Wednesday, October 7, 2020


The Obama administration was notorious for pandering to Black 

Supremacists. When Obama left office, a photo of him posing with Nation of 

Islam leader Louis Farrakhan finally came out. What was even worse is that 

the photo had been taken at a Congressional Black Caucus event. 

                                                                                                DAVID HOROWITZ

Michelle Obama engages in blatant racial demagoguery

With less than a month to go to the election, Michelle Obama released a 24-minute-long video in which she lectures her supporters to vote against Trump.  While she found time to throw a few kind words to Biden, Michelle used the bulk of the video to call Trump a liar and racist.  As always, Michelle's facts were false, while her words were intended to trigger people's irrational fears.  Her performance was disgraceful — and was almost certainly intended to counteract Trump's rising popularity among blacks and Hispanics. 

As you may have gathered, I dislike Michelle Obama, so let me get my biases out of the way.  This is a woman who had every opportunity in life — a stable, two-parent upbringing; a middle-class lifestyle; Ivy League undergraduate and law school educations; high-paying jobs created specifically for her; eight years as the most worshiped, photographed woman in the world after Princess Diana; and an equally worshipful post–White House life, complete with $65 million in her pocket.

But is Michelle happy?  No.  Has she ever been happy?  No.

Michelle buys into Critical Race Theory.  The result is that one of the most fortunate women in the world is constantly angry, embittered, and resentful.  I suspect that part of her anger is because she knows, in her heart of hearts, that she's earned nothing that's come her way.  Whatever Michelle has, she got because of her skin color, not because of any talent or skill.  It cheapens her, and she knows it.

That's why it didn't surprise me that Michelle released a video attacking Trump.  It was to be expected that she'd make what's now a common Democrat argument, which is that Trump killed 200,000 Americans.  In essence, Democrats contend that Trump failed during the pandemic because he did not take dictatorial control over America.  Instead, he callously allowed Democrat governors to bungle things, slaughtering tens of thousands of people in their states.

Michelle also spared a few kind words for Biden, whom she laughably described as a man of character and experience who can solve America's problems.  This serial liar, plagiarizer, and China panderer has been in government for 47 years without acquiring wisdom.

Where Michelle outdid herself was in painting Trump as a race-hustler complete with dog whistles.  Politico's summary is as good as any other:

Obama also excoriated Trump's response to nationwide protests against racial injustice and police brutality that emerged over the summer. She accused the president and his allies of "stoking fears about Black and Brown Americans," "lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs," and "whipping up violence and intimidation" amid largely peaceful mass demonstrations.

"What the president is doing is, once again, patently false. It's morally wrong. And yes, it is racist," she said, warning that "racism, fear [and] division … are powerful weapons" that can "destroy this nation if we don't deal with them head-on."

Michelle's argument rests on the claim that 93% of the Black Lives Matter protests across American were peaceful.  Playing this numbers game ignores that not all protests are created equal.

It doesn't matter that a march in Marin County or Cape Cod was polite.  What matters is that the 7% of violent protests (with blacks and whites participating with equal enthusiasm) resulted in $2 billion in losses from looting, vandalism, and arson.  And that doesn't even count the lives lost.

What matters is that the black community in Minneapolis may never recover.  (South Los Angeles still hasn't recovered from capital flight following the 1992 Rodney King riots.)  It matters that Chicago has a $1.2-billion budget deficit from lockdowns and looting.  And tiny Kenosha saw its business district reduced to smoldering ruins in a matter of days.  Lastly, Michelle's misleading statistic ignores the many lives lost during the rioting.

There's a reason Michelle is telling lies to attack Trump as a racist.  The Blexit movement, led by rising stars like Brandon Tatum, Candace Owens, and stalwart conservatives like Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell, is breaking through to blacks.  As of October 1, 15% of blacks supported Trump (as did 36.5% of Hispanics).

I'll end with three videos.  The first is Michelle's harangue.  The second puts Michelle's words side-by-side with the violence she denies.  The third is a black man whose oration explains the fear driving Michelle's demagoguery.

Image: Michelle Obama closing argument.  YouTube screen grab.

The Election in Black and White

A response to Michelle Obama’s racist attack.



America is heading towards the abyss – whatever the outcome of the coming election. If Trump wins, we have a fighting chance to save our democracy as we know it. If he loses, the racial totalitarians will be in power and our fight will be a rearguard action based on the hope that when the American people get a full dose of governance by the party of hate they will gather their forces to defeat them.

Michelle Obama – to pick one among a myriad of examples to hand – has declared the coming election to be an election about racism. According to Michelle, Trump and his supporters are racists, and their helpless victims are people of color like her. In this delusional vision – typical of the racial messages coming from every benighted American who considers themselves “progressive” – Trump supporters are white nationalists who oppress people of color. Thus, in a recent message, Michelle Obama has urged undecided voters to, “’Think about all those folks like me and my ancestors,’” and then vote Democrat, “like your life depended on it.” Like her arrogant supporters she thinks that a reflection on the state of benighted black people provides a self-evident reason to condemn the half of America who would vote Republican. The Democrat electoral cause is a crusade against a racist president and the white supremacists and racists, who support him and are determined to attack the most vulnerable citizens among us and make their lives hellish.

Okay, Michelle, since you asked for it, here’s what I think about folks like you. You are worth $100 million, a lot more than most of the people who inhabit this country. In short, you are incredibly privileged. I won’t insult you the way you insult white people by calling this black skin privilege, though many Republicans voted for your husband because they wanted a black American to be president even though he was a Democrat.

Not only are you privileged and rich, but despite your cavalier contempt for our country and its achievements – you are one of the most admired women in America, however implausible and tragic that may be. As for your ancestors, black Africans enslaved every one of the unfortunate men and women who were sold at slave auctions to Europeans and shipped to the New World. There, the English had indeed established a slave system. But in 1776, the creators of this great country founded the first nation in human history – black or white – dedicated to the proposition that all human beings – black as well as white – are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with a right to liberty that no government can take away.

Immediately on the creation of their new nation, they began ending slavery first in what rapidly became the Free States of the North, then in the vast territory incorporated under the Northwest Ordinance in 1787. Seventy-six years later – not the 400 your devious and malicious friends reflexively attribute to “American slavery” - the Emancipation Proclamation sounded the death knell of a hateful system. The costs of this world-shaking effort were 350,000 mainly white Union lives, and that of the noblest president with which this country has been blessed.

I won’t deal with the specifics of your paranoid view that only black people experience the frustrations of modern life, and only because they are black. But I will dredge up this unpleasant fact: Ninety-percent of interracial crimes in the United States – more than half a million in all - are committed by blacks against whites. Yet, this has not led to a wave of anti-black racism on the part of whites. On the contrary, there has never been a time when white Americans have more generously and openly and virtually unanimously embraced the idea that black lives matter, and proceeded to do what they could to help that minority of the black community that has fallen behind. Indeed, the president you slander as racist has done more for black people in his four years in office than your husband did in eight. It is time for a little humility Michelle and color-blindness, and for putting away the racist rhetoric you are hoping your party will use to get back in power. 

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