Wednesday, October 26, 2022

THE CON MEN - BARACK AND MICHELLE OBAMA - A close look at what Netflix is paying Barack and Michelle millions of dollars for.



“The Lawlessness of the Obama Administration: A never-ending story.”

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (GAMER LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (GAMER LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (GAMER LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (GAMER LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PANTHEON OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!)         BRIAN C JOONDEPH

"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration."          PATRICIA McCARTHY... presumably Biden is not noted because he was out bribes sucking!

Netflix Obama Propaganda

A close look at what Netflix is paying Barack and Michelle millions of dollars for.

Netflix is paying Barack and Michelle Obama millions of dollars to produce shows for them.

The latest Obama documentary series is “The G Word.” “G” for government.

As Netflix documentaries go, this one is remarkably stupid. It’s big-government propaganda.

Obama begins by claiming that he does his own income taxes, saying, “It’s actually easy.”

I think he’s joking, but it’s not clear.

“I’m amazing at them,” Obama continues hours later. “You can be, too, if you use the helpful tools found at”

But that’s just silly. It’s so complex that millions of us pay to get help.

Obama’s series is hosted by silly comedian Adam Conover. Conover, correctly, calls himself “an idiot.”

He uses his time with the former president of the United States to make lame jokes and, at one point, to make sandwiches. He compliments Obama on how well he cuts the bread. It’s not funny.

The series occasionally covers some serious issues — meat inspection, for example. But instead of honest reporting, actors do a skit suggesting that, without government, meat companies would sell us dead poisoned rats.

“Food regulation was unbelievably successful,” concludes Conover.

But food is largely safe today mostly because slaughterhouses cleaned themselves up way beyond what government requires. Companies don’t want bad reputations.

One company executive showed me how they voluntarily do extra things like treat beef carcasses “with rinses and a 185-degree steam vacuum.” Also, “equipment is routinely taken completely apart to be swab-tested.”

By contrast, for 90 years, the U.S. Agriculture Department inspected meat with a crude process called “poke and sniff.” Inspectors stuck spikes into carcasses and smelled them. They kept using the same spikes, so they sometimes spread  disease. The government only stopped poke and sniff in the 1990s.

A few times, Obama’s series admits that government agencies mess things up. Conover mocks FEMA, “not a name you normally hear after the words ‘did a great job.'”

No, but he then claims FEMA fails because it’s underfunded, saying, “How many lives could have been saved if FEMA had had the resources they needed?”

That’s ridiculous. FEMA doesn’t fail because it lacks resources. U.S. disaster relief funds have increased by billions. FEMA fails because it’s a government bureaucracy, and bureaucracies do wasteful things, like bring bottles of water to hurricane victims but then leave them at an airport.

The private sector is more efficient.

“The G Word” sneers at what it calls, “this philosophy that the free market should be trusted over the government.” But Walmart donates supplies much more efficiently than FEMA. They employ sophisticated weather tracking that helps them determine what assets are needed where. They get things to people because they lose money if they don’t.

Obama’s series smears those of us who are skeptical of government handouts.

“In the wake of the civil rights movement,” claims Conover, “some Americans began to resent the fact that the government was now providing assistance to black and brown citizens.”

What? We didn’t resent welfare because we’re racists. We objected because it created a new permanent underclass.

Handouts, President Ronald Reagan explained correctly, “discourage work.”

So Obama’s documentary depicts Reagan as a vicious surgeon cutting valuable government agencies, throwing them into a bucket labeled “free market.”

But government wasn’t cut under Reagan. Federal spending went up during his terms. It always goes up. At one point, the excesses were so grotesque that President Bill Clinton said, “The era of big government is over.”

But it wasn’t. It only grows. Today it’s bigger than ever.

That’s fine, says Conover, because Washington rescued us during the COVID shutdowns with “stimulus checks, small business loans and corporate tax breaks!”

They don’t mention how much of that money was stolen or that their spending orgy brought 8% inflation.

For three hours, Obama and his sidekick say government should do more. Whatever the problem, their answer is always more government and more money.

Maybe someday a president will point out that government has no money of its own and that spending more than you have is a road to ruin.

"That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama.  Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the "Black Lives Matter" lie.  His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal." RICK HAYES

For the last two years, Americans have endured the economic, foreign and societal disasters of a senescent Joe Biden, an Obama minion stage managed by Obama administration puppeteers like Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett. 

Does it matter which megalomaniac is behind the curtain?

George Soros with his Open Society money plus the Chicago Marxist contingency of Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Penny Pritzker, and Barack Obama are five people I'm inclined to group as the Biden puppet masters.  Is there a pecking order among them?  Does it matter?  I suppose it matters to these individual megalomaniacs, but to anyone else?  No.  Just get that totalitarian state up and running.  Maybe it will matter when all nations are under someone's thumb and one of those thumbs wants to be the one-world Big Thumb.  Not to worry — I'm positive the Big Thumb will be chosen by consensus.

Back in the '90s, my father casually commented, "Clinton [Bill] wants to be president of the world."  A light came on; I'm not thinking big enough.  To look back, Bill and Hillary were the power-hungry transitionalists too early to the game.  Their flaws were parochial ruthlessness and being irritatingly petty.  If one wants to be king of the new world order, one doesn't waste time taking the White House china when one moves out, as they did.  With the tech boom, the Clinton's "apotheosis syndrome" spread with the wildfire of social media.  Egos mushroomed, and Andy Warhol's uncanny prediction that "in the future everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes" came true. 

Barack Obama still believes he was adored.  He was just the swooned-over Democrat choice redeeming white liberal guilt with nothing to show for it.  He was the darling in the moment who would win.  No one actually cherishes him now, but he is still voracious.  He, like Soros, longs to be The Man with cohorts at the center of a radical worldview responsible for ushering in utopia.  Soros, of course, is too old.  Obama is not, but again, so what?

When the roll-out of Marxist world upheaval and chaos begins, does it matter an iota who the instigators are?  "I'm so glad it was Obama and not  someone else who took away our freedoms."  Maybe it matters to Michael Moore Hollywood types who book World Dictator Tours.  Only the henchmen and the gullible care.

A "great reset" dictator's first mission is to confiscate everyone's free agency.  People end up doing things they don't want to do, mostly against their core values, and then remark, "I mean, what choice did I have?"  Unless it's about abortion, "choice" is not something megalomaniac types and dictators want Americans to possess.  Eliminating choice is about Marxist behavior modification.  Free agency protections halt the modification process.  The FBI's raids are foundationally a free agency elimination tactic.  They are a middle finger to our Bill of Rights, which secures free agency for all Americans. 

Once our Bill of Rights is erased, or it's suspended, or it exists in name only, our free agency is done for.  The trends of the moment will dictate what we do or don't do, what we can or can't do.  At that point, who will reverence any allegiance to such legal ephemera?  Governor Tarkin (Peter Cushing) in Star Wars said it best: "fear will keep the locals in line."

Image: World Economic Forum via FlickrCC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

George Soros, the Obamas, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, and many other wealthy, elite, no-borders, one-world Marxist climate zealots have an iron grip on the Democrat Party from bottom to top. Are the elites deliberately choosing weak people so as to control them from behind the curtain? We know they have done that with Biden, Kamala, and Fetterman. Is this their new modus operandi; choose the weak who will bow to the strong because the weak are more palatable to voters than the strong? M.B. MATHEWS

After donating heavily to Barack Obama’s Senate and presidential races and pouring money into Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Soros spent even more to defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election. He told the World Economic Forum that Trump’s America First agenda ran counter to the globalist project. While criticizing big money’s influence in politics, he injected $81 million (including $70 million of his own) through the Democracy PAC. Using the pandemic as an excuse, his funding vehicles sought to increase vote-by-mail, expanding opportunities for vote tampering and harvesting.

"That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama.  Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the "Black Lives Matter" lie.  His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal." RICK HAYES

By failures of border security, a lack of the enforcement of our immigration laws from within  the interior of the United States and huge numbers of visas for high tech workers, the lives and livelihoods of Americans and their children, are being stolen by America’s corrupt political elite who are doing the bidding of those who provide them with huge “Campaign Contributions” (Orwellian euphemism for bribes) pursue legislation that is diametrically opposed to the best interests of America and Americans.   MICHAEL BUTLER   

What did the Wall Street banksters know about Barack Obama that took us so long to find out???

"One of the premier institutions of big business, JP Morgan Chase, issued an internal report on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the 2008 crash, which warned that another “great liquidity crisis” was possible, and that a government bailout on the scale of that effected by Bush and Obama will produce social unrest, “in light of the potential impact of central bank actions in driving inequality between asset owners and labor."  


 Obama, of course, covered up his own role, depicting his presidency as eight years of heroic efforts to repair the damage caused by the 2008 financial crash. At the end of those eight years, however, Wall Street and the financial oligarchy were fully recovered, enjoying record wealth, while working people were poorer than before, a widening social chasm that made possible the election of the billionaire con man and Demagogue in November 2016.

“The response of the administration was to rush to the defense of the banks. Even before coming to power, Obama expressed his unconditional support for the bailouts, which he subsequently expanded. He assembled an administration 

dominated by the interests of finance capital, symbolized by economic adviser Lawrence Summers and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.”

 Trump criticized Dimon in 2013 for supposedly contributing to the country’s economic downturn. “I’m not Jamie Dimon, who pays $13 billion to settle a case and then pays $11 billion to settle a case and who I think is the worst banker in the United States,” he told reporters.

George Soros with his Open Society money plus the Chicago Marxist contingency of Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Penny Pritzker, and Barack Obama are five people I'm inclined to group as the Biden puppet masters.  Is there a pecking order among them?  Does it matter?  I suppose it matters to these individual megalomaniacs, but to anyone else?  No.  Just get that totalitarian state up and running.  Maybe it will matter when all nations are under someone's thumb and one of those thumbs wants to be the one-world Big Thumb.  Not to worry — I'm positive the Big Thumb will be chosen by consensus. SPRUCE FONTAINE.

Everything that matters is in peril

The Democrat party is no longer a place for a sane person, as Tulsi Gabbard recently affirmed. Democrats, from Biden and Obama on down, have often spoken in recent years about unity and bipartisanship. They have denounced “mean-spiritedness” and “the politics of personal destruction.”

And yet they now claim that:

If you believe skin color doesn’t matter, you are a racist.

 If you believe in the existence of two sexes and the sanctity of females, you are a bigot, and possibly a misogynist.

If you believe in protecting the lives of the unborn, you are against women’s health care—and probably a murderer. (Pro-abortion folks will vehemently inform you, “It’s my body, my choice, so don’t tell me what to do.”)

If, however, you decline to accept an unvetted experimental mRNA vaccine into your own body, you are no better than a mass murderer.

 If you believe in protecting gender-confused youngsters from being mutilated and sterilized, you are a monster.

If you are a parent involved in your kids’ lives and you want to make sure they get a good education, you are a domestic terrorist.

If you are concerned about drug and sex trafficking across our southern border, you are a xenophobe.

If you believe the climate has always been changing, sometimes quickly and dramatically as historically evidenced by repeated ice ages and warming periods, and that man-caused global warming won’t lead to the incineration of the planet within the next 10-12 years, you are a “denier.”

If you don’t believe the 2020 presidential election was “the most secure in history,” and think that Trump might have actually won sans all the chicanery (which was proudly chronicled in a Time Magazine article), you are also a “denier.” In fact, you are a purveyor of “the big lie.”

If you don’t believe that Hillary won in 2016, however, and that the Russians clearly interfered in that election in favor of Trump, you are probably part of the “vast right-wing conspiracy” and the “basket of deplorables.”

If you didn’t vote for Obama, you are racist. If you didn’t vote for Hillary, you hate women. If you approve of Justice Thomas, you are racist. If you would vote for Kristi Noem or Kari Lake, you hate women—or are stupid. Or both.

If you are a MAGA Republican, you are a “threat to our democracy.”

If you believe in the Bible, you are naïve and backward. If you believe in an unlimited number of genders and people’s ability to identify as the opposite sex—or a different species -- you are following “the science.”

If you can’t define what a woman is, but can give a detailed definition of “microaggressions,” you just might be okay.

 In sum, if you deign to tell the truth, you are guilty of spreading misinformation, lies, and fake news. (You see, they and only they get to have their “own truth.”)

So what?

If we wish to preserve some semblance of our freedoms, we must refuse to be gaslit. We must not be afraid to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous vitriol and projection. In fact, it should be a badge of honor to be disliked by liars, hypocrites and evildoers of such magnitude as are prominent in today’s Democratic Party…and other leftist enclaves.

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