Monday, October 10, 2022



No matter how you look at it, we have put in the White House, not just an incompetent, demented president and his intellectually shallow, insecure wife, but two very bizarre, completely classless people. Biden’s boast that “no one effs with a Biden” isn’t just obnoxious; it’s ridiculous coming from Mr. Dementia and has no place outside of some low dive in a skanky seaport town left behind in the 1930s. And as for Jill, well, her clothing choices speak for themselves.


Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party

Biden: Exit Stage Lost

"Exit Stage Lost" must be the final command regularly displayed on Joe Biden's teleprompter because the senile old stooge always wanders around aimlessly after mumbling through any public remarks.  I'm guessing it's his speechwriters' way of gently prodding: "Now go along and play with your toys while the adults take care of important business."  Although, given how perplexed Biden always appears and how intensely he seems to be searching for something invisible to everyone else, perhaps the teleprompter-in-chief flashes: "Tag, you're it; now go find Corn Pop hiding in the bushes."  

Obama couldn't speak coherently without a teleprompter, and Biden can't speak coherently even with a teleprompter.  Had our enemies just made a concerted effort to destroy the world's supply of functioning teleprompters, the Obama-Biden presidencies would have consisted of nothing but strings of um-um-ums, regular urrs, a whole lot of uhhhs, mindless slobbering from Dementia Joe, and an occasional self-righteous "That's not who we are."  You'd think anybody haughty enough to claim the honorific title of "most powerful man in the world" would be capable of speaking in complete sentences for as long as the occasion required without the assistance of someone whispering in his ear, but alas, political puppets rarely require cognitive ability or oratorical skill.

Should we one day look back at this decade as the "Terrible Twenty-Twenties," Joe Biden's mental infirmity will stand as an apt metaphor for our continued suffering or a prime cause of the cataclysmic damage yet to come — perhaps both!  Many historians have opined that Franklin Delano Roosevelt could never have become president nearly a century ago — let alone have served as the White House's longest occupant — had American voters known he was confined to a wheelchair.  With a compliant press doing his bidding well before the age of television, though, most Americans were none the wiser.  Here and today, however, Biden's prolific public struggles in performing simple tasks are visible for all to see, and no reasonable person could observe and not conclude that the faux president is in severe mental decline.  Still, the press is completely silent about this unfolding catastrophe and goes to outrageous lengths to cover up and even justify his most absurd deficiencies.  It is as if we were all watching FDR wheeling himself around the Rose Garden, and the mainstream media are delightfully cheering, "What an incredibly fit jogger the president still is!"  The more the press pretends not to know what's going on, the more obvious it is to the average American that Soviet-style propaganda has taken over the United States.

So here we are with a president-in-name-only, who most Americans believe cheated his way into the White House, proving almost daily that he is also supremely incapable of performing the job.  Not only was he most likely illegitimately installed, but also his mental handicaps make him legitimately unfit for office.  The Biden administration, in other words, is illegitimacy squared.

The American people know that he is not really running things.  The Pravda Press know that he is not really running things.  Foreign leaders — allies and enemies alike — know that he is not really running things.  Probably, deep down, even bitter and cantankerous Joe Biden knows he's not running things.  About the only Americans who are actually so caught up in this Deep State charade that they buy into the whole Aviator Joe public relations farce are the same Americans so easily hypnotized by the media's dark arts that they're still isolating at home, mummifying themselves behind germ-carrying masks, begging their pharmaceutical masters for new boosters, ranting indiscriminately at the television about Russian collusion, and raving about the wonderful economy while their savings and stock portfolios go up in smoke.

Biden could always carry the cuckoo vote because he speaks Rob Reiner's jibber-jabber language.  Dementia Joe puts the "dim" in the Dem Party, and some dim Dems will follow him to their graves.

What happens when you take a mediocre mind and a malevolent heart and churn both in the blender until you have lime-green purée?  Well, if you're Joe Biden, you get to play president for a spell while the world comes crashing down.  And boy, is it crashing down hard!  Homicide and violent crime rates are through the roof.  The U.S. government has abandoned the southern border with more gross dereliction of duty than it demonstrated during its strategically imbecilic retreat from Afghanistan.  Food and fuel prices are skyrocketing, while the Green Mafia controlling Washington, D.C. choke off domestic energy production and handcuff farmers with EPA insanity.  The Federal Reserve's central bank chicanery is intentionally tanking Main Street economic activity in order to provide cover for the inflationary destruction exploding forth from the Green New Deal's Pandora's box of regulatory upheaval.  Americans are going into record consumer debt while struggling to live paycheck to paycheck.  Fentanyl and other illegal drugs spilling into the country through our porous borders are killing tens of thousands.  And the cultural Marxists have been given carte blanche to undermine marriage and the nuclear family with paroxysms of transgender madness and fondness for pedophilia, such that children have never been more confused about their own identities.  

politically compromised and corrupt DOJ and FBI continue to target and harass any pro-Constitution Americans not down with American communism, and when they're not covering up their culpability for using the Hillary-Obama Russia collusion scam as part of a running coup d'état against President Trump, they're actively conspiring to foist further spurious charges against him in order to keep him off the '24 ballot.  Insidious censorship has gone so vogue under the malignant socialist State that American corporations, newspapers, "thought leaders," and social media platforms deceptively posing as defenders of free speech all justify viewpoint discrimination, language bans, and punishment for unapproved thoughts.  Members of the military, as well as huge majorities of the private workforce, are still being coerced against their will to accept experimental medical treatments and endure COVID-related crimes against humanity.  

Biden, picking right up where Obama left off, insists on aiding our enemies in China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and elsewhere, while browbeating Americans at home for unconsciously engaging in "systemic racism" and other meaningless Marxist claptrap meant to strangle Americans' freedom, self-worth, and initiative with vindictive and morally deficient "collective guilt."  And while ordinary Americans deal with these plentiful — nay, nearly overwhelming — government-created problems, they watch as the useful dotard and aspiring dictator putatively serving as president of the United States continues to use Ukraine as a vehicle for laundering money for friendly cronies and as a playing field for tit-for-tat geopolitical warfare against Russia's Putin while nonchalantly terrorizing the globe with dangerous murmurings of nuclear Armageddon.  

With the business of the day as serious as it has ever been, why not have a bumbling fool at the helm steering the ship of state — especially when it seems that this time around, the State is intent on driving us directly into the nearest iceberg!  It is as if we were playing Russian roulette with a hundred different life-threatening issues each day — including nuclear gamesmanship with Russia itself — and a corrupt, craven, lobotomized cretin were waving the gun at us all and repeatedly pulling the trigger.  But why should Braindead Biden care?  He gets to fly around on Air Force One, collect undeserved salutes, and prance around on the world stage as mad kings do.  He can escape from the burdens of leadership to his Delaware vacation home and lick pudding pops 'till he gives his Jell-O brain brain freeze.  For those with nowhere else to go, though, the Deep State's lost puppet sure has made a nightmare of the American dream.

Joe Biden and the Ides of August

William Shakespeare, in his play Julius Caesar, wrote of a soothsayer warning Caesar of his impending demise during the Ides of March.   But when it comes to his political demise fueled by catastrophic decisions, Joe Biden, as president, faces the Ides of August.

On the 14th of August 2020, Politico Magazine, in a lengthy article, revealed for the first time Barack Obama’s true opinion of Joe Biden together with his warning to the people of America.  During the 2020 primary Obama told a fellow Democrat: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”  In light of August 2021 and 2022, were these revelations published during the Ides of August in 2020 just a coincidence or a foretelling?

On the 15th of August 2021, Biden unleashed a deadly and unfathomably haphazard de facto surrender in Afghanistan.  He heartlessly and deliberately left behind over a thousand American citizens as well as untold thousands of Afghan allies.  He abandoned, in usable form, over $7 billion dollars in military equipment for the Taliban to create one of the best equipped militaries in the world, thus, reconstituting an avowed terrorist state.  His approval numbers and that of the Democrat party immediately cratered and have not recovered nor will they ever recover as long as Biden occupies the Oval Office.

On the 8th of August 2022, the Justice Department, responding to Biden’s edict to prosecute Donald Trump using any pretext possible, raided the former president’s home at Mar-a-Lago, using the guise of recovering highly classified papers.  This unprecedented, anti-democratic and extra-judicial process has cast a permanent and irreversible shadow of corruption, ineptitude and malevolent authoritarianism on Joe Biden and the Democrat party that will eventuate in overwhelming political losses for the Party and the demise of the Biden presidency.

Before or around the 15th of August 2023, Joe Biden will be forced to resign.   In a last-ditch effort to avoid a potentially devastating 2024 election and facing either Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis or Ted Cruz, the Democrat party hierarchy and the ruling class will abandon a feckless and grossly inept Joe Biden by forcing his resignation and thus his ultimate political demise.

Biden shakes hands with an invisible person after finishing a speech in April this year

(YouTube screengrab, cropped)

The disaster that was the withdrawal from Afghanistan coupled with the spectacle of a choreographed raid, with guns drawn, of a former president’s private residence as well as all the other innumerable economic and foreign debacles that Joe Biden has precipitated in just 19 months should not come as a surprise to anyone who has paid attention to his 50-year career as a politician. 

It is a career littered with failures due to unforced errors, countless flip-flops, plagiarism, cupidity, mendacity and demagoguery, all brought about by overweening egocentrism and an inbred inability to admit he is wrong about anything.  He has always been an arrogant, self-important demagogue with a short fuse who will slander and defame not only his political opponents but their supporters in the most hateful and over-the-top manner imaginable.

There is little doubt that Biden is suffering from progressive cognitive decline brought about by the aging process, but that should not be an excuse for his lifelong character flaws which have become more pronounced and exaggerated in old age, and in the case of a senescent president of the United States, exponentially more dangerous.  

Nor should his cognitive decline be used as a cover to assume that he is willingly manipulated by those around him.  That he is merely a puppet signing and regurgitating anything that is put in front of him.  He is not a manipulated puppet as he refuses to acknowledge his receding mental capacity due to his implacable lifelong belief that he is always the smartest man in the room.  As such he will always adamantly insist that he has the final say in any major decision that emanates from the Oval Office.

On foreign affairs, he sincerely believes he is infallible and will dismiss any and all contradictory opinions or analyses he does not agree with.  Thus, it was he who insisted upon and unleashed the humiliating and haphazard surrender in Afghanistan.  His arrogance extended to his unwavering belief that he could successfully negotiate with and trust the Taliban, whom he was certain would evolve to be who they are not. 

The Afghanistan debacle, which was the catalyst for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the increasing belligerence of Communist China,  has dramatically increased the possibility of a global conflict, empowered a terrorist state, emboldened Iran, and together with open borders exponentially increased the likelihood of massive terror attacks within the United States.  All of which is solely due to the unbridled hubris of an exceedingly stupid and imperious man put in office by the ruling class.   

The same is true of the decision to unleash Biden’s personal Gestapo, the FBI, against his predecessor and potential future opponent.  The lack of foresight, the impetuousness, the deviousness, and most importantly the obliviousness to the potential fallout are the hallmarks of virtually all of Joe Biden’s major decisions over his 50-year career in politics.   Thus, there can be little doubt that he either overtly or tacitly ordered the raid and that a spineless Merrick Garland, knowing there was no legitimate legal basis or precedent to justify a military-style raid of the private home of Donald Trump, meekly acquiesced.

By this inexplicable action, Biden has permanently changed the public’s perception of federal law enforcement,  revealed to previously indifferent citizens the unbridled power of the federal government, exposed a Democrat party determined to institute a quasi-police state, massively animated Republican and independent voters to vote in November, and irrevocably changed the political landscape.  The Democrat party, as presently constituted, is doomed to eventual oblivion.

Thus, the ruling class and it’s enforcers, the radical left-controlled Democrat Party, can no longer allow Joe Biden to remain in power.  Biden has effectively empowered the America First movement to potentially become dominant and for Donald Trump to be more influential in American politics than at any time in his pre, post or actual presidency regardless of whether he runs for president in 2024.   In 44 B.C. a soothsayer warned Julius Caesar to beware of the Ides of March, unfortunately in 2020 there was no one to warn America to beware of the Ides of August.


Jesse Watters: The people responsible won’t talk

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

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