Monday, September 10, 2018


Almost from Day One of his presidency, Donald Trump has been stymied by judges on lower federal courts issuing restraining orders to stop his executive orders and bring his agenda to a screeching halt.
On November 10, National Review ran "Obama's Judges Continue Thwarting Trump," a fine analysis by Andrew C. McCarthy, who explains what's really going on with the injunctions issued by these "rogue" judges:
You may have been under the impression that Trump won the election, and that choosing among competing policies is what elections are about.  That is how it is supposed to work in our free, constitutional republic.  But day by day, the space for free choice is shrinking.  To the Lawyer Left, elections represent a policy choice only when Democrats win.  The rest of the time, the courts are there to consolidate the Left's gains, to repel democratically driven policy shifts.
McCarthy demonstrates that, contrary to Chief Justice John Roberts, at least some of our federal courts have become politicized.  It's simply not the case that "[w]e do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges," as Roberts alleges.  Perhaps Roberts is confused about what should be and what is.
McCarthy touches on the judicial overrides of Trump's decisions on DACA and the Keystone Pipeline.  And let's not forget the travel ban, key provisions of which SCOTUS reinstated.  McCarthy began his article by predicting that the president's new policy on asylum claims would soon be stopped:
As I write on Friday, the restraining order hasn't come down yet.  But it's just a matter of time.  Some federal district judge, somewhere in the United States, will soon issue an injunction blocking enforcement of the Trump administration's restrictions on asylum applications.
That's exactly what happened nine days later on Nov. 19.  The next day at The Corner, Mr. McCarthy wrote that the injunction "took a few days longer" than he expected.  (His blog post didn't contain a link to Judge Jon Tigar's restraining order, but one can find it here and here.)
It  is thought that the only way to deal with misbehaving judges is impeachment.  We read at Ballotpedia that a total of fifteen federal judges have been impeached: "Of those fifteen: eight were convicted by the Senate, four were acquitted by the Senate, and three resigned before an outcome at trial."  Eight convictions over America's 230-year history might indicate that federal judges are a fairly decent lot.  However, by 2003, there had been sixty-one impeachment investigations of federal judges.  Here's the list.
Impeachment is a difficult means of dealing with rogue federal judges, and it may be even more difficult once the House is taken over by Democrats in January.  So what can be done to rein in a runaway federal Judiciary?  Well, in 2005, the Brookings Institution ran "Reining In a Runaway Federal Judiciary?" by Alan Murphy and Thomas E. Mann.  It's worth reading, but they offer no solution:
Throughout American history, legislators and presidents have attempted to bring independent-minded jurists into submission through other means as well, such as packing and unpacking the courts, restricting their jurisdiction, cutting judicial budgets, defying court orders, and investigating individual judges.  Yet, as with impeachment, these tactics have met with minimal success and now are widely viewed as illegitimate and threatening to judicial independence.
In 2006, however, the Yale Law Journal ran "Removing Federal Judges without Impeachment" by Saikrishna Prakash and Steven D. Smith, who argue that judges can be removed through other means than impeachment.  They examine the history of the term "good behavior," as required by the second sentence of Article III:
Those who think judges may only be removed by impeachment might suppose that history reveals that "good Behaviour" was a term of art that meant something like "tenure for life defeasible only by impeachment."  History actually proves that good behavior was independent of impeachment.
When judges on lower federal courts issue restraining orders that stop a president from performing his duties or that override his judgment, they need to have the Constitution on their side, because their orders can be reversed by higher courts.  Though they have their judgeships for life, judges should pay a price when they so presumptuously overstep.
Unlike the Legislative and the Executive Branches, the Judicial Branch of the federal government doesn't police itself; it's left up to Congress to get rid of bad judges.  Perhaps that should be changed.  Perhaps judges who are routinely overridden need to be relieved of their duties with an automatic "three strikes" mechanism.  In the real world, professionals who repeatedly foul up lose their jobs.  Why can't the federal Judiciary, not the Congress, get rid of judges who demonstrate a warped appreciation of the Constitution or who are just plain incompetent?
It doesn't seem right that one person in one branch of government can summarily stop the activities of another branch of government.  Something needs to be done.  But if impeachment is too much, then what's to be done about these lower-court judges throwing monkey wrenches into the executive?  At the very least, appeals of these injunctions need to be greatly expedited.
What President Trump is trying to do with his executive orders is protect America by stopping invasions.  What Chuck and Nancy and the open borders crew want is to import poverty, and with it new Democratic voters.  They don't care about the cost to taxpayers, nor do they care about how these invasions are changing America and her culture.  When it comes to obeying unconstitutional injunctions or defying them in order to protect America, a decent president does the latter.  The tyranny of the Judiciary must end.
Although judicial gnats have been pestering him, President Trump has been fairly judicious with his executive orders.  One E.O. he'd surely get some blowback on from "Obama judges" is an E.O. to end birthright citizenship.  However, such resistance may be the very reason for the president to go ahead and do it.  For Trump to have a truly transformative presidency, he must confront and ratchet back the Deep State and the Lawyer Left.
Article III of the U.S. Constitution outlines the role of the Judiciary in our system.  It's rather shorter than the first two articles, as it consists of 377 words and can easily fit on a single page.  In the first sentence of Article III, we read that the "judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish."
Article III gives Congress the authority to create and to destroy "inferior courts."  During our entire history, such federal courts have been abolished only twice.  There was the Judiciary Act of 1801 that backed out the "midnight judges" of President Adams.  Then there was the short-lived Commerce Court in 1913.
Except for the Supreme Court, it would seem that Article III gives the Congress carte blanche to abolish the entire federal judiciary.  If such a radical reorg of the judiciary seems "a bridge too far" right now, then perhaps Congress could abolish just the Ninth Circuit – just to send a message.
Jon N. Hall of ULTRACON OPINION is a programmer from Kansas City.

Sonia Sotomayor opposes E-Verify requirement

True to form, she said it was illegal to make employers e-verify citizen status of new hires.

Interesting, she says a state cannot force employers to check if employees they are hiring are illegal. Thankfully the court ruled 5-3 supporting law. But now we know for sure just how extreme far left Obama's choice was. We cannot afford Obama to get another term, or you can bet this country will be overrun by illegals. I don't want this country to be poor and corrupt like Mexico, which it will if illegals overrun the country.

Obama Administration Challenges Arizona E-Verify Law

The Obama administration has asked the Supreme Court to strike down a 2007 Arizona law that punishes employers who hire illegal aliens, a law enacted by then-Governor Janet Napolitano.  (Solicitor General's Amicus Curiae Brief).  Called the “Legal Arizona Workers Act,” the law requires all employers in Arizona to use E-Verify and provides that the business licenses of those who hire illegal workers shall be repealed.  From the date of enactment, the Chamber of Commerce and other special interest groups have been trying to undo it, attacking it through a failed ballot initiative and also through a lawsuit. Now the Chamber is asking the United States Supreme Court to hear the case (Chamber of Commerce v. Candelaria), and the Obama Administration is weighing in against the law.

OBAMA & HIS DEPT of LA RAZA JUSTICE watch Eric Holder HISPANDER for the Illegals’ Votes!

These attitudes are institutionalized in the courses they take from ethnic studies departments and in the organizations they join. This homeland was lost to the “brutal ‘gringo’ invasion,” and the goal of the “Plan” is the  reconquest” of that lost homeland, and restitution for that historical crime. The racist drift of all this is apparent in the motto of MEChA: “For the Race everything, outside the Race, nothing.” “Many universities, for example, have chapters of a group called MEChA, the “National Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán,” the mythical land allegedly stolen by Americans in the Mexican War. This fantasy history claims that the whole Southwest was once Aztlán, the homeland of La Raza, the “bronze” race, who are “the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlán from whence came our forefathers,” as the “Plan of Aztlán” puts it.

 Sonia Sotomayor

6 September 2018
The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court are a predictably stage-managed affair.
For the Trump administration and the congressional Republicans, and the nominee himself, the sole aim in the hearings is to avoid any self-inflicted wounds, secure in the knowledge that the 51-49 Republican majority will suffice to push through the nomination. The Democrats will not only do nothing to stall it, but will supply some votes of their own to back the right-wing judge.
Hence Kavanaugh’s presentation of himself as a sincere do-gooder, who feeds the homeless at Catholic Charities and coaches girls’ basketball, not the reactionary who has given 50 speeches to the ultra-right Federalist Society during his 12 years as a federal judge, before which he played a key role in the attempted political coup against Bill Clinton led by Kenneth Starr.
Senate Democrats are seeking to make a show of opposition to the nomination to promote illusions in the Democratic Party as the “resistance” to the Trump administration and its ultra-right policies, while allowing a select group of Democrats facing reelection bids in November in states carried by Trump in 2016 to vote for Kavanaugh.
Minority Leader Charles Schumer has flatly rejected demands from civil rights, women’s and gay groups that he engage in protracted delaying tactics to block the nomination, let alone repeat the methods employed by his Republican counterpart, Mitch McConnell, who blocked Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland in 2016 so that Trump could fill the vacancy on the court with his ultra-right nominee Neil Gorsuch.
In such matters, the Republican Party is invariably the more determined, aggressive and politically ruthless faction in capitalist politics because it is less hindered by the necessity of making a pretense of defending democratic rights or the interests of working people against the corporate elite.
This political reality forms the background to the remarkable statement given Tuesday during the opening hearing on Kavanaugh by Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island. Whitehouse engaged in an 18-minute exposure not only of the Kavanaugh nomination, but of the Supreme Court majority that is led by Chief Justice John Roberts and includes Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Gorsuch and Anthony Kennedy, whose retirement has created the vacancy Kavanaugh is to fill.
Whitehouse labeled these justices the “Roberts 

Five” and focused on 80 decisions since Roberts 

became chief justice in which the five justices 

appointed by Republican presidents voted as a 

bloc against the minority of four justices 

appointed by Democratic presidents. In the 73 of 

these cases in which the court ruling would have a 

significant impact on wealthy corporate interests, 

Whitehouse explained, the “Roberts Five” pushed 

through a pro-corporate decision every time. The 

score sheet was 73 to zero.
The senator’s presentation was remarkable in that it dropped the usual pretense that the Supreme Court is “above politics” and mocked the claims that the five-member conservative majority represents “judicial restraint” or opposes “legislating from the bench.”
“When the Roberts Five saddles up, these so-called conservatives are anything but judicially conservative,” he said. “They readily overturn precedent, toss out statutes passed by wide bipartisan margins, and decide on broad constitutional issues they need not reach.” Principles like “originalism” and deference to precedent are tossed out the window whenever they are an obstacle to reaching the desired pro-corporate result.
Among the court decisions he referenced were Shelby County v.

Holder, which gutted the Voting Rights Act; Citizens United

which overturned limits on corporate campaign contributions; 

and Walmart v. Dukes and Epic Systems, which bar consumers 

and workers from filing class action suits if they are injured or 

fleeced by corporations, forcing them into rigged arbitration 

Other 5-4 decisions protected corporations from being sued by workers over pay discrimination, age discrimination, sexual harassment or retaliation for filing charges of discrimination, and shielded US firms from liability for international human rights violations.
The 5-4 decisions include a range of protections for corporate polluters, as well as those on behalf of ultra-right opponents of abortion, gay rights and even contraception. Other such rulings include the upholding of Trump’s ban on Muslim travelers entering the United States and a decision insulating investment bankers from fraud claims.
Whitehouse traced the course of nominations like that of Kavanaugh. Corporate donors finance the Federalist Society, which promotes and screens ultra-right jurists. It gave candidate Trump a list he pledged to use for his judicial picks, including for the Supreme Court.
“Then big business and partisan groups fund the 
Judicial Crisis Network, which runs dark money 
political campaigns to influence senators in 
confirmation votes, as they’ve done for Gorsuch 
and now Kavanaugh. Who pays millions of dollars
for that, and what their expectations are, is a deep 
dark secret,” Whitehouse explained.

He noted that the US Chamber of Commerce had 
won nine of ten cases before the Supreme Court 
this year, since Gorsuch joined the court, and won 
the votes of the “Roberts Five” in three quarters of
the cases in which it has been involved since 2006.
 “The American public thinks the Supreme Court 
treats corporations more favorably than 
individuals, compared to vice versa, by a 7-to-1 
margin,” he said.
This warning that the court was becoming discredited in the eyes of the public clearly struck a nerve. Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley sputtered angrily that Whitehouse had “spent 18 minutes attacking the personal integrity of justices of the Supreme Court. He said that five justices had been bought and sold by private interests. He accused them of deciding cases to the benefit of favored parties.”
Whitehouse is not a political radical, but rather a scion of the New England aristocracy, with a family pedigree that goes back to Plymouth Rock. He is the grandson of a US diplomat, the great-grandson of a railroad baron and related by blood or marriage to a “who’s who” of the American ruling elite. He is warning his Republican colleagues in the ruling class that they risk going too far and provoking a response from below.
His critique is of course one-sided, since it focuses only on 5-4 decisions where the partisan split in the court was a factor, not on the far more frequent 9-0 or near-unanimous rulings when the entire court sides with corporations and the wealthy.
Nevertheless, it provides insight into the reality of the corporate-financial oligarchy’s corrupt and antidemocratic control over all of the institutions of government and both political parties. This numerically tiny oligarchy has decided to shift the Supreme Court to the far right in order to facilitate mass repression of growing working class opposition. The Democrats, no less than the Republicans, are involved in an elaborate, stage-managed parliamentary farce to implement its decision.
What is revealed is the character not only of the
Supreme Court, but of the capitalist state as a 
whole, including Congress—where the average 
member is now a millionaire—and the 
executive branch, where the billionaire 
president has installed a cabinet of billionaires, 
ex-generals, ultra-right ideologues and 
corporate shills.

Exclusive: The Truth 

About ‘La Raza’

The nation’s television screens many days recently have been filled with scenes of huge crowds carrying the colorful green and red flag of Mexico viewers could well have thought it was a national holiday in Mexico City.

It was instead, downtown Los Angeles, Calif., although the scene was recreated in numerous other cities around the country with substantial Mexican populations. Hordes of Mexican expatriates, many here illegally, were protesting the very U.S. immigration laws they were violating with impunity. They found it offensive and a violation of their rights that the U.S. dared to have immigration laws to begin with.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa mounted the podium, but any hopes that he would quiet the crowds and defend the law were soon dashed. Villaraigosa, himself, has spent a lifetime opposing U.S. immigration law.
For law-abiding Americans without knowledge of the dark side of our current illegal immigration crisis, all this is unfathomable. For those who know the truth about the “La Raza” movement, these demonstrations were a prophecy fulfilled.
It is past time for all Americans to know what is at the root of this outrageous behavior, and the extent to which the nation is at risk because of “La Raza” — The Race.
There are many immigrant groups joined in the overall “La Raza” movement. The most prominent and mainstream organization is the National Council de La Raza — the Council of “The Race”.
To most of the mainstream media, most members of Congress, and even many of their own members, the National Council of La Raza is no more than a Hispanic Rotary Club.
But the National Council of La Raza succeeded in raking in over $15.2 million in federal grants last year alone, of which $7.9 million was in U.S. Department of Education grants for Charter Schools, and undisclosed amounts were for get-out-the-vote efforts supporting La Raza political positions.
The Council of La Raza succeeded in having itself added to congressional hearings by Republican House and Senate leaders. And an anonymous senator even gave the Council of La Raza an extra $4 million in earmarked taxpayer money, supposedly for “housing reform,” while La Raza continues to lobby the Senate for virtual open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.
The Mexican flag flew over a crowd of pro-amnesty marchers in New York. Marches like this across the U.S. have been supported by the “La Raza” movement. (Reuters/Seth Wenig)

Radical ‘Reconquista’ Agenda
Behind the respectable front of the National Council of La Raza lies the real agenda of the La Raza movement, the agenda that led to those thousands of illegal immigrants in the streets of American cities, waving Mexican flags, brazenly defying our laws, and demanding concessions.
Key among the secondary organizations is the radical racist group Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West.
One of America’s greatest strengths has always been taking in immigrants from cultures around the world, and assimilating them into our country as Americans. By being citizens of the U.S. we are Americans first, and only, in our national loyalties.
This is totally opposed by MEChA for the hordes of illegal immigrants pouring across our borders, to whom they say:
“Chicano is our identity; it defines who we are as people. It rejects the notion that we…should assimilate into the Anglo-American melting pot…Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas … It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest, brutally stolen from a Mexican people marginalized and betrayed by the hostile custodians of the Manifest Destiny.” (Statement on University of Oregon MEChA Website, Jan. 3, 2006)
MEChA isn’t at all shy about their goals, or their views of other races. Their founding principles are contained in these words in “El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan” (The Spiritual Plan for Aztlan):
“In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal gringo invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny. … Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. … We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.”
That closing two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all. It says: “For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing.”
If these morally sickening MEChA quotes were coming from some fringe website, Americans could at least console themselves that it was just a small group of nuts behind it. Nearly every racial and ethnic group has some shady characters and positions in its past and some unbalanced individuals today claiming racial superiority and demanding separatism. But this is coming straight from the official MEChA sites at Georgetown University, the University of Texas, UCLA, University of Michigan, University of Colorado, University of Oregon, and many other colleges and universities around the country.
MEChA was in fact reported to be one of the main organizers of those street demonstrations we witnessed over the past weeks. That helps explain why those hordes of illegal immigrants weren’t asking for amnesty — they were demanding an end to U.S. law, period. Unlike past waves of immigrants who sought to become responsible members of American society, these protesters reject American society altogether, because they have been taught that America rightfully belongs to them.
MEChA and the La Raza movement teach that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington State make up an area known as “Aztlan” — a fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America. As such, it belongs to the followers of MEChA. These are all areas America should surrender to “La Raza” once enough immigrants, legal or illegal, enter to claim a majority, as in Los Angeles. The current borders of the United States will simply be extinguished.
This plan is what is referred to as the “Reconquista” or reconquest, of the Western U.S.
But it won’t end with territorial occupation and secession. The final plan for the La Raza movement includes the ethnic cleansing of Americans of European, African, and Asian descent out of “Aztlan.”
As Miguel Perez of Cal State-Northridge’s MEChA chapter has been quoted as saying: “The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan. Communism would be closest [to it]. Once Aztlan is established, ethnic cleansing would commence: Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled — opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep power.”
MEChA Plants
Members of these radical, anti-American, racist organizations are frequently smoothly polished into public respectability by the National Council of La Raza.
Former MEChA members include Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was officially endorsed by La Raza for mayor and was awarded La Raza’s Graciela Olivarez Award. Now we know why he refuses to condemn a sea of foreign flags in his city. California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante is also a former MEChA member. He delivered the keynote address at La Raza’s 2002 Annual Convention.
The National Council of La Raza and its allies in public office make no repudiation of the radical MEChA and its positions. In fact, as recently as 2003, La Raza was actively funding MEChA, according to federal tax records.
Imagine Robert Byrd’s refusing to disavow the views of the KKK, or if Strom Thurmond had failed to admit segregation was wrong. Imagine Heritage or Brookings Foundation making grants to the American Nazi Party.
Is the National Council of La Raza itself a racist organization? Regardless of the organization’s suspect ties, the majority of its members are not. When one examines all the organization’s activities, they are commendable non-profit projects, such as education and housing programs.
But even these defensible efforts raise the question of whether education and housing programs funded with federal tax dollars should be used in programs specifically targeted to benefit just one ethnic group.
La Raza defenders usually respond by calling anyone making these allegations “a racist” for having called attention to La Raza’s racist links. All the groups and public officials with ties to the La Raza movement can take a big step towards disproving these allegations by simply following the examples of Senators Byrd and Thurmond and repenting of their past ways.
If they are unwilling to admit past misdeeds, they can at least state — unequivocally — that they officially oppose the racist and anti-American positions of MEChA, and any other groups that espouse similar views.
Through public appearances, written statements, and on their respective websites, La Raza groups and allies must:
1. Denounce the motto “For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada,” as repugnant, racist, and totally incompatible with American society or citizenship.
2. Acknowledge the right of all Americans to live wherever they choose in the U.S. without segregation.
3. Commit to sponsorship of nationwide educational programs to combat racism and anti-Semitism in the Hispanic community.
4. Denounce and sever all ties with MEChA and any other organizations with which they have ever been associated which held to the racist doctrines held by MEChA.
5. Acknowledge the internationally recognized borders of the U.S., the right of the citizens of the U.S. to determine immigration policy through the democratic process, and the right of the U.S. to undertake any and all necessary steps to effectively enforce immigration law and defend its border against unauthorized entry.
6. Repudiate all claims that current American territory rightfully belongs to Mexico.
If the National Council of La Raza, other La Raza groups, and local and national political leaders with past ties and associations with the radical elements of the La Raza movement can publicly issue such a statement and live by every one of these principles, they should be welcomed into the American public policy arena, with past sins — real or imaginary — forgiven.
If they cannot publicly and fully support these principles, Congress needs to take appropriate steps and immediately bar any group refusing to comply from receiving any future federal funds. Both the House and Senate should strike these groups from testifying before any committees, and the White House should sever all ties. Both political parties should disengage from any further contact with these groups and individuals.
There are plenty of decent, patriotic Hispanic organizations and elected officials to provide Congress with necessary feedback on specific issues confronting Americans of Latino heritage. Any group or individual who can agree with the simple six points should be welcomed into that fold.
If not, the American people will know there’s a wolf in their midst, and take the necessary precautions to defend our Republic against an enemy.

Obama's America on Display at Kavanaugh Hearings

President Trump has been in an uphill battle to reverse Obama's efforts to "fundamentally transform" America.  Trump's successes in the past 20 months in erasing the damage of the Obama's eight years are well documented.  But he has a long way to go based on what we saw in the Kavanaugh hearings.
Trump's biggest challenge is to push back Obama's primary legacy of identity politics, which is destroying the fabric of our nation.  Neighbors, family members and old friends have been split apart, by design.  Obama polarized America according to race, ethnic background, sex, sexual orientation, and politics.
Like a deadly cancer, the Obama legacy has metastasized into widespread hatred among Americans that was on display at the Kavanaugh hearings.  Obama's primary legacy is dangerously malignant and more toxic than ever, fueled by cynical and destructive politicians, the Alinsky Rules for Radicals, and billions of dollars from the evil George Soros.
Statements from the hearings and the left-wing mobs and commentators attempting to disrupt the proceedings tell the story.  "Call your senators and tell them to vote no for Kavanaugh – the future of our country deserves more than a privileged white boy."  Were you able to catch the code words?  "Privileged."  "White boy."
Hawaii Democrat Mazie Hirono made headlines when she told all men to "shut up and step up and do the right thing for a change."  In other words, men rarely do the right thing.  Men, did you get it?
Democrat Senator Cory Booker used his "Spartacus moment" to suggest that Kavanaugh was guilty of "racial profiling."  Racial profiling, presumably against minorities.  Get it?
"Women deserve to be angry all of the time," said talk show host Andy Richter.  "This country's government is an abuser.  We live in the most shameful of times."  Yes, of course, the Trump government is an abuser of women.  Now armed leftists, some with funding from George Soros, are calling for mass violence if Kavanaugh is confirmed.
Here's one certain to win over a lot of Americans: "The Antifa Website Calls for 'Slaughter' of 'Fascistic Border Patrol Dogs and Their Bosses."
In short, the Kavanaugh nomination reveals the obvious: we no longer have a viable two-party system in which both parties embrace our current Constitution-based system, share the same set of core values and fairness, and agree on certain standards of ethical conduct regardless of who wins an election.
This all sums up the primary legacy of one Barack Hussein Obama.  You'll remember he's the one who appointed to the Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor, who famously suggested that a "wise Latina" on the bench would come to more just decisions than a white male.  Did you get the code words there?  Some Republicans in a show of good faith actually voted for her.
Go back to July 2009, when Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested outside his home in what was clearly a misunderstanding between him and the police.  Obama, just a few months in office, immediately politicized it.
I don't know ... what role race played in that.  But I think it's fair to say ... the Cambridge police acted stupidly[.] ... We know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.
Did you get all of that?  Police acted stupidly.  A long history of black Americans and Latinos stopped by police acting "disproportionately."
After Trayvon Martin was killed after attacking a partially black Latino who happened to have a "white" name, George Zimmerman, Obama quickly jumped in, noting that if he had a son, he would look like Martin, a black hoodie-wearing 17-year-old.  Get it?  I'm black.  The kid is black.  He must be innocent.  The support Trayvon movement led to the formation of "Black Lives Matter," an incendiary project funded by George Soros that brags that it is now global network with more than 40 chapters.
When Michael Brown was shot dead after assaulting a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014, a large fuss was made over the racial composition of the police department.  Obama wasn't going to let this crisis go to waste.
The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time.  As Attorney General Holder has indicated, the Department of Justice is investigating the situation along with local officials.
The Department of Justice subsequently found no civil rights violations in the case.  But the damage was done. Obama had already identified with Michael Brown, showing "compassion" for his – as it turned out – so-called family.
And who can forget Freddie Gray, Jr., a 25-year-old black man who was arrested by Baltimore police for possessing an illegal knife?  While in a police van, Gray fell into a coma and died.  Obama wasted no time getting involved.  "This has been going on for a long time.  This is not new, and we shouldn't pretend that it's new."  Get it?  Black people getting killed by police has been going on for a long time.  Riots followed.  Homicides with a preponderance of black victims spiked.  Ultimately, the six Baltimore police officers involved (three of them black men and one black woman) were all found not guilty or charges were dropped.  But again, the damage had been done.  Obama's DOJ reluctantly announced it would not bring federal charges against the officers.
It isn't just race that Obama has used to divide us.  The Obama legacy is also about sexual politics.  Remember when Obama ordered all U.S. public schools to allow students to access opposite-sex restrooms in a move that escalates the national fight over LGBT rights?  That escalated battles at the statewide level.  Michelle Obama has also been part of the effort.  After leaving the White House, she said, "Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton, voted against their [sic] own voice."
Over 60 million Americans saw through this.  Trump was elected president.  But the Obama damage was obvious.  At the end of Obama's presidency, just 27 percent saw the U.S. as more united, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll conducted after the 2016 election.  Far more – 44 percent – said it was more divided.  USA Today has just reported that a third of American voters think a civil war is coming.
The Kavanaugh hearings were a major opportunity for the left.  Former House speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the Democrats for behaving:
... in an evil way unworthy of the United States.  This has been the most despicable behavior by a major party in modern history.  This is a deliberate, vicious, character assassination – hurt the guy's daughters, hurt his mother, hurt his wife, hurt his reputation – they didn't care[.]
Writer Patricia McCarthy called the Kavanaugh hearings:
... [t]he historical low point in American politics – and make no mistake: this was all about politics, not Kavanaugh.  If there was any doubt before, there is no longer: the American left today is malevolent.  The Democratic Party has demonstrated for all to see just how soulless it has become.  The Democrats on the committee disgraced themselves.  The two youngsters, Harris and Booker, are callow, shallow, rude, and power-mad.  We have seen what they are made of: pure narcissism.
But for Obama, they are the future of his America.  New York University professor Jonathan Haidt notes that "diversity, immigration and multiculturalism are right at the heart of the problem in Western democracies[.] ... Identity politics is like throwing sand in the gears ... a world in which factions are based on race and ethnicity, rather than economic interests, that's the worst possible world."
Obama is not stupid.  He knows this.  It's his road map.
The Obama legacy of hatred among identity groups is a viral cancer in our society.  It pits race, ethnic, and religious groups against each other.  It pits women against men.  It is pitting gays and others who claim LGBTQ victimhood against heterosexuals.  As this disease further metastasizes, our country faces an even more seriously divided future.  It is pushing us toward tribalism, balkanization, and potentially, dissolution.  The hatred of Trump by the left is deep.  He is a forceful barrier to their destructive aims.  We can't afford to lose him.  But the question is whether even Trump can put the Obama legacy into remission and prevent the left from ripping our country further apart.
Frank Hawkins is a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, Associated Press foreign correspondent, international businessman, senior newspaper company executive, founder and owner of several marketing companies, and published novelist.  He currently lives in retirement in North Carolina.
Image credit: Adapted from official White House photo by Pete Souza.

After Obama blames Trump and GOP for dividing America, Marco Rubio hits Obama with history lesson

After Obama blames Trump and GOP for dividing America, Marco Rubio hits Obama with history lesson
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) reminds Americans how divisive former President Barack Obama was in the White House. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

In response, Obama urged unity. But more significantly, he urged Americans to vote for Democrats in November as a check on the Trump administration’s “abuses of power.”
“In two months we have the chance, not the certainty, but the chance to restore some semblance of sanity to our politics. There is actually only one check on bad policy and abuses of power, and that’s you and your vote,” Obama said.
However, given Obama’s less-than-stellar track record at unity — millions of Americans would argue Obama is directly responsible for much of today’s division — Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) provided Obama with a scathing history lesson on divisive politicians.

What did Rubio say?

Rubio agreed with Obama’s sentiment that divisiveness is not a character trait presidents should emulate. Unfortunately for Obama, Rubio proved in a series of tweets Saturday that Obama was successful at dividing Americans during his presidency.
In fact, as Rubio pointed out, Obama often made enemies out of those who disagreed with his policy initiatives.



Razaists rip off America.

June 25, 2018

​“More than one million immigrants have been deported since President Obama took office,” the 2011 PBS “Frontline” Lost in Detention contended. “Under his administration, deportations and detentions have reached record levels. The get-tough policy has brought complaints of abuse and harsh treatment, including charges that families have been unfairly separated after being caught in the nationwide dragnet.”
As Cecilia Muñoz, White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs explained, “Even if the immigration law is executed with perfection, there will be parents separated from their children.” As it turns out, that separation policy was intentional, and the Obama administration deployed it to enrich cronies. 
“Texas-based Southwest Key Programs has taken in roughly $1 billion in federal contracts since the Obama administration,” Fox News reports, “and is expected to receive about $500 million this year to house and provide services for immigrant children.” Southwest Key holds a total of “more than 5,000 immigrant children, about 10 percent of whom are said to have been separated from their families since May, when the new policy was announced. Its shelters for immigrants minors are in Texas, Arizona and California.”
Southwest Key Programs also operates “the largest licensed shelter for immigrant children in the United States. A 250,000-square-foot facility at a former WalMart superstore in Brownsville, Texas, today houses some 1,500 boys between the ages of 10 and 17 who illegally entered the U.S.”  
According to a report by Drew Griffin of CNN, Southwest Key operates 83 detention centers across the country and has pulled in $1.5 billion in federal contracts. Southwest Key boss Juan Sanchez bags a cool $1.47 million a year “which makes him one of the highest paid charity CEOs in the country.” Mark Owen of the IRS told CNN Sanchez’s salary “extraordinarily high” and Sanchez’s wife grabs a salary of $262,000. The Southwest Key website does not feature management salary information. 
KXAN of Austin reports that Southwest Key has received $995 million in federal funds since 2015. Over a three-year period, Southwest Key had “more than 200 violations at its facilities,” including  a resident failing to receive proper care for a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Southwest Key boss Juan Sanchez served on the board of National Council of La Raza (NCLR), where Cecilia Muñoz served as senior vice president and immigration analyst before POTUS 44 tapped her for the White House job.  Southwest Key board member Anselmo Villarreal was also on the National Council of La Raza board from 2006 to 2012. 
He now runs La Casa de Esperanza, which provides services to immigrants at locations nationwide. As Fox reports, “Villarreal has taken high-profile positions against Trump immigration policies, and last month participated in a march against a Wisconsin county’s plans to work with federal immigration officials.”
“La Raza was at the forefront of fighting for many issues of importance to Hispanics,” Fox News explains. “But it was also long criticized by those who charge that it is racist, and sympathetic to separatist ideology. The group rebranded, and changed its name in 2017 to UnidosUS.” Despite the name change, racism remains. 
The primary source is La Raza Cosmica, by Mexican education minister and presidential candidate Jose Vasconcelos, republished in 1979 by the “Chicano Studies” department at Cal State LA. According to Vasconcelos, students from English, Dutch and Scandinavian backgrounds are “slower, almost dull,” compared to “mestizo children and youths from the south.” No scores but it’s something “any teacher can corroborate.” 
Blacks are “uglier stocks” and part of the “inferior races.” Halle Berry and Ben Carson might want to call their office. The Mongol, “with the mystery of his slanted eyes,” is part of an “exhausted people” that lacks the “boldness for new enterprises.” Apparently Xi Jinping and Shinzo Abe never got the memo.
On the other hand, according to La Raza Cosmica, the fusion of Spaniards and Indians is a new race “infinitely superior to all that have previously existed.” That is the raza replacing those awful Yankee “Anglo-Saxons,” code for all non-raza peoples who speak English. The non-raza Yankees “are gradually becoming more a part of yesterday.” 
Mexican American communist Bert Corona found The Cosmic Race similar to “the kind of German racial superiority theory supported by Hitler.” Even so, razaismo is the driving force of current efforts to violate the border and colonize the United States. 
Consider, for example, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, former mayor of Mexico City and candidate for president in Mexico’s July 1 election. As the New York Times, explains, “Manuel López Obrador’s victory seems inevitable.” The only question is “the size of his victory.”
Sure-fire winner Obrador calls mass immigration to the United States a “human right” and says migrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.” This razaista wants his lebensraum and he wants it right now. 
If Obrador wins, President Trump might get him up to speed on America’s experience with regimes like that. And he might broach the subject of the $26.1 billion in remittances, an amount impossible without the bilking of American taxpayers on a massive scale.   
Whoever wins, the migrants will be coming in force and the Mexican colonialists will find many collaborators among leftist Democrats, the establishment media, and the crony razaists ripping off kids and American taxpayers alike. 

“A recent Pew poll indicated that a very large percentage of Americans of Mexican descent regard themselves as Mexicans. Not Mexican-Americans, not American-Mexicans. Just Mexicans.”

“In Mexico, a recent Zogby poll declared that the vast majority of Mexican citizens hate Americans. [22.2] Mexico is a country saturated with racism, yet in denial, having never endured the social development of a Civil Rights movement like in the US--Blacks are harshly treated while foreign Whites are often seen as the enemy. [22.3] In fact, racism as workplace discrimination can be seen across the US anywhere the illegal alien Latino works--the vast majority of the workforce is usually strictly Latino, excluding Blacks, Whites, Asians, and others.”

Just over half, 54 percent, say it is important that they change to assimilate into society, yet about two-thirds, 66 percent, say Latinos should maintain their distinct culture.

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is not only one of the wealthiest and most politically powerful militant organizations in the country, it is also notoriously racist and subversive. The group's name, "La Raza," means "The Race," by which they are referring to ethnic Mexicans, or more broadly to "hispanics" or "latinos." And it is quite clear from their decades of vitriolic rhetoric — both spoken and written — that the La Raza activists are trying to engender not only race consciousness amongst hispanic U.S. citizens and Mexican migrants, but also racial militancy and animosity toward "Gringo America."
The NCLR grew out of the La Raza Unida (The Race United) Party and the Southwest Council of La Raza in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The key leaders were Marxist-Leninist followers of Fidel Castro and Che Guevarra.
In 1970, the California Senate Fact-Finding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities said this about La Raza Unida: "Its president is Maclovio Barraza. Mr. Barraza has been identified by the Subversive Activities Control Board as a member of the Communist Party, and presides over the Council which recently received a grant of $1,300,000 from the Ford Foundation."
Maclovio Barraza was the NCLR Board of Directors' founding Chairperson, and the NCLR continues to honor this hardcore Marxist by awarding the Moclavio Barraza Award to its top activist each year.
One of the early founders of La Raza was Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, whose violent, extremist rhetoric has caused NCLR some public relations problems. Back in 1969, Gutierrez said: "We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." He has continued to promote the same hateful "reconquista" ideology ever since. But that didn't stop NCLR from bestowing on him their "Hero Award" in 1994.
The radical student group MEChA (Moviemento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan), with which NCLR has been closely allied for several decades, is even more explicitly and militantly, having adopted the slogan, "Por La Raza Todo, Fuera de La Raza Nada," which translated means: "For the Race, Everything; Outside the Race, Nothing."
MEChA's founding documents and literature are replete with appeals to "La Raza de Bronce" (The Bronze Race) and condemnation of the "brutal gringo." MEChA, as its name suggests, is also a leading promoter of the radical "reconquista" (reconquest) movement, a plan of to take over the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Texas — a region they refer to as "Aztlan" — which they claim was stolen from the "Aztecan" peoples. NCLR provides major financial support to MEChA and many of NCLR's leaders were MEChA leaders in their college days.
NCLR: Agents for the Government of Mexico?
Especially troubling is NCLR's leading role in the Fundacion Solidaridad Mexicano Americana (Foundation for Mexican-American Solidarity, FSMA), an organization founded and funded by the government of Mexico and directed by the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Education. Both of these ministries have been engaged in efforts aimed at demanding full political rights for illegal aliens in the U.S. and indoctrinating America's Hispanic population in radical, racist La Raza ideology.
Top members of La Raza, MALDEF, the National Immigration Forum and other leading immigration activist organizations also serve on the Council of the FSMA. As such, they are acting as agents for a foreign power that is actively seeking to influence our national, state, and local laws and policies, in ways that are inimical to the interests of our nation and our citizens. NCLR and these other participating groups should be investigated by Congress to determine if they are breaking any laws, especially since these organizations and/or their affiliates not only enjoy tax-exempt status, but even receive millions of dollars from federal and state government agencies.*

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!
from the May 28, 2009 edition

What will America stand for in 2050?
The US should think long and hard about the high number of Latino immigrants.
By Lawrence Harrison
President Obama has encouraged Americans to start laying a new foundation for the country – on a number of fronts. He has stressed that we'll need to have the courage to make some hard choices. One of those hard choices is how to handle immigration. The US must get serious about the tide of legal and illegal immigrants, above all from Latin America.
It's not just a short-run issue of immigrants competing with citizens for jobs as unemployment approaches 10 percent or the number of uninsured straining the quality of healthcare. Heavy immigration from Latin America threatens our cohesiveness as a nation.
The political realities of the rapidly growing Latino population are such that Mr. Obama may be the last president who can avert the permanent, vast underclass implied by the current Census Bureau projection for 2050.

“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.

The Chicago Model: Population Replacement and the Transformation of the USA

Speaking at the University of Missouri in Columbia during a 2008 speech, then-Senator Obama said, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
Many believe that this fundamental transformation was pursued for the eight years Obama was in office.  
Few would say that at the time that a fundamental transformation was already going on in Chicago.  For more than fifty years, the Chicago Democrats were using population removal to get votes and guarantee the outcome of elections.  Just as an iron curtain once fell across Europe, a red curtain had already fallen across Chicago's 50 wards.
The roots of transformation
What are the origins of this program to transform the nation?  The roots of Obama's politics are to be found in the uni-party politics of Chicago.  It has been the aim of the national Democratic Party to use Chicago as a model and then impose that political model on the United States.
The Chicago model requires, first of all, population replacement.  Population replacement leads to voter replacement and then cultural replacement.  Once population replacement is accomplished, voting will eventually reach a point where it becomes irrelevant.
After population replacement, any opposition party to the Democrats can never get enough votes to stop the fundamental transformation of the United States from a constitutional republic to a socialist democracy.  Democrats will always have a guaranteed majority once population is replaced.  Today, uncontrolled immigration and redefining citizenship are the keystone to unlocking that guaranteed majority.
The ongoing debate over Obama's natural-born citizenship status is an example of how the subject of voting and citizenship is viewed by the Democrats.  What should have been a discussion about constitutional qualifications became one about racism.
This accusation of racism nullified the issue in the minds of many, who had a foggy idea about citizenship to begin with.  The debate also showed that Democrats want votes no matter where they can get them.  They want votes up to the point where votes become irrelevant, as is now the case in most Chicago elections.
Englewood and Daley College
What we intend to show here in summary form is how the accumulation of individual lives and the political decisions made by men produce social changes that some may not desire and others maliciously intend.  Just like the accumulation of individual coccolithophores over time made the white cliffs of Dover, so population replacement has altered forever Englewood and Daley College.
If we take as examples a Chicago neighborhood and an educational institution in the city, we see how a plan for fundamental transformation was carried out.  Both of these examples show how population replacement eventually led to voter and cultural replacement.  Population replacement and voter replacement became cogs in the uni-party state that continues to run Chicago, making the city the most segregated in the nation.
The destruction and transformation of Chicago's Englewood community was perhaps the first and best example of how population removal led to voter removal and the transformation of values.  What happened over the course of about 50 years was that a viable community, often rivaling Chicago's Loop in terms of wealth, shopping, and cultural attractions, was transformed into a wasteland that encouraged broken families, poverty, and drug addiction.
The ruling Democrats in Chicago could see this transformation happening before their eyes and did nothing to stop it.  They did little to stop redlining, the exodus of the white working class to the suburbs, or the influx of poor blacks from the South.
In short, Chicago's ruling elites built a plantation where blacks migrating from the Southern states would be housed in projects and made to vote Democrat.  In many ways, black leaders became the capos of a plantation that assured that Democrats would win election after election in Chicago.  Can anyone point to an example of how Jesse Jackson improved, over the long run, the lives of many blacks living in Chicago?
Local urban election victories would be in turn translated to victories on the national level by other segregated U.S. cities.  Chicago became the model for Democratic victories at the polls.  By the time Barack Obama ran for office, the formula for victory by controlling urban minorities with the help of progressive whites was well in place.
If we move from the example of how a neighborhood experienced population replacement for the sake of voter and cultural replacement, the transformation of Daley College on the southwest side of Chicago becomes a good example of how and institution can also be fundamentally transformed by removing one population and replacing it with another.
Daley College, originally named Bogan Junior College, was established to serve the white ethnic communities on the southwest side of the city.  As Latino immigration increased in the '70s and '80s, a political decision was made to turn what was now Daley College into an all Latino school.  That meant replacing the faculty and forcing out the white ethnic students.  After an all Latino administration was put in place, little by little, Daley College was transformed into an all Latino institution.  Population replacement also led to value and cultural replacement.
Where once there were students speaking Polish and 
Lithuanian, students fleeing communism, there are now 
Mexican students speaking Spanish and demonstrating in favor
of illegal immigration and socialism.

Ethnic cleansing in the U.S.
What happened at Daley College and Englewood was nothing short of ethnic cleansing, yet few in Chicago would recognize it as that today.  Most Chicagoans know little of the history of Englewood or Daley College.
Liberalism and ignorance may be in the water they drink.  Yet to participate today in that structure set up by the Democrats is to participate in its evil, the same way the Germans of the 1930s participated in the growing evil of their politics.
Across the nation, controversy over illegal immigration, the watering down of citizenship, and the relentless attack on U.S. history seems to many to be unending.  Unfortunately, even those with a good heart and a desire for justice are attracted, perhaps in their innocence, to the illusions of the Democratic Party.  Sometimes, we imagine that these misguided citizens outnumber those who are in politics not for patriotism, but for power.  The structure of evil that is the Democratic Party is oblivious to them.
For the Democrats, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob must be replaced with the ideals of the progressive state.  If the Democrats have to use Islam or the wisdom of the great theologian Nancy Pelosi for that removal, they will.  In many cases, the ruling Democratic Party in large U.S. cities distorted the values of freedom and justice to the point where they became the false values of multiculturalism and diversity.
There are some who may argue that Chicago politics is just ordinary urban politics found in a U.S. city that has undergone wave after wave of European immigration.  Furthermore, the fundamental transformation of Chicago has brought prosperity to some.  Walking along the lakefront, it may be hard to argue against that point of view.  To make a counter-argument, you must go to Englewood and Daley College to see the spiritual and physical devastation the Democratic Party's quest for power has wrought.
Beyond that, there is the religious question, which may be at the heart of U.S. political history.  How did Catholic immigrants end up supporting a progressive politics that was opposed to their faith?  Even when some Catholics resisted the transformation of their neighborhoods, as in the case of Father Lawlor, they were betrayed by Catholic politicians.
"Undocumented immigrants" will become undocumented Democrats
It is obvious to many who call themselves deplorables and those living in the heartland that the election of Donald Trump help saved the nation.  The Chicago model of fundamental transformation could no longer proceed unstopped.  Nevertheless, the Democratic Party is still focused on its goal.
As always, the world goes on.  Yesterday's topless towers of Ilium give way to today's Magnificent Mile.  The uni-party, headed by the Democrats, still runs Chicago.  Chicago politicians are not yet done with their hope for a fundamental transformation.
The Democrats still plan to have the same power structure for the nation that we see in Chicago.  Illegal immigration is the first step toward population and voter replacement, just like in Englewood and at Daley College.  Illegal aliens will become undocumented Democrats.
Nevertheless, in many small towns across the heartland, citizens are becoming aware that population and cultural replacement is in store for them.  They want nothing to do with it.  In 2016, they took matters into their own hands.  Donald Trump and the deplorables have frustrated the plan for national, uni-party control.  It remains to be seen for how long.
Further reading from the author: A Winter of Words and What We Found When We Came Home.

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