Wednesday, September 20, 2023



Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George

Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf


George Soros Donates $125 Million to Democrats Before November Midterms 


Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated - and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.

Obrador and Biden have announced deals to stabilize — but not stop or reduce — the huge flow of wage-cutting economic migrants through Mexico into U.S. jobs and housing.

George Soros: A New Kind of Tyrant?


By Diana Mary Sitek

The venomous careers of Hitler and Stalin provoked the study of totalitarian regimes as the very epitome of evil, depriving their citizens of freedom and of life itself. A state captured by a demagogue is considered a sure sign of danger ahead -- hence the alleged justification by the Left for their hysteria over “rabble rouser” Donald Trump’s election. Overlooked until more recently are the unelected, bloated bureaucratic fiefdoms and regulatory encroachments of both national and global government and non-governmental institutions, which have created the opportunity for a sinister, large scale violation of political power.

This new abuse was foreshadowed in the career of FBI architect and director, the corrupt J. Edgar Hoover. It has been notched up to a planetary level of hyper-coordination by George Soros as preliminary to the installation of his global Open Society. In this grandiose plan, state governments (specifically the USA) will be reduced to the level of relay stations for a supranational, Sauron-like centralization of power.

What unites the totalitarian and the new tyrant are three personality characteristics, proposed by Professor John D. Mayer in his 1993 article, “The Emotional Madness of the Dangerous Leader.” The first is indifference. The tyrant is consumed by a single-minded, fanatical purpose and has no regard for the suffering wreaked on others during its implementation. The second is intolerance of those whose opinions differ, facilitated through control of the media, secret and insider knowledge, revenge against anyone who thwarts, and a paranoid mania to shut down all opposition. The third character trait (the foundation of the previous two), is psychopathic grandiosity. The power-abuser assumes a messianic pose of unifying society under a utopian plan and persuading others to participate. The very intensity of the tyrant’s narcissism is transferred to vulnerable supporters eliciting a narcotic rush of enthusiasm.

What is easily overlooked is that the sham scheme is not a political health remedy, but a device for maintaining the megalomaniac’s sense of personal omnipotence. In Soros’ own words, “Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad. In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid.” Soros seems disarming in his frankness. But delusions of grandeur preclude self-knowledge, as Soros’ next statements reveal. “I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”

Soros has spilled bucketloads of words proclaiming he is “amoral,” “self-interested,” and that “normal rules do not apply” to him. “I am unnatural. I am a sort of deux ex machina. I’m very comfortable with my public persona, because it is the one I have created myself.” And this from the man who controls politicians and bureaucrats like a boss giving dictation to his secretary. This is the man who has perfected the subversion of governments, who has robbed failing states, and lavishly endowed every organization and movement destructive of traditional Western society, from abolishing the Electoral College to abolishing life itself if it is in utero, drug-addicted, or senile. His ambition is without borders -- “The Soviet Empire is now the Soros Empire.” “I’m the Pope’s boss now.” And so on, ad nauseum. Yet, like other tyrants, he is untouchable. Those he has made richer and more powerful protect him.

In March 1933 the Germans voted. They could have voted for the moderate Center Christian party. Instead they voted in Hitler. ‘Deplorable’ Americans however confounded Soros by not voting for “What can we do for you, George?” Hillary Clinton. Yet where are the congressional and Senate investigations into Soros? Where is the RICO indictment? Governments have been bought. The media has been bought. The Soros NGO empire operates an invasive, parasitic web currently devouring the body politic of the USA and many other nations besides.

What Trump’s election has revealed is the limitation of the Presidency in withstanding the transfer of power to unelected, publicly unaccountable bureaucrats, and venal politicians, more concerned with their benefices than their constituents. That void has allowed Soros to install himself as de facto puppet-master. We require bureaucracy, and we cannot prevent the existence of associations, but there is an urgent need for reform by abolishing permanency in government and establishing citizens’ tribunals of appeal against abuses of administrative power. 

Recently in an interview on his simpering NPR, Soros confessed he was unprepared for the populist opposition to his insurrectionary agenda. Let us continue our opposition. Let us demand Soros be investigated and brought to justice as conditional for obtaining our vote. Those with connection to him must be banned from public office, and his assets frozen. Then his parasitical minions will shrivel, like leeches desiccated by a pinch of salt. If not, although we may escape the mass slaughter of the twentieth century, it will be at the cost of vassalage beneath a tyrant like George Soros.


The venomous careers of Hitler and Stalin provoked the study of totalitarian regimes as the very epitome of evil, depriving their citizens of freedom and of life itself. A state captured by a demagogue is considered a sure sign of danger ahead -- hence the alleged justification by the Left for their hysteria over “rabble rouser” Donald Trump’s election. Overlooked until more recently are the unelected, bloated bureaucratic fiefdoms and regulatory encroachments of both national and global government and non-governmental institutions, which have created the opportunity for a sinister, large scale violation of political power.

This new abuse was foreshadowed in the career of FBI architect and director, the corrupt J. Edgar Hoover. It has been notched up to a planetary level of hyper-coordination by George Soros as preliminary to the installation of his global Open Society. In this grandiose plan, state governments (specifically the USA) will be reduced to the level of relay stations for a supranational, Sauron-like centralization of power.

What unites the totalitarian and the new tyrant are three personality characteristics, proposed by Professor John D. Mayer in his 1993 article, “The Emotional Madness of the Dangerous Leader.” The first is indifference. The tyrant is consumed by a single-minded, fanatical purpose and has no regard for the suffering wreaked on others during its implementation. The second is intolerance of those whose opinions differ, facilitated through control of the media, secret and insider knowledge, revenge against anyone who thwarts, and a paranoid mania to shut down all opposition. The third character trait (the foundation of the previous two), is psychopathic grandiosity. The power-abuser assumes a messianic pose of unifying society under a utopian plan and persuading others to participate. The very intensity of the tyrant’s narcissism is transferred to vulnerable supporters eliciting a narcotic rush of enthusiasm.

What is easily overlooked is that the sham scheme is not a political health remedy, but a device for maintaining the megalomaniac’s sense of personal omnipotence. In Soros’ own words, “Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad. In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid.” Soros seems disarming in his frankness. But delusions of grandeur preclude self-knowledge, as Soros’ next statements reveal. “I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”

Soros has spilled bucketloads of words proclaiming he is “amoral,” “self-interested,” and that “normal rules do not apply” to him. “I am unnatural. I am a sort of deux ex machina. I’m very comfortable with my public persona, because it is the one I have created myself.” And this from the man who controls politicians and bureaucrats like a boss giving dictation to his secretary. This is the man who has perfected the subversion of governments, who has robbed failing states, and lavishly endowed every organization and movement destructive of traditional Western society, from abolishing the Electoral College to abolishing life itself if it is in utero, drug-addicted, or senile. His ambition is without borders -- “The Soviet Empire is now the Soros Empire.” “I’m the Pope’s boss now.” And so on, ad nauseum. Yet, like other tyrants, he is untouchable. Those he has made richer and more powerful protect him.

In March 1933 the Germans voted. They could have voted for the moderate Center Christian party. Instead they voted in Hitler. ‘Deplorable’ Americans however confounded Soros by not voting for “What can we do for you, George?” Hillary Clinton. Yet where are the congressional and Senate investigations into Soros? Where is the RICO indictment? Governments have been bought. The media has been bought. The Soros NGO empire operates an invasive, parasitic web currently devouring the body politic of the USA and many other nations besides.

What Trump’s election has revealed is the limitation of the Presidency in withstanding the transfer of power to unelected, publicly unaccountable bureaucrats, and venal politicians, more concerned with their benefices than their constituents. That void has allowed Soros to install himself as de facto puppet-master. We require bureaucracy, and we cannot prevent the existence of associations, but there is an urgent need for reform by abolishing permanency in government and establishing citizens’ tribunals of appeal against abuses of administrative power. 

Recently in an interview on his simpering NPR, Soros confessed he was unprepared for the populist opposition to his insurrectionary agenda. Let us continue our opposition. Let us demand Soros be investigated and brought to justice as conditional for obtaining our vote. Those with connection to him must be banned from public office, and his assets frozen. Then his parasitical minions will shrivel, like leeches desiccated by a pinch of salt. If not, although we may escape the mass slaughter of the twentieth century, it will be at the cost of vassalage beneath a tyrant like George Soros.


Alex Marlow: We Need Reset on Joe Biden; Focus on Corruption and Failures, Not His Age and Gaffes

Gage Skidmore/Flickr

In thirteen days, my second book, Breaking Biden, will hit bookshelves. It is the end result of more a year of research and is backed up by more than 1,600 end notes. In other words, I bring the receipts.

However, today, I offer an opinion. An opinion that I hope will catch on as people read the book and ruminate on the material. That opinion is this: we’ve gotten Joe Biden all wrong.

He’s not just “Sleepy Joe” doddering in his basement. He’s not merely a puppet of shadowy and nefarious oligarchs. He’s a man of singular power who only ascended to that stratum through a lifetime’s dogged pursuit of a goal: to be President of the United States. Yes, Joe Biden has wanted to be the leader of the free world since he was a boy (all those centuries ago). As whacky as it might sound today, he also has dreamt of a political dynasty like the Kennedys’ to call his own. As Joe might say, not a joke!

The presidency—first coveting it, then living it—has defined his life. Yet, much of the country has acted in recent years as though he simply lucked into it as the last man standing — that he is the establishmentarian most malleable by America’s elite, and that is his secret sauce, nothing more. All of that is somewhat true, no doubt, but stopping there is a cop out. It’s an insufficient explanation, and it has not served us well.

It also denies something that many of us already believe to be true in our guts: Joe Biden is a unique threat to America as we know it.

But he has also been effective at delivering victories for the Left.

Dating back to his days in the Senate, Joe Biden, a notoriously horrendous law student, fashioned himself into one of the most influential jurists of the last century with the borking of Robert Bork and the “high-tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas, which set the template for how to character assassinate conservative nominees.

He, along with a prominent segregationist, crafted policy that led to the mass incarceration of black men. The details are appalling. Then, years later, he and his Democrat Party overcompensated for their past failures by supporting judges and politicians who don’t seem to want to lock up anyone at all (aside from those who showed up in Washington on January 62021, and people who used to work for Donald Trump).

As president, Joe Biden’s most glaring failure, his Afghanistan withdrawal strategy, seemed to be rejected by literally everyone. Yet, he went for it anyway, essentially going it alone, leaving innocents dead, America humiliated, and the world in a less stable place. Where were all of his secret geniuses then manipulating old Joe and saving him from himself?

As I describe in great detail in Breaking Biden, the president bears personal responsibility for the war in Ukraine, the dying movie business, record illegal immigration, record energy prices, shortages of cancer drugs, and so much more.

While Joe was compiling this truly disgraceful record, his family was employing new and creative ways to line their own pockets thanks to President Pop.

Yes, Joe Biden’s inner-circle is, whenever possible, his family — the same family that is a fixture on front pages throughout the world only for their misdeeds. His most well-known family members are junkies and hustlers. I don’t mean that pejoratively. They are literal junkies and hustlers. How do you build a dynasty with people like that?

You can’t.

But Joe does have a vast rolodex that he has developed over 50(!) years in Washington. This includes a network of billionaires, some of whom will be unfamiliar to you, who bankroll his grassroots. You’ll meet many of them in Breaking Biden. All of them ought to be exposed for who they are and what they’ve done, but the buck stops with Joe.

Americans have always underestimated Joe Biden, conservatives in particular, and we have done so at our own peril. He was lousy in school and got busted plagiarizing multiple times, his absentmindedness is legendary, and his stumbles and bumbles instantly go viral online, giving his haters many a self-satisfied laugh. (I’m not above this, and I do break down many of my favorite Biden brain freezes in the book.)

And yet, he’s in the White House. They are in the White House. And they may be there for quite some time.

Unless, of course, the Right figures out how to break Joe Biden. I think it’s clear by this point that declaring him old and stupid ain’t gonna cut it.

How to reverse the damage he has done goes beyond the scope of this column, but it starts with taking ownership of the situation. We must reset the narrative and renew our responsibility to share the full picture of who Joe Biden is and what he has wrought.

If we don’t, things will get much, much worse.

Alex Marlow is the Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News and a New York Times bestselling author. His new, Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration, is available for preorder now and will arrive in bookstores on October 3. You can follow Alex on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter at @AlexMarlow.

Communism, Fascism, Globalism — What's the Difference?

Monarchy: A system of government where supreme power is vested in a single genetic lineage — a dictatorship passed through family inheritance.

Communism: A system of government in which the State plans and controls the economy and a single, authoritarian party holds power — a dictatorship of the proletariat.

Fascism: A system of government marked by the centralization of authority under a dictator in which an economy is subject to stringent governmental controls and political opposition is violently suppressed.

Globalism: A system of government marked by the elimination of national sovereignty and the centralization of authority within international organizations such as the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Economic Forum — all run by a small group of wealthy elites.

Monarchy, communism, fascism, globalism — what's the difference?  At the end of the day, we are talking about a system of government in which centralized power belongs to a small group of elites who use their control over economic, military, and intelligence-collecting institutions to rule over everyone else.  Whether it is a government run by Mussolini, a king, the self-described "proletariat," or an international cabal of central banks and corporations — it is a dictatorship all the same.

Let's not pretend that raw "democracy" is significantly different.  As early-twentieth-century sociologist Robert Michels laid out in his treatise, "Political Parties," an "iron law of oligarchy" guarantees that a small group of elites eventually rise to "rule over" any form of democratic organization.  Representative democracy, Michels argued, is a "facade" that legitimizes the continuing "rule" of some elite class. 

Administrators, bureaucrats, and political leaders love to talk about "democracy" because doing so buttresses their pretense that the people are actually in control.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  It is the "ruling class" that hoards power, and the more any elite member speaks of "democracy," the more certain you can be that the elites are actively betraying the overall will of the people.  No matter how much this hurts, remember, you asked for it — because this is a "democracy"!

Note that a member of the "ruling class" or one of its controlled institutions (such as Wikipedia) could easily use the above paragraphs to vilify "populism."  Think about the doublespeak tightrope that the "ruling class" now walks:

Democracy: A system of political government controlled by the common people.

Populism: Political ideas and policies that are supported by the common people.

Crikey, that's a distinction without a difference!  All the "very best people," though, are always telling us that "democracy" is very important and that "populism" is very dangerous.  How could it possibly be that a "government by the people" is wonderful, but that ideas "popular among the people" are terrible?  Well, this kind of political doublespeak makes perfect sense if democracy in practice really just means "rule by a small group of elites."  If that's the case, then of course the small group of elites actually in control of the "democracy" have no interest in hearing what the common people really think.  To save democracy, we must deprive the people of their voice!  Quick, censor everyone on social media who dares to think and speak freely!

This whole globalist march toward a New World Order is taking us to a place where Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, their clones, a few royal families, a few multinational investment firms, a handful of central bank pirates, and a small club of international politicians can sit around a circular table adorned with a map of the world under their oppressive control.  Even then, with the whole world belonging to a few dozen people (sprinkled with a politically correct ratio of races, ethnicities, and made-up genders, of course), the ruling dictators will haughtily chortle, "This is what democracy looks like."  

They would be right.  In practice, "democracy" looks a lot like a small cabal of ruling elites forcing everyone else to obey their commands.  Whenever sane people reach the mistaken conclusion that they are actually in charge of their own government, they are quickly reminded that all dissent must be met with political persecution, lawless surveillance, unjust arrest, and censored speech — you know, the standard J6 treatment. 

Mass protests against vote fraud and in support of free and fair elections are arguably the essence of real democracy — unless "democracy" really just means rule by the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, McConnells, Pelosis, the Federal Reserve, the Intelligence Community, and the wealthiest, woke-iest ESG-DIE-supporting elites.  In that case, real democracy must be punished as insurrectionist treason.  The people must be made to believe that they are governing themselves but can never be allowed to actually do so.  

The "ruling class" will spy on, harass, intimidate, imprison, and torture the whole American population, by golly, if doing so will allow it to preserve the illusion of a stable "democracy."  Any American who opposes being Abu Ghraib–ed on U.S. soil, after all, is only pushing some dangerous form of "populism" that should be ignored.  Much as an abuser justifies physical harm for the victim's "own good," the federal government has decided that the surefire way to save "democracy" is to beat the American people into submission.  Only when the people have been coerced into a state of compliance will they be given back their "privileges."  When the "ruling class" says that MAGA is a threat to "democracy," what it means is that any political movement operating outside of its control is a threat to the continued dictatorship of the Deep State.

What, then, is the opposite of monarchy, communism, fascism, globalism, and Deep State democracy?  

The answer is simple: freedom.  The only unique form of government is a political system that respects personal liberty and private property and intrinsically protects individual freedom from government intrusion.  The only system that truly values "the will of the people" is one that recognizes inalienable rights as belonging exclusively to each individual — immune from government infringement, no matter how compelling the government's reason.  Any form of government that treats rights and freedoms as mere "privileges" that can be watered down during times of emergency is, in fact, just another dictatorial system run by a "ruling class" of elites.  It matters little if you live within a "democracy" if you remain a slave inside the government's iron cage.  

State control versus individual freedom is the only contest that really matters.  It is the contest that will continue to define the twenty-first century.

It is no surprise, then, that the U.S. and other Western governments speak so little about inalienable rights and freedoms and so much about "hate speech," "disinformation," "climate change," and COVID.  Speaking about liberty reminds common people that there are limits to the powers of any legitimate government.  Inventing new things for people to fear, however, often clouds their reason just enough to steal their rights away.

What comes next?  If history is our teacher, then the answer is obvious: conflict comes next.  No matter how sophisticated the A.I.-powered surveillance State becomes, more people will resist.  No matter how coercive central bank digital currencies and social credit scores become, more people will choose to fight for their freedoms.  In fact, the more oppressive the overall system is, the more that people will commit themselves to fighting it, no matter the cost.

There are many recurring themes to humanity's story but none so consistent as this: wherever tyranny takes hold, movements for freedom grow powerful.  One of Mel Gibson's memorable speeches as William Wallace in Braveheart applies well today: "There's a difference between us.  You think the people of this land exist to provide you with position.  I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom."  No matter how much the government censors, the people will eventually have their say.

Hat tip to HAL.

Image: JSMed via PixabayPixabay License.

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