Monday, June 12, 2023

BARACK OBAMA - THE UNGREAT DIVISIONIST - Barack Obama’s True Legacy The seeds of the catastrophe now befalling our nation.



Barack Obama’s True Legacy

The seeds of the catastrophe now befalling our nation.

[Editor’s note: Below is General Mike Flynn’s Foreword in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Several weeks after the highly questionable 2020 presidential election appeared to put his vice president, Joe Biden, on the path to the White House, Barack Obama told late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert that he would like to have a third term by proxy: “I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating.” [1]

Early on in Joe Biden’s calamitous presidency, it became clear that Biden was indeed someone’s proxy, and that someone was likely Barack Hussein Obama. Even if Barack Obama is not actually directing Biden’s actions from his basement, the Biden administration established itself immediately as the instrument for the resumption of the Obama agenda. What befell America during the Biden presidency was what Barack Obama envisioned for our nation and what he spent eight years setting into motion. Donald Trump did a great deal to reverse the disastrous direction in which the country was heading, but Biden’s team worked energetically to undo all that Trump accomplished.

And so, by May 2021, the United States of America faced a number of crises that appeared suddenly, were largely self-inflicted, and which threaten its survival as a free nation more severely than at any time since the bombing of Pearl Harbor. All of these crises were entirely foreseeable, and completely preventable. And, all of them are the direct result of the socialist, internationalist, and statist policies of Barack Obama.

After having attained the White House by means of an election that was full of irregularities, which were never fully investigated and buried beneath the media’s insistence that only paranoid conspiracy theorists and diehard partisans thought that the election was anything but free and fair, the Biden administration set out to pursue a number of policies that could lead to nothing less than the end of the United States as a republic of laws governed under the Constitution.

Ignoring Congress, despite the fact that both the House and Senate had Democrat majorities, Biden immediately signed over fifty Executive Orders to reverse numerous Trump policies, relax border and immigration controls, subject the nation once again to onerous economic burdens designed to fight the phantasm of “climate change,” exacerbate the hysteria and restrictions of freedom presented as measures to fight the coronavirus, and promote a far-left social agenda. Biden also restarted Obama’s objective of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” with a culture war waged from inside the White House against Americans. Obama had made Americans poor. Biden would leave them even poorer.

Daniel Greenfield states in this book that “Obama powered a historic economic shift that took power away from workers and gave it to Silicon Valley, that took American jobs and shipped them to China, and that took jobs from black teenagers and gave them to illegal aliens.

He oversaw a historic power slide away from America to China, Russia, and the Islamic terrorists of the world laboring to build their caliphates.” During the opening months of the Biden administration, China rapidly became a massive threat to America’s economic wellbeing and standing in the world. Biden’s team emboldened the Communist Chinese to step up their activities toward economic, military, and technological domination of the entire world. This emboldening of China took place as Biden’s team ended the Keystone Pipeline project that had enabled the nation to attain energy independence during the Trump administration. Gas prices soared, and Americans once again experienced gas shortages of a severity that had not been seen since the 1970s. This was the logical outcome of Obama’s energy policies, which mandated the voluntary weakening of the United States and its increased dependence on foreign powers.

Obama had opened up the borders to demographically transform the country; Biden would go even further beyond that to build on his former boss’s legacy. Biden’s administration also worked to weaken national security by opening the southern border. As Matthew Vadum says in these pages, “An insecure border and growing disrespect for the nation’s immigration laws is the ugly legacy that President Barack Obama left behind.” Biden’s team has determinedly taken Obama’s open-borders policies as a blueprint, in a matter of months transforming a relatively quiet southern border into a hellhole of drug and human trafficking, with a massive humanitarian crisis caused by a lack of facilities to accommodate the influx Biden’s team had invited.

As could have been predicted, jihadis also took advantage. The rapid fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban in August 2021 was the foremost example, but Biden’s presidency also increased the jihad terror threat within the United States. In April 2021, US Border Patrol agents announced that they had arrested two Yemenis who were on a terror watch list as they tried to enter the United States. [2] Significantly, shortly after announcing this, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) removed the press release from its website. [3] Apparently the CBP preferred that Americans not know just how serious the crisis at the border really was.

All of this and much more represented a reimplementation of Obama-era policies and programs. And Biden’s team didn’t stop there. Immediately repudiating Trump’s deep and unshakeable support for Israel, the Biden administration returned to Barack Obama’s stance of hostility toward Israel, with blithe disregard for the wellbeing of America’s most reliable ally in the Middle East. The Washington Free Beacon reported in March 2021 that the administration was determined to fund the Palestinians with no regard whatsoever for what they planned to do with the money, up to and including the financing of jihad terror activity: “the Biden administration privately confirmed to Congress last week that the Palestinian Authority has continued to use international aid money to reward terrorists but said the finding won’t impact its plans to restart funding.” [4]

While betraying Israel as Obama did, Biden’s team is also following in his footsteps in providing aid and comfort to one of the most formidable enemies America faces on the world stage: the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Biden administration appears prepared to make virtually any concession in order to induce Iran to return to Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal, which—contrary to media myth—did nothing to hinder Iran’s nuclear program, and a great deal to empower it.

All this is taking place amid unprecedented threats to our First and Second Amendment rights to the freedom of speech and to bear arms. The social media giants and the media have colluded with the Biden team to whitewash the numerous crises into which Biden has plunged the nation, and to silence dissenting voices, most notably that of former President Trump, who have tried to alert the public to the gravity of what is really happening. The social media giants feel free to restrict Trump’s speech and that of other Americans because of legal protections that were put in place during the Obama years.

And so, by November 2021, after enjoying four years of relative peace and prosperity during the administration of Donald J. Trump, the nation faces chronic unemployment and inflation, a border crisis, grave threats to our constitutional liberties, increased violence and lawlessness from the leftist groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter, a weakening dollar, the emboldening of our enemies worldwide, and even worse on the horizon. Biden’s handlers are either catastrophically stupid and incompetent, or actively working to weaken the United States. In either case, the result is the same.

This is the world Barack Obama has made. This is his legacy.

General Mike Flynn was National Security Advisor to former President Trump and is the best-selling author of The Field of Fight.


[1] Alexandra Del Rosario, “Barack Obama Explains to Stephen Colbert the Satisfaction of Being President, What A Third Term Could Have Looked Like,” Deadline, November 30, 2020.

[2] “Yemeni Nationals on Terror Watch List Arrested at California-Mexico Border,” CBSLA, April 5, 2021.

[3] Robert Spencer, “Is Customs and Border Protection Covering Up the Arrest of Two Yemenis on the Terror Watch List?, PJ Media, April 6, 2021.

[4] Adam Kredo, “Palestinians Funneled Hundreds of Millions to Terrorists, State Dept Report Reveals,” Washington Free Beacon, March 22, 2021.

Does Obama pay for anything with his own money?

A memoir is a history of one's past.  Mine includes attempts to reveal who Barack Obama really is — or isn't.  I recently published my memoir at the age of eighty-one years: The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack Obama

I have been chasing Obama since 2009, when I uncovered, while working as a licensed private investigator, that he has used a phony CT Social Security number his entire adult life.  I was undaunted when my lawsuit to keep him off the Ohio presidential ballot in 2012 was dismissed, even though it is illegal to use a false Social Security number.

My book contains other investigations, but I found more juicy information about Obama to include, especially about the alleged purchase of the Magnum P.I. property on Oahu.

I note specifically: Hawaii television station KHON2 announced on March 19, 2015 that Marty Nesbitt bought the Waimanalo property, made famous in the television show Magnum P.I. for $8.7 million and that he is the "sole investor." 

YouTube screen grab.

Nesbitt said that Obama was not a party to the transaction. It was listed then under Waimanalo Paradise LLC and still is.  There was no sale to Obama.

But the news media informed us incorrectly in August 2022 that Obama had purchased that estate.  The original 9,000–sq. ft. house was razed and will be replaced by three houses.  The repair of a hundred-year-old seawall on the property, slipped through with the help of a legal loophole, has Hawaiians outraged.  They said it affected their beaches and the environment.

The papers for the property at 41-505 Kalanianaole Hwy. were signed by Judy Grimanis, Nesbitt's assistant, who previously worked for Penny Priztker.  Priztker, whose brother is now Governor of Illinois, was a prominent Obama fundraiser and U.S. secretary of commerce under Obama. 

In 2012, Penny thought Obama was going to lose his re-election and was trying to enlist donors to cough up $35 million to buy Plantation Estate for him in Kailua, the place where the Obamas, the Nesbitts, Valerie Jarrett, Marian Robinson, and others celebrated Christmas every year on our dime.  No one would kick in.

According to IL recorder documents, he did not own the mansion at 5046 S. Greenwood Ave. in Chicago.  The house is owned by Homefront Holdings LLC, which does not even appear as a company on the IL secretary of state's business website.  It bought the house on October 1, 2017 from ATG Trust Company for $1 and a Quit Claim Deed.  Although the filing said "Land Only," it describes a 6,243–sq. ft building. 

Obama's Kalorama house at 2446 Belmont Rd., NW in Washington, D.C., is owned by Homefront Holdings, although there is a claim that the Obamas control Homefront Holdings.  Since the property was purchased in 2020, an extra $5,000 has been tacked on each year as penalties for the late payment of $70,000 taxes due in 2021 and 2022.

And the $12-million property at 79 Turkeyland Cove, Edgartown, Mass., is listed in the name of James F. Reynolds, Trustee. 

Does Obama own anything?  Does Obama pay for anything with his own money?

Susan Daniels has been a licensed private investigator in the State of Ohio for thirty years and is president of Susan Daniels & Associates.  Her memoir, The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack Obama, is available at

If Obama committed peccadillos, the media covered for him, but what’s certain is that even the media couldn’t cover for how corrupt his administration was, culminating in the Russia Hoax. 

                                                                ANDREA WIDBURG



First, destroy Trump and put Hillary away if she doesn’t end up in jail.




“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”


“Hillary was always small potatoes, a placeholder as it were. Her health was always suspect. And do you think the plotters would have let a doofus like Tim Kaine take office in the event that Hillary became disabled?”


“Obama has the totalitarian impulse. After all, he went around saying he didn't have Constitutional authority to legalize the illegals, and then he tried anyway. The courts stopped him.”


“The bottom line 2 is this: Barack Obama is a Communist. This was all an Obama operation. Why is anyone surprised that a communist (Obama) tried to subvert an election. That is what Communists do. It is Barack Obama and his people like Brennan and Clapper behaving to type. That's what Maduro does in Venezuela. That's what the Castro brothers did. That's what every communist and socialist nation does. THEY FIX ELECTIONS!!”


Hillary kept a secret server overflowing with national security info which, more than likely, was hacked. June 28, 2016, on a Phoenix tarmac, Bill Clinton met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to seal a deal insuring Hillary would not be prosecuted.”


Obama, of course, covered up his own role, depicting his presidency as eight years of heroic efforts to repair the damage caused by the 2008 financial crash. At the end of those eight years, however, Wall Street and the financial oligarchy were fully recovered, enjoying record wealth, while working people were poorer than before, a widening social chasm that made possible the election of the billionaire con man and Demagogue in November 2016.”


David Bernstein & The Heritage Foundation -

“Lawless: The Obama Administration’s

Unprecedented Assault on the Constitution and

the Rule of Law.”


“The Lawlessness of the Obama Administration: A never-ending story.” Michael Barone – American Historian – Washington Examiner

Glazov Gang: Obama’s Russia Collusion

The baseless accusations against President Trump begin to make sense.

[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

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This new episode of The Glazov Gang features J.R. Nyquist, an expert in geopolitics and the history of communism. He is author of many books, including his latest: The Fool and His EnemyVisit his website at

Jeff discusses Obama’s Russia Collusion, analyzing how The baseless accusations against President Trump begin to make sense.

Don’t miss it!

And don’t miss our 3-Part Series on Obama’s True Legacy below:

[1] Jamie Glazov appears on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show to discuss his new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America:

[2] When Was Obama’s ‘Conversion Moment’? – The eerie and taboo questions that aren’t allowed to be asked.

[3] The Obama Movie That Can Never Be – The eerie issues that can’t be discussed about the worst ex-president’s religious journey.

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Not only were the cabalists not prosecuted, they’ve grown rich thanks to their roles in this outrage from book deals, academic slots, and back pay from the government.

A Cabal of Sociopaths

By Clarice Feldman

If we learned anything this week, we’ve learned that the continued life of this Constitutional Republic is in grave danger from the cabal of sociopaths in critical positions of power, and that it is because scaremongers and a supine press and judiciary have permitted enactment of dangerous legislation and illegal conduct to go on and on unpunished. Worse, the perpetrators are being richly rewarded for their violation of law and public trust.


Friday the FISC (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ) released a report that was written and kept under seal since last year.

It found that:

The FBI continued to abuse a powerful digital surveillance tool even after the Bureau promised reforms following its Trump-era abuses, according to a newly-unsealed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court document.

The FBI misused Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) more than 278,000 times, the Washington Post reported, “including against crime victims, January 6 riot suspects, and people arrested at protests in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in 2020.” In one particularly egregious case, they reportedly relied on Section 702 to spy on 19,000 donors to a congressional candidate.

Section 702 is a provision of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 that “permits the government to conduct targeted surveillance of foreign persons located outside the United States, with the compelled assistance of electronic communication service providers, to acquire foreign intelligence information.”

The law, created in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, allows National Security Agency and FBI employees a to search a vast database of electronic communications and other information. The FBI is authorized to search the Section 702 database “only when agents have reason to believe such a search will produce information relevant to foreign intelligence purposes, or evidence of crimes,” according to the Post.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees Section 702, stated in the memorandum opinion that the FBI has shown “a pattern of conducting broad, suspicionless queries that violate the requirement that its queries of unminimized Section 702 information be reasonably likely to retrieve foreign intelligence information.

The FBI had earlier promised to fix the problems. It clearly did not. The Act which the FBI has continually violated comes up for reauthorization in the next congressional session and should be allowed to expire.

In another context -- the COVID-19 responses of the government and judiciary -- Justice Neil Gorsuch makes a compelling case on how fearmongering has led to great intrusions on civil liberties:

The FISA is another example, in my opinion.

Mark Wauck makes a strong case that in the absence of jailing FBI violators or repealing the Act we should just refuse to reauthorize it.

I agree with the late Judge Robert Bork that FISA is almost certainly unconstitutional. Repeal of FISA will only return the situation to the constitutional status quo, which always allowed for warrantless domestic spying based on appeals to “national security” -- regardless of what “principled constitutional conservatives” may mistakenly believe. That position has never been rejected in court. Warrantless national security surveillance was not illegal before FISA and will not be illegal if FISA is repealed. What is illegal is intentional violation of civil rights.

The crazy idea that by passing a law we can alter fundamental human behavior is as foolish as the idea that by adopting a written constitution we can institute a system of governance that will be impervious to human flaws and will be self-executing. Consider -- whatever happened to the war making power that has been, as far as I can tell, completely usurped by the ruling oligarchy. The only remedy for abuses of government authority is active and informed public participation in the electoral process, coupled with aggressive legislative oversight. The effect of a law like FISA, as Judge Bork presciently pointed out, is:

It provides an excuse for our elected representatives to look the other way most of the time;

It provides a platform upon which our elected representatives can grandstand and signal their own virtue to the general public -- that was largely what FISA was all about in the first place, and Congress left themselves a convenient loophole for emergency surveillance;

It offers the perpetrators of the abuses a ready excuse and ensures that they will, ultimately, remain unpunished and free to continue as before, based on the plea of ignorance and incompetence;

The result will always be the bandaid approach that leads to a repetition of all the above.

Retaliation Against Whistleblowers

Hearings this week revealed the Agency took draconian measures against three agents who, as the law permits them to do without retaliation, were brutally treated by the FBI for protected reporting of misconduct. 

The FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO) pressured a field office in Boston, Massachusetts, to open investigations on 138 individuals who traveled to Washington, D.C., to exercise their First Amendment rights on January 6, 2021, with no specific indication that these people were involved in any way in criminal activity. The only basis for investigating these people was that they shared buses to Washington with two individuals who entered restricted areas of the Capitol that day. Rather than limiting the investigation to just the two people who entered restricted areas, the WFO instructed the Boston Field Office to open investigations on all 140 individuals who attended the political rally.

In response to the WFO’s pressure to open investigations into all 140 individuals, the Boston Field Office asked the WFO for more evidence, including video from the Capitol, to properly predicate the investigations. The WFO provided pictures of the two individuals inside the Capitol; however, the WFO refused to provide video evidence from the Capitol out of fear it would disclose undercover officers or confidential human sources inside the Capitol.

Shortly after the events of January 6, 2021, Bank of America (BoA) provided the FBI with confidential customer data -- voluntarily and without any legal process. BoA gave WFO a list of individuals who had made transactions in the Washington, D.C. area using a BoA product between January 5 and January 7, 2021. Individuals who had previously purchased a firearm with a BoA product were reportedly elevated to the top of the list. [snip]

FBI leadership pressured agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism (DVE), and even manufactured DVE cases where they may not otherwise exist, while manipulating its case categorization system to create the perception that DVE is organically rising around the country.

The FBI dispenses cash bonuses to local field office leadership for meeting certain arbitrary metrics and performance goals. This bonus structure creates perverse incentives for the FBI to utilize law-enforcement tools and resources where they may not be needed or appropriate in order for FBI leadership to benefit financially.

These FBI employees have come forward to blow the whistle at great personal and professional risk. Each of these whistleblowers described retaliatory conduct that they have faced after making protected disclosures about what they believed in good faith to be wrong conduct. A recurring theme is that the FBI has violated federal whistleblower protection laws and abused its security clearance review process to hamstring the brave agents who exercise their right to make protected disclosures to Congress or who dared to question agency leadership. For example:

Special Agent [Garret] O’Boyle made protected disclosures to his Supervisory Special Agent about potentially illegal activity, and the FBI transferred him to a new unit that required him to move his family across-country. When O’Boyle arrived for his first day, the FBI placed him on unpaid, indefinite suspension, effectively rendering his “family homeless” and leaving them without any personal effects -- including his young children’s clothing -- because these items were in FBI storage.

Likewise, in Special Agent [Steve] Friend’s case, the FBI suspended his security clearance after making protected disclosures. This suspension rendered Friend unable to fulfill his duties as a special agent -- thus, the FBI suspended him indefinitely. While on suspension, the FBI refused to allow Friend to obtain outside employment, leaving his family without income.

In Staff Operations Specialist Allen’s case, the FBI suspended his security clearance for simply performing duties of his job -- conducting case-related research using open-source news articles and videos and sending his search results to his task force colleagues.

The FBI leadership’s trend toward political partisanship in recent years has disturbed the ranks of front-line FBI agents like O’Boyle, Friend, and [George] Hill. In the words of one whistleblower, the current state of the FBI is “cancerous” as the Bureau has “let itself become enveloped in this politicization and weaponization.” This testimony supplements earlier disclosures from whistleblowers, highlighted in the Committee’s November 2022 report, in which whistleblowers described the FBI’s Washington leadership as “rotted at its core” and having a “systemic culture of unaccountability.”

This only underscores the observations about the likelihood of unpunished violations of citizens’ rights expressed above by Judge Bork and Mark Wauck. The Congress has ceded too much power to the Agency, repeated legal violations go unpunished, and the violations only become more egregious as a result.

The Durham Report

The Durham Report is a damning indictment of the Mueller report which preceded it. It “makes clear that the collusion probe failed to investigate how the collusion probe began as a dirty trick by the Clinton campaign and how the FBI went along for the ride.”

“The report includes evidence that those engaged in the FBI’s initial Crossfire Hurricane probe and Democratic attorneys used their positions on the Mueller investigating team to cover up the FBI mess… Mueller hired for his team FBI agent Peter Strzok, FBI analyst Brian  Auten, and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, the very people who were main figures in the Crossfire fiasco.”

The Wall Street Journal uses as an example the fact that the Mueller team never were allowed to interview Democrat Charles Dolan, reportedly a source for the Steele dossier, an unfounded document that supposedly was a predicate for the investigation of “collusion.” Durham found that the Russians may have compromised Steele’s sources even before he began to write and peddle to Democratic press lackeys the preposterous dossier.

That was not all: Durham found that the FBI knowingly relied on Igor Danchenko. Danchenko had been undercover as a possible Russian spy yet he was hired to investigate whether Trump colluded with Russia. The notion that Mueller was compromised, drunk, or demented when he headed this investigation is hard to dismiss.

No Consequences

Professor Jonathan Turley likens the Durham findings to Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: They all did it -- “the Clinton campaign, the FBI, and the media… It was a plot that required everyone to take a hand in derailing a duly elected president and effectively shutting down his administration for three years of investigations and prosecutions. In this conspiracy there were dozens of key participants in the campaign, the government, and the media.”

Durham’s operation, however, was not without its flaws. Hired as a prosecutor, he prosecuted only one member of the cabal. He never even subpoenaed key figures like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok. (I suspect because he knows the courts and jurors in the District of Columbia operate as another branch of the Democratic party -- recall that the Ken Starr team announced they believed Hillary Clinton had committed perjury but declined to indict her because they believed no D.C. jury would convict her.) Former attorney general William Barr praised the report, saying that Durham was not charged to prosecute the wrongdoers, only to investigate and find the truth, which he did.

Not only were the cabalists not prosecuted, they’ve grown rich thanks to their roles in this outrage from book deals, academic slots, and back pay from the government.


His (BILLARY CLINTON) wife is equally and personally devious and corrupt; she had the fake “dossier” concocted she was certain would take Trump out of the running for president in 2016.  Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to rake in millions of  dollars to her phony Clinton Foundation, much of that money from other nations that sought to benefit from her largesse when President.  PATRICIA McCARTHY

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

Michelle Obama’s Exploitation of the Black Community

As Obama operatives begin preparing for Michelle Obama to replace the faltering Joe Biden, they know that they have a problem on their hands: Michelle’s shameful history of exploiting the Black community. As I reveal in my film and accompanying book, Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power, Michelle’s two most significant jobs in Chicago involved working on behalf of white liberal elites to deal with the problems that Black people were causing them.

Chicago liberals couldn’t hire a White person to make 20,000 Blacks homeless. Their answer was to hire Michelle Obama. She became Mayor Richard Daley’s assistant planning commissioner. Her job was to facilitate the destruction of the low-income all-Black Cabrini Green housing project and cede the choice downtown real estate to Democrat party donors developers like Tony Rezko. Nor could the White liberal elites at the University of Chicago Medical Center hire a White person to deny access to health care to Blacks. Only a Black person could fill that job. For a cool $300,000 a year, Michelle was prepared to do all the denying that was needed. Michelle headed up the “South Side Health Collaborative,” a scheme to prevent Blacks who showed up at the University of Chicago Medical Center emergency room from receiving medical care. Michelle made sure they were put into white vans and shipped to crappy neighborhood strip mall clinics on the South Side.

Only a Black person could credibly do either of these jobs while telling those turned away, “This is for your own good.” Why was Michelle Obama so callous toward the Black community in her professional career? The answer is simple: Michelle was never really a part of the Black community in Chicago. She was not even from the “South Side” of Chicago, as she claimed, but from South Shore, a middle class community on Lake Michigan. In fact, Michelle ran away from the Black community even as a child. Before moving to South Shore, Michelle’s parents, Marian and Fraser Robinson, lived in the middle-class Parkway Gardens project. Right down the street was the brand new Dulles Elementary School. The facilities were fine, but the students were not. Too many were “projects kids.” To avoid them, the Robinsons illegally sent Michelle to the mixed race Bryn Mawr Elementary School in South Shore. Two years later, the Robinsons moved there.

Michelle was also enrolled in the exclusive Mayfair Academy of Fine Arts from age 7 to 17 where she learned tap and jazz and performed in theatres all over Chicago. When it came time for high school, rather than go to the all-Black South Shore High School only one block from her home, Michelle traveled an hour and a half away every day to attend the elite Whitney Young Magnet school. While at Whitney Young, Michelle traveled to Paris with her French class one summer. Meanwhile, Michelle’s brother Craig went to an expensive all-White private Catholic school, even though the Robinson family was not Catholic.

Michelle spoke openly on her Becoming book tour about living in fear in her South Shore home, afraid to go outside due to the hostility of the Black kids toward her. According to Michelle, they accused her of “acting white” and “talking white” -- which Michelle described as meaning “you think you are better than everyone else.” Michelle writes about a fistfight she got into with a girl who had repeatedly called her an “Oreo,” meaning you are Black on the outside but you are really White on the inside. This was a major insult, but for Michelle it rang true. Michelle has said her hero growing up was Mary Tyler Moore. She also watched the “Brady Bunch” every day after school. In fact, Barack Obama said Michelle’s family reminded him of the classic 50s White family in “Leave It to Beaver,” while Michelle reminded him of his White grandmother.

In addition to all this, Michelle grew up as a child of politics. Her father was a Democrat party precinct captain who enjoyed an easy political patronage job working for the Chicago Water Department. At Whitney Young, Michelle had befriended Santita Jackson, the daughter of Jesse Jackson. They were so close Michelle has said she all but grew up in the Jackson household when he was preparing to run for President. Among Michelle’s best friends when she returned to Chicago after Harvard Law School was none other than accused cop killer Bernardine Dohrn, the La Passionara of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist group. The two bonded when both worked at the Sidley Austin Law firm and frequently dined together with their husbands, Barack Obama and Bill Ayers.

How is Michelle Obama handling her lifelong disconnect from the Black community today? For years, Michelle Obama has been trying desperately to establish a relationship with Black Americans for the sake of politics. To do so Michelle has been making a huge effort to pretend to be one of the ordinary Black folks that she spent her life either running away from as a child, or exploiting as a professional.

First, she has tried to rewrite the history of her childhood in her memoir, Becoming, with numerous phony stories of suffering from racial slights and being held back in life because of the color of her skin. Michelle likes to tell a story of witnessing “white flight” from her middle class neighborhood in South Shore. In fact, most Whites had left South Shore due to crime by 1965, six years before Michelle moved into the area at the age of six in 1971. The middle-class homes on Lake Michigan were attractive to middle class Blacks who snapped them up, so much that the prices rose when Whites moved out. Michelle also loves to tell a fake story of being racially profiled by her Whitney Young guidance counselor regarding her applying to Princeton University. In an interview with Gayle King, Michelle claimed that the counselor had said to her, “You’re Black applying to Princeton, maybe you’re stretching.” In my research I discovered that Michelle’s high school counselor was a churchgoing Black woman and assistant principal named Nan King. Michelle gets away with smearing this Black woman only because she passed away in 2005.

I am convinced Michelle Obama has positioned herself to run for President in 2024. Michelle is following the exact formula that Barack Obama did to become President. Michelle was the Keynote speaker at the 2020 Democrat Convention, just like Barack was in 2004 for John Kerry. Also, Barack Obama based his candidacy on his personal story, his book Dreams from My Father. Michelle wrote her own autobiography in 2018 called Becoming and went on a national book tour. Becoming is also a 90-minute movie on Netflix. Finally, Barack started in politics by running a voter registration organization called “Project Vote.” Michelle runs “When We All Vote,” which she has been using to position her 2024 candidacy.

Declared Republicans in the presidential race, especially Donald Trump, need to start dealing with Michelle Obama now. The best way to start is to pose these questions to her: “Michelle Obama, are you going to apologize to the Black Community in Chicago for what you did to them?” And, “Michelle, how much money did you make from White liberals denying access to health care to Black Chicago residents”?

These questions will certainly open up the discussion of how Michelle Obama exploited Chicago’s Black community. And if during a Presidential debate Michelle Obama turns to Donald Trump and says “you don’t know what it’s like growing up as a Black woman in America,” Donald Trump should respond, “well Michelle, neither do you!”

Hollywood film director Joel Gilbert is president of Highway 61 Entertainment. Among his many films are political documentaries including The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided AmericaTrump: The Art of the InsultThere's No Place Like UtopiaDreams from My Real FatherAtomic Jihad; and Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran and the Revolt of Islam and the new film and book MICHELLE OBAMA 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power.

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