Friday, November 3, 2023




Van Jones: I Worry About Biden, Black Voters, People Have Trouble Affording Gas, Feel ‘Neighborhood’s Not Any Better’

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” CNN Political Commentator and former Obama adviser Van Jones stated that he is very worried about the level of enthusiasm among black voters for President Joe Biden and that “it’s starting to feel like, wow, the economy isn’t that good and our issues didn’t get taken seriously and what are we supposed to do?” And that while disdain for 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump will be good enough for some voters, “you’ve also got people who are having a problem filling up their gas tank and they’ve got other stuff that they’re concerned about.”

Jones stated, “There’s no word big enough for the amount of concern, because people, it is hurt. It’s remarkable. I think, when you remember 2008, the hope, in, 2016, determination, 2020 — 2016, people kind of took their foot off the gas with Hillary Clinton. I think that — police reform, nothing, criminal justice reform, nothing, voting rights, nothing. The things that black people came out and voted for and voted about, George Floyd, the John Lewis civil rights, nothing has gotten done on the black card. And so, it’s starting to feel like, wow, the economy isn’t that good and our issues didn’t get taken seriously and what are we supposed to do? And I also think that people think black people are going to be single-issue voters, we don’t like Donald Trump. I don’t think that’s smart. There might be some black single-issue anti-Trump voters, but you’ve also got people who are having a problem filling up their gas tank and they’ve got other stuff that they’re concerned about.”

He added that while there will be some people for whom disliking Trump will be enough to get them to vote for Biden, “there [are] other people who feel like, man, what do we have to do? We stand in these long lines for hours and hours and hours. We’re getting gerrymandered. We have to fight so hard just to vote. And then, the neighborhood’s not any better and then affirmative action gets taken away and then the voting rights [are] worse and the gerrymandering is worse and nothing is happening.”

Jones concluded that there is a possibility that as a campaign goes on, people may change their minds.

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

CNN: There Probably Are Black People in Jail Who Didn’t Get Grace Hunter Wanted, Joe Wrote a Bill with Crack Disparity 

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN NewsNight,” host Abby Phillip, Republican strategist Shermichael Singleton, CNN Political Commentator Ashley Allison — who was Deputy Director and Senior Policy Adviser for the Obama White House’s Office of Public Engagement — responded to Hunter Biden’s op-ed about his addiction with Phillip and Singleton noting that the crime bill that then-Sen. Joe Biden wrote a disparity involving crack and Phillip noting that “There are probably some black men in prison right now who did not get that same kind of grace, for sure, that Hunter Biden was asking for.”

Singleton said that he has empathy for Hunter’s addiction struggles, “the same compassion and empathy that he’s calling for, Abby, I would have wished and hoped that his father, the chief architect of the ‘9[4] crime bill, would have had that same compassion and empathy for the 1.5 million black men that were imprisoned because of that legislation. I would have wanted the same empathy and compassion and the lack of politicization that black mothers and families and community leaders asked for when those same black men were going before judges who said, you’re absolutely going to prison, I’m not going to have compassion for your addiction. And so, while I understand the point and the politics of it, this, to me, goes a whole lot deeper and falls a bit on deaf ears.”

Phillip then said, “The ‘9[4] crime bill that Shermichael was talking about, he’s not wrong. The crack cocaine disparity was born out of that crime bill, and now compassion for Hunter Biden?”

Allison responded that we have taken a different approach to addiction over the years and “to go after Hunter Biden as a political ploy, I don’t think falls well on voters, because if you have compassion for your family member who is addicted, you would also have compassion for a father who has sympathy for his son who has struggled. To the ’94 crime bill, though, I would say that the Biden administration has done a lot of things to right the wrongs of that bill, de-scheduling marijuana, working to — the First Step Act was passed under Donald Trump, but making sure that this Justice Department actually does decrease the sentencing disparities, commutations, those are things that this administration has done to right some of the wrongs of the ’94 crime bill.”

Singleton responded, “I give significant credit to the president and the Justice Department for doing those things. I just think that Hunter Biden should not be surprised by this, Abby. We’re living, Ashley, in hyperpartisan times, hyper-tribal times. Some people may be of the belief that anything is to go — I don’t necessarily agree with that politically.”

He continued, “But, again, I think, here’s this guy who is the son of the president of the United States of America, I own a lot of firearms. I guarantee you if I, as a black man, somehow made an error or did not put the proper information on that document, I would not have been given a sweetheart deal before the judge came in and said, wait a minute here, this isn’t what would occur for the normal person. I can assure you that, if I didn’t pay my taxes, like Wesley Snipes, then, I too, would probably be in prison for almost three years. And so, look, I don’t like to use the term white privilege all the time, but this is certainly a case of white male privilege, because if this guy wasn’t white and wasn’t named Hunter Biden, I absolutely guarantee the charges against him would be very different. He would be in prison, maybe under the prison.”

Allison responded that Hunter does acknowledge his privilege, and “the lesson to be learned is that if someone is suffering with addiction, they should be supported by their family and they should have the infrastructure around them and the social welfare programs around them to get them the help to recovery. And I think that’s the point of the op-ed.”

Phillip then said, “Well, look, that is, I think, where we are today. There are probably some black men in prison right now who did not get that same kind of grace, for sure, that Hunter Biden was asking for.”

Allison and Singleton agreed and added that the same is true about black women, a point Phillip agreed with as well.

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


Washington Post: Democrats Fear Black Voters Will Not Show Up for Biden

188Shawn Thew/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images


31 Jul 20230


Democrats fear black voters will not show up for President Joe Biden in the presidential election next year should he be the nominee, according to reports.

A piece in the Washington Post details these concerns, largely attributing Biden’s path to the White House in 2020 to the role of black voters. According to the report, Democrats are at least partially basing their newfound concern on the steep decline of participation in the midterm election last year among black voters, dropping from 51.7 percent in 2018 to 42 percent in 2022 — a difference of almost ten points. More specifically, these declines were seen in “key states like Georgia, the center of Democrats’ plans to mobilize Black voters in large margins for Biden in 2024,” according to the Post:

The drop in Black turnout has become a focus for Democratic leaders as the party reorients to next year’s presidential contest. Biden’s election in 2020 hinged on narrow victories in states like Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania that former president Donald Trump had won in 2016. Democratic activists are cautioning that the party can’t afford to let support from Black voters slip.

W. Mondale Robinson, founder of the Black Male Voter Project, shared a dire assessment of Democrats’ potential turnout problems with Black men. In many of the battleground states, he said many Black men are “sporadic or non-voters,” meaning they are registered, but have voted in one or none of the past three presidential elections. Robinson said Democrats spend too much time focused on converting “conservative-leaning White women” in the suburbs who they see as swing voters. Instead, he said, they should focus more on turning out Black men, viewing them as swing voters who are debating whether to vote or stay home.

Citing black voter advocates, the Post concluded that many black male voters feel alienated by both sides and do not feel as if their lives have improved under Democrats or Republicans, leading to a general sense of disillusionment in the political process. And experts worry that the left’s obsession with former President Donald Trump will do nothing to motivate young black voters to head to the polls. In other words, the left’s current messaging — namely, attacking Trump — is not working to motivate the voters they need to show up.

“When you think about election cycle to election cycle, [Black voters] have been telling us for a long time what matters,” Brittany Smith, executive director of the Philadelphia-based Black Leadership PAC (BLP), said, according to the Post.

“They want to put food on the table, a roof over their head, send kids to good schools, live in neighborhoods that are safe,” Smith added. “I don’t think the issues are new, it’s the way we talk about them and the way we’re centering the voice of the people who live in these communities.”

Indeed, these are valid concerns from Democrats given the fact that the GOP gained a bigger share of both black and Latino voters in the midterm election, moving from nine percent to 13 percent among black voters, specifically.

Polls leading up to the midterm election told a similar story of disillusionment toward President Joe Biden. A Quinnipiac poll released in June 2022, months ahead of the midterms, found Biden’s approval rating among black Americans falling 14 points since April 2022, descending to 49 percent.

RELATED — CNN’s Enten: Polling Showing Significant Drop for Democrats Among Black Voters

0 seconds of 4 minutes, 39 secondsVolume 90%

The concerns come as others, namely, CNN, warn that a second Trump term is a “very real possibility.”

Black voters avoiding Joe Biden like a bad smell

By Monica Showalter

Some eighty-one percent of Democrat voters are perfectly happy to keep supporting Joe Biden for reelection to the presidency.

But there's one subcategory among them that is scaring the heck out of Democrat pollsters: Black men, whose support for the old dotard has cratered.

Biden is down by thirty points among this normally loyal political group. A very significant number just don't want to vote for him.

According to the Daily Caller, citing a Washington Post report:

Black voters are significantly less enthused about a Biden reelection campaign than they were in 2020, with only 55% saying they’re likely to support him in 2024, according to an early May AP/NORC poll. The same poll suggests that 81% of Democratic voters say they’d definitely or probably would support the president if he’s the nominee.

“We have to meet them where they are and we have to show them why the political process matters and what we have accomplished that benefits them,” Cedric L. Richmond, senior adviser at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and former Biden adviser, told the Post. “We will not make the mistake that others made of not drawing all the connections.”

The numbers jibe almost exactly with another poll taken in May:

An ABC News-Washington Post poll released Sunday showed that 52% of black voters approved of Biden, down from 82% when he took office in 2021. The same poll showed that 27% of black voters are likely or leaning towards voting for former President Donald Trump if he runs against Biden in the 2024 general election. ABC News and the Washington Post surveyed a random national sample of 1,006 adults by landline and telephone from April 28 to May 3.

Which is pretty interesting stuff. The pattern suggests that this is no outlier poll that could be wrong. There are a lot of black men out there who want nothing to do with Joe Biden and won't turn out to vote for him.

Which probably shouldn't be that surprising. What on earth could be appealing to them about this guy?

Under Biden, black people's standard of living has fallen sharply. Wage gains that began around the Trump era have been eaten away by Bidenflation. The White House is bragging that the post-COVID lockdown era has brought black workers back into the workforce at rising wages as if to say they should be happy about old Joe and his miracle economy:

Back in 2019, the average employed Black worker was in an occupation that paid $24.83 an hour. Today, the average Black worker is in a job that would have paid $25.53 an hour in 2019, a +2.8 percent rise. That shift is larger than the +1.9 percent increase among all Americans. 

But what difference does that make when the price of food is 20% higher? Bidenflation has rendered those wage gains meaningless.

Meanwhile, Joe's open borders has delivered a second hit to black worker wages. Millions of illegal aliens flooding into the country inevitably drive wages down even further, especially for those on the first rungs of the career ladder, or those in low-paid low-skill occupations which includes many black voters.

It's no secret that blacks are strongly opposed to illegal immigration, not just for the wage impact but for the burdens that illegal migrants impose on the black community, which are not confined to lower wages but also mean higher crime and more competition for social services resources. When the school district money gets redirected into educating Jose just in from Tegucigalpa, you can bet that Jamal from Compton doesn't get the educational attention he needs, too.

What's more, black voters see little to like about the transgender agenda promoted by Democrats. A December 2021 poll from Rasmussen was devastating:

Nine out of ten black Americans reject the claim there are more “genders” than the two male and female sexes, according to a December 20-21 poll by Rasmussen Reports.

Just three of the roughly 150 blacks interviewed “strongly” agreed that there are more “genders” than female and male. But roughly 102 black respondents strongly denied that claim — which is a core element of the transgender ideology.

Another factor likely driving this is an aftereffect of the COVID vaccine mandates, which were opposed by blacks at a far higher rate than by whites.

Opposition to vaccine mandates brought draconian consequences to resisters, meaning, blacks were hit harder. How many of the some 9,000 servicemen kicked out of the military based on refusal to take the COVID vaccine were black people? Quite likely, it was a lot. Tucker Carlson's interview with rap superstar Ice Cube, where the latter expressed his skepticism for COVID vaccines and refused to take them, is likely very indicative of what black male voters are thinking.

Former Republican party operative Mark Shields said that the broad pattern suggests a Democrat focus on rich white voters' concerns to the detriment of black voters:

Further exacerbating this phenomenon is the Democratic Party’s move toward a much higher-income, White coastal voter base, and with it, a more left-wing progressivism that is alienating significant segments of Hispanic and Black voters.

No kidding. Lastly, what are black men being asked to vote for: Joe Biden? The creepy old white man who became a millionaire while in public office, and whose privileged drug-abusing son is right now skating on drug and corruption charges? Those same types of charges that have thrown millions of black men in prison for much tinier offenses?

How's that two-tier justice, with privileged Hunter getting coddled by the DOJ while millions of black men get the book thrown at them, working out for black male voters? We know it works great for Joe Biden and his fawning media gaslighters, but the hard reality of a two-tier justice system that works for Joe but not for the ordinary people cannot be lost on black male voters.

Sure, we can bring up that Soros district attorneys are refusing to prosecute anyone these days, but that brings in a whole new set of problems that has hit the black community hardest. Looted businesses, fleeing retailers and communities left with nothing owing to the authorities' refusal to prosecute crime are undoubtedly leaving many black victims. Law-abiding black people are left with the inevitable consequences of that white lenience on crime, while criminals of all colors are going free. Just a day or two ago, the Oakland NAACP branch condemned the authorities' refusal to prosecute crimes as detrimental to the black community. Enforcing actual laws on a one-tier basis would fix this, but Joe is looking out for Joe.

There are likely other reasons, too, to account for that 30-point drop in black male support for Joe Biden. It seems they are onto him, and more and more are moving to President Trump, who's always been pretty intelligible to these voters, and has attracted significant black support even before Biden was put out by Democrats as their candidate. Now that they have seen what Biden brings, I am surprised the drop in support is not higher. One thing we can say from this is that it is continuing, and for Republicans, assuming they welcome and encourage these voters, the trend is its friend. Let's hope they win over the entire bloc, because Democrats don't care about black people and more and more black voters are starting to see that they don't deserve their votes.

Image: Pexels // Pexels License


Michelle Obama is actually a better politician than her husband Barack. She’s a better speaker and comes across more authentic, even though her race-based background stories are just as fictitious as Barack’s. Meanwhile the Democrat party has set Michelle up perfectly to become their nominee, with their first primary in South Carolina, where half the Democrat primary electorate is Black and a state where Michelle’s grandparents are from. And, most obviously, the Democrat national convention will be in Chicago. Get ready for America’s first “homegirl” political convention in 2024!

Michelle Obama’s Affirmative Action Adventure at Princeton

By Joel Gilbert

Last week, Michelle Obama, the politician, issued a formal position statement on Twitter regarding the Supreme Court decision to eliminate affirmative action in higher education. In doing so, Michelle not only revealed her political ambition, which I believe includes the Democratic nomination for president in 2024, but also the likelihood that she herself was an affirmative action student at Princeton University in 1981.

In my film and book of the same name, Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for PowerI do a deep dive into Michelle’s Princeton University experience. What I discovered is an obvious beneficiary of racial preferences who feels obliged to deny her privilege and to denounce the very system that bestowed those privileges as racist.

In the years prior to applying to Princeton University, Michelle and her brother Craig avoided the all-Black South Shore High School only a one block walk from their home. The Robinson family wanted their children to study with Whites. This was no surprise given that Michelle had been beaten up by the neighborhood kids for “acting White” and “talking White” during her childhood.  Michelle writes in her memoir, Becoming, about getting into a fist fight with a girl who repeatedly called Michelle an “oreo” – a major insult meaning you are Black on the outside but really White on the inside. Michelle had no desire to study with “those people” for high school.

Michelle’s brother Craig was sent to an expensive private Catholic school, Mount Carmel (the Robinsons were not Catholic), while Michelle took two buses 90 minutes to attend Whitney Young magnet school. At Whitney Young, Michelle was able to keep up with her school work and get decent grades by spending twice as much time on homework as her peers. However, Michelle’s shortcomings were exposed during testing. She admits to having done did poorly on standardized tests, including the SATs.

When it came time to apply for colleges, Michelle once again aspired to be as far away from the Black community as possible. Her preference was to follow her brother to Princeton University, where he was a star basketball player. However, Michelle’s low test scores were a problem. Here is what Prep Scholar had to say about getting into Princeton: “If you apply with a score below a 1570 SAT or a 35 ACT, you unfortunately start out with the odds against you and have a tiny chance of getting in.” A White Whitney Young classmate of Michelle’s placed seventh in her class compared to Michelle’s thirty-second, but was accepted by none of the Ivy League schools to which she applied. Princeton took Michelle.

Rather than acknowledging the affirmative action boost, Michelle has played the race card to falsely claim she was discouraged from applying. On numerous occasions, she has accused her Whitney Young high guidance counselor of profiling her racially. In a recent interview with Gayle King, Michelle claimed that the counselor had said to her, “You’re Black applying to Princeton, maybe you’re stretching.” Unfortunately for Michelle, in my research I discovered that Michelle’s high school counselor was a churchgoing Black woman and assistant principal named Nan King. Michelle gets away with her lie smearing this Black counselor only because she passed away in 2005. Her racial hoaxing has never quite risen to the Chicago standard set by Jussie Smollett, but it has been much more consequential.

Arriving at Princeton, Michelle struggled academically. Years later, Michelle would tell ABC’s Robyn Williams, “I didn’t even know the language of that college. What was a syllabus? Never heard of it!” In various commencement addresses, Michelle has told of getting her first ever C in Greek mythology. In her memoir Becoming, she tells of floundering her way through a theology class as a freshman, “ultimately salvaging my grade with an eleventh-hour, leave-it-all-on-the-field effort on the final paper.” Luckily, Michelle learned what to do about poor grades at Princeton from brother Craig. When asked at a public forum to explain why he left his major of engineering, Craig spilled the beans. “My mid-term grades were really the reason, a C, two Ds, and an F. That is how I ended up majoring in Sociology.”

Michelle quickly followed suit and ran to the non-judgmental sociology department to try to salvage her grade point average. And if that weren’t enough of a cop-out, within the field of sociology, Michelle concentrated in “Afro-American Studies.” If the goal was to learn about being Black, what was the point of her leaving a city with a million Black people for an elite campus with a few hundred? As a Black engineering student in Michelle’s class wrote, “Im black, Im aware of that, but I never wanted that to be the center of my education. If Id wanted that experience, I would have gone to Howard University.”

Few have read Michelle Obama’s 98-page senior thesis, “Princeton-Educated Blacks and The Black Community.” Among those who did was the late British writer Christopher Hitchens. It was, said the caustic Hitchens, “not written in any known language.” He was correct. If butchering grammar and logic were a crime, Michelle would still be in custody. Nor was spelling Michelle’s strong suit. She misspelled at least forty common words, rendered in her language as “activites,” “occured,” “professsors,” “respndents,” “stongly,” “desparation,” and “intelectual” to name a few.

I learned from studying Michelle’s thesis something much more profound – her thesis is in fact a cry for help. Michelle used the thesis to resolve an identity crisis that the Afro-American studies program had triggered in her. “My four years of exposure to a predominately White, Ivy League University has instilled within me certain conservative values,” wrote Michelle. “As I enter my final year at Princeton, I find myself striving for many of the same goals as my White classmates - acceptance to a prestigious graduate or professional school or a high paying position in a successful corporation.” Michelle then asked, “Is it possible that other Black alumni share these feelings?” Michelle wondered if they embraced “White” ambitions like her and might validate her.

Clearly Michelle did not belong in the Afro-American studies program. She apparently joined only to get good grades. So here was Michelle, a well off kid from a political Chicago family in a department of radical professors who taught her she was Black and only Black, and no one in American society would ever think of anything otherwise. To that point, the only racism she had experienced was from hostile Black kids who thought her not black enough. Having mixed freely with Whites at home and in her Chicago high school, Michelle had been accepted by everyone, and had learned that if she worked hard she could achieve anything, but the message of Princeton’s Afro-American studies program was to the contrary and clear: you are, and always will only be, viewed in life as a racial stereotype.

That was a blow to Michelle - how to move forward from that realization? In Michelle’s thesis, her survey of Black Princeton alumni brought the relief she needed. Michelle’s responses were that the “feelings of obligation” alums felt towards their less fortunate brethren, including “the Black community” and “the Black lower class” had significantly “decreased” once they had left Princeton. Michelle’s thesis affirmed for her that seeking refuge in blackness was a dead end. For Michelle, “blackness” had only been a tool to advance her interests in a White liberal world, not an end in itself.

By the last months of her senior year, Michelle shifted back into her bourgeois Chicago mode and was preparing for future opportunities, like Harvard University. Applicants to Harvard Law typically have LSAT scores in the 98 to 99 percent range and GPAs above 3.80. In view of her previous test scores, it is unlikely that Michelle came close in either category. If she had been from a “disadvantaged” background, Harvard’s elastic standards might have made sense, but there was nothing disadvantaged about Michelle. She came from a solid two-parent family, attended an outstanding public high school, graduated from Princeton, and spoke “like a White girl.”  Her brother’s acceptance made her a genuine legacy, and she even had an uncle who received a Harvard degree, making her kind of a double legacy student.

Michelle’s skin color opened doors that would have been firmly closed to an actual White girl with comparable credentials, even a White girl from a disadvantaged background. Once again Michelle benefited from affirmative action; her skin color was an asset, not a liability at all. After Harvard, she would aggressively thrust herself into the very center of an elite, well-integrated society. Although she likely did not realize it during her time at Princeton, Michelle had unconsciously acquired a race-based bag of tricks from which she could draw in her quest for political power one day. At various podiums on the Obama campaign trail and beyond, Michelle would play the role of her Princeton professors, telling the American public that yes, America is a racist country in which Blacks will always be thwarted.

Many are wondering why Michelle Obama has maintained such a high political profile since leaving the White House 6 years ago. She wrote two recent autobiographies, founded a voter registration organization called “When We All Vote”, and was the keynote speaker at the Democrat Convention in 2020 – exactly mimicking Barack’s activities before he ran for President. In addition, you might remember that it was Michelle Obama who called for Donald Trump to be wiped off of Twitter and other social media the day before he was canceled.

Michelle Obama is actually a better politician than her husband Barack. She’s a better speaker and comes across more authentic, even though her race-based background stories are just as fictitious as Barack’s. Meanwhile the Democrat party has set Michelle up perfectly to become their nominee, with their first primary in South Carolina, where half the Democrat primary electorate is Black and a state where Michelle’s grandparents are from. And, most obviously, the Democrat national convention will be in Chicago. Get ready for America’s first “homegirl” political convention in 2024!

Hollywood film director Joel Gilbert is president of Highway 61 Entertainment. Among his many films are political documentaries including The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided AmericaTrump: The Art of the InsultThere's No Place Like UtopiaDreams from My Real FatherAtomic Jihad; and Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran and the Revolt of Islam and the new film and book MICHELLE OBAMA 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power.

Photo credit: Tim Pierce CC BY 2.0 license





Nickname(s): Barry O’Bummer, the Choom Gangsta, Hussein in the Membrane

Occupation: Serial memoirist, nicotine addict, property owner, Netflix producer, secret Muslim, 44th president of the United States

Background: “Born” in “Hawaii” in 1961, B. Hussein Obama moved with his mother at age six to Indonesia and ate dog meat. He returned to Hawaii years later to join the Honolulu-based “choom gang” and experiment with drugs before “enrolling” at Occidental College, followed by Columbia, followed by Harvard Law School. After publishing his first memoir at age 33, Obama worked in the Illinois state government under the tutelage of left-wing terrorist Bill Ayers before getting elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004 and immediately running for president to validate his preternatural self-regard. Mission accomplished.

Hobbies: Hanging out with celebsdrinking wine with “interesting Italians,” and complaining about his wife’s literary success. Being wrong about politics might even be considered one of Obama’s hobbies. In 2016, for example, he backed Hillary Clinton over his own vice president. We all know how that turned out. In 2020, Obama was “enamored” with failed candidate Beto O’Rourke and feared Joe Biden would “dishonor himself” by running. He didn’t even donate to Biden’s campaign.

Hates freedom? Without question.

Why/how? Where to begin? As president Obama relished every opportunity to apologize for American exceptionalism, which he dismissively likened to “British exceptionalism” or “Greek exceptionalism.” His signature move when greeting foreign leaders was the submissive bow. He brazenly lied about whether Americans would be able to keep their doctors following the passage of Obamacare. He repeatedly expressed frustration with the fact that he was merely president of the United States, as opposed to an “emperor” or “dictator” with total authority to decide how the American people should live their lives. Apart from coddling terrorists, his signature foreign policy achievements include presiding over the death of an American ambassador in Benghazi and cozying up to the anti-American regimes in Iran and Cuba.

Claim(s) to shame: Generally speaking, Obama is a pathological narcissist who journalists lustily admired as president because he reminded them so much of themselves and satisfied their overwhelming desire to publicly demonstrate opposition to racism and other bad things. He resented the American people for constantly letting him down, and behaved as though the office of the presidency was beneath him. In March 2014, for example, Obama refused to let Russia’s impending annexation of Crimea spoil his vacation plans. “I needed this,” he told former NBA star Alonzo Mourning and other guests at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo. “I needed the golf. I needed to laugh.”

Fun fact(s): Obama is the first former president since Dwight Eisenhower, commander of the D-Day invasion, to compose a multi-volume memoir about his time in office. During the 2012 election, the Choom Gangsta voted for himself at precisely 4:20 p.m.

What’s next? Becoming the first ex-president billionaire, finishing his third memoir, and eventually publishing a 900-page novel that reviewers will unanimously praise as “Holden Caulfield meets Ta-Nehisi Coates … an intellectual call to arms,” because they’ll be too gutless to admit it’s rather tedious and overwrought.


Yes, he fervently assured us, more than once, that God had truly blessed America. In hearing this I couldn’t help but think about the left’s favorite president – Barack Obama - and what his Pastor Reverend Wright thought God’s judgment on America was. The contrast was jarring. The cognitive dissonance was building.


A Black Pastor Speaks Truth to Power in Berkeley

By Leonard Bakker

Question: What’s the closest thing to Hell freezing over? Answer: a black pastor praising western civilization for “bringing Africa out of the darkness” in front of a Catholic congregation in Berkeley, California. Even more amazing, this was no ordinary congregation. It was the Newman Center; the church that is the official designated home of the U.C. Berkeley Catholic community, and one where a former Chancellor of the entire 10 campus U.C. system was in the audience along with a substantial contingent of faculty, administrators and alumni. In short, a representative sampling of the people who made and make ‘Berkeley’ synonymous with the far left, and ones who are very much used to living – whether at church or on campus -- in a very comfortable echo chamber.

So, when Father Joseph Ekpo, visiting from Nigeria, uttered those sentiments as an introduction to his after-gospel homily, the collective eyebrows raised among that vanguard elite were likely strong enough to levitate the roof several feet.


Fr. Ekpo preaching at the Newman Center (YouTube screengrab)

For according to the catechism of the new left, it’s a red flag to use such a triggering word like ‘darkness’ to describe Africa, and a downright mortal sin for a BIPOC - black indigenous person of color - to say anything positive about western civ and the dreaded white patriarchal male; especially the missionaries, who they charge with the destruction of indigenous cultures and with them, the ‘noble savage’ they idolize. For nominally Christian, such leftists may be even more so acolytes of the church of Jean Jacques Rousseau and his proto and neo-Marxist college of saints. Accordingly, in the wake of the George Floyd riots they hoisted a 30 foot long “Black Lives Matter” banner across the church entrance and kept it there for well over a year; long after the revolutionary communist aims and virulently anti-Catholic, anti-American and anti-family proclivities of this group- to say nothing of their scandalous self-enrichment schemes - were well known.

However, on this day the banner was gone, the welcome mat was out and so Father Joe proceeded to make the unabashed case that the introduction of Christianity by the western missionaries was a singular force for enlightenment and good on his continent. It brought about, not only a religious awakening to the one true faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, but a societal revolution that unleashed the power and potential of all people who were seen to be made in the image and likeness of God. Education and rights for women and all classes was extended and an ethos of service, rather than entitlement among the country’s elite was initiated and is progressing with noticeably positive results in a country that is plagued with economic and social problems we in the West can scarcely imagine.

So, strike one was made against a prevailing nostrum of the left. Father Joe torpedoed the foundation of Critical Race Theory by clearly spelling out that Christianity was a liberating, rather than enslaving force in Africa, as it was for the founding of America. And mind you, this testimony had the added authenticity of coming ‘from the hood’; that is, from an actual third world black man, rather than some pampered academic first world princess or princeling play acting a part of the imaginary oppressed.

Continuing, he proceeded to level strike two by giving a resounding cheer for capitalism and the goodness of America. With disarming earnestness, he urged us to get down on our knees every day and thank God for the great blessing of being born in this decent, bountiful country; a country made affluent by its foundational Christian heritage. “When you enter a Walgreens or a CVS and see that sea of medicines, I want you to thank the Lord that you are able to get these blessings, where those in my country routinely die and are disabled for want of such things.” The Christian virtue of gratitude was an overriding message. Yes, he fervently assured us, more than once, that God had truly blessed America. In hearing this I couldn’t help but think about the left’s favorite president – Barack Obama - and what his Pastor Reverend Wright thought God’s judgment on America was. The contrast was jarring. The cognitive dissonance was building.

Then, it was on to strike three, which was surely the most painful and incriminating part of his homily, especially for a left that has steadfastly looked to bury the revelation of such monstrous undertakings. He told us about Boko Haram. He began with the innocuous observation that for most of our congregation, our biggest concern was getting out of mass quickly so we could go home to eat brunch, go jogging or watch the game. He quickly added however, that for Catholics in his country, their biggest concern when they went to mass is whether they will ever see their homes again at all.

From here he told us, in riveting, eye watering detail the murderous atrocities that the above-mentioned Islamic terror group regularly visits on Nigeria’s Christians. He was careful to say that not all Muslins in his land were terrorists, but he spared no details in chronicling the horrific savagery of those who are; specifically, how they focus on blowing up churches. I recall his words as I remember them. You can go to this link for video of the actual text:




“Most recently, they have elevated their cruelty in this regard. They have started to single out the hungry children in the villages and ask them: ‘Would you like some food?’ Of course, the children say yes, and they give them a little bit. Then they fasten the suicide belts around them, place a new garment over them and tell them to go into the church. ‘We will give you some more food when you come out’ they promise. Once inside and with the congregation at its peak, they detonate the bombs, blowing everyone up as the church collapses.”

Tears streaming down his face, he bore on with the weight of the world on his shoulders, but the righteousness of the murdered dead in his heart and on his lips. Railing to heaven he screamed: “What kind of God implores you to murder innocent children? What kind of God rewards such vicious inhumanity?”

Finally, he directed his fury right over the home target and brought up that most inconvenient of truths. He forcefully indicted the cowardice and corruption of a politically correct western media that, to preserve its ‘fantasy of a faultless other’, has refused to properly inform the world and condemn the Islamic genocide being carried out against African Christians. “Why is no one in the western media speaking out about this? Why the double standard?” he bellowed. Clearly, this was a thinly veiled indictment against all of those sitting in the pews who have made Berkeley the epicenter for PC: that skewed, self-hating ideology.

The congregation was dumbstruck, stunned. And yet, there was more than a smattering of applause as the good Father concluded his searing message. Was a nerve struck? Were hearts truly changed among those who are not committed leftists, for surely there were more than a few of such present? Who knows. Searching for clues, I looked over at the Chancellor from time to time and detected a certain discomfort as he scratched himself, rolled his head, averted his eyes and looked up to the ceiling. Was he truly pierced thru the heart by this noble priest’s blistering words and on his way to atonement? Or was he, more ominously, invoking a darker power and asking: “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?

We do not know the inner workings of his soul. But then again, there’s no need to count on a Pauline conversion among such commissars of the regime to save us. For we who have eyes and noses can see and smell the momentum of the battle starting to turn ever more clearly, from the ground up. With foot soldiers and fighting generals -- people such as Bishop Robert Barron, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson and local eminences such as Father Ekpo -- we see a new wave of heroes emerging world-wide who have the mind, heart, skills and spirit to move mountains, take the fight to the enemy and save what is best and brightest in our patrimony. May we have the courage of our convictions to join them.


 For nominally Christian, such leftists may be even more so acolytes of the church of Jean Jacques Rousseau and his proto and neo-Marxist college of saints. Accordingly, in the wake of the George Floyd riots they hoisted a 30 foot long “Black Lives Matter” banner across the church entrance and kept it there for well over a year; long after the revolutionary communist aims and virulently anti-Catholic, anti-American and anti-family proclivities of this group- to say nothing of their scandalous self-enrichment schemes - were well known.


Yes, he fervently assured us, more than once, that God had truly blessed America. In hearing this I couldn’t help but think about the left’s favorite president – Barack Obama - and what his Pastor Reverend Wright thought God’s judgment on America was. The contrast was jarring. The cognitive dissonance was building.



We’ve NEVER Seen Anything Like This in the Whole History of the U.S. | Victor Davis Hanson



Jamie Glazov on ‘The Insurrection’: Barack Obama’s True Legacy

Frontpage Editor unveils the seeds to the Biden catastrophe.

July 13, 2023 by Glazov Gang 1 Comment




[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

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This new episode of The Glazov Gang features Jamie Glazov on THE INSURRECTION with Derrick Evans and Mike Lauber.

Jamie discusses his new book Barack Obama’s True Legacy,  revealing The seeds to the Biden catastrophe. 

Don’t miss it!


And don’t miss our 10-Part Series on Obama’s True Legacy below:

[1] Jamie on  Prager: Why Obama Showed Off Reading Fareed Zakaria – Marxists will always give you the signal.


[2] Jamie on Lindell TV: The Devious Calculating Left – and the Moronic Left. The malicious globalist puppet masters – and their useful idiots. 


[3] Jamie on D’Souza: Why and How Obama Targeted General Michael Flynn – and How that malicious persecution of the General planted the seeds to the Trump indictment.


[4] Glazov on D’Souza: Biden’s Catastrophe Rooted in Obama – When your own personal founding fathers hate the Founding Fathers of America. 

The segment starts at the 8:13 mark.


[5] Glazov on The Dennis Prager Show: Obama’s True Legacy – and who planted the seeds to the indictment of Donald Trump.


[6] Jamie on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America:


[7] Jamie on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show: Obama’s Conversion Moment – When Was it Exactly? and Why can’t the question be asked about his spiritual journey? 


[8] J.R. Nyquist: Obama – Groomed by KGB? The curious – and taboo – Tom Fife story.


[9] Obama’s Russia Collusion – The baseless accusations against President Trump begin to make sense.


[10] The Obama Movie That Can Never Be – The eerie issues that can’t be discussed about the worst ex-president’s religious journey.


We are also thrilled to announce that Jamie’s new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America, has reached #1 on Amazon’s “United States Executive Government” category.

Check out Mark Tapson’s review at HERE.

Bruce Bawer’s review at HERE.

General Michael Flynn’s Foreword to the book: HERE.

Jamie’s appearance on Eagle Ed Martin’s podcast: HERE.

There’s a reason Mike Huckabee calls it “A ferocious and chilling read.”

Stay tuned!!


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Levin charged the Democrats with unbridled hypocrisy, accusing Biden of racism.

“This effort to try and turn conservatism into the KKK, into neo-Nazi ism is really amazing, especially considering the history of the Democrat Party and its embrace of the KKK and slavery and segregation and Jim Crow. Despite its history of filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, despite its current president, Joe Biden being a racist and segregationist early in his career opposing public school integration, calling it a jungle,” he said.


Where there’s smoke, look for fire.  Biden came from humble means, never worked in the private sector, but somehow became wildly wealthy.  Several of Biden’s family members essentially work in the family business of apparent influence peddling.  Does Biden’s frequent refrain, “I never spoke with my son about his overseas business deals” come to mind?  It makes one wonder if “never” really means “never!”.  Biden has nine relatives receiving millions in foreign cash.  What were they talking about when Vice President Biden and his cronies met 80 times at the White House?  Veracity is everything when you solicit the public’s trust, and Biden’s persona is wrapped around his supposed trustworthiness.  However, the facts here point to a person who uses hyperbole, manipulation, and outright lying to sway public opinion. ALLAN J FEIFER


Amiable Old Joe Biden Turns Out to Be Given to Foul-Mouthed Yelling

His public image is just as false as the innumerable claims he has made about his background.

July 13, 2023 by Robert Spencer 8 Comments




[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Affable Old Joe Biden may be a disastrous president, but he’s a kindly old fellow, no? No. The picture of Biden as a friendly, amiable regular guy turns out to be just as false as the innumerable lies he has told about his background.

For over half a century now, Old Joe Biden has carefully cultivated his public image: he’s good ol’ Lunchbucket Joe, a down-to-earth man of the people, someone who fought his way up from a hardscrabble beginning to become an indefatigable servant of the common man. This portrait is not true in any detail. Biden is actually a churlish, spiteful bully; his public image is a cynical and manipulative effort to fool voters into supporting a man who has anything but their best interests at heart.

Until now, however, the establishment media has dutifully done its part to keep the public from seeing the real Joe Biden. In another sign that the Left is preparing to throw Old Joe overboard, Axios on Monday revealed that the real Joe Biden is ill-tempered, foul-mouthed, and brutal to those who have the misfortune of working for him.

Axios noted that “in public, President Biden likes to whisper to make a point. In private, he’s prone to yelling.” Old Joe isn’t just raising his voice to make a point. It’s so bad that those who work for the Figurehead-In-Chief avoid meeting with him in private: “Biden has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him. Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast.” The meetings are a charade, anyway, since someone else is giving the real orders, so why should staffers have to endure the old man’s tirades?

“Tirades” is a polite word for what Old Joe is dishing out. “Current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts” say that he tends to scream abuse (Axios calls them “admonitions”) on the order of “G** dammit, how the f**k don’t you know this?!,” “Don’t f**king bullsh*t me!” and “Get the f**k out of here!” Old Joe sure is a charmer!

Axios, however, is a reliable cog in the Left’s propaganda machine, and so it wants us to think that this mendacious, corrupt old man’s nasty temper is a good thing: “Some Biden aides think the president would be better off occasionally displaying his temper in public as a way to assuage voter concerns that the 80-year-old president is disengaged and too old for the office.” Yeah, that’ll work great. Let us see Old Joe screaming and shouting at his hapless aides. Then we’ll know that he’s in there fighting for the people, right?

Even as it purveys this arrant nonsense, Axios can’t help but draw back the curtain far enough for us to see just how miserable it must be to work for Old Joe. One Biden regime official said: “No one is safe.” And so even top aides could be in for the Biden treatment at any moment: “Biden aides still talk about how angry he got at Jeff Zients, then the administration’s ‘COVID czar,’ in late 2021 when there was a shortage of testing kits as the Omicron variant spread. (The rage was temporary. Zients is now Biden’s chief of staff.)” Oh, well, then! Zients must have recognized that Lunchbucket Joe’s anger was righteous!

That’s apparently what former White House spokesditz Jen Psaki thinks, as she supposedly told Old Joe “multiple times” that “I’ll know we have a really good, trusting relationship when you yell at me the first time.” Chris Whipple, author of a sycophantic whitewash of Biden’s presidency, commented: “Psaki wouldn’t have to wait long.” Once again, Old Joe’s charm is off the charts.

Much of the Axios piece, however, appears to be devoted to using Biden’s rants as evidence that he doesn’t have dementia. And so we’re told that “Biden’s temper comes in the form of angry interrogations rather than erratic tantrums. He’ll grill aides on topics until it’s clear they don’t know the answer to a question — a routine that some see as meticulous and others call ‘stump the chump’ or ‘stump the dummy.’”

Try squaring that claim with the new videos of a barely coherent Biden that come out practically every day. But Ted Kaufman, Biden’s chief of staff when he was a senator, which is now over fourteen years ago, says: “If there is something that’s not in the brief, he’s going to find it. It’s not to embarrass people, it’s because he wants to get to the right decision. Most people who have worked for him like the fact that he challenges them and gets them to a better decision.”

Reassuring! Or maybe not. Contrary to Axios’ spin, it is worth noting that a hair-trigger temper is a sign of advancing dementia, as is making rude or crude outbursts in public. The Alzheimer’s Society observes that “as a person’s dementia progresses, they may sometimes behave in ways that are physically or verbally aggressive.” This may take the form of “swearing, screaming, shouting or making threats,” as well as “hitting, pinching, scratching, hair-pulling, biting or throwing things.”

There have been no reports of Old Joe throwing things or pulling anyone’s hair as yet — he’s much more into sniffing hair, not pulling it. As throwing things is also a sign of dementia, however, before too long Old Joe may be rivaling Hillary in sending objects aloft as an expression of ire. Then the media will tell us that throwing things is a sign of Old Joe’s passion to do the right thing.


Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Reader Interactions

Biden, long known as Delaware’s “senator from DuPont,” Biden served on committees that were most sensitive to the interests of the ruling class, including the Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee. He supported the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, a milestone in the deregulation of the banks, and other right-wing measures. After nearly four decades in the Senate, Biden became Obama’s vice president, helping to oversee the massive bailout of Wall Street following the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent restructuring of class relations to benefit the rich. That included the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, based on a 50 percent cut in the pay of all newly hired autoworkers.





At the time, he claimed the arrest was to stop him from revealing what he knows about the Biden crime family and FBI corruption. Now, Dr. Luft has disappeared entirely.



In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

It's currently unknown whether he met with foul play or voluntarily dropped out of sight. However, what is well established is that since that fateful interview with the FBI in March 2019, Luft has made powerful enemies in both Chinese and American intelligence and, of course, in the Biden syndicate.

Where Is the Missing Biden Witness, Gal Luft?

By Mark Adams

Last February, Dr. Gal Luft, a retired Israel Defense Forces lieutenant colonel with deep intelligence ties in Washington and Beijing, was arrested as an alleged gun runner. At the time, he claimed the arrest was to stop him from revealing what he knows about the Biden crime family and FBI corruption. Now, Dr. Luft has disappeared entirely.



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