Saturday, October 24, 2020

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - SOCIOPATH LAWYER - In the past, I have parsed the script of Barack Hussein Obama, a hand that is boldly transparent of his ego and tendency to camouflage certain aspects of his life. Masterful qualities show through.


Biden in his own hand

You can read graphological studies as you read astrology in the back pages of penny-savers: you don't really believe what they say, but you're indulgent and curious, ready to snort in derision or lay the piece down with a thoughtful hmm.   

But graphology is the study of the movements of your hand on a sheet of paper.  The motions are dictated by your health, your education, your mental and emotional or psychological state, and many other variables.  It's then unlikely that two people could have precisely the same handwriting.  As true, the manifestation of character and personality are also mirrored, if one can interpret the sample with any degree of accuracy, in what one describes with a writing implement on paper.

In the past, I have parsed the script of Barack Hussein Obama, a hand that is boldly transparent of his ego and tendency to camouflage certain aspects of his life.  Masterful qualities show through.


Similarly, any sample of the writing of our current President, Donald John Trump, is even more transparent: here is a person of unusual robustness and perseverance, his pen-strokes thick, his name spelled out fully, a jagged testimony to his drive, health, and determination  After studying numerous hands during my whole life so far, Trump's script is frankly remarkable.  It tells you all there is to know about his powerful and sovereign persona.


As for Joseph Biden, our V.P.-turned–presidential nominee, now campaigning — the story here is much less impressive than those of Presidents Obama and Trump.


Like these men or not, their handwriting and, especially, their signatures declare these men to be CEO material, men of power, willfulness, notable ego, unsurprisingly.  Distinctively prime-rib givers of juicy orders.   

The wavery, quivery writ of Joe Biden, however, is one that might attach to an assistant under-secretary of leafy vegetables.  Perhaps imported arugula: pleasant to tongue, nutty in impact, quite tolerable in mixed salads, especially in well aerated, heady eateries in the 3- to 4-digit meal-ticket billing zone.   

To be sure, as most people age, including presidents, of course, handwriting tends to soften, fade, as the writer ages, pays less attention, or his hand becomes less steady with stiffness or ailment. 

Obama's handwriting, one notes, has suffered no loss as time has put him into the rearview.  His potent, visceral script is still lofty and arrogant.  Trump, who has a few years on the much younger ex-president now resident in the opalescent reserves of Martha's, has an almost mountainous signature he grandly displays with every legislative modification and bill initiative.  As we have seen.  Thick marker, jagged black up-and-down strokes.

You can almost see his signature from the moon.

Mr. Biden is no slouch, physically.  We know that, as his Secret Service protective detail have noted several times his vigorous swim routine, often apparently in the nude, despite the occasional uncomfortable female Secret Service attendants.  Mr. Unifier and Healer has often offered to take the present Oval Office incumbent "behind the shed" and "punch out" his lights.  So Mr. Delaware is physically fit enough to make such bullying threats — without ever having to carry through on such macho primeval peaceful overtures.

No matter.  We get the gist, telescoped.

Mr. Biden's signature, by contrast, shows a strong "J," a stroke that bespeaks some confidence.  His initial "B" in Biden has a leaping, upward aspect, too, that indicates a man with some aspiration and confidence, a secure sense of self, especially since, like the initial "O" in Obama's signature, the letter encompasses the next letter in its enfolding embrace.  Biden's "B" clambers backwards to shield the "oe" of Joe.  Parental, umbrella-like.  Kindly self-protective.   

Yet when we look at the totality of his writing, his strokes, his pages are indecisive — the first thing that hits the eye.  They wobble this way and that, indicating his variable mood, as well as clear indecisiveness.  Doesn't take a practiced astrophysicist to take note of that glaring feature of the Biden advent.   

The flippy/floppy, almost apologetic writ says he can be moved to change his opinion rather easily.  He can be made to think differently without much effort.  Is that what we need now?   

Isn't that actually what our enemies would delight in confronting?  

In terms of his spacing, he gives generous white space between his words, indicating cumulative, ponderous thought processes and a generosity of effort to himself.  His side and top margins, however, are niggardly, not expansive, stingy.  And that is what they advertise.  He doesn't spend lavishly on others, is generous with himself and his own — say, his offspring.   

In a like fashion, Mr. B is scrupulous in dotting his is; in fact, immediately above them, which is somewhat unusual.  That can mean he is punctilious about tasks, which would be a positive.  It could also, on the negative side, indicate he is uneager to explore, would rather keep to himself, won't look at the wild-eyed yonder for investments, risks.  Stick close to home.  (Sounds somehow familiar, doesn't it?)

Nicely, his "e" is a literary formulation, one that tells the careful observer that Mr. Biden has a literary proclivity, which could well be the case, though with tele-a-prompter materials handed to him, it is a secret chamber we have yet to see demonstrated.  Good to see, we think, that he has a possibility to be creative in the literary realm. Not that the presidency requires a proficiency in Proustian lyricism or anything.   

Biden's innate hesitancy, possibly a legacy of his early childhood stuttering, shows up as his writing usually leaves the plane of normal groundedness. Instead, he tends to manifest a consistent rise as his writing continues. That is interpretable as an optimistic bent. Not a bad thing at all.   

There is kindliness, as well as the possibility of striking out unexpectedly, impatience, mostly masked, no doubt sequelae of two brain aneurisms, which cannot have been easy on him, as they would not be for anyone in the public eye or not.   

All in all, the resume does not comport with a man who can initiate, create something from not-something. He can be led, yes. A fungible fellow, much as we have witnessed over the months.  Hardly, however, a decisive chief.  

Yet is all that what we seek in a chief executive, responsible for the mighty ship of state, tsunamic threats from China, Iran, the DPRK and those simmering on the back burner, staggering GDP, assailants domestic and foreign, anemic overseas alliances, managerial nimbleness in the face of the ever-unexpected -- even possible visitors from Out There -- and the needed flexibility of calm decisiveness in the face of fraught First-World complexities?


The former president clearly expects to call the shots, so voters have good cause to consider him still on the ballot. This time, however, they know for certain that his founding narrative, Dreams from My Father is a novel, and the author Barack Obama a fictitious character. 

There’s Something About Barry

Fun facts about POTUS 44 that might simplify the November election.



“Listen, can you imagine if I had had a secret Chinese bank account when I was running for re-election? You think Fox News might have been a little concerned about that? They would have called me Beijing Barry.”

That was Barack Obama, campaigning in Pennsylvania for basement-bound Joe Biden, unable or unwilling to speak for himself, and perhaps ordered not to. Anyone tuning in might wonder why ex-president Barack would refer to himself as “Barry.” As some may have forgotten, he did the same in his founding narrative, Dreams from My Father, way back in 1995.

At the outset, he is Barry, stepson of Lolo Soetoro, the Indonesian foreign student his mother Ann Dunham married in 1966. By the end of the book Barry Soetoro has become Barack Obama, son of the Kenyan foreign student who died in a car accident in 1982. The retooled Barack went on to become a U.S. senator and the 44th president of the United States. A few months after he left office, official biographer David Garrow delivered a bombshell review of the president’s founding narrative.

“Dreams from My Father was not a memoir or an autobiography; it was instead, in multitudinous ways, without any question a work of historical fiction (Garrows’ italics). It featured many true-to-life figures and a bevy of accurately described events that indeed had occurred, but it employed the techniques and literary license of a novel, and its most important composite character was the narrator himself.”

To spot-weld the Pulitzer Prize winner, Dreams was a novel and the author a fictitious character. Garrow’s massive Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama provides other revelations about the man who in 2020 again calls himself Barry. In Indonesia, for example, Barry attended the “predominately Muslim” Besuki school, hardly his only influence.

Barry’s beloved Frank Marshall Davis, the poet “Frank” in the novel, was a dangerous subversive on DETCOM, the FBI’s most wanted list of Communists marked for immediate detention in case of a national emergency. As Garrow explains, “Davis’ Communist background plus his kinky exploits made him politically radioactive.” So Frank duly vanished from the audio version of Dreams and made no appearance in The Audacity of Hope.

“You masquerade, you pompous jive, you act,” girlfriend Genevieve Gook wrote in a poem to Barry. “You think you got it taken care of, but I’m tellin’ you bro, you don’t.” Pompous Barry took it in stride. He hooked up with the erudite Sheila Miyoshi Jager, who told Garrow she was “completely missing” from Dreams and wonders “if the unedited Dreams is as inaccurate as the published version.” On the other hand, Barry has a lot to say about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Barry “felt at home,” in Wright’s church, and it was the  explicitly political aspect to the message, “that I found appealing.” Barry also spends time with Weather Underground alums Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, but as he told Garrow, “it wasn’t until I moved to Chicago and became a community organizer that I think I really grew into myself in terms of my identity.” On that theme, Garrow omits a key detail.

In his written communications from 1958 to 1964, including more than 20 letters, the Kenyan Barack Obama mentions nothing about an American wife and Hawaiian-born son. Still, Barry had strong disagreements over Rising Star, but other books shed light on his presidential career.

As Sharyl Attkisson noted in StonewalledMy Fight for Truth Against Obstruction, Intimidation and Harassment in Obama’s Washington, the president said he campaigned in 57 states, invented the “Austrian” language, and thought Savannah was on the Gulf Coast. The administration targeted “those on to something big,” such as the “Fast and Furious” scandal. The liberal Attkisson found her computer infiltrated with spyware proprietary to government agencies such as the CIA and FBI.

Establishment media and government formed such an interlocking directorate, Attkisson found, that “stories may as well have been written by the White House.” On Obamacare, journalists accepted everything from the government at “face value,” with critics demonized, the familiar pattern of a totalitarian state.

The president who did all that, told people they could keep their health plan, and shipped billions in cash to Iran, is now campaigning for his addled vice president Joe Biden. Should Biden be victorious, as some see it, Democrats would quickly deploy the 25th Amendment to topple Biden and install Kamala Harris. After the election, meanwhile, another dynamic kicks in.

On Tuesday November 17, Penguin Random House will release A Promised Land, the first of two volumes by former president Barack Obama. As he explains, the 768-page book will provide “an honest accounting” of his presidential campaign and thoughts on “how we can heal the divisions in our country going forward and make our democracy work for everybody.”

The former president clearly expects to call the shots, so voters have good cause to consider him still on the ballot. This time, however, they know for certain that his founding narrative, Dreams from My Father is a novel, and the author Barack Obama a fictitious character. That might simplify voters’ task on November 3. As President Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also


Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency Hardcover – August 18, 2020

by Jack Cashill  (Author)

5.0 out of 5 stars    5 ratings

Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency Hardcover – August 18, 2020

by Jack Cashill  (Author)


Jack Cashill’s Unmasking Obama By Thomas Lifson 


To my surprise, Jack Cashill's new book, Unmasking Obama, couldn't be more relevant to the political struggle facing us today. In 2020, as in 2008 (and throughout the two Obama presidential terms), the key to political power is what must be called "information warfare" (my term, not Jack's) between the mighty establishment media and the feisty conservative alternative media, which Jack likens to the samizdat underground commentary in the old Soviet Union. It is the process of the unmasking of the phony propaganda peddled by the all-powerful establishment by the resource- and prestige-poor "Lilliputians" (an appropriation of Jonathan Swift's work that the satirist surely would approve of) that is the heart of the book. The narrative history presented in Unmasking Obama is captivating. Jack takes readers along with him as he was both a participant in the warfare and a historian of it, digging up parts of the elusive truth about the real Barack Obama in the face of derision and obstruction that came his way. But Jack is far from the sole hero of the story of the warfare. Because of his literary detective work, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Bill Ayers wrote the autobiographical book, Dreams from My Father, that first established Obama as a serious intellect, Jack enjoyed access to many of the most formidable truth-tellers about Obama. The book's prologue, in fact, begins with a phone call Jack received in 2011 from a then little-known lawyer named Michael Cohen, acting as a lawyer for Donald Trump. Unmasking Obama takes the reader through the major aspects of the fraudulent picture of Obama that was painted by the media and political establishments and details how the truth was uncovered and often partially suppressed by the retaliatory efforts launched in response. It often resembles detective fiction in the drama of the struggle to get at the truth and the struggle to prevent that. I hesitate to call it beach reading, for it is not in any sense fluff, intended to while away time. But it is vastly entertaining and thought-provoking, and the 218 pages fly by rapidly. Today, exactly the same struggle is underway between the Lilliputians seeking to uncover who really is running the front-man candidacy of Joe Biden and the shadowy movement that is looting and destroying our cities and the coordinated might of the mass media that spends 95% of its time pushing a party line that Trump is an unprecedented threat to human civilization and Joe Biden an amiable and pragmatic centrist. Future historians, if there are any left still interested and able to dispassionately understand how America came to the current point of crisis, will find the story told in Unmasking Obama a very helpful guide. If journalism is the "first draft of history," Unmasking Obama is a well considered second draft, adding crucial perspective and assessment of the consequences of the real-time reports. You don't have to wait that long, though. It went on sale last week, and is well worth your time.

Obama's General Flynn Problem

When the real message of 'Dreams from My Father' becomes clear.

May 11, 2020 

Lloyd Billingsley

And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.

That was former president Barack Obama last week after the DOJ dropped the case against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who had not been “charged with perjury,” or anything else. The FBI set up Flynn in a perjury trap, with threats against his family, and that violated both institutional norms and the rule of law. The 44th president set up the whole thing in a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting with FBI boss James Comey, vice president Joe Biden, CIA boss John Brennan, and other administration officials. This revelation created a stir, but it’s really old news.

POTUS wants to know everything we are doing,” Lisa Page texted to Peter Strzok, the FBI factotum in the campaign against candidate and President Trump. To keep that operation going once Trump took office, POTUS needed to take down Flynn. The January 5 meeting was key but in May of 2017 a bigger bombshell would explode.

'Dreams from My Father' was not a memoir or an autobiography; it was instead, in multitudinous ways, without any question a work of historical fiction. It featured many true-to-life figures and a bevy of accurately described events that indeed had occurred, but it employed the techniques and literary license of a novel, and its most important composite character was the narrator himself.

This was the judgement of POTUS 44’s official biographer David Garrow, a Pulitzer Prize winner and acclaimed author of Bearing the CrossThe FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr. and other books. Garrow let his subject preview the manuscript of Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama and it’s easy to see why the president maintained strong disagreements with the account.

Dreams from My Father was a novel, and Garrow was on to the composite authorship.  On page 1049 of Rising Star, an unidentified reporter explains, “The whole Obama narrative is built around this narrative that Obama and David Axelrod built, and, like all stories, it’s not entirely true.” The president’s official biographer also explained why the former Barry Soetoro needed a new narrative.

Dreams from My Father devotes more than 2,000 words to “Frank,” a happy-drunk poet and counselor. In Rising Star, Garrow correctly identified “Frank” as Frank Marshall Davis, an African American Communist who spent most of his life defending all-white Stalinist dictatorships. As Garrow explained, “Davis’ Communist background plus his kinky exploits made him politically radioactive,” so if Barry was to become a political player, Frank had to go.  

In the best Stalinist tradition, Frank disappeared from the audio version of Dreams, and did not appear in the 2006 The Audacity of Hope.  In similar style, Frank does not appear in The World As It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House, released in 2018 by Iran deal promoter Ben Rhodes, or in Michelle Obama’s 2018 Becoming. Also missing in both books is David Garrow’s Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. The author, doubtless under pressure from the former president, is now changing his tune.

In “Obama’s Airbrushed Dreams,” in the March 2020 edition of The Critic, Garrow transforms Dreams from My Father back into a legitimate memoir and autobiography. For further research, see Barack ‘em Up: A Literary Investigation, and Yes I Con: United Fakes of America. And adapt what the former president said last week.

There is “no precedent” for a composite character with a bogus autobiography becoming president of the United States, yet it happened in 2008, and again in 2012. There was no precedent for an outgoing president to deploy deep state operators to support his chosen successor and attack her opponent, yet in 2016 the composite character did just that.

In similar style, there was no precedent for an outgoing president tasking the FBI to target a National Security Advisor with a perjury trap to destroy his life and reputation. In 2017, the composite character sprung that trap, and in 2020 he tricks it out with the lie that Flynn was charged with perjury. And if you like your plan, you can keep it.

What the FBI did to Flynn was a violation of institutional norms and the rule of law, but as Sebastian Gorka noted on Saturday, “as of this writing, not one person has been charged with any crime connected to the FBI’s use of its enormous power for political purposes. Not one. Not Comey, not Strzok, not McCabe, not Lynch. No one.” So maybe the composite character’s transformation of America is the new normal going forward.

Back in 2016, his chosen successor was former First Lady Hillary Clinton. In 2020, he endorses his former vice president Joe Biden, so one might say the composite character is still on the ballot.

As November 3 approaches, look for more lies and obfuscation from the former president whose own biographer proclaimed him a composite character in the historical fiction of Dreams from My Father. As President Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens.

* * *


A Call for Kristallnacht Against Christians

Murals and stained glass windows of Jesus are a “gross form of white supremacy” and “should all come down,” says non-black leftist Shaun King.

June 24, 2020 

Lloyd Billingsley


“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.”

That was a June 22 tweet from Shaun King, and the “far-left activist,” wasn’t done.

“Yes I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King tweeted. “In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Demark. Tear them down.”

The casual reader might wonder about this man Shaun King, so eager for a Christian Kristallnacht. As Fox News noted, King was “a surrogate for Sen. Bernie Sanders,” and introduced the Vermont socialist at a rally for his presidential bid. Bernie Sanders is big fan of Denmark, so King’s anti-Jesus tweets may be a form of socialist distancing. For their part, other groups on the left have been distancing themselves from Shaun King.

“King was once a leading voice in the Black Lives Matter movement,” according to Fox News, “but fell from grace when his race was questioned and he was accused of being a Caucasian falsely portraying himself as black.” In the 2015 “The Shaun King Controversy Explained,” German Lopez delved into the back story.

Shaun King had “been told” that his actual father was a light-skinned black man. Lopez found that official sources in Kentucky listed the father as Jeffery Wayne King, like his mother “also white.” A family member also told CNN that King’s parents were both white, but King claimed he didn’t lie about using his race to obtain an Oprah Scholarship to historically black Morehouse College.

Lopez claims that race “may not be biologically real,” but it’s clear that Shaun King, 40, is a genuine fake. Aside from the racial issue, the former “senior justice writer” for the New York Daily News has been criticized as self-promoter, narcissist and incompetent activist. King’s anti-Jesus hatred is likely an effort to recover credibility with Black Lives Matter. On the other hand, it recalls a central reality of the left.

Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries have always hated Christianity because it elevates truth and offers a moral authority beyond politics. In America, black leftist radicals continued the tradition. As University of Pennsylvania professor Thomas J. Sugrue notes, black-power radicals derided the Rev. Martin Luther King, a Christian minister, as “de Lawd” and branded him as “hopelessly bourgeois, a detriment rather than a positive force in the black freedom struggle.”

In the novel Dreams from My Father, so proclaimed by the “composite character” author’s own biographer David Garrow, young Barry’s strongest influence is “Frank.” Frank is the African American Communist Frank Marshall Davis, a lifelong supporter of all-white Soviet dictatorships. When it comes to reading, Barry tries James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, and such but “only Malcolm X’s autobiography seemed to offer something different.”

In a supposedly “white supremacist” United States, the son of an African American father and white mother became president of the United States, the most powerful person in the world. That president brought Black Lives Matter bosses to the White House and the ex-president recently expressed the hope that his vanguard of protesters would “seize the moment.” As he knows, the current surge of violence has nothing to do with George Floyd and everything to do with taking power by force.

Any campaign against murals and stained glass windows would be a prelude to the targeting of churches, ministers, and Christians. In similar style, the axis of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and prominent Democrats aims to remove President Trump from office, but the strategic target is the United States itself. For this crowd, the ultimate statue for takedown is Lady Liberty herself, and radical Muslims are taking the lead.

“The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) planned to attack the Statue of Liberty in New York City with pressure cooker bombs,” Newsweek reported in January of 2018, “the Statue of Liberty has a very weak point in its lower back,” noted Munther Omar Saleh, 21, “if I can get a few pressure cooker bombs to hit the weak point, I think it will fall face down.” The FBI busted Saleh and fellow bomber Fareed Mumuni, 22,  who were aided by Australian jihadi Neil Prakash and an English supporter of ISIS.

Islamic militants and the American left are united in their hated of Christians and Jews. As Daniel Greenfield notes, a Farrakhan supporter played a leading role in violence that targeted Fairfax, the oldest Jewish community in Los Angeles. For Melina Abdullah of Black Lives Matter, these were people “who think that they can just retreat to white affluence.”

Shaun King follows suit with a call for a Kristallnacht against Christians.

Axelrod’s Antics

Obama narrator is now lead ventriloquist for leftists’ puppet Joe Biden.

Wed Sep 9, 2020 

Lloyd Billingsley



“Give people light and they will find a way,” Joe Biden told the DNC. “I’ll be an ally of the light, not the darkness.” When the Delaware Democrat finally emerged from his basement isolation ward, he continued in the same style.

“The incumbent president is incapable of telling us the truth, incapable of facing the facts and incapable of healing,” Biden proclaimed in Pennsylvania. “He doesn’t want to shed light, he wants to generate heat and he’s stoking violence in our cities.”

This from a man who called a college student a “dog-faced pony soldier,” told an auto worker he was “full of shit,” and who said he was running for the U.S. Senate, where he spent nearly half a century. In 2020, it would be hard to find anybody who believes Biden writes a single word of his speeches. Those come from his handlers and “Democrat strategist” David Axelrod provides evidence that he is Biden’s chief ventriloquist.

In May, Axelrod defended Biden against sexual assault accusations by Tara Reade. Back in 2008, Biden was the leading contender for vice president and the vetting process, Axelrod said, “certainly would have turned up any formal complaints filed against Biden during his 36-year career in the Senate. It did not.” And the name of Tara Reade “never came up.”

In 2019, Biden claimed that, as vice president, he pinned a Silver Star on a U.S. Navy captain in the Konar province of Afghanistan. Trouble was, as the Los Angeles Times noted, “there’s no military record of that specific ceremony,” and Biden traveled to Konar before he was vice president. The incident, would not “tip the scales,” Axelrod explained, and the story billed Biden as someone who “empathizes with those in pain.”

In 2014, vice president Biden said that Turkey, Qatar and UAE had offered financial support to Al Qaeda-linked insurgents fighting against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Biden later apologized to Erdogan and Abu Dhabi crown prince Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and Axelrod had Biden’s back. “I have great affection for Joe Biden,” Axelrod told reporters, “I think he’s been a great vice president. Everybody’s strength is their weakness. His is, he speaks his mind and he says what’s on his mind.”

If people might wonder what David Axelrod is all about, they can consult BelieverMy Forty Years in Politics, an elephantine autohagiography published in 2015. His father listed his political party as “Communist”  but Axelrod doesn’t explain what might have attracted his father to that murderous movement. His mother was a journalist with the leftist PM, home to pro-Communist writers such as I.F. Stone and Howard Fast. Mrs. Axelrod left journalism for advertising and her son followed suit.

“I felt more comfortable, and proficient at, telling stories,” Axelrod explains. He worked for “jug-eared bow-tied liberal” Paul Simon but was more eager to become narrator of the former Barry Soetoro, also known as Barack Obama. He had no record of publication but David Axelrod, the believer, contends that “Barack was an exceptional writer” and Dreams From My Father, “a powerful and poignant work.”

According to “Axe,” as powerful Democrats know him, “what animated The Audacity of Hope were stories written with the narrative skill of a gifted novelist. It occurred to me, in reading the manuscript, that Obama approached every encounter as a participant and an observer. He processed the world around him with a writer’s eye, sizing up the characters and the plot, filing them away even as he fully engaged in the scene.” Like Eve Rand in Being There, Axe thus reveals himself to himself, and he is drenched and purged.

As official biographer David Garrow explained in Rising Star: The Making of Barack ObamaDreams from My Father was indeed a novel, not a memoir or autobiography, and the author a “composite character.” The composite character’s strongest influence was the African American Stalinist Frank Marshall Davis, a supporter of all-white Soviet dictatorships. When the community organizer became president of the United States, faithful narrator David Axelrod signed off on his every word. Former vice president Joe Biden is now the Democrats’ pic for the top job.

During the primaries, Joe Biden expressed a preference for “truth over facts” and often seemed unsure of his location. This same Joe Biden now proclaims himself an “ally of the light,” and in the style of the composite character president he served, Biden calls on the nation to deal with “original sin.” This from a man who tells African Americans they “ain’t black,” if they fail to support him.

Joe Biden calls President Trump “a toxic presence in our nation for four years,” and Joe says Trump plans to steal the election, and so on. Witness the familiar demonizing, the inversion of reality, and the fathomless mendacity. Axe’s stank is wafting strong from the composite character’s vice president.

“Everybody’s strength is their weakness,” David Axelrod said of Joe Biden in 2014. As Orwell put in 1984, “Ignorance is Strength.” If anybody thought that described Democrats in 2020 it would be hard to blame them. 


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