Wednesday, June 7, 2023

HOW MUCH OF A THREAT IS BARACK OBAMA TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY? - Who did the Obomb really serve other than himself and his crony banksters? Try George Soros!

 If Obama committed peccadillos, the media covered for him, but what’s certain is that even the media couldn’t cover for how corrupt his administration was, culminating in the Russia Hoax. 

                                                                ANDREA WIDBURG

“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”


“Hillary was always small potatoes, a placeholder as it were. Her health was always suspect. And do you think the plotters would have let a doofus like Tim Kaine take office in the event that Hillary became disabled?”


“Obama has the totalitarian impulse. After all, he went around saying he didn't have Constitutional authority to legalize the illegals, and then he tried anyway. The courts stopped him.”


“The bottom line 2 is this: Barack Obama is a Communist. This was all an Obama operation. Why is anyone surprised that a communist (Obama) tried to subvert an election. That is what Communists do. It is Barack Obama and his people like Brennan and Clapper behaving to type. That's what Maduro does in Venezuela. That's what the Castro brothers did. That's what every communist and socialist nation does. THEY FIX ELECTIONS!!”


Hillary kept a secret server overflowing with national security info which, more than likely, was hacked. June 28, 2016, on a Phoenix tarmac, Bill Clinton met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to seal a deal insuring Hillary would not be prosecuted.”


Obama, of course, covered up his own role, depicting his presidency as eight years of heroic efforts to repair the damage caused by the 2008 financial crash. At the end of those eight years, however, Wall Street and the financial oligarchy were fully recovered, enjoying record wealth, while working people were poorer than before, a widening social chasm that made possible the election of the billionaire con man and Demagogue in November 2016.”


David Bernstein & The Heritage Foundation -

“Lawless: The Obama Administration’s

Unprecedented Assault on the Constitution and

the Rule of Law.”


“The Lawlessness of the Obama Administration: A never-ending story.” Michael Barone – American Historian – Washington Examiner

It’s time the media and other Democrats stopped misleading the public that they believe in equal treatment and that no one is above the law

By Jack Hellner

As the media and other Democrats salivate about Trump being charged with a crime in one of the many witch hunts, they should be asked some questions. They say he must be charged because we need election fairness and no one is above the law.

So here is a sample of what politicians and bureaucrats have done in the last 12 years, and I wonder what people think is the bigger threat and who was actually above the law.

The Obama IRS targeting political opponents in an effort to silence them before elections.

It was a clear violation of the First Amendment, yet every participant of the government was above the law. They destroyed computers and lied to Congress, but the Justice Department let them off.

The U.S. Justice Department has reached a settlement with dozens of conservative groups that claimed the Internal Revenue Service unfairly scrutinized them based on their political leanings when they sought a tax-exempt status, court documents showed.

The Justice Department was involved from the start.

Obama Justice Department Was Involved In IRS Targeting, Lerner Emails Reveal


The documents prove that Lois Lerner met with DOJ’s Election Crimes Division a month before the 2010 elections.

It has to be embarrassing to the DOJ, which may not be the most impartial one to be investigating the IRS. In fact, the DOJ withheld over 800 pages of Lerner documents citing "taxpayer privacy" and "deliberative privilege." Yet these internal DOJ documents show Ms. Lerner was talking to DOJ officials about prosecuting tax-exempt entities (yes, criminally!) two years before the IRS conceded there was inappropriate targeting.

It sure helps a criminal when a biased political supporter conducts the pretend investigation. 

Obama donor leading Justice probe into IRS targeting

It looks like the Biden IRS is still targeting political enemies instead of doing their job. I have been a CPA for 46 years and not once have I seen a house call. Should we trust the IRS with 87,000 more agents?

IRS visited home of Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi on same day he gave evidence to Congress on 'weaponization of the federal government'

Hillary and her aides actively destroying documents and equipment, as they violated several laws according to James Comey. Yet they all were above the law.


Comey: "No reasaonable prosecutor...." (YouTube screengrab)

Hillary selling access to foreign parties after taking massive amounts of money for her Foundation and family.


More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation

Hillary and the DNC paying over $10 million to a foreign national to create a fictitious dossier to destroy Trump.

Hillary and the DNC lying to the FEC that the payments for the dossier were for legal fees. The lies were obviously meant to mislead and hide the truth, yet no DA in New York investigated.

Clinton campaign, DNC fined by FEC for lying about Steele dossier payments

Numerous FBI officials lying to the FISA court to get permission to illegally spy on associates of Trump.

The perjurers have been above the law and yet we don't see the media and other Democrats demanding they be prosecuted.

Fake stories and witch hunts on Russian collusion.

The media and other Democrats knew there was no evidence of illegality or collusion, yet the stories persisted for years for the sole purpose of destroying a President whom they disagreed with.

The government, journalists, and former intelligence officials colluded to bury the story of  Biden family corruption specifically to hide the truth before an election. Biden didn't pay anybody to squelch the story. They did it because they were actively campaigning for him.

Hunter's business partner visited the White House sixteen times while Joe was VP yet somehow the media, who say they care about facts and corruption, still don't care. Democrats also pretend that Joe is telling the truth when he said he never had anything to do with Hunter's business deal and that he and his family never received money from foreign sources.

Report: Rob Walker Who Shelled Out Family China Payouts Visited White House 16 Times While Joe Biden Was VP

Isn't it time that journalists and other Democrats stopped intentionally misleading the public that they believe the Justice Department is impartial and that no one is above the law. It is such an obvious lie -- yet none of the people pretending to be fact checkers call them out because they are just as dishonest. 


Benedict Arnold, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas – liars and traitors all

By Patricia McCarthy

We can only wonder at the question:  do the last two generations know who Benedict Arnold was?  Most likely not; they’ve not been taught legitimate American history for decades.   To the young of today, Arnold might be a hero for betraying his country. 

Polls show our young people do not respect or even like this country.  Arnold, who had been a good soldier, was angry at being passed over for promotion and so began colluding with the British.  He was an 18th century.  Mark Felt.  His name is (or was) interchangeable with the word “traitor.”


Bill Clinton was generally known as a brazen liar about the Lewinsky affair and all that it entailed; a tawdry, unseemly affair that he lied about incessantly until he couldn’t.  He paid Paula Jones a court-ordered $800k but was never prosecuted for his loathsome behavior and gross dishonesty.  

His wife is equally and personally devious and corrupt; she had the fake “dossier” concocted she was certain would take Trump out of the running for president in 2016.  Hillary used her position as Secretary of State of State to rake in millions of  dollars to her phony Clinton Foundation, much of that money from other nations that sought to benefit from her largesse when President.  

That couple’s corruption was and is a blight on America’s history.  They made LBJ seem like an amateur.  The Clintons were criminals and they delighted in their criminality; they knew they were untouchable.  They were a greedy couple, and their illicit machinations made them fabulously rich.  


The Obamas learned their lessons well and also became fabulously rich by perfidious means.   It’s likely that Biden has based his corruption on the Clinton model.

Joe Biden has been a pathological liar for all his years in Congress, as a representative and then as a senator.  He can’t open his mouth without lies spewing forth; there are far too many to list.  From his early support of segregation to his later denial; his plagiarism, his lies about his academic record, etc., etc.  

In truth, Biden has always been a racist, a rather vicious one at that.  See his attempt to humiliate Clarence Thomas at his SCOTUS confirmation.  The man is one of the most greedy, corrupt politicians ever to steal the presidency, which he did, and to end up in the Oval Office.  

He is entirely without “knowledge” now; he is obviously in the throes of dementia.  How else to explain his shocking inappropriate jollity when he was sent to a podium to speak about the Nashville murders of six people, three of them aged nine?  

Biden has always been a liar; he became a traitor when he began using his position, his son, and brother to sell influence to China, Russia and Ukraine for millions of dollars.  Given the damage he’s done to the country in two years, it is safe to assume he is a controlled asset of China. They own him, which is why he has allowed the destruction of the dollar as the global currency.  


Every American surely knows by now that the Democrat party is pro-criminal, anti-dissent. In blue states across the nation, criminals are routinely allowed onto the streets without bail to commit more crime.  Innocent people are being attacked with impunity on a daily basis in DC, in NYChicagoSF, and LA, etc.  

If the perpetrators are caught, they are often released onto an unsuspecting public by Soros-funded DAs to repeat and escalate their criminal behavior.  Our Marxist left relies on chaos, on the calculated destruction of the family, on the thorough indoctrination of our children.   

How do they go about this decades-old plan?  They advocate for the normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism and the genital mutilation that comes with that particular form of mental illness.  The pro-trans activists encourage doctors to remove the breasts of girls as young as thirteen, even hysterectomies.  

Who are the doctors that perform these procedures?  They are purely evil, traitors to the Hippocratic Oath they may have sworn to uphold.  The lies that undergird the ideology of transgenderism are not only appalling but provable. There are only two sexes.  It is tragic that there is a Supreme Court justice that does not know what every three-year-old knows.  

The appearance of Alejandro Mayorkas before the Senate on Tuesday was the height of prevarication.  The man did not answer a single question.   He stonewalled, dissembled and flat-out lied.  He claimed not to know how many migrants have died on their journey to our southern border.  He did not know how many children have been trafficked.  

When Senator Cruz showed him pictures of the wrist bands that all migrants wear as ordered by the cartels, Mayorkas pretended not to know what they were.  The bands indicate how much money each migrant owes the cartels for getting them across the border.  There is no way Mayorkas does not know what they are, what they mean; the children especially will be slaves to the cartels.  This man is truly abhorrent, another enemy of America in a position of undeserved power.  

That the Republicans in congress have not impeached him is a testament to their culpability, their slavish cowardice. But they’ve also done nothing about the unconstitutional abuse of the J6 prisoners, so what more can we expect?  The uniparty is the uniparty.  The few who do remember and revere the Constitution are too few and their meek colleagues offer no support.  They too, like the doctors who mutilate kids confused about their gender, have forgotten their oath.  They too are liars and traitors.  

In short, we are being governed by a host of Benedict Arnolds, liars and traitors who have done far less for the nation than even Benedict Arnold did.  The Biden cabinet is an assemblage of incompetents, people chosen for their skin color or sexual orientation, not any particular skill or expertise.  Consider Defense Department boneheads, Austin and Milley.  Apparently there are drag queen performances for children on our military bases around the world!  They each claimed not to know this!  How is that possible?  

Unless all Republicans step up to the plate to save the nation, we are well and truly done; over.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.  An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.  But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rutling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.   Marcus Tullius Cicero

Graphic credit: public domain

Glazov Gang: Obama’s Russia Collusion

The baseless accusations against President Trump begin to make sense.

[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

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This new episode of The Glazov Gang features J.R. Nyquist, an expert in geopolitics and the history of communism. He is author of many books, including his latest: The Fool and His EnemyVisit his website at

Jeff discusses Obama’s Russia Collusion, analyzing how The baseless accusations against President Trump begin to make sense.

Don’t miss it!

And don’t miss our 3-Part Series on Obama’s True Legacy below:

[1] Jamie Glazov appears on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show to discuss his new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America:

[2] When Was Obama’s ‘Conversion Moment’? – The eerie and taboo questions that aren’t allowed to be asked.

[3] The Obama Movie That Can Never Be – The eerie issues that can’t be discussed about the worst ex-president’s religious journey.

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Not only were the cabalists not prosecuted, they’ve grown rich thanks to their roles in this outrage from book deals, academic slots, and back pay from the government.

A Cabal of Sociopaths

By Clarice Feldman

If we learned anything this week, we’ve learned that the continued life of this Constitutional Republic is in grave danger from the cabal of sociopaths in critical positions of power, and that it is because scaremongers and a supine press and judiciary have permitted enactment of dangerous legislation and illegal conduct to go on and on unpunished. Worse, the perpetrators are being richly rewarded for their violation of law and public trust.


Friday the FISC (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ) released a report that was written and kept under seal since last year.

It found that:

The FBI continued to abuse a powerful digital surveillance tool even after the Bureau promised reforms following its Trump-era abuses, according to a newly-unsealed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court document.

The FBI misused Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) more than 278,000 times, the Washington Post reported, “including against crime victims, January 6 riot suspects, and people arrested at protests in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in 2020.” In one particularly egregious case, they reportedly relied on Section 702 to spy on 19,000 donors to a congressional candidate.

Section 702 is a provision of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 that “permits the government to conduct targeted surveillance of foreign persons located outside the United States, with the compelled assistance of electronic communication service providers, to acquire foreign intelligence information.”

The law, created in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, allows National Security Agency and FBI employees a to search a vast database of electronic communications and other information. The FBI is authorized to search the Section 702 database “only when agents have reason to believe such a search will produce information relevant to foreign intelligence purposes, or evidence of crimes,” according to the Post.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees Section 702, stated in the memorandum opinion that the FBI has shown “a pattern of conducting broad, suspicionless queries that violate the requirement that its queries of unminimized Section 702 information be reasonably likely to retrieve foreign intelligence information.

The FBI had earlier promised to fix the problems. It clearly did not. The Act which the FBI has continually violated comes up for reauthorization in the next congressional session and should be allowed to expire.

In another context -- the COVID-19 responses of the government and judiciary -- Justice Neil Gorsuch makes a compelling case on how fearmongering has led to great intrusions on civil liberties:

The FISA is another example, in my opinion.

Mark Wauck makes a strong case that in the absence of jailing FBI violators or repealing the Act we should just refuse to reauthorize it.

I agree with the late Judge Robert Bork that FISA is almost certainly unconstitutional. Repeal of FISA will only return the situation to the constitutional status quo, which always allowed for warrantless domestic spying based on appeals to “national security” -- regardless of what “principled constitutional conservatives” may mistakenly believe. That position has never been rejected in court. Warrantless national security surveillance was not illegal before FISA and will not be illegal if FISA is repealed. What is illegal is intentional violation of civil rights.

The crazy idea that by passing a law we can alter fundamental human behavior is as foolish as the idea that by adopting a written constitution we can institute a system of governance that will be impervious to human flaws and will be self-executing. Consider -- whatever happened to the war making power that has been, as far as I can tell, completely usurped by the ruling oligarchy. The only remedy for abuses of government authority is active and informed public participation in the electoral process, coupled with aggressive legislative oversight. The effect of a law like FISA, as Judge Bork presciently pointed out, is:

It provides an excuse for our elected representatives to look the other way most of the time;

It provides a platform upon which our elected representatives can grandstand and signal their own virtue to the general public -- that was largely what FISA was all about in the first place, and Congress left themselves a convenient loophole for emergency surveillance;

It offers the perpetrators of the abuses a ready excuse and ensures that they will, ultimately, remain unpunished and free to continue as before, based on the plea of ignorance and incompetence;

The result will always be the bandaid approach that leads to a repetition of all the above.

Retaliation Against Whistleblowers

Hearings this week revealed the Agency took draconian measures against three agents who, as the law permits them to do without retaliation, were brutally treated by the FBI for protected reporting of misconduct. 

The FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO) pressured a field office in Boston, Massachusetts, to open investigations on 138 individuals who traveled to Washington, D.C., to exercise their First Amendment rights on January 6, 2021, with no specific indication that these people were involved in any way in criminal activity. The only basis for investigating these people was that they shared buses to Washington with two individuals who entered restricted areas of the Capitol that day. Rather than limiting the investigation to just the two people who entered restricted areas, the WFO instructed the Boston Field Office to open investigations on all 140 individuals who attended the political rally.

In response to the WFO’s pressure to open investigations into all 140 individuals, the Boston Field Office asked the WFO for more evidence, including video from the Capitol, to properly predicate the investigations. The WFO provided pictures of the two individuals inside the Capitol; however, the WFO refused to provide video evidence from the Capitol out of fear it would disclose undercover officers or confidential human sources inside the Capitol.

Shortly after the events of January 6, 2021, Bank of America (BoA) provided the FBI with confidential customer data -- voluntarily and without any legal process. BoA gave WFO a list of individuals who had made transactions in the Washington, D.C. area using a BoA product between January 5 and January 7, 2021. Individuals who had previously purchased a firearm with a BoA product were reportedly elevated to the top of the list. [snip]

FBI leadership pressured agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism (DVE), and even manufactured DVE cases where they may not otherwise exist, while manipulating its case categorization system to create the perception that DVE is organically rising around the country.

The FBI dispenses cash bonuses to local field office leadership for meeting certain arbitrary metrics and performance goals. This bonus structure creates perverse incentives for the FBI to utilize law-enforcement tools and resources where they may not be needed or appropriate in order for FBI leadership to benefit financially.

These FBI employees have come forward to blow the whistle at great personal and professional risk. Each of these whistleblowers described retaliatory conduct that they have faced after making protected disclosures about what they believed in good faith to be wrong conduct. A recurring theme is that the FBI has violated federal whistleblower protection laws and abused its security clearance review process to hamstring the brave agents who exercise their right to make protected disclosures to Congress or who dared to question agency leadership. For example:

Special Agent [Garret] O’Boyle made protected disclosures to his Supervisory Special Agent about potentially illegal activity, and the FBI transferred him to a new unit that required him to move his family across-country. When O’Boyle arrived for his first day, the FBI placed him on unpaid, indefinite suspension, effectively rendering his “family homeless” and leaving them without any personal effects -- including his young children’s clothing -- because these items were in FBI storage.

Likewise, in Special Agent [Steve] Friend’s case, the FBI suspended his security clearance after making protected disclosures. This suspension rendered Friend unable to fulfill his duties as a special agent -- thus, the FBI suspended him indefinitely. While on suspension, the FBI refused to allow Friend to obtain outside employment, leaving his family without income.

In Staff Operations Specialist Allen’s case, the FBI suspended his security clearance for simply performing duties of his job -- conducting case-related research using open-source news articles and videos and sending his search results to his task force colleagues.

The FBI leadership’s trend toward political partisanship in recent years has disturbed the ranks of front-line FBI agents like O’Boyle, Friend, and [George] Hill. In the words of one whistleblower, the current state of the FBI is “cancerous” as the Bureau has “let itself become enveloped in this politicization and weaponization.” This testimony supplements earlier disclosures from whistleblowers, highlighted in the Committee’s November 2022 report, in which whistleblowers described the FBI’s Washington leadership as “rotted at its core” and having a “systemic culture of unaccountability.”

This only underscores the observations about the likelihood of unpunished violations of citizens’ rights expressed above by Judge Bork and Mark Wauck. The Congress has ceded too much power to the Agency, repeated legal violations go unpunished, and the violations only become more egregious as a result.

The Durham Report

The Durham Report is a damning indictment of the Mueller report which preceded it. It “makes clear that the collusion probe failed to investigate how the collusion probe began as a dirty trick by the Clinton campaign and how the FBI went along for the ride.”

“The report includes evidence that those engaged in the FBI’s initial Crossfire Hurricane probe and Democratic attorneys used their positions on the Mueller investigating team to cover up the FBI mess… Mueller hired for his team FBI agent Peter Strzok, FBI analyst Brian  Auten, and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, the very people who were main figures in the Crossfire fiasco.”

The Wall Street Journal uses as an example the fact that the Mueller team never were allowed to interview Democrat Charles Dolan, reportedly a source for the Steele dossier, an unfounded document that supposedly was a predicate for the investigation of “collusion.” Durham found that the Russians may have compromised Steele’s sources even before he began to write and peddle to Democratic press lackeys the preposterous dossier.

That was not all: Durham found that the FBI knowingly relied on Igor Danchenko. Danchenko had been undercover as a possible Russian spy yet he was hired to investigate whether Trump colluded with Russia. The notion that Mueller was compromised, drunk, or demented when he headed this investigation is hard to dismiss.

No Consequences

Professor Jonathan Turley likens the Durham findings to Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: They all did it -- “the Clinton campaign, the FBI, and the media… It was a plot that required everyone to take a hand in derailing a duly elected president and effectively shutting down his administration for three years of investigations and prosecutions. In this conspiracy there were dozens of key participants in the campaign, the government, and the media.”

Durham’s operation, however, was not without its flaws. Hired as a prosecutor, he prosecuted only one member of the cabal. He never even subpoenaed key figures like Comey, McCabe, and Strzok. (I suspect because he knows the courts and jurors in the District of Columbia operate as another branch of the Democratic party -- recall that the Ken Starr team announced they believed Hillary Clinton had committed perjury but declined to indict her because they believed no D.C. jury would convict her.) Former attorney general William Barr praised the report, saying that Durham was not charged to prosecute the wrongdoers, only to investigate and find the truth, which he did.

Not only were the cabalists not prosecuted, they’ve grown rich thanks to their roles in this outrage from book deals, academic slots, and back pay from the government.


His (BILLARY CLINTON) wife is equally and personally devious and corrupt; she had the fake “dossier” concocted she was certain would take Trump out of the running for president in 2016.  Hillary used her position as Secretary of State to rake in millions of  dollars to her phony Clinton Foundation, much of that money from other nations that sought to benefit from her largesse when President.  PATRICIA McCARTHY

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