. Many countries share some of our pursuits, but the depth and breadth available to Americans is unparalleled. None of this came about by accident. The reason Americans have dozens of sports and thousands of activities to participate in, from grade school to the senior center, is because the nation has been so prosperous for so long, and the nation has exemplified creativity for things both consequential and not. The result is a nation where most people have available a level of entertainment and leisure unparalleled in history.

Image: Leisure activities by macrovector.

One consequence of such is that Americans are busy. So busy, in fact, that they forget to pay attention to some things that really matter—specifically, government. In a perfect world, no one would have to pay much attention to the government because it would be run like a well-oiled machine in the background that wouldn’t cause any trouble. But that’s not how governments work. Our Founding Fathers knew that, which is why they gave us a government of separated powers with staggered terms for those responsible for exercising them. But even such a near-perfect document cannot stand forever in the face of avarice and the lust for power.

That greed and lust for power is the defining characteristic of what we call the Swamp. And it was enabled by a plethora of acts that strengthened and emboldened the apparatchiks who man it. These included Executive Orders by JFK and Nixon giving federal employees powers or “protections” they’d never previously had, as well as a 1984 Supreme Court case that required courts to defer to federal agencies as it relates to rule-making when there is ambiguity in the legislation.

Together, these and other acts made the Swamp possible. They built a federal government where it’s almost impossible to fire anyone, and agencies essentially get to decide who and what they regulate while those affected have limited redress. So basically, we have agencies that decide what laws they want to write staffed by people who can’t be fired regardless of their failure, incompetence, or criminality.

Of course, every two years, the cacophony that is American life is made that much more dissonant by elections. Most Americans, however, unfortunately, spend less time learning what’s really at stake in those elections than they do selecting teams for their March Madness brackets or wondering what’s going on in the dysfunctional Kardashian universe. The reality of this disaster was demonstrated 15 years ago by John Ziegler.

This situation might have been acceptable 100 years ago when the federal government was relatively small and had little discernible impact on most American lives. Today, however, when the leviathan of the federal government seeks to control virtually every aspect of our lives, it’s simply not. There’s a tipping point in every endeavor in life, and the lifecycle of a Republic is no exception. Leaving the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked: “Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” He responded: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Two hundred and thirty years later, we are on the verge of losing it. The problem is that too many Americans have no idea what the danger is and have little interest in finding out. They’ve spent so much of their lives enjoying the leisure and entertainment our Republic has made possible that they’ve forgotten that the foundation of freedom and prosperity upon which those conditions are built are not ordained by God, not set in stone, and not guaranteed. The conditions underlying Americans’ freedoms and prosperity are far more fragile than most recognize but, like frogs in a pot of slowly warming water, they’re succumbing to the creeping threat. Indeed, there’s an inverse relationship between government micromanagement and citizens’ freedom.

In what might be the single most crystallizing example of government micromanagement of Americans’ everyday lives since Barack Obama’s attempts to destroy the suburbs, the Biden Administration is considering banning gas stoves and a plethora of other items Americans use in the normal routine of their daily lives. Think about that…

Natural gas has been a key element of cooking in America for centuries. It’s a clean-burning fuel, cheap and plentiful, with a variety of sources, mostly in red states, which makes it hard to control. So, if Democrats can’t control the supply of something, they simply take control of the demand. Doing so in this case has the twin virtues of harming the economies of red states while forcing Americans to buy new, “green lobby approved”—read: dysfunctional and expensive—appliances. All, of course, in the name of the “Climate Change” hoax.

These and literally tens of thousands of other federal regulations are the cost to Americans of not paying attention, summed up by the notion that politics is downstream from culture. Hollywood and the media destroyed American culture, which made turning Washington’s alphabet departments, agencies, and bureaus into tools of tyranny easy.

The question is, can anyone shake the American people out of this political stupor long enough for them to recognize the danger they face? Will Americans rise to the occasion in 2024, or will they instead continue to eat the fruit from the tree of liberty, oblivious to the rot of its roots?

Perhaps a paraphrasing of Martin Niemöller might help:

First, they raised the minimum wage, and I cheered because I had a job.

Then, they destroyed public education, and I didn’t act because I sent my kid to private school.

Next, they limited cable rates, and I applauded because I saved $20 a month.

When they came for my light bulbs, I didn’t react because it made me feel good to help the environment.

One day, they said ethnicity was more important than ability for college acceptance, but I said nothing because I’d already graduated.

They increased taxes on the rich, and I didn’t care because I wasn’t rich.

Then they came for my gun, my car, my job, and eventually everything I hold dear, but there was no one left to stand with me because no one remembered what real liberty was or how it was supposed to be protected in the first place.

You can follow Vince on Twitter at ImperfectUSA

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