Wednesday, January 24, 2024


“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”

MOST CORRUPT IV: President Barrack Obama - Forgotten History

Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf

“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”


George Soros Donates $125 Million to Democrats Before November Midterms 


Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated - and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.


Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George

Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times

Is a fourth Obama term on the way?

Is a fourth Obama term on the way?

I’ve been forecasting a Michelle Obama presidential run since October of 2019:  

Michelle Obama, would, in many respects, be a Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) dream candidate. She’s female and she’s black, and isn’t it about time for a black female president? Because of an adoring, tongue-bathing, “just look at her arms!” press, she has high approval ratings, and above all, she has no voting trail, or any policy positions stuck in the public consciousness, apart from forcing school districts to throw away tons of food kids wouldn’t eat. Many D/s/cs would see her as certain to continue Barack’s legacy—what little there is left of it—and would surely think he’d be a power behind the throne, in a sort of Clintonian “two for one” sense. D/s/cs could also be mollified by the fact that her college papers so carefully hidden all these years reveal a committed Socialist/Marxist.

Of the two, D/s/cs are more likely to go for Obama. Having taken no widely disseminated Marxist positions prior to being acclaimed the nominee, her college grades, connections and writings safely hidden away, she can lie her as…er, arms…off after the convention, saying whatever is necessary to beat Trump. There won’t be any film catalogue of insane positions/gaffes for the Trump campaign to exploit. She can use the Barackian tactic of high-sounding, meaningless rhetoric, making aspirational but feckless promises. The base of the D/s/c Party would presumably keep quiet, knowing she was lying, and knowing she’d reveal her true colors once elected. They would not be red, white and blue.

Graphic: Wikimedia, Public Domain

Later that month, I expanded on the theme:  

Michelle Obama has indeed—publically—claimed she has no interest in the presidency, but if the D/s/c Party found itself with a candidate they knew couldn’t defeat Trump? 

Drafted against her will—how sad!–but nobly willing to sacrifice herself to accept to save the country from liberty, the rule of law and prosperity, Michelle Obama would stride manfully onstage dressed as a lizard thigh boot-clad banana to thunderous applause, having suffered none of the interminable D/s/c debates. Saved from having to agree with the other candidates in their rush to build another Venezuela, she could appear somewhat American–if one doesn’t look too closely or for too long. She has scant political baggage, and she recently published a book that would be endlessly excerpted by the media in embarrassingly gushing prose.

The media, which has long ago taken sides, would pull out all the stops to boost her as much as possible. We would witness an entirely new definition of softball, tongue bathing interviews, even surpassing the “why are you so wonderful?” standard of media Hillary interviews. After all, Barack Obama was the D/s/c messiah. Wouldn’t some of that rub off on Michelle? Isn’t she, by association, at least a demi-god? Surely Barack and Michelle haven’t been planning anything like this? They’re not the type of people to engage in such Machiavellian intrigues. Are they?

In August of 2020, I wrote again, this time quoting Jill Biden:

‘I’d love it if Michelle would agree to it,’ Biden said. ‘I think she’s had it with politics. She’s so good at everything she does.’

Jill was referring to Michelle running as Joe’s vice president, but times change. How can the D/s/c Party possibly kick its first semi-black, female off the ticket if Joe is persuaded to withdraw? They can if they replace Kamala with a fully black female, part of the duo that has been enjoying Barack’s third term. Previously stealthy muttering has gone overt: 

New York Post columnist Cindy Adams warned in a piece published Wednesday that Americans shouldn't be shocked if Michelle Obama "sneaks her way into the 2024 race."

"Plans are to grab Michelle for the Democratic presidency choice. Making the music is Barack the orchestra leader," Adams wrote. "The Obamas are now nudging to force SloMo Joe to go. Drop out. It’s like who else is there?"

Adams said President Biden won't debate and said the Obama drumbeat has gotten "louder."

Michelle just might be persuaded to sacrifice for the good of the country. She’s just that kind of pro-America, selfless patriot:

The former first lady recently revealed she was "terrified" Donald Trump might win in 2024 during an interview on Jay Shetty’s "On Purpose" podcast.

"Those are the things that keep me up, because you don’t have control over them. And you wonder, where are we in this? Where are our hearts? What’s gonna happen in this next election?" Obama asked. "I am terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter. Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted."

Is a fourth Obama term on the way?

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.  

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